Fifty Cops Killed By Firearms

Fifty police officers were shot and killed in 2014 and that is an increase over the previous year. Most of the shootings were from ambushes.

It is almost a certainty that these officers were not ambushed or otherwise shot by law abiding citizens. I would venture to guess they were murdered by drug dealers, gang bangers, and other criminals who were not allowed by law to have a firearm.

But the focus on firearms is against law abiding citizens. Those are the people most affected by gun control laws. Those who would do no wrong with a gun are further restricted while those who would do bad are free to do as they please because they do not obey the law in the first place.

The death of an officer is tragic though if one is shot on a no knock warrant where they bust doors down I would tend to side with the homeowner (provided he is not legally barred from having a firearm) because you are allowed to shoot people storming into your home.

In any event, this is not usually the case as officers are almost always murdered by criminals.

It is tragic that fifty of them were murdered. BUT, many major cities will have that many citizens murdered by firearms in a month or so. Chicago might have that many in a weekend. Being a police officer is a dangerous job but it is getting more dangerous to be a regular citizen in many of our cities (those run by liberals particularly).

The call for gun control is moronic and reactive. Police officers are far safer interacting with people who are legally allowed to carry than they are in areas where guns are restricted because criminals will carry those arms and have no problem shooting a cop or anyone else.

It is time to stop punishing the law abiding for the actions of the criminals in our society.

We are asked not to judge all cops by a few bad ones. We are asked not to judge all Muslims by those who commit terror but gun owners are not afforded the same consideration.

When some guy shoots a cop or goes on a spree that results in kids murdered at a school ALL gun owners are held to that crime and made to pay through gun control.

Many people tell me that I can’t judge what cops do because I am not a cop and that they have a dangerous job.

I am allowed to judge what I wish particularly regarding those whose salaries my taxes pay. I don’t have to stand in their shoes to know they have a dangerous job (I have never been to the Moon but I understand a lot about it) but I can see that depending on where one lives it is a hell of a lot more dangerous being a citizen than being a cop.

Especially when the government keeps working to disarm us.

At least a cop has the chance to shoot or shoot back…

As an aside, the second most common cause of officer death in 2014 was vehicle accident. Maybe we need to ban cars as well…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Russell Simmons Is On The Wrong Track

Russell Simmon, founder of Def Jam Recordings, is up in arms about the recent Grand Jury decisions regarding police officers and black men who died in an encounter with them. Simmons basically hinted that if there is not justice and if the demands he and other famous folks are not met regarding indictments then there will be even more hell to pay.

Simmons seems to think there is a war on black people by the cops (and some of the encounters are clearly cops doing wrong) while he ignores the epidemic of black on black murder in this country (mostly in liberal run cities).

Perhaps Simmons ignores the black on black crime because the music he produces encourages that particular type of culture. Perhaps he ignores it because the thug culture espoused in that music is part of the problem and he is contributing to it.

Well Russ, you are also responsible for many of the encounters where black thugs are rightly killed by cops.

The genre of music you produce also pushes hatred for cops, espouses cop killing and shows disrespect for the rule of law.

Yeah, you are part of the problem moron and if you push for even more civil unrest you might not like the outcome.

But at least you will be able to make money producing a song about it. You can call it Bitch Thug Got Whacked…..

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Why Waste Money For Body Cameras?

B. Hussein Obama is looking to provide federal money (read taxpayer money) to equip police departments across the nation with body cameras that are worn by police officers so that everything they do (every encounter) is recorded.

It is not the place of the federal government to be doling out our money for things that affect state and local law enforcement. If individual states or localities want these cameras then they should pay for them. Federal tax dollars do not belong paying for these things but that is an issue for another day.

For today I am wondering how Obama or anyone else thinks cameras worn by police officers would make a difference. I have no issue with police officers wearing body cameras though I fail to see what value they have.

Let me explain. The body camera would record what the officer and the person with whom that officer interacted did. It would show who did what and it would either corroborate or refute the stories of the participants. So far that all seems good and who could argue with that? Hell, if Officer Wilson had been wearing a body camera we would know exactly what happened between him and Michael Brown.

But would it have mattered?

[note]In Ferguson it would not matter. People were looking for a reason to riot and loot and cause mayhem. They would have done the same thing if Wilson had been indicted. The race pimps and the Media stoked that fire real good.[/note]

A camera in the Ferguson case might have shown Wilson to be lying but would it have resulted in an indictment? Given the evidence presented in the absence of a video I feel he should not have been indicted but I also know, based on cases where video IS available, he would likely not have been indicted even if the entire encounter had been recorded.

There are ample cases on the internet where police officers are recorded clearly violating the law and the rights of citizens. There are videos of officers shooting people (and dogs) for no reason. These police officers who are armed with batons, heavy flashlights (that can be used as a baton), Tasers, pepper spray and a firearm need only say they feared for their lives and they are deemed to have been justified in their actions even though these actions are taken against people who are UNARMED (since that seems to be a buzz word in the Brown case). I know I have said that unarmed does not mean harmless and I have seen plenty of videos where offices were perfectly justified in shooting unarmed people.

In those cases it is usually pretty clear. In those where the outrage is present it is usually obvious that the officer used excessive force. In these cases, where it is all caught in video, the officers are not indicted and are deemed to have acted appropriately and “within their training and department guidelines.”

So would a body camera make a difference?

The city of New York is having its turn at outrage over a Grand Jury decision. In this case an officer was not indicted for the death of a person who resisted arrest, was encountered by the officer and taken down. The guy ended up dying and it was all recorded. In the recording the person is taken to the ground and placed in some kind of choke hold and he is heard gasping and wheezing and saying that he can’t breathe. At what point does it become obvious the guy is in distress?

If this were a lone cop (the suspect was quite large) one might conclude that he did not let go because that could have been a ruse to attack the officer. But there are several other police officers present. All the cop on the ground has to say to his fellow officers is grab his arms guys, sir I am going to let you go so you can breathe but if you resist we will be right back where we started. With several other cops present there was no reason for this. [Please police officers save your righteous indignation and don’t waste my time telling me how tough it is on the street. Four or five armed to the teeth guys can handle a man who is having trouble breathing and who is NOT fighting. If not, turn in you badges.]

“All over America, cops are getting away with this,” added 22-year-old Demetri Green. “They’re the real gang in New York City. They’re the real gang in this county.” New York Daily News

[note]In my opinion there was no need to begin with. This man was accused of selling untaxed cigarettes. Was it OK for him to die because he was allegedly selling untaxed cigarettes? It is not like this guy committed some violent felony and his resistance was non violent. He was simply accused of selling something the state did not get a cut of.[/note]

In my opinion those who said Trayvon was shot for carrying Skillets (Skittles to the literate among us) and that Mike Brown was shot for walking in the street are idiots and ignored the facts in the case. Both of the people killed in these cases were VIOLENT. They were attacking someone. The guy in New York was not attacking anyone. He was selling an untaxed tobacco product.

The question should not be whether the officer followed procedure it should be was his response appropriate for the infraction and was the result of his actions an acceptable consequence of the person’s crime. In other words, was too much force used for a guy allegedly committing a non violent crime? Hell, they don’t treat people carrying small amounts of marijuana in New York the way they treated the victim here and he had a LEGAL product when the police killed him.

Given the video that shows the entire episode (the video came from a bystander) and given the reality that a lot of force was used for a non violent crime and given the man can be heard gasping and wheezing and saying he could not breathe and given the medical examiner ruled this a homicide a reasonable person could conclude that the officer went overboard and caused this man’s death. The Grand Jury did not see it that way and refused to indict.

It is rare for a police officer to go before the Grand Jury for these things and it is rare for any officer to be found guilty of a crime when he uses force while doing his job even if it is clear that what he did was wrong (and would be illegal if we did it). This is true even when video evidence is present.

So I ask, what good would body cameras do?

[note]It seems to me the cameras would only beneift cops. They could prove a citizen’s claim of abuse, foul language, or racial bias was untrue (as happened recently). Since clear video evidence of police wrong doing does not hold them accountable it is unlikely their own recordings would…[/note]

It will be interesting to see what happens in Ohio where it is obvious a cop murdered a child. The kid was playing with a toy gun and the police were called. When they arrive one of the Miami Vice wanna be cops shoots the kid dead seemingly before the police car comes to a stop. If this guy is found to have acted appropriately then maybe we really do need to burn the place to the ground and start over…

Obama Body Cam Request Takes a Hit

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hands Up Appropriate For Congress

Several member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) were on the floor of the House Monday and they put their hands up in the gesture that symbolizes the lack of honesty regarding the Michael Brown shooting. The facts in the case have been presented and there is evidence, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Brown DID NOT put his hands up to surrender and he was not shot with his hands up.

That has not stopped the race baiters and members of the victim class who continue to use this gesture as if it actually happened. They have admitted that even though there is no evidence that Brown had his hands up they are still using the gesture as a sign of the movement.

Basically, they are continuing down a path shown to be false in order to push a false narrative and that is a gentle giant Teddy Bear of a man was ruthlessly murdered by a rogue white cop for the crime of being black.

It is a shame that Brown was murdered but he brought that on himself through his actions. Attack a man with a gun, especially a cop, and you are probably going to get shot.

I know a lot of people in the victim community like those in the CBC believe there is some large scale eradication of blacks by cops (particularly white cops) but this is not true. If you are a black male you are many times more likely to meet your demise at the hands of another black male than by those of a cop of any color. The facts are plain and easy to see. Black on black violence is a much larger problem, or to put it in the words of the CBC, an injustice.

Some members of the Saint Louis Rams (5 black players) entered the field on Sunday in the same hands up pose. They too were making a statement that was contrary to the facts in the case. Interestingly, the team was in contact with the police all week seeking assurances that its players and staff would be protected from protesters. They asked for protection from the police and then insulted police officers with that gesture.

I think it was appropriate for the members of Congress as well as those football players to raise their hands in a fashion indicative of surrendering to law enforcement because most of the members of both groups are criminals.

I do not know whether these acts upheld the tradition and decorum of the Congress but it was appropriate given the number of criminals in Congress. Most of these folks lie cheat and steal and they break all kinds of laws and rules each and every day. Hell, if they are not breaking the law they are condoning others doing so.

One other benefit of these members raising their arms so you can see their hands is that as long as they are visible you know they are not in your pockets.

As for the football players; while there are some good, decent human beings in the NFL a large number of them are or were criminals who have rap sheets that rival many gang members. The group has thieves, thugs, abusers and drug users/pushers. Several have been accused of murder (one is awaiting trial). The only difference between many of these guys and a street gang is the NFL has wealthier thugs who generally dress nicer.

So while all these folks have their hands up they could do us all a favor and surrender to the police and confess their crimes.

That would be the most useful use of this gesture since it reflects more accurately on these folks than what took place in Ferguson.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Facts Don’t Matter When It Comes To Race Baiting

The facts in any case that involves race baiting never matter so long as the narrative stays on course and that narrative is always that some minority (usually a black person) has been wronged by some white person and it is all because racism is alive and well in America.

There are plenty of examples of this each and every day. Any time a black person is involved in some issue where he has been harmed or killed the race baiting poverty pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson come out of the woodwork to tell us how the guy with a rap sheet as long as the Nile was a good person who was on his way to Bible study when some racist white cop (or any racist white person like a white Hispanic named Zimmerman) walked up and shot, stabbed, choked, whatever this person because of racism.

There is never an uproar when blacks kill other blacks (93% of the black murders come this way) or if a black attacks a white. No, the only outrage is the rare occasion when a black person is killed by a white person particularly a cop.

In Ferguson MO a black man described (after his death) as a gentle giant was shot and killed by a police officer after said giant robbed a store of cheap cigars (to make blunts with no doubt). The giant was told by the officer to get out of the street, an order that was ignored. About this time the call goes out about the robbery and the cop thinks this might be the guy. As the cop tries to get out of the car he is attacked by the giant who tries to take the cop’s firearm and a round discharges in the vehicle. The cop is able to get out of the car and tell the fleeing criminal to stop. The criminal turns to come after the cop who shoots him a number of times until he falls down and dies.

A witness said the giant was surrendering and had his hands up. That narrative went viral and the world was told about the racist cop who shot a gentle giant who had his hands up. That story started to fall apart but the race baiters kept it up. The big claim that they tried to impress upon us was that this black man was UNARMED as if that makes a difference.

Folks, unarmed does not me harmless. The guy was big and strong and he tried to take a cop’s gun. He was dangerous without a weapon but at the time the cop did not know if this thug was armed. We all get to say wow, he was unarmed because they did not find a weapon on him but when he was attacking the cop the cop did not know that the guy was unarmed. He knew he was attacked, the guy tried to take his gun and the guy charged him after being told to stop and get down on the ground.

All of this is not in dispute. Plenty of eyewitnesses have come forward to verify what the cop said happened and it is certain the giant was not surrendering when he was shot. In addition to eyewitnesses the coroner (several actually) has determined that the giant’s arms were not up when he was shot.

The people pushing the race narrative say that does not matter. The hands up, don’t shoot mantra to them is symbolic of the struggles that blacks, particularly black men, have had against the racist police. They now claim it does not matter if the giant had his hands up and it really does not matter that he was attacking. No, all that matters is they have an agenda to push and they must prove that this giant, the guy with a long criminal record including an arrest for murder, was a good person who fell victim to a racist white cop.

This is the problem with a victim society. When government puts people on a plantation and forces them to live as slaves to government while telling them all the bad things happening to them are because they are victims of racism then these folks begin to believe they are victims. No amount of logic and no evidence whatsoever is enough to get these folks to see the light.

So as victims they riot and burn their town to the ground. And since they are victims of everything they will most certainly demand that the people who were victims (real victims) of their rioting rebuild so they have places to shop and a town once again. It takes nerve but victims feel entitled to everything in society so these folks feel entitled to burn the place down and then they feel entitled to have it rebuild for them.

Screw them. Bulldoze the entire place and make them live without. Force them to live with what they caused until THEY can afford to rebuild the place they destroyed.

Then again, that might be asking a bit too much.

Remember, to these folks the facts do not matter…

As an aside, Al Sharpton should be busy working to pay off the millions he owes in taxes instead of inciting violence.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
