Obama; The Vote Whisperer

Barack Obama did not learn much from the ass kicking his party took on Tuesday. That was to be expected because he learned nothing in 2010 when he took a similar ass kicking. The big difference between then and now is that the Republican party took control of the Senate giving it control of both chambers of Congress.

It is also not surprising that Obama would not get the point because he is a narcissist. It can’t possibly be because of him.

When he gave his post election press conference he seemed to gloss over the people that turned out to vote against him and his policies (he did say they were on the ballot) and instead looked at those who did not vote. He discussed the election from the point of view that more people voted when he was on the ballot as if that is some revelation. More people turn out during ALL presidential elections.

But Obama seems to think that those who did not turn out now but who did then still want him to take the path he has chosen. He seems to think that because they did not show up they still support him.

Let me make it easy for him. If they still supported you they would have gotten out and voted. They would have seen the polls, they would have paid attention and they would have voted to stop what happened from happening.

Instead they chose to stay home. Obama, always the narcissist, seems to think that he still has a mandate from those people to continue on the path he is on regardless of what just happened.

No Barry. If they wanted you to continue they would have shown up. They cared so little about you and your failed presidency they could not be bothered to vote.

Barry’s belief is that the mandate he thinks he has comes from the people who did not vote instead of those who vote. In other words, those who voted did not vote the way he wanted so he will just assume that those who did not vote would have done it his way. He is the vote whisperer who can channel the desires of those who did not vote.

What he needs is to have his ass spanked by the Republican controlled Congress. He needs to get bill after bill that he can pass or veto. Let the country see who the real obstructionist is.

And if he works outside of his Constitutional authority he needs to be taken to the woodshed.

I will put it to Barry in words he can understand and that he actually used in the past.

We won…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maryland Suffers A Brown Out

Anthony Brown was supposed to waltz into the Governor’s Mansion. He spent eight years in Martin O’Malley’s shadow and it was his time. In a state where Democrats hold a greater than a 2:1 lead over Republicans it was just a formality. In Maryland the Democrat Primary is considered the general election because whatever Democrat wins the primary wins the general.

But a funny thing happened on the way to Annapolis. Lt. Governor Anthony Brown hit a shockwave in the form of businessman Larry Hogan. Hogan campaigned on economic issues and reducing taxes. Hogan vowed to get rid of as many of the forty plus tax increases put in place by O’Malley/Brown.

Brown, for his part, failed to campaign on what he would do and instead chose to attack his opponent. Brown accused Hogan of everything short of the Crucifixion of Jesus and claimed he would be bad for the state.

Some of Brown’s ads were outright lies and used fear to persuade people that Hogan would have “assault” rifles lying around all over the place. Brown also misled people on his military service by showing himself piloting helicopters while a narrator talks about Brown answering the call of duty.

Brown did indeed fly helicopters and he did indeed deploy to the Middle East. But he was a pilot on active duty and deployed while a reservist. As a reservist he was a JAG officer (Army Lawyer). There is no evidence he piloted helicopters while deployed as a lawyer.

Who does he think he is, Harm Rabb?

In any event, the O’Malley/Brown tenure destroyed the state, increased unemployment, raised taxes (including a tax on rain water runoff), and busted the budget while driving good businesses out of the state. Brown was solely responsible for the failure of the health care exchange and the millions of wasted dollars the project cost taxpayers.

People were fed up and they took it out at the polls by delivering a crushing defeat for Brown who lost by about 5* points. The defeat was a referendum on the tenure of O’Malley whose aspirations of being president took a huge hit (as if he actually had a chance). All in all it was a two-fer with Brown losing his bid to be governor and O’Malley losing nearly any chance of becoming president.

Brown is out and it looks like he might have to sign up for government health care and get a real job.

Hogan on the other hand, will have a tough time dealing with the huge Democrat majority in the legislature. He has stated he is willing to work with Democrats to get the state on track.

The big question is, are Democrats ready to work with Hogan to achieve those results?

Time will tell but if history is any indication Hogan will have to overcome a lot of resistance.

I think he is up to the challenge. Hell, no one gave him any chance of winning the race and he blew Brown out of the water. If he pulled that off I think he can accomplish quite a bit.

Democrats in the legislature beware. Some of your fellow Democrats suffered defeat on Tuesday and that should be a wakeup call that you are not doing your jobs.

Listen to the businessman and get this state back on track.

As an aside, when the tallies were coming in and it looked like Hogan might just pull it off I watched the local station to get current information. It was being reported that Brown would be making an announcement. Speculation was that he would concede because he could not overcome the vote deficit. I took great pleasure in watching the stage as the who’s who of Maryland Democrats stood there with sour looks on their faces waiting for Brown to arrive.

When he did it was short and sweet and that was all she wrote.

I loved that moment.

*This post was updated to put in the final margin of victory which changed from 9 to 5.

Washington Post

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


We Need Voter ID

There are stories of immigrants who are not allowed to vote doing so in Maryland and other places. There are stories of people showing up to vote and being informed that they have already voted. Of course we all know the stories of how the dead have voted for decades.

Even though all of this takes place the government or more specifically the Democrats in government, tell us we do not need voter ID laws. Democrats claim that such laws are discriminatory and are designed to keep minorities from voting. You see, the Democrats want you to believe that the minority community can’t get an ID.

More incredibly, they want you to believe that these people do not have an ID. One must have an ID to do almost everything in this country (except vote) but somehow all these people have gotten by without one.

It is pure hogwash.

Eric “The Red” Holder is against voter ID and while he might parrot the party line he, like all Democrats, knows that they can only win by cheating and voter ID reduces the possibility of them doing so.

James O’Keefe had someone go to a polling place in the last election and claim to be Eric Holder. The person gave all the needed information and was given a ballot. NO VOTE WAS CAST but the demonstration showed how easy it was to cheat.

Now O’Keefe has struck again in North Carolina. He was able to get ballots posing as people who had not voted in quite some time. He was offered over twenty ballots without anyone confirming his identity. He finally found one person who was suspicious and asked for ID. The irony is the person broke the law by asking for it.

You can watch the videos at the linked site which is The Daily Mail out of the UK. It is publishing the story about fraud the American media are ignoring.

We need voter ID to ensure one person, one vote.

Then we need to fix the problem of vote flipping. Seems that when people vote for one candidate the electronic screen selects the other. It is claimed that this is an error on the part of the user or a calibration problem BUT there has been no report of a Democrat vote flipping to a Republican candidate. It is only happening the other way around.

If this were truly an error then statistically both parties would be affected. When it only happens one way the issue is deliberate.

We need voter ID and then we need to fix the vote flipping.

Seems to me that paper ballots work fine (assuming we can maintain a strict chain of custody and have proper oversight of their processing through the counting machine). I know, hanging chads but if someone is too stupid to figure out a punch ballot what chance do they have with a touch screen?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Real War On Women

Comes from Democrats. There is a slime ball named Alan Grayson who happens to be a Congressman from he Great State of Florida. Grayson is a progressive who believes in all the things progressives love such as wealth redistribution, government controlled health care and, well really government controlled anything.

Grayson has insulted Rush Limbaugh and discussed how he treats poor people or women (all of which are false claims) and he attacks Republicans and the invented war on women.

Grayson is an alleged wife beater whose wife filed for divorce. Grayson filed to have the marriage annulled because he claims his wife was never divorced from her first husband before they got married.

In that light Grayson has refused to support his wife and their children. She claims to have nothing because he was the sole provider. He is working to keep from paying her anything.

In other words, he is making her one of the poor people he claims Rush Limbaugh (and all other conservatives) hates.

Grayson’s marriage of 29 years dissolved earlier this year when his wife, Lolita Grayson, filed for divorce. A week later, Rep. Grayson asked a court to annul the marriage on the basis of bigamy.
Mr. Grayson is refusing to support his family because he is claiming that she was never divorced from her first husband and therefore their marriage was never legitimate.
Mrs. Grayson told WFTV 9 Orlando she never thought she would be on food stamps or have her kids on the school lunch, because her husband was “the sole provider,” she said. “I don’t have any money at all. He’s been holding all our money for years and years.” Liberty News

Grayson is a perfect progressive. Have a family and then expect the government (read the taxpayers) to support it. He will not accept responsibilty for his family and is refusing to provide for them.

Say what you want about Rush Limbaugh but I bet he paid what was required to his former wives.

I do not like Alan Grayson and I would not mind it if he started walking east until his hat floated. He is a bully, an idiot and a waste of human flesh.

He is conducting a war on women (and children) while he scolds conservatives as evil people who do not care about others.

It would be nice if we could get rid of this jackass once and for all.

It would also be nice if the judge forced hm to pay 50% of his salary to his wife and kids…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Still Think Illegals Are Harmless?

The illegals coming into this country are causing all kinds of problems. It is almost a certainty that they brought in the Enterovirus D68 that is causing so many children to get sick (and several to die). They are causing all kinds of problems with our economy as they rape us of our tax dollars by getting government handouts. They are also overwhelming our medical system while receiving care they do not pay for.

They are working off the books and sending a lot of money back to their home countries. They are committing crimes and they are illegally voting in our elections.

When will people pay attention and address this issue? Of course, by address this issue I mean deport as many as we can and build a fence to keep the others out.

Our government has had deaf ears to our calls for enforcement. Our government ignores the crimes committed against us. Our government is responsible for this mess.

Maybe they will pay attention now that two sheriff’s deputies in California have been murdered by an illegal alien who has been deported a number of times and has broken many laws including laws regarding illegal drugs.

Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte (this is one of many names used while here) has a violent past filled with illegal activity and several deportations from this country.

Yet he was here again and he murdered two deputies and shot a civilian.

The Federal Government and any state that is a sanctuary state (hello California) are responsible for this mess and the death of those deputies is on their hands.

It is time to stop pandering to the illegals and to get as tough as possible in order to get those who are here out and to keep those who are trying to enter from doing so.

The illegal immigration issue is one that liberals are trying to make political gains with. They are pandering to the illegal crowd to get votes.

Well their refusal to enforce our laws and their turning a blind eye to the illegals walking in has resulted in the death of two law enforcement officers who will no longer go home at the end of the day to be with their families.

We need to end this and if the advocates for amnesty do not like it then perhaps we should consider sending them with those we deport…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
