Race Card To The Top

When liberals have no argument or are losing they resort to using the race card. While there are issues regarding race with a small number of people, the majority of people in this country don’t really care about the color of a person’s skin. As MLK said, it is about the content of one’s character.

When liberals are losing they throw the race card around. It is a card from a well worn deck where every card is the race card and it is played all the time. In North Carolina blacks have been targeted by Democrat Kay Hagan with mailers indicating that if the Republican candidate wins Obama will be impeached. The flier has an image of blacks who were lynched.

Maryland is a hugely Democrat state with a plethora of minority voters and limousine liberals who vote for Democrats. The few heavily Democrat counties overwhelm the rest of the state and thus all citizens are at the mercy of those few subdivisions.

Anthony Brown was supposed to waltz in and become the next Governor of the state but his lackluster performance as Lieutenant Governor (including his failure with the healthcare exchange that wasted millions of dollars) coupled with his uninspiring campaign has left him in a close race. In a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2:1, Brown is only up by single digits.

Those are public polling numbers. The internals of the campaign must paint a different picture. My suspicion is that the polling indicates that black voters will likely skip the election or not show up in numbers sufficient enough to give Brown the win.

This must be the case because Brown has resorted to using the race card.

The Democrats in Maryland have targeted black voters with a flier that has pictures from long ago and indicates that if Brown is not elected the advances blacks have made will be lost. There are pictures from the civil rights marches, colored only entrance signs and other racist photos of a long ago era. The front has a picture of Dr. Martin Luther king, Jr with the words “It’s been a long journey…”

Dr. King was a Republican.

The wording is overtly racist in that it indicates “…it’s OUR turn…” Since blacks are the target of the fliers it is safe to conclude that the OUR is the black community. Your turn for what? To have a black governor? Will brown not be the governor of ALL people in the state? Is not indicating that it is OUR turn racist in and of itself?

The icing on the cake is that the images are all of the racism that existed because of Democrats. It was the Democrat party that opposed civil rights. It was the Democrat Party that gave us the Jim Crow laws that harmed blacks. It was the Democrat Party that resisted ending slavery and has enslaved blacks to the modern plantation of dependence on government.

All the images (save one which is Donald Trump and the Obama birth certificate which is not racist) are of things that happened because of Democrats and the Democrat in the election is using them as a weapon against a Republican, a person in the party that was formed to end slavery and that introduced and supported civil rights legislation.

Anthony Brown is desperate. The last desperate act of liberals is to play the race card and the Democrats have just played it in Maryland.

Let us hope that like the boy who cried wolf one too many times the voters in Maryland can see this false claim for what it is and ignore it.

Put a Republican in office to turn the state around.

God knows the decades long stranglehold Democrats have had on the state has not produced anything.

Particularly for the black population that remains enslaved (by Democrat design) to an oppressive government.

Daily Caller

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Gun Grabbers like Their Own Guns…

Liberals love to infringe on the Second Amendment right of the people to keep and bear arms. While it might appear as if liberals hate firearms the truth is they only hate YOU having firearms. They are perfectly happy to have their own firearms or body guards who have firearms. They are much too special to be put in danger.

How many liberal politicians have claimed that we need gun control or told us that no one needs certain types of firearms or that no one should be carrying them only to be exposed as a firearms owner and, in many cases, the possessor of a concealed carry permit?

Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed is one such politician. She has been labeled by the NRA as anti gun and has sponsored bills requiring a gun owner registry. She has also been involved in other anti Second Amendment legislation.

This hypocrite was protesting in front of the police department in Ferguson MO and was arrested. When she was arrested police found a 9mm handgun in her possession. She stated that she had a concealed carry permit.

In addition the police suspected her of being intoxicated because she “smelled strongly of intoxicants” but she refused to take a breathalyzer test.

I have no problem with this woman having a carry permit and actually carrying a firearm. She is covered under the Second Amendment just like the rest of us. I have an issue with her carrying that firearm if she was intoxicated but that is a different issue and only speculation since she did not submit to the test.

What I do have a problem with is that she is a liberal gun grabber who wants to make it tough for the rest of her state’s law abiding citizens to exercise the same right she exercises.

She is like Bloomberg who is anti gun but has armed guards. Ditto for Martin O’Malley, Rosie O’Donnell, and Barack Obama. Then there are folks like Nasheed who are anti gun but have (or had) permits. Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer come to mind.

Liberals love to make rules so long as they don’t have to follow them.

The Blaze

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Shine Is Off Hope And Change

Barack Obama was elected by the moron class (with a bit of help from election fraud) and he promised that he would transform America. He told us that his campaign was about Hope and Change. He bragged about how the oceans would recede and how things would be better.

There are many folks who still believe all of this bunk but many of those who were initially fooled have awakened. Perhaps it is the fact they are still struggling or are still unemployed. Maybe they have been able to see past the smoke and mirrors and understand that things are as bad as or worse than when Hope and Change took office.

Maryland is a 2:1 Democrat to Republican state and it has been run by Democrats for a very long time. One Republican governor (a moderate to say the least) served about 12 years ago but he was steamrolled by the Democrat controlled legislature. One would think that any Democrat running in Maryland would have an easy time of it.

Evidently Anthony Brown, the current Lieutenant Governor (and candidate for governor), thinks things will be a bit tough on Election Day. He was supposed to run away in the race but Larry Hogan is giving him a tough challenge.

So much so that Brown brought in the toxic Barack Obama to campaign for him. Brown must feel confident that Obama will help rather than harm him otherwise Obama would not have been invited. If Brown thought he had a commanding lead would he really risk any potential backlash from an Obama appearance?

Obama was in Maryland yesterday and it looks like things did not go as planned. During his speech a number of people got up and left.

Yes, it appears as if some of the faithful have awakened and now realize that Obama is a failure.

Then again, the Ravens were in town so perhaps folks had better things to do, like watch something successful like the Ravens Team.

Tony Brown should be sent packing. He is an oath breaker and a disgrace to the office he holds and the military uniform he wears (he is a reservist who is very misleading about his service).

Send him packing…

Tony spelled backwards is Y Not. Why Not send him to the unemployment line in November and help Maryland get on the path to real prosperity.

As an aside, doesn’t Obama look sickly?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Nonsense Keeps Coming From CDC

Yesterday the director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden, made a completely nonsensical statement about Ebola. Frieden said you can’t get Ebola by sitting next to someone on the bus but if you have Ebola and use public transportation [like a BUS] you can transmit the disease to someone else.

If you have the disease and can transmit it to someone else then logically one can get the disease by sitting next to someone on the bus. Like, for instance, if you sat next to the person who has the disease and can transmit it.

This is the kind of nonsense that the CDC has been putting out. Frieden told us we had plans in place to contain the virus and then said we missed the opportunity to contain the virus.

He told us that hospitals in the US have protocols in place and are able to handle patients with the virus and then said he should have sent a team to Dallas to help with protective measures.

This guy does not seem to know what he is saying and he certainly does not instill confidence in the public. I think it is quite possible he is playing politics rather than doctor in that he is parsing words and saying anything to keep from making the Obama regime look bad instead of just telling us the facts based on his experience as a doctor.

He is an appointed director so he is playing politician rather than clinician.

Several schools in Cleveland are closed today because a school employee might have been on the plane the Ebola positive nurse flew on (but not necessarily the same flight). These kinds of knee jerk reactions will increase as people receive conflicting information from the CDC. We do not need hysteria or panic, we need facts upon which to base our daily decisions.

Unfortunately, Frieden is devoid of facts and is playing politics with the public’s health and safety.

Perhaps he should resign. Or maybe the CDC should have an actual clinician as its spokesperson. You know, pick someone who knows what he is talking about and won’t parse words or make things up to protect a political party.

The CDC is part of the government and it can’t get this right.

This is the same government that wants to run your health care…

Ann Coulter
Rush Limbaugh

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Bleeding Of Jobs Continues In Maryland

A government contractor in Maryland is moving its operation to Virginia and taking over 1000 jobs out of the state as the bleeding of jobs continues.

Bechtel Corp announced the moves which will take place next year. This is just another in a long line of companies that have left Maryland for more business friendly states. Governor Martin O’Malley and his Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown, who is running for governor, increased or enacted more than 40 taxes that are hurting the working people of the state and driving business away.

Brown wants to take over where O’Malley leaves off, with more taxes and a bad business environment. Brown is happy to carry the torch of progressive destruction in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2:1.

Larry Hogan is the Republican running to beat Brown and turn the state around. Hogan is a businessman who actually knows what it means to meet a payroll.

Put simply, Hogan knows what it is like to sign the front of the check. Brown only knows how to sign the back.

Hogan had this to say about the latest loss:

We are saddened to learn that another 1,100 well-paying jobs will be leaving Maryland for Virginia,” Republican nominee Larry Hogan said in a statement. The loss of jobs “will ripple though Frederick as dozens of small businesses β€” restaurants, repair shops, suppliers, cleaners and delivery firms β€” will suffer. Baltimore Sun

Liberal policies put in place by O’Malley and Brown are killing the state. It has been dying a slow death for decades under Democrat rule but the last eight years have seen an acceleration of that demise.

Get rid of Brown in November and we can begin to repair the damage done by him and O’Malley.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
