Bad News On Hold Until After The Election

Obamacare is wonderful and it will cut your costs while allowing you to keep your plans and doctors.

That claim is the millstone hung around the necks of Democrats who rammed the albatross down our throats. They are being reminded of what they said, what they did and the actual outcome. Many of those Democrats are running away from Obama and their support of Obamacare.

The law is a bad one and it hurts people and our economy. The thing is so disliked that Obama had to grant waivers to his supporters so they would not suffer like everyone else. Obama illegally delayed portions of the law until after the November midterm elections in order to give his sock puppets a chance to win.

The premiums for next year are in and they are UP. Some states will see double digit increases which means a lot more money will come out of the pockets of those forced to buy insurance.

The premium amounts are only speculation at this time because Obama is withholding that information until after the midterm election. Those in the know claim there are rate hikes everywhere and they will be big in a number of places. Obama knows they are up and bad or he would release them NOW. If they were good (a modest increase) or better yet lower he would be screaming from the rooftops about how his grand scheme worked.

The fact that the numbers are being delayed means they are bad, really bad. They are so bad the Democrats are worried that releasing them prior to the election would sink the chances of many Democrats seeking reelection.

The self proclaimed most transparent administration in history is as clear as mud. The numbers, like all bad news, are being hidden. In this case the bad news is being hidden in order to influence the election.

Obamacare is bad. It should never have passed and it was passed ONLY by Democrats.

Do us all a favor and remove them from office.

Make them pay for making us pay…

The Washington Times

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Who Let The Germs In?

There is a lot of concern over the Ebola Virus and its official entry into the United States. A man in Texas is in critical condition and an unknown number of people have been potentially exposed to the deadly bug. The government that is supposed to protect us is failing miserably.

I have problems with bringing people here to be treated (we should set up a mobile center someplace else) but the real issue is a man who was contagious walking around and interacting with people.

An equally important issue is the Enterovirus D68. This is the bug that has been affecting children across the country.

[note]This virus affects children and teens particularly those with asthma or other airway diseases. Adults are not usually affected as they have developed antibodies over their lives. The virus appears from late summer to fall and then drops off. The uptick here occurred not long after illegals were allowed in and shipped around the country.[/note]

There are over 100 types of Enterovirus and 10 to 15 million people are affected by them in the US each year but the D68 is not usually seen in such prominence. There have been over 500 children infected with the virus this year and that is a big uptick from the same period of time in years past. Two of those children have died as a result of the infection.

Officials seem baffled as to why there is an uptick.Perhaps they should look at the areas where these infections are taking place and then track the illegal children the government allowed into the country. The government bused these kids all over the country and not long after they did D68 started showing.

Obama’s policies of allowing illegal aliens to cross our border and be shipped around the nation for a free ride on the taxpayer is not good for this nation, the rule of law, or our health.

It is also likely it is not good for our children.

It is highly unlikely the government will disclose where it sent the illegals and it is even more unlikely that the government would investigate the increased D68 infections as they relate to where those illegals went.

This would negate their arguments and show they are not interested in protecting us.

The Democrats love to say everything is for the children when they want to pass some law or program that costs us money.

So don’t think of those illegals as little germ carriers. Think of what they bring as “for the children.”

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Holder Wants Help Spying

Of course it is all for the children.

Eric The Red Holder spoke at the Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online and he said that the new encryption used on electronic devices will lock law enforcement out and hamper their ability to investigate and gather evidence.

The whole Idea is to lock government (in this case the police) out of our devices.

Holder is concerned because the encryption prevents cellular companies from accessing the data that is encrypted and he wants some kind of back door to allow law enforcement to enter. Sorry pal, you don’t get access to everyone’s stuff just because some folks use the things illegally. If you want the information you will have to find another way to get it.

Holder is concerned because it is for the children. Here is an idea, lock the child molesters and pedophiles up and throw away the key. If some person has thousands of photos and videos as Holder claims then that person is not new at this and has likely been at odds with the law.

Even if they have not then it is up to the police to gather evidence and find a way to get into that person’s device.

Sounds harsh but while Holder can claim it is for the children what will stop the police from using the back door to access tons of things? Suppose they arrest a person for drug activity. What would stop them from accessing a device and getting all the contacts on the phone and then investigating those people for drug activity? How many people who have nothing to do with that illegal activity will be the focus of police because they used the back door to a device? There are far too many ways for this to be abused to warrant allowing it.

Holder made his case by describing some child predator that has thousands of items in a cloud and lamented that the cops can’t access it.

Well they can. Cloud storage can be accessed (as stated right in the article where Holder described the alleged problem) so there is no reason to access any device through some police only entrance.

The government is involved in far too much spying on its own citizens and what Holder wants would only allow more of it to happen.

Stay out of our stuff and stay out of our lives.

When you catch a bad guy doing bad things put him in jail and LEAVE him there. Smarmy lawyers like Holder work with the system to allow these cretins to go free and then cry when they commit the same crimes over and over.

How about we have a citizen only back door into government devices so we can keep track on the criminals residing there?

Maybe this would have prevented Holder from running guns and working with the IRS to target political foes.

Hell, maybe we could have retrieved some of those emails that were conveniently lost.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Underestimated Or Ignored

Barack Obama claims that his regime underestimated the rise of ISIS and overestimated the ability of the Iraqi military to fend off that group. Obama made these statements in a 60 Minutes interview.

George W Bush warned that leaving Iraq before the place was stabile and not having a small force in place would result in some group filling the void. He was pretty clear this would happen.

Mitt Romney reiterated this during the debates with Barack Obama. Obama laughed him off.

It is now obvious that Bush and Romney were correct and Obama was wrong. But did Obama underestimate?

Probably not. He is a narcissist and thinks he knows everything. He was aware of what Bush said and Romney told him point blank what would happen so he knew.

He just chose to either ignore or not believe the information. I believe he ignored it because he did not want to give any credit to Bush or Romney. He did not want to say that they were right because he was supposed to be so smart.

He ignored it and now we are using our military to clean up the mess he made. It is pretty telling that the man who said that we could not solve the issues there with our military is now saying we need to use our military to solve issues there.

He should have listened and with ears that big he certainly was able to hear.

Perhaps he was unable because of where he keeps his head…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Shouldn’t Obama Return His Peace Prize?

During the last presidential campaign Mitt Romney was portrayed as a war monger stuck in the past while Obama was portrayed as the hip young guy in a new era where everyone loves us. No aggression necessary because Obama is well loved around the world. Elect Romney and you get more war and poor relations with the Russians and the rest of the world as well.

Romney was absolutely correct about Russia and Russian leader Putin keeps rubbing Obama’s nose in his excrement just to prove it.

Romney was correct about the consequences of removing troops from the Middle East (as was George W. Bush).

Romney was correct about Syria and now we are seeing just how correct.

Romney was the war monger but it is Obama who is conducting all the military operations. It was not that long ago (during the campaign) that Joe Biden (Idiot, DE) claimed that Romney wants to go to war with Syria. Elect that man and you will be at war in Syria.

He [Romney] said it was a mistake to end the war in Iraq and bring all of our warriors home,” Biden told an audience in York, Penn., on September 2, 2012. “He said it was a mistake to set an end date for our warriors in Afghanistan and bring them home. He implies by the speech that he’s ready to go to war in Syria and Iran. National Review

Well, a new play on an old joke, they told me if I voted for Romney we would be at war in Syria and they were right. It is the Nobel Peace Prize recipient Barack Hussein Obama who is waging war in Syria.

I do not disagree with attacking terrorists but then again I never thought we should have stopped. Barack Obama and his progressive toadies were the ones talking about holding hands and signing hippie love songs while Romney was painting a picture of reality. Romney was absolutely correct and there is no way to refute that fact.

[note]Obama previously said the fighter jets now being used in Syria were outdated and unnecessary.[/note]

Romney was not the ideal candidate but he was leaps and bounds better than Obama. Romney had a grasp of what was going on in the world and has real world experience. If he had been elected it is highly likely that the economy would be much better and we would not have these conflicts and foreign policy nightmares.

The world knows that Republican administrations are strong on national security and will ensure America is safe no matter what it takes. The evil doers around the world know they can pick fights when liberals are in charge because liberals have no spine.

Obama accepted a Nobel Peace Prize that was nothing more than a participation trophy because he never did anything to warrant the thing. He was given the prize based on expectations. He said he was going to make peace in the world and they believed him so rather than wait and see they gave him the prize in advance.

Looks like they were wrong as Obama has waged war and has not given us peace.

Perhaps Obama should return that peace prize.

They can replace it with a dunce cap.

UPDATE: Maybe he won’t have a choice in the matter…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
