When Bush Did It The Left Went Nuts

Let me start off by saying I agree with bombing ISIS and any other terror group and I think the US should keep it up. I would say to bomb them back to the Stone Age but since they already live in that era I say bomb them back to before they existed. I have no problem with attacking them where they live rather than waiting for them to come here. I have no problem with preemptive strikes.

But I am not the problem here because I never held the view that we should not attack them.

Barack Obama and ALL the Democrats who opposed George Bush did though. They derided Bush for waging war in Iraq when they claimed Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and never attacked us. Afghanistan was the good war, they said.

So during Bush’s terms we had Code Pink and the rest of the anti war crowd along with the Democrats screaming about Bush’s War and George Bush attacking a nation that never attacked us, blah, blah.

Barack Obama arrived on the scene fresh from his community organizing state and US Senate gigs to claim the mantle of anti war hero and to stop George Bush’s illegal wars.

The US, along with coalition partners, has begun bombing ISIS and other terror groups in Syria. Syria has never attacked us and ISIS has never attacked out country. Yes, they murdered some Americans but they did not come to our home nation and attack us. Do I think we should avenge their deaths? Certainly but then again, I am not the problem.

The problem lies with those who were so vocal in their opposition to George Bush who now remain silent as their messiah attacks an enemy in a sovereign nation, one that did not attack us. The problem lies with those very groups who said we should not be at war and who told us to try and understand the other guy’s side of things.

Where are these groups now? Where is Nancy Pelosi? Where is Harry Reid? Where are the protest groups that were so up in arms about the Iraq war? Where are these people when Barack Obama is basically doing the same thing they attacked Bush for?

They are curiously silent on the matter.

George Bush got Congressional approval before he waged war and Barack Obama did not. George Bush told us exactly what would happen if we announced the date we were leaving and pulled completely out of the region and what he said would happen, did.

Barack Obama was against the war in Iraq and he campaigned on ending it. Barack Obama campaigned on what he perceived to be the lawless and unconstitutional acts of Bush and now he is doing the very things he campaigned against.

These people are hypocrites and it would do the nation well for them to lose their jobs in November (for those up for reelection). Barack Obama is a disgrace to this nation. Is he doing the right thing now? I think it is right to attack the enemy but I always did.

He did not. This is what happens when you have a progressive Alinskyite with no work experience, no military experience (and who actually loathes the military) and no real life experience running things.

Community organizers are rabble rousers, not leaders.

The left remains silent because it is their messiah who is doing the things they previously opposed.

We need to rally as a nation while we are at war but that does not mean we can’t question the integrity of the leader who took us to war.

If the nation had questioned that integrity during the campaign we might not have a hypocrite and first class amateur running things now.

And in all likeliness there would be no need for more war because the enemies would fear us.

No one fears Obama because he lacks anything resembling manhood and he is certainly not a warrior.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hillary Clinton Has Always Been A Radical

Saul Alinsky was an ends justifies the means person and his Rules for Radicals basically spelled that out. Hillary Clinton was a disciple of Alinsky and wrote her college thesis about him.

She had a close relationship with him, sought him out, communicated with him and he had strong feelings about Hillary so much so his secretary opened a letter from Hillary so she would not have to wait two weeks (Alinsky was away) for a response if there was an urgent matter.

Hillary downplayed her adoration of Alinsky and claims she did not agree with some of his tactics and ideas. In her book she claimed that those differences led to a parting of ways in 1969 just before she went to law school.

Letters that have been recently released show that Clinton did not part ways in 1969 (over differences or any other reason) and that she remained in touch with him up until his death in 1972.

The aforementioned letter was written by Hillary in 1971 and she expressed that she survived law school and was in California and hoped that she could meet up with Alinsky should he happen to visit the state. Her letter stated that she “would love to see [Alinsky]” and for him to let her know if there was any chance of the two getting together.

The words in the letter hardly paint a picture of a person who parted ways over differences. Instead they paint a picture of a person who was an admirer. Keeping in touch with glowing words is hardly evidence of a parting of ways.

Hillary Clinton is a radical and she will say or do whatever she has to in order to obtain and keep power. Hillary lives by Alinsky’s 12 rules and the only reason she did not win the Democratic nomination (and likely the presidency) is because Barack Obama was better at using the rules than Hillary was. Well, he was at least as good and he had darker pigmentation and spoke more eloquently than she did.

Make no mistake, all these left wing radicals follow these rules and they do so in order to take control of your life. While Alinsky might have discussed the haves and the have nots and the imbalance between them the one thing that is overlooked is the elitists. They are the ones who lord over the haves and the have nots and bring some kind of calm to the storm the radicals stir up.

Clinton and Obama are two of those elitist radicals and their goal is to pit us against each other and to lord over us.

Hillary was and still is a radical and while she whitewashed her radical past and adoration of Alinsky the recently released letters paint a much different picture, one that all the whitewash in the world cannot cover.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No To O’Malley for President…

Martin O’Malley, the Governor of Maryland, is thinking about running for the presidency in 2016. He has lived nearly his entire adult life in a political office and he does not want to get a real job so he is looking to move on up to another taxpayer funded position.

He wants to do for the nation what he has done for the People’s Republik of Maryland. The nation does not need that.

O’Malley has fudged crime statistics by changing how they are reported, he has infringed on our Second Amendment rights by imposing gun control laws that violate the right of the people to keep and bear arms (though he has armed guards around him all the time) and he has raised a number of taxes. In fact, O’Malley has never met a tax he didn’t hike.

The guy is worthless. When he talks he is lying and he should NEVER be considered for the presidency.

O’Malley likes to talk the same smack all the progressive morons talk. You know, about working together and pushing things for the poor. O’Malley does not work with the Republican minority in Maryland. He gets his Democrat sock puppets to push things he wants through and he uses his political appointments to help push his agenda.

He flip flops on any issue depending on political value.

He is an evil man who only does harm to the people. He is a typical progressive who thinks he must be involved in regulating every aspect of the people’s lives and that we are too stupid to live without his intervention.

He is a big supporter of open borders and giving illegals the hard earned tax dollars paid in by working AMERICANS. He is so hooked on helping illegals that he calls them New Americans. He supports their law breaking. The story that he opposed the illegals coming to Maryland is untrue. He did not want them going to a conservative part of the state because he was worried about their safety (Conservatives would not have treated them badly but would have worked to send them back).

Martin O’Malley is not a leader, he is not a problem solver and he is not a patriot. He is a statist who thinks big government funded through lots of taxes is the appropriate way to run a state and by extension a country. He does not follow the Constitution of the state or the nation. He is a progressive puke who thinks he knows better how you should live your life.

He is bad for America. Disregard him, ignore him and for all that is sacred…


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


IRS Follows The Law…When It Can

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told the Congressional Ways and Means subcommittee that the agency follows the law when it can. While being questioned he told members of Congress; “Whenever we can, we follow the law.”

Texas Republican Representative Kevin Brady told Koskinen; “I encourage you to follow the law in all instances.”

This follow the law when we can mentality is probably what led to all the law breaking under Lois Lerner. She was supposed to follow the law but she didn’t. The IRS is supposed to follow laws about backing up data but it didn’t.

The agency probably decided that it just could not follow those pesky laws.

How do you suppose the IRS would treat taxpayers who follow tax laws “when they can”?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Until You Run Out…

A quote attributed to Margaret Thatcher is; “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” For some reason the socialists don’t see it this way. It might be because the socialist politicians will not run out of their own money because any policies they enact would not affect them. Bernie Sanders is a socialist and he thinks we should tax the wealthy even more.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist, called for a progressive estate tax on multi-millionaires and billionaires during a speech on Saturday. Washington Times

It is not bad enough that the wealthy pay the bulk of the taxes, Sanders would tax their estates (wealth that has already been taxed a number of times) to pay off the bills. Well, that is what he says but it just means more money for government to waste.

The wealthy follow the tax laws written by weathy people in Congress and those laws favor wealth because Congress critters do not like to pay taxes. They like YOU to pay taxes.

The best way to reduce the deficit and pay off our bills is to reduce spending.

It would also do us well to reform the tax code so that ALL wage earners pay a flat tax. Then the wealthy in Congress could not write laws that favor themselves and their friends and then scream about some alleged loophole when they want more money.

Sanders is an idiot who probably needs instructions to breathe.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
