Not So Sweet, Another Tax

Democrats love to do three things more than anything. They love to lie, they love to tax and they love to spend. In fact, Democrats never met a tax they didn’t hike. Then they lie about the tax and spend the money taken in. Representative Rosa DeLauro DEMOCRAT of Connecticut introduced a bill to tax sugary drinks by the teaspoon. Yes, that is right, by the teaspoon. She wants to charge a one cent tax per teaspoon of sugar or high fructose corn syrup or any caloric sweetener.

[note]Democrats love to do many other things but these three are their favorites.[/note]

That would add about 16 cents to a 20 ounce bottle of calorically sweetened soda.

As usual, the reason for the tax is to save us from ourselves. You see, DeLauro wants to discourage people from drinking sugary drinks so they can improve their health because obesity, diabetes and a number of other problems caused by over consumption of sugar cost a lot of money.

She claims the money raised will be dedicated to research for these health problems but we all know that government does not honor the idea of money being dedicated for something. They will spend it on something else and then demand we pay more to fund what they stole. Think about the Social Security Trust Fund. If they had left the money alone there would be plenty for Social Security. They spent it and now they want more from us to cover their malfeasance. A number of dedicated funds meet the same fate and it will be no different if she gets her way.

In any event, this is not her concern. It is not the concern of anyone in Congress. What we do with our bodies is our business, right? I mean that is what they tell us about a woman’s body with regard to abortion. It is her body she can do what she wants with it.

[note]Big difference though, abortion kills an unborn child while consumption of too much sugar hurts only one person. I wonder how DeLauro feels about a pregnant woman who wants to consume sugary drinks…[/note]

So, if people want to drink sugary beverages that is their business.

What business is it of hers or anyone else’s for that matter?

Hmm, there is that thing called Obamacare. If government controls your health care it controls you and all that you do. The obese and diabetics among us are a drain on a fiscally unsound health care scheme.

So like gun control, which is not about guns but about control, this tax is designed to control behavior. If you thought you were free to do what you wanted then think again.

Maybe we should have a tax on the number of bills a member of Congress proposes and an additional tax on every word in the bill. It would have to be paid for by the member introducing the legislation and shared among cosponsors.

The money could be used to send them to classes on the Constitution, our history and the true meaning of freedom.

Better yet, it could be dedicated to removing them from office in the next election.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Jesse Ventura Is A Lowlife

That should probably be a given since he was a fake wrestler and then a politician. Yes, he served in the military and implied he was a Navy Seal but his service was long ago and somewhere along the way he forgot what honor is.

Ventura sued Navy Seal Chris Kyle over a passage in his book where he indicated he had knocked out a celebrity who he later identified as Ventura. Kyle was shot and killed so the suit transferred to his estate and today a jury reached a verdict awarding Ventura (real name James George Janos) 1.8 million dollars.

The verdict awards $500,000 for defamation and 1.3 million for unjust enrichment.

How did the jury determine, or better yet, how did Ventura prove that Kyle lied about the encounter? The passage in the book indicates Kyle knocked Ventura out for talking badly about the military and in court Ventura claimed that Kyle lied. Maybe he did but how did he prove it? Without a third party to corroborate the events it is just a he said he said issue and one of the people involved is not alive to defend his position.

The other thing is, how did Ventura merit 1.3 million because of unjust enrichment? It is highly doubtful that Kyle’s book sold because of the passage about Ventura.

While all of this is stunning it is even more disgusting that Ventura would sue in the first place and then continue the suit when Kyle died.

Ventura is a lowlife. It seems to me that perhaps Kyle told the truth and the guy who faked beating people up for a living did not like it.

Kyle died way too young and if there is justice in the world the verdict will be appealed and stalled for so long that Ventura joins him before he ever sees one cent of the award.

Ventura has written several books so perhaps he wrote something that he could be sued for.

Then again, someone would have to read the books to determine that so his money is probably safe.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Citizens Take Back Seat To Illegal Aliens

There are thousands of illegal aliens in Texas who are here, as the word illegal implies, in violation of the law. But that does not stop them from being placed ahead of citizens of this nation particularly those in McAllen Texas. In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation the illegals will be evacuated BEFORE the million or so citizens in the area are even aware that an evacuation is planned.

The emergency planners of the Rio Grande Valley are concerned about what will happen if a disaster takes place but they are more worried about the several thousand illegals than they are about more than a million citizens.

The plan that these so called managers have devised would be to evacuate the illegals before the general public (read citizens) are notified of the evacuation order. In other words the thousands of illegals are more important than over one million citizens (discounting that some of the people who will get a delayed notification might be illegal as well). The reality, in any event, is that the overwhelming number of people who will get the delayed notice are citizens.

The managers are worried that the illegals would get caught up in a traffic jam as people flee the affected area. There seems to be no concern for those who will actually be in the jam so long as it is not those here illegally.

If there is concern that the illegals might get caught up in a disaster I think they should be evacuated very quickly and it should be back to the nation from which they came. Right now would be quickly enough because, let’s face it, they are here as part of a Obama caused disaster.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Doofus O’Malley Chases Beretta Away

Maryland, led by Martin O’Moron and his band of merry idiots, enacted strict and unconstitutional gun laws in the state. Crime rates and crimes with firearms have not dropped but law abiding citizens are regularly infringed upon in direct violation of the Second Amendment.

He and his pack of idiots were warned that this would not be good and now, to quote Obama’s favorite pastor, the chickens have come home to roost. Beretta Firearms is moving its entire production facility from Maryland to Tennessee (look at the picture and tell me he is NOT a doofus) and the move will result in the loss of hundreds of jobs in the state.

O’Malley has lived off the taxpayer for nearly his entire adult life and he has never really run anything outside of government. His track record of running things inside the government is of failure. He has raised taxes time and again and he has trampled the Constitution as he plods toward a run for the presidency.

America, this half baked twerp is as bad as Obama. He has no real life experience and he is a progressive who believes in big government and keeping his boot on the throats of citizens. He is a jack booted thug who cannot see the error of his ways through his liberal colored glasses.

His policies have resulted in a lot of people voting with their feet and they are taking their money with them. Now Beretta is voting with its feet by moving to a more firearm friendly state where the right of the people to keep and bear arms is not infringed. Beretta will operate in a safer state because the people are armed.

Meanwhile the people of Maryland are sitting ducks for the criminals who do not obey the laws enacted by the moron and his henchmen.

There is no way O’Moron should ever be considered for the presidency. He is inept and he does not follow his oath. He tramples the Constitution and the rights of the people.

While all of that makes him an ideal liberal the only place he should be is in a federal prison.

Thanks Marty for chasing away the jobs. I know you want to be president but we already have a guy who is chasing the jobs away and that is not sitting too well with those who would like to have a job, not be bothered by government and live in a safe environment where the criminals do not have the upper hand.

By the way, are you interested in being president because you get more armed guards than you currently have? You are less important than anyone of the people in Maryland particularly those who pay your salary.

Why do you deny those folks the right to bear arms while you travel with well armed troopers by your side?

Choose wisely America. You selected dumbass Obama and that did not work out too well. Please don’t think about doubling down by selecting the Teflon Leprechaun.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


There Is A Health Threat From The Illegals

I know there are folks who think that the diseases entering the nation via the illegal aliens are no big deal and that we have diseases all across the country so it should not matter but it does matter.

Regions of the world have different disease profiles and many developed nations have eradicated or largely controlled many of the diseases common in other places. When illegals enter this nation or any nation in mass the potential for an epidemic increases and this is particularly true when large groups of people are housed in close quarters and receive little or no medical evaluation before they are secreted to other areas.

It is easy to dismiss someone who writes about it on a blog because regardless of his experience he is not there. But many doctors and nurses are there and they are reporting that there is a huge influx of diseases that could result in outbreaks of those that are currently well controlled.

Dr. Elaina George reports that there is a large incidence of TB in those coming in and many folks who are not showing symptoms are infected and contagious. Drug resistant TB is a major issue and carriers could be moving about the nation infecting those with whom they come in contact. Public transportation, schools, and households that take in the illegals are all at risk for an outbreak.

There are plenty of other diseases that will spike as a result of the invasion and they will have a huge impact on our health and our economy.

The costs of treating a TB outbreak alone would be staggering and the toll on the health of our citizens will be great.

Consider huge numbers of school children infected with TB, lice, scabies and how that would affect communities. Consider still, diseases that affect those in our country who are immunocompromised or have yet to be vaccinated. These populations could see a spike in mortality.

This whole mess is the result of failed leadership in Washington. The failure has been occurring for decades and involves both political parties. The current crisis falls squarely on Obama but the issue has been festering under many politicians who have refused to enforce our laws.

How many people need to become ill before the nation responds in mass and the so called leaders get off their ample rear ends and do the right thing?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
