Hobby Lobby Ruling Escalates Liberal Lies
Jul 2, 2014 Commentary
The Supreme Court ruled that private corporations who have religious objections to certain types of reproductive medications cannot be compelled to provide them. The liberal left has its collective panties in a wad over this and it has been out in full force lying about the decision.
The left claims that the ruling means women will be denied birth control. Let us look at this claim.
First of all, the Hobby Lobby ruling did not deny women access to any drug. The ruling only determined who had to pay for it. In other words, the Court did not deny women access to any medication and only stated that if they wanted those medications they had to pay for them with their own money.
Second of all, the ruling only concerned a certain class of reproductive medications. It dealt specifically with those medications that induce abortion and can terminate life.
In fact, Hobby Lobby provides 16 of the 20 reproductive drugs required under the Obamacare Law. Given that fact it is disingenuous to claim that this ruling denies birth control to women. The company involved does not deny birth control to women it only refuses to pay for drugs that induce abortions. Hobby Lobby provides the contraceptives but not the abortifacients. You see, a contraceptive, by definition, is a drug that prevents pregnancy. Once a pregnancy occurs any drug taken to end it is not a contraceptive, period.
But the left keeps harping on this subject as some kind of attack on women. Hobby Lobby pays a minimum wage that is nearly twice the federal minimum wage and offers great benefits which includes health care plans that cover 16 contraceptives ranging from condoms to hormones to implants.
It just will not cover the abortifacients. Women however, are still free to use those drugs so long as they pay for them with their own money.
And that is all the ruling says.
That, of course, is not good enough for liberals who believe that everything should be provided for everyone. With regard to reproductive medication liberals believe that anything a woman wants to use must be paid for by the employer or the government. We must, according to them, stay out of their wombs and mind our own business but at the same time they want others to pay for their medications.
My good friend Kender McGowan made a great point. Given the liberal position on providing a woman with whatever birth control she wants and also paying for that control Kender asks; if a woman decides to keep her clothes on as her form of birth control does her employer have to pay for her wardrobe?
A great point indeed.
The SCOTUS ruled correctly when it ruled that a privately owned corporation could not be forced to violate its religious beliefs. Birth control is NOT a right. Freedom of religion is.
To make matters worse the liberals are arguing that women must get birth control (something that is NOT required to live) while ignoring the lack of medical treatment and life saving medications our veterans deserve.
While liberals argue for free reproductive medications veterans are dying while waiting for care that is actually life saving.
And unlike reproductive medication, the care veterans deserve is care they actually earned.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: abortion, hobby lobby, liberals, lies, obamacare, religion, scotus
Public Health Crisis On Horizon
Jul 1, 2014 Immigration
The Obama Regime has allowed tens of thousands of illegals to enter this country and it is all part of his plan to overwhelm the system and crash the US. It is all part of the Cloward-Piven strategy and it will hurt us if he is successful.
His efforts to bring this great nation down a notch will have many price tags associated with it and one of those is in regard to our health. The people that Obama is allowing to come here are full of disease. They have scabies, lice, chicken pox, and who knows how many other communicable diseases. There is a real possibility that many of these people carry drug resistant TB. If that is the case we will se a big uptick in TB infections and they will be difficult and costly to treat.
The crisis is going to blossom because Obama is shipping these sick people all around the country. It was bad enough that he allowed them here and that he concentrated them in the border states but now he is shipping them all over the country which means these people can infect everyone they come in contact with. To make a bad situation worse, the illegals are being transported on public conveyances. They are in airplanes and buses with the general public or that the general public will use.
All those folks with lice and scabies on airplanes and buses means that many more people have the chance for being affected. If someone with TB gets on one of these transports than everyone on board is at risk.
How many people around the nation will get sick because of the Obama Regime’s lawlessness? How many people will be affected because Obama refuses to follow the law and because the toothless Congress refuses to hold him accountable?
If you use public transportation from buses, to trains to plains then you are at risk of infection from people who are coming here with diseases and who are allowed to enter unabated by the tyrant in the White House.
Is it any wonder the brown shirts at the immigration holding facilities have warned health care professionals not to discuss the health of these people under serious threat of arrest?
When will America stand up to this tyrant and hold him accountable? When will Congress grow a pair of testicles and strike back?
Be prepared America. A health crisis is on the horizon and Obamacare will not protect you from it…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: brown shirts, disease, health crisis, illegal aliens, lice, lies, scabies, tb
Want To Know How Screwed Up America Is?
Jun 24, 2014 Commentary, Political
America is on the way down spiraling out of control and the people who are supposed to be in charge, THE PEOPLE, are letting it happen. Voter turn out in Maryland was abysmal and two members of Congress from other states who should be in the old age home have been reelected.
Thad Cochran won his runoff election by soliciting votes from Democrats. You read that right, a Republican appealed to Democrats (Mississippi has an open election) to help him win reelection. There is no way this buffoon would have won if he relied on constituents in his party. This RINO behavior is why there was a big push to get rid of him. The uneducated low information morons in the state answered his call and helped him out. Of course another worthless POS, John McCain, showed up to campaign for him.
Cochran is everything the TEA Party opposes and with the help of Democrats he was reelected. Remember this in the general election Republicans. Vote for the other guy. You see, Democrats supported Cochran and helped him in the primary but they will vote Democrat in the general election. If you want to show Thad how much you appreciate him vote Democrat. Screw taking the Senate back if it means keeping this puke. The next time people tell you we have a two party system remind them of this race. There is no difference between the two.
The ethically challenged Rangel who is in his 80s and has been in Congress for 44 years was reelected. It appears as if the people in his district are OK with his criminal activity and ethical challenges. He has been abusing the system for decades and takes advantage of every perk there is. He loves living off your hard earned money.
He is a slick talking mac daddy who shows that you can take the man out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the man.
America is full of people who can’t pour water out of a bucket if the directions are written on the bottom. They pull levers based on name recognition and the letter next to the name (and this goes for both parties). They all think about what the guy promised to give them rather than what is best for the country.
Face it, the seat Rangel holds would still be Democrat based on the district. If the district had voted in a younger person who has not lived on government welfare (that is what a lifetime job in Congress is) they still would have had a Democrat in the seat. But they chose a guy who has committed illegal acts that resulted in his censure but would have certainly landed the rest of us in jail. He is a liar and a criminal and the people in his district still voted him back in office.
The only thing working in our favor is the age of these folks. Rangel and Cochran are in their 80s so the Grim Reaper will be visiting them soon.
When he gets there he can take McCain, Mikulski, and the rest of the lifers with him.
Too harsh? I think not. The only way to get rid of them is for them to die off so just think of it as G-d casting a ballot on the issue…
We are in a serious decline and we will be in serious trouble as long as idiots are allowed to vote and criminals are allowed to hold office.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: amerika, cochran, death spiral, downfall, lies, low information voters, McCain, rangel
Bill Clinton; Ambition Over Country
Jun 23, 2014 Political
Bill Clinton is the old sage of the Democrat Party. He is still very popular among the party faithful and if it were not for a young upstart named Obama Clinton might have made history as a president whose wife also won the presidency (though who knows, maybe McCain would have beat her). Anyway, Clinton does not like Barack Obama, at all.
[note]With Democrats it is party over everything. With Bill Clinton it is personal ambition over everything.[/note]
Clinton never forgave Obama for using the race card on Clinton and his ire was further fueled when it was learned that this was a strategy all along. Clinton does not like Barack Obama and thinks he is not a good president.
Bill Clinton has told people that he thinks Obama is unqualified and that he is making a mess of things. Of course this did not stop Clinton from helping Obama win reelection.
In 2011, about a year before the election, Obama’s numbers were not good and the economy was not improving (and it still isn’t). There was real concern among Democrats that he could lose the election. I think if the media had not helped Obama in at least one debate and if there was not widespread voter fraud (it is nearly impossible for one candidate to get all the votes and not possible for more people to vote than live in an area. It is also highly improbable that all registered voters would turn out in so many districts).
But I digress. The Obama team realized he was in trouble and told him he needed Bill Clinton to campaign for him. Obama did not want to enlist Clinton’s services because Obama does not like Bill Clinton. Eventually though, he asked Bill to join him for a round of golf.
Clinton accepted but he did not want to do it. Did I mention that Clinton does not like Obama (a common theme here)? Bill did it though because he wanted something in return for his help.
Clinton made it clear to Obama that Hillary would be running for the presidency in 2016 and that they wanted Obama’s support. They expected that Obama would at the least endorse her candadacy and then use his vast voter outreach program to help her. Obama was not really keen on that part of the deal but he needed Clinton to seal up a second term win.
Clinton gave a great speech at the Democrat Convention, a speech that riled Obama and his people because it took the spotlight off the chosen one.
In any event, Obama won reelection and this was, in large part, because Clinton helped him out.
The details are outlined in a new book by Edward Klein entitled Blood Feud; The Clintons vs. The Obamas. Klein gathered information from his vast network of inside sources to reveal life in the underbelly of DC politics between the Democrat’s two power families.
All of that is well and good. Anyone with eyes can see these people do not like each other. I am more concerned about this little issue;
Bill Clinton thought Obama was unqualified and not doing a good job. But he helped him out in order to get his support for Hillary in 2016. In a nutshell, Bill Clinton put his personal agenda and ambition over the best interests of the country. This is not some minor league issue where people scratch each other’s backs. This is a game where the top player makes decisions that affect the entire nation, the world, and our way of life. Obama started screwing the country up the day he took office and he kept digging after hitting rock bottom. Clinton could have declined to help Obama or endorsed another candidate for the good of the country but Clinton does not care about the country.
It should not surprise me because Clinton has already shown that he lacks integrity and that he puts his desires above all other things but I still have this idea that true patriots put the needs of the country first.
Then again, no one ever confused Bill Clinton with a patriot…
Bill sold out to help Hillary. Incidentally, Hillary sold out to give Obama cover after Benghazi.
These two are self serving and do not care what happens to the country as long as they satisfy their thirst for power.
It is really a shame because America can do better…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Clinton, hatred, lies, Obama, racism, self serving, sell out
Liberals Backtrack On WMD and War Powers
Jun 19, 2014 Political, Terrorism
It is amazing how politicians see things when their party is in power as opposed to how they see them when they are not in power. When George Bush was the president Congress gave him authority to use military force and about three of the nearly twenty items dealt with weapons of mass destruction (WMD). When it was reported that no WMD were found and when the war in Iraq was in chaos liberals started talking about Bush’s illegal war and that he overstepped his authority.
Fast forward to now. Barack Obama has made a mess of Iraq and his “greatest achievement” is falling apart as terrorists slice through that country like Hitler through Europe. He is considering military action in Iraq and Nancy Pelosi has indicated that he does not need to come to Congress for approval because the authorities are already there as a result of the 2001 and 2003 legislation that Bush used to engage in Iraq.
Pelosi told reporters that she agreed that the president has all of the authorities that he needs in the authorizations to use military force passed by Congress previously.
“All of the authorities are there. That doesn’t mean I want all of them to be used, especially boots on the ground,” she said. “But I definitely think the president has all of the authority he needs by dint of legislation that was passed in 2001 and 2003.”
She appeared to be referring to the authorizations to use military force passed after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the 2002 authorization to use force in Iraq. Neither of those authorizations have [sic] expired, although the official White House position is that the Iraq authorization should be repealed.
Obama is using, and Pelosi is supporting, the authorizations that the White House thinks should be repealed.
In other words, Pelosi and her liberal pals all said Bush did not have the authority to do what he did but that Obama has the authority, under the same legislation, to do what Bush did even though Obama thinks the authorization should be repealed.
This is how liberals think. They gave Bush authority and then said he abused it but now that Obama is doing the very same thing (or considering doing it) they say he has the authority.
Remember the claim that Bush lied about WMD? I told you then that a lot of the WMD made their way into Syria (where do you think Syria got the ones they used?) and that there was no doubt Hussein (Saddam, not Barack) stockpiled them. Some of them were declared to the UN inspectors and locked in bunkers. Remember the warnings about what would happen if they got into the wrong hands? But, but, he didn’t have any. Bush lied, people died.
Turns out that there are plenty of WMD in Iraq and while many of them have been degraded they are still lethal. The terrorists in ISIS have seized those chemical weapons.
Chemical weapons produced at the Al Muthanna facility, which Isis today seized, are believed to have included mustard gas, Sarin, Tabun, and VX.
Here is the CIA’s file on the complex.
Stockpiles of chemical munitions are still stored there. The most dangerous ones have been declared to the UN and are sealed in bunkers.
Although declared, the bunkers contents have yet to be confirmed.These areas of the compound pose a hazard to civilians and potential blackmarketers.
Numerous bunkers, including eleven cruciform shaped bunkers were exploited. Some of the bunkers were empty. Some of the bunkers contained large quantities of unfilled chemical munitions, conventional munitions, one-ton shipping containers, old disabled production equipment (presumed disabled under UNSCOM supervision), and other hazardous industrial chemicals.
There were WMD in Iraq when the US issued its ultimatum and Hussein moved many to Syria. The rest are in bunkers and pose a threat if they fall into the wrong hands.
Well, they have fallen into the wrong hands and now they will be used by the blood thirsty ISIS animals to harm many more people.
If they end up in the US you can blame Pelosi and all the other liberals who screamed about ending the war and that no WMDs exist and all the BS about Bush lying.
You can blame Barack Obama for the inept way he has handled everything in Iraq. His ego led him to believe that the bad guys will love us if we appease them.
How is that working out?
While Obama dances around like his ass is on fire and his head is catching Iraq is literally disintegrating before our eyes.
Now the bad guys have chemical weapons, the ones the liberals said did not exist, and they WILL use them.
Government officials are putting a great spin on this about the items being old and unstable and how they doubt they can be used to make chemical weapons.
Are these the same experts who told us that the terrorists were defeated, in shambles? Are these the same folks who said that Iraq was stable and we could leave? Are these the same people who have been wrong so many other times?
The belief is that the chemicals could not be safely moved. Really? Does anyone think that will stop the people who have just scored the Holy Grail of terror weapons?
The ISIS leader said he is coming for America (IN America). I bet now he will be even more motivated to do so.
If some of these chemicals make their way here you can thank the liberals and their policies for the deaths that occur.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.