Taxes For You But Not For Me
Jun 17, 2014 Political
Liberals love to talk about disparity and wealth redistribution. People like Barack Obama like to say that at one point he feels you have made enough so you should pay more in taxes as if he is the arbiter of what is enough. He is not alone in the liberal world. Bill and Hillary Clinton love to discuss how terrible America is with regard to taxes and how the evil rich people should just pay more.
[note]The wealthy in this country pay most of the federal taxes in this country.[/note]
The interesting thing about all this is that these liberals do not put their money where their mouth is. John Kerry selected the box on the MA state tax form to pay at the lower rate and docked his yacht in another state to avoid taxes.
Barack Obama diverts some of his money to his children to avoid taxes on it.
Bill and Hillary Clinton, the liberal dream team, use every part of the law possible to avoid taxes.
Take the inheritance tax. That is the one where the government taxes your estate at about 40%. This means that after you pay taxes all your life the money that you already paid taxes on is taxed again at 40% when you die.
The government snaps 40% off the top before your heirs get what you left them. There are some limits so that only the higher estates are taxed but this is the group that liberals have been after all along and it is the group that many of them are in.
The Clintons are well into the 1% with their millions of dollars and their income is in the range they target when they espouse their redistribution schemes.
But, and this is a big but, when it comes to their own wealth the Clintons have set up trusts in order to avoid paying taxes. This is not to suggest they are doing anything illegal. The tax code allows it (and ALL politicians ensure the tax code helps their own wallets) and I have no problem with that.
What I have a problem with is that the people who are always demanding that the rich pay more are the very ones who work to avoid that same fate.
All wealthy politicians work to reduce their tax burden (as well as the wealthy in general) so Bush, Romney, Buffett, Obama, and Clinton all work the tax code to ensure their burden is as small as possible. Even Harry Reid who famously claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes games the system.
The big difference for me is that Romney, Bush and other wealthy conservatives (or those at least more conservative than the liberals) work to lower the amount of taxes everyone pays so we can all enjoy the same breaks as they. Liberals, on the other hand, work tirelessly to increase taxes on the wealthy (and everyone else) in order to fuel their insatiable appetite for OPM (Other People’s Money).
If they are going to demand more be paid by the wealthy then they should pay the absolute highest amount possible and lead by example.
[note]Bill Clinton once said he did not pay enough in taxes as a rich guy but he sure works hard to pay as little as possible.[/note]
But they won’t because they are above the fray. They are special and we just don’t understand how it really is. You know, I even heard that Hillary and Bill left the White House dead broke. That little fact did not prevent them from purchasing a house that was more than a MILLION dollars or having one in DC that was about 5 MILLION.
No, they have no idea how life is for the real folks because these people have lived off the taxpayer for nearly their entire lives.
Now they take advantage of the tax system to avoid what they want to do to everyone else in their income brackets.
Can you say hypocrisy? How about elitist?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Obama’s Failure In Iraq
Jun 12, 2014 Military, Political, Religion of Peace
Obama ran as a guy who opposed action in Iraq and he vowed to remove our troops from that country as soon as he could. Once he decided to leave he announced it to the world and he did not entertain ideas about leaving security forces to ensure the peace.
The man who has never run anything and who has no military experience was warned that announcing a departure date was stupid because the enemy would know when the chance of running into American forces would end. It had the end date.
The bad guys also knew that if none of our forces remained then they would be able to regroup and attack.
That has now all happened. Iraqis in many parts of the country are being attacked and murdered by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (Isis). That group is taking cities at a fast pace and leaving murder and mayhem in its path. The decapitated heads of policemen and soldiers line the streets of Mosul as the carnage continues.
Sharia Law is being imposed and anyone who refuses or breaks the law will be murdered.
This is what Barack Obama has given the people of Iraq and it is because of his ego. He thinks the world loves us because he is in charge. He thinks all he has to do is make nice and others will do the same. The enemy knows that America does not have the stomach to recommit troops to Iraq after many years of war and it is taking advantage of our (Obama’s) weakness.
Members of Congress who fought in Iraq are wondering aloud what the point of their (indicating our armed forces) effort was if Obama was just going to allow it to disintegrate into chaos.
Joe Biden once said that Iraq was one of Obama’s great achievements. Well how great is the achievement now that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are being displaced and untold numbers are being murdered?
I don’t know what can be done for Iraq short of sending military assistance (drones and air power) but it is a good bet that we will not be sending ground troops. I am not advocating that but I know even if it were one hundred percent right to do so Obama would not. That would be admitting that his policies and what he did all resulted in failure and Obama does not admit his mistakes.
I am curious how many Democrats will be screaming that we need to do something to help those folks after spending years screaming about our involvement there and saying we needed to get out. How long before they blame George W Bush for the chaos? [UPDATE: That did not take long]
During the last presidential election debates Mitt Romney said it would be a mistake to remove all our troops from Iraq.
How many more times do his past utterances, ones ridiculed by liberals, have to come to fruition before people who worship Obama realize Romney was right and Obama was wrong?
How long before people begin to realize he does not know what he is doing?
How long before they realize the Emperor has no clothes?
How many people in Iraq will be murdered because Obama is a weak inept leader with no real experience?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: decapitated, failure, Iraq, isis, joe biden, lies, Obama, weakness
Make No Mistake, Obama Wants To Confiscate Firearms
Jun 11, 2014 Second Amendment
Barack Obama will tell you he supports the Second Amendment and he will tell you he does not want to confiscate your firearms but he is a liar. Barack Obama is lying about firearms related incidents by telling people that these incidents are off the chart. Well they are but they are off the bottom of the chart. The number of firearms related incidents is down and are now at their lowest in over 20 years.
[note]Obama says he wants common sense laws for gun control. He wants what he thinks is common sense to be imposed on a constitutionally protected right. Interestingly, he is against any restrictions on abortions. It is all about control.[/note]
Even Washington DC has seen a decrease in murders by firearm.
Interestingly, these numbers are down despite the huge increase in firearms ownership and the large stockpiling of ammunition. These numbers are down even though many states are shall issue states and some do not require a permit to carry a firearm either open or concealed. These numbers are all going down.
Except in places like Chicago where gun control is alive and well. In that city people are murdered with firearms all the time. They are murdered with firearms that they are not allowed to have.
How could that possibly happen and how could places where the Second Amendment is not infringed upon have lower firearms related incidents? How could DC have a drop in firearms related murders?
More guns equal less crime. Criminals do not want to try bad things in places where someone else might have a firearm and might actually use it. In DC the Heller decision seems to have given criminals pause.
The availability of firearms in free (or freer) places keeps crime down.
It is not gun control and it is not any kind of scheme where people are restricted as these schemes always lead to more firearms related crime. Once again, look at Chicago (and for that matter any place run by liberals where gun control exists) and you will see what happens.
Criminals simply do not obey the law.
Barack Obama is upset that Congress will not work on gun control measures so he has decided that he will do all that he can through executive action. Obama will circumvent Congress and the Constitution in order to infringe on a constitutionally protected right.
And his actions will not involve registration and background schemes. No, Obama will look for a way to ban and confiscate firearms. He has already given support for that kind of law.
Obama praised Australia’s gun laws that took effect after a mass shooting. Australia banned most types of firearms and confiscated them. There are still plenty of firearms related incidents in Australia (how can that happen when gun have been banned and confiscated) but that is beside the point. Obama praised Australia’s gun law and part of that process was the confiscation of privately owned firearms.
Obama would love nothing more than to confiscate all firearms but not because he thinks that will make us safer (people are not safer in so called no gun countries). He wants to confiscate guns because they are the means to resist tyranny.
Obama knows that he could not push too far (though the compliant media and testicle lacking Congress let him get away with too much) so long as people have the means to fight back. The standoff at the Bundy Ranch showed what well armed people can do to tyrants from the government.
The article in National Review is spot on when it indicates that Obama cannot praise the Australian Law without praising the mass confiscation program.
Obama envies the Australian government because it confiscated firearms. He wishes he could do the same and might just try some variant via executive action.
We need Congress to reel Obama in and stop him from his lawless acts. He is far more dangerous to this country than citizens with firearms.
Citizens who, by the way, will never allow their firearms to be confiscated…
Tags: abortion, australia, confiscation, gun control, lies, Obama
Obama Importing Disease
Jun 10, 2014 Immigration
It looks like Barack Obama is waging biological warfare on the American public by placing us at risk for infection. His policies have provided incentive for tens of thousands of illegals (mostly children) to cross into this country under the belief they will be provided amnesty and be cared for.
With those illegals comes a great deal of public health issues. Border patrol agents have already been infested with scabies and now there is concern that other diseases might reemerge here in the US along with their unwanted hosts.
“We are starting to see chicken pox, MRSA staph infections; we are starting to see different viruses,” said Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera said, ABC 15 reported. Washington Times
This is a manufactured crisis. The false impression Obama has given these young people and the families who send them is that they will receive amnesty. Additionally, Obama is having them sent to states where they are not wanted and where his government has battled to prevent enforcement of immigration law. He is ramping up this crisis so that he can demand action on immigration reform to help these people out.
He is preying on the sympathies of Americans in order to push a political agenda. Imagine how he will crow if some kind of reform passes. He will crow loudly and the illegal alien supporters, particularly the illegals in the Hispanic community, will rally to help him and his Democrats.
While he is doing this though, he is placing thousands of children at risk. He is also placing a lot of Americans at risk of disease.
He is allowing diseased people to come here and he is housing them like livestock in close quarters where disease will run rampant.
His is waging biological warfare on us.
Enforce our immigration laws. Put all the kids on buses or planes and ship them back to their home countries.
Then arrest Obama and Holder for trafficking illegal aliens and waging biological warfare.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: biological warfare, illegal aliens, lies, Obama
So Trickle Down Does Work
Jun 9, 2014 Political
The idea that when the people at the top make money the money trickles down has been attacked by the left for a long time. It is true that this happens as no poor man ever created jobs or had his money trickle to others. But for those who strike out and do well their prosperity trickles to the workers and those who get jobs. They get a paycheck and they can contribute to society.
I understand why liberals think it does not work. You see, they make lots of money but they keep it. They find ways to avoid taxes and they are not very generous with their own money (liberals are VERY generous with other people’s money).
Barack Obama has had his wealth increase quite substantially since he occupied the White House but that has not trickled down. While he was getting richer people were losing their jobs, having their houses and other property repossessed and have been in line for scraps at the welfare office.
But Obama is doing well.
Harry Reid has finally admitted that trickle down works. Harry and his wife sold their their house in Searchlight Nevada to a mining company for 1.7 MILLION dollars. There is no word on what the appraised value of the home is but I am willing to bet it is not nearly 2 MILLION dollars. This might be like other Reid deals where someone pays him through what looks like a legitimate transaction but is actually part of a shady process.
[note]Reid’s financial disclose listed his most valuable asset as property he owns in Bullhead City Arizona at between 1 and 5 million. Seems to me if this is his most valuable his house is not valued between those two number though he sold it for that much.[/note]
In any event, Reid claimed that the sale of his house will create 60 jobs. I assume this means that 60 people will be hired to work at the expanded mining property but since this is Reid the 60 new hires might be the HAZMAT team required to clean the stench from the place. It might be a 60 person team searching to ensure Reid did not leave any evidence of his past payoffs.
One thing is undeniable. Reid made a lot of money and now the result of that is a trickle down to 60 people who will get jobs.
It looks like money (in this case in the form of jobs) does trickle down from a wealthy guy to the people on the lower rungs of the ladder.
Perhaps the Koch brothers, whose money trickles down to tens of thousands of people, could point this out to Harry so he can stop obsessing over them and get back to working for the money the taxpayers trickle up to him…
Harry Reid has gotten very rich as a “public servant.”
It seems to me the only people he serves (beside himself) and those who are related to him.
Reid pays off his mortgage
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: criminal, Harry Reid, lies, shady deals, trickle down