Another Judge Without A Clue
May 19, 2014 Second Amendment
Imagine if a judge declared that you were only allowed to buy one book a month and that 12 books a year is more than enough. Also imagine that in addition to the limit on the number of books the judge allowed to stand a rule that some books were banned and in order to buy your books you had to go through an extensive and expensive background check and obtain a license to buy the books. Now imagine that once you satisfied these demands you had to (re)register your books every three years.
Sounds like an infringement on your right to participate in free speech. The government is not allowed to ban books or require you to register to buy them. The First Amendment allows people to sell even the vilest pornography and allows you to buy them (reasonable age restrictions aside).
A federal judge upheld a D.C. law requiring guns to be registered every three years, the requirement for fingerprints and photographs of the purchasers/owners and the limit of one handgun purchase per month.
Judge James Boasberg dismissed the challenge to these Draconian (and unconstitutional) laws. It seems that this judge feels it is his duty to decide what protects society and then rule based on his opinion. I am no legal scholar but it seems to me that a judge is required to rule based on the Constitutionality of the issue in question.
People in D.C live in one of the strictest places with regard to gun laws and, like their restrictive allies in places like Chicago, suffer the highest rates of crimes committed with guns. D.C. is not safer because of these gun laws and the way this judge handled the case shows not only he is a disgrace to the bench but he also has no concept of reality.
I am pretty sure how he would have ruled had the case been the scenario I described above and I am absolutely certain how he would have ruled if this case were about restrictions on abortions instead of guns.
The Second Amendment is part of the Constitution and the history regarding the inclusion of that Amendment leaves no doubt what the Founders wanted when they included it.
Unfortunately, we now live in a society where people like this judge dishonor our Founders by violating their oath in the name of feel good (though ineffective) laws that infringe on our very rights.
My advice to people in D.C is to move outside the city limits (but not to Maryland, another Socialist nightmare) to escape the tyranny.
Escape the tax burden and unchain the shackles of tyranny and be free.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: court, DC, gun control, judge, lies, oath breaker
It’s A Spending Problem
May 13, 2014 Political
The liberals and their RINO buddies will tell you that they need more money. We have a deficit, they say, because there is not enough money and they concoct schemes to tax us now, spend less later and then eventually tax us and spend more.
The problem we face is a spending problem. It is as simple as that and the government demonstrates it when it releases revenue numbers. No matter how much money the government takes in it ends up spending more than that. There are a few times (mostly in April when tax returns come in) where they take in more than they spend but they spend the excess in a matter of days.
This April was only slightly different in that the amount that came in for the fiscal year was a record. Get that? The government received a record amount of money for the fiscal year so far at 1.735 TRILLION dollars. Even though the government had this record revenue it still ran a deficit of 306 BILLION dollars.
So let’s be clear. The government claims it needs more money so it should raise taxes. When it gets more money it still spends more than it takes in. So the problem is not that it gets too little the problem is that it spends too much.
There are many duplicated services that the government wastes money on and there are many programs that are not covered under the Constitution and belong at the state or with the people so government spends more than it should or is allowed to. These programs coupled with countless pork projects and costly give always results in a deficit and adds to our 17 TRILLION dollar debt.
They got more money and they spent more money. It is not theirs and it does not come out of their pockets so why should they care?
They view us as an ATM and keep taking from us.
The next time some politician tells you we need to pay more in taxes remind that person that they got more and they spent more. Tell that person to cut spending to get things under control.
Speaking of wasteful spending, the government has spent over 5 BILLION dollars on Obamacare websites. For 5 BILLION dollars the government could have hired all the tech wizards from Amazon, Facebook and Google to develop a top notch website.
Five BILLION dollars seems like a little bit in the overall scheme of things but 5 Billion here and 5 BILLION there and pretty soon we are talking about a lot of money.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Perhaps The Focus At The VA Was All Wrong
May 12, 2014 Military
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel discussed the problems at the Veteran’s Administration and indicated that this is something that should have been looked at “years ago.” Hagel indicated that the problems did not start with current VA Secretary Eric Shinseki but have been a problem for a long time. Perhaps he was vaguely blaming Bush…
General Shinseki was nominated by Barack Obama to head the VA and carry out Obama’s pledge to fix the broken VA bureaucracy. If the problems are no better or are worse than Shinseki has fallen short of Obama’s goal. It is fairly simple, the issues were not fixed.
Secretary Hagel said that these are things that should have been looked at years ago (which is what Obama pledged) but it appears as if the focus was not in the right place in the Department of Defense.
Instead of working to fight and win the wars we are engaged in and instead of working to ensure the best system available for our wounded warriors the DOD focused on integrating homosexuals into the military. A lot of time and effort went into repealing don’t ask, don’t tell to allow openly gay service. Now the SECDEF is indicating that the military should review the transgender ban
The problems at the VA have been going on for a long time, and there is no doubt about this as Hagel has said so. If the DOD spent as much effort looking into these issues as it did (and is still) on integrating homosexuals it is possible the problems could have been fixed.
Instead, the warriors took a backseat to a politically motivated agenda that was designed to garner more votes from the homosexual community. The DOD played politics with the lives of those who were wounded while honorably serving in order to appease a political constituency.
It is a lack of leadership that allowed this to happen. They lost focus on our warriors in order to focus on politics.
The VA is in bad shape. It is government run health care and it is full of problems where no one is held accountable. The lives of our wounded warriors are at risk because of a massive government system that is poorly run and lacks leadership.
This is the future for everyone under Obamacare.
And no one will be held accountable for that either.
Unless, of course, we make them pay in November.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: backlog, hagel, lies, Obama, shinseki, transgendered, VA, warriors
How Did The Victim Die?
May 9, 2014 Commentary
The left is up in arms about the attempted execution of Clayton Lockett. He was being put to death when something went wrong and the execution was stopped. He ended up dying of a heart attack not long after.
Wasn’t the point to kill him?
In any event, the left wants us to know how cruel it is to put a convicted murderer to death and this case, they assert, points out how things can go wrong. The guy was in obvious distress and he suffered.
Oh the horror.
The left has not considered the way this guy’s victim died. He shot her and he shot her again but she continued to breathe so he had his thugs bury her alive. This was after the victim and her friends were raped and sodomized by the thugs.
Ann Coulter has a brilliant piece about this and she spells it out quite clearly. Lockett was not a nice guy; he was a thug who was brutally violent.
So he might have suffered a bit, big fricking deal. I am just glad he had the heart attack and died anyway or we would have his sorry butt filing lawsuits and claiming he had been abused.
I have no sympathy for the criminals, particularly the thuggish violent ones.
They can rot in hell. I hope Lockett had an out of body experience and saw a bright light from the flames of hell.
The victims and their families are who we should be concerned with.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: ann coulter, clayton lockett, death penalty, lies, suffering, victims
States Should Tell Feds To Take A Hike
May 8, 2014 Commentary, Political
The federal government holds states hostage to federal tax dollars. It works like this; the states collect tax money and send it to the federal government, then the federal government doles it out to the states.
This paradigm makes states dependent on the federal government and leads to coercion on the part of the feds.
If the federal government makes the speed limit 55 mph then any state that does not comply has highway funds withheld. If a state does not do what the federal government dictates with regard to health care then Medicare funding is withheld.
See how it works? They take money from the states and then force the states to comply in order to get any of it back.
The newest case of extortion comes from the federal government in regard to the state of Indiana. That state had the audacity to drop the Common Core standards. For those unfamiliar Common Core is billed as a way to teach for better results when it is really a mumbled mess that dumbs down students and teaches them to be dependent on government. Common Core will not prepare students to compete in the modern world. Common Core is indoctrination to the left’s view of things.
The federal government has told Indiana that it must prove that its standards are just as challenging as Common Core or its federal funding will be in jeopardy. It should not be hard to show that any program is just as (or more) challenging than Common Core but since the feds will decide there is no telling if Indiana will make the grade (pun intended).
[note]The only challenging thing about Common Core is making sense of it.[/note]
So Indiana faces losing federal funding for education. Considering there should be no federal funding of education (not in the Constitution as a federal concern) perhaps it is time for Indiana to take a stand.
Ideally the state would stop sending all federal taxes collected to the federal government until the feds left the state alone but that would cause problems for the citizens who pay those taxes.
[note]Technically, employers collect federal taxes on income and send them to the IRS so states would have to force employers to send the taxes to the state for disbursement. Might be a difficult task but it could be done. Any federal tax the state collects directly and sends to the feds could easily be withheld.[/note]
Perhaps Indiana should determine what amount of money the feds have been “providing” for education, determine what percentage that is of the total taxes paid in, and deduct that percentage from the amount sent to DC.
Indiana can tell the feds that the state is withholding the funds and will use them as it sees fit.
The same could be done by states that are forced to comply with some transportation related federal mandate (like speed limits). The state could collect the federal gas tax and hold it in escrow until the feds capitulate.
Force the federal government to stay in its own lane and stop infringing on the states.
Perhaps all states should start withholding the percentage sent to the federal government for unconstitutional programs and spend the money internally without it having to pass through DC. The Tenth Amendment is there for a reason and until states start pushing back the federal government will continue to infringe.
Time to castrate the federal government and bring the power back where it belongs; to the states or the people respectively…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: common core, constitution, education, indiana, lies, state's rights