A Good Guy With A Gun

A security guard at a McDonald’s in Baltimore (the city that bleeds) shot a man who fired at him inside the restaurant. It is not clear if the security guard was working at the McDonald’s (a sad statement about our society) or there to order a meal. In any event, someone shot at him and he returned fire. The would be murderer is in the hospital and will be charged with attempted murder when he is released. His name will be released at that time.

The security guard was armed as part of his job. He was allowed, under Maryland’s restrictive and unconstitutional gun laws that bar the average citizen from carrying, to carry a gun.

His job saved him and others because if he were some regular Joe he would not have been able to defend himself.

This is how Maryland works. It has a lot of programs to help people like illegal aliens, welfare queens and other Democrat supporters but it refuses to follow the Constitution so that law abiding, not otherwise restricted, people can carry a firearm.

[note]Disarming people is the best way to enslave them to tyranny[/note]

It is fortunate the guard was there (whether he worked there or not) because if he had not been people might have been killed. A criminal does not care about the law so gun laws do not affect him (want to bet that the guy who did this was not allowed to have a gun). Gun laws only affect, AND HURT, law abiding citizens.

Maryland should move to be a Constitutional carry state where people who are not otherwise prohibited (felons, mentally ill) can carry a firearm either concealed or open. If one passes the comprehensive background check (yes, contrary to what liberals tell you, this is required) then that should be sufficient with regard to carry.

Maryland will likely never get to that state because it involves freedom and Maryland is not free at all though, ironically, one of the nicknames of the state is The Free State…

The least Maryland should do (and likely will not without court pressure) is to remove the good and substantial reason to carry a concealed firearm.

Maryland is run by liberals particularly in the city and counties surrounding Baltimore and DC. These places are full of liberals who are enslaved to the government. They vote for liberals so they can keep their hands out to receive the fruits of other’s labor.

If Maryland were truly a free state then people could carry firearms which, in turn, would lower the crime rate. Criminals do not like to face armed opposition. The gunman in the story probably did not expect to see an armed guard. If he had known an armed person was inside he would probably have picked an easier target (and there are plenty of them in Maryland).

Things will not change until the population votes out the liberal cretins who have enslaved the people of the state and as long as liberal politicians plunder from earners to give to the gimmiedats there will be no such vote.

Is it any wonder that Maryland is third on the list of states people (47%) want to LEAVE?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hillary: Gun Rights Way Out Of Balance

Hillary Clinton was at the National Council for Behavioral Health conference and she addressed firearms in this country. She said the nation’s gun culture had gotten “way out of balance” and the idea that everyone could have a gun was not in the “best interest of the vast majority of people.”

Who is Hillary to determine what is in the best interests of people and, for that matter, how is she even qualified to make such a claim? There is no way to quantify this and it is nothing more than an emotional statement followed by a few examples of shootings, many of which were committed by people who were not allowed to own a firearm.

There is also a flaw in this claim that everyone could have a gun. The first problem is that not everyone can. Felons and the mentally ill are not allowed to own them. How do they get them? Some are not caught on the government background check (the same government that let the 9/11 terrorists in the country) and most buy them illegally. Just because something is banned, illegal or forbidden does not mean people won’t have access. I think the experience with prohibition demonstrates that quite clearly as does the problem with Heroin overdoses.

The second problem is the statement “could have a gun” as if a right is something the government is allowed to dole out regardless of circumstances. In other words, we have laws that forbid some folks from owning firearms because they have shown they should not have them. To Clinton government should decide if you could have the gun no matter what you have demonstrated.

If you are a law abiding citizen who is not otherwise prohibited you CAN have a firearm regardless of what Hillary thinks.

If Hillary is so willing to decide that the gun culture is out of balance and needs government action what other right will she infringe upon?

She had a real tough time of it when her hubby was caught having sex with an intern. Drudge broke the story. Hillary is getting a lot of press about her failure in Benghazi (she did not do too well with that 3 am phone call) so what if Hillary decided that the information culture has gotten out of balance and the idea that everyone can post information is not in the best interest of the vast majority of people? Perhaps people would need to jump through the same hoops they do to purchase a firearm. Perhaps information will be as regulated as firearms and the only people with access will be the politically connected.

What if Hillary decided that there are too many religions in America and religion is way out of balance and the idea that everyone could worship as they see fit is not in the best interest of the vast majority of people? Perhaps she will deem that there are too many religions and only certain ones are worthy to exist. Maybe she will force people to go through the same process to join a religion as to purchase a firearm.

Rights are not something the government deemed we could have and they are not something that government granted to us. They preexist our government and they are protected (not granted) by our Constitution.

This is the problem with liberals. They think they know what is best for you and who can blame them considering the number of people willing to be enslaved by the government?

Liberals want control and they know they can’t get it outright so they incrementally take rights away from a population too busy worrying about American Idol than what is going on in this country. Liberals keep upping the ante and then one day rights are gone because people sat by and allowed them to be eroded away by a tyrannical government.

I think, to paraphrase Hillary, the political class has gotten way out of balance and this notion that elites can make a career out of politics is not in the best interest of a vast majority of people.

The difference between our statements is I am correct.

I am willing to bet that the four Americans who Hillary allowed to be murdered in Benghazi would have loved to have a bunch of Americans (citizen or soldier) with guns the night they lost their lives because of her incompetence.

Hillary’s incompetence is responsible for more American deaths than all my guns combined.

And how many armed guards watch over her anyway?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hey Nevada, Thank Harry Reid

Harry Reid, the criminal Senator from Nevada, pushed hard for Obamacare. He was busy ensuring his labor union buddies in the casino world got their breaks and they ensured union employees went out to vote to keep ole Harry in the Senate. Obamacare is wonderful Harry tells us.

Well it looks like it will not be so wonderful for tens of thousands of people in Nevada as their premiums are set to go up between 35 and 120 percent. The younger folks will be hit hardest as their premiums rise by a huge amount in order to pay for the others getting subsidized health care. Insurance companies cannot stay in business if they do not have enough money coming in and the young, healthy crowd is the cash cow in the equation.

Local insurance brokers are reporting spikes ranging from 35 percent to 120 percent on policies that renew from July to December. The increases are especially acute among employers with workforces made up of younger, healthier men. That’s because Obamacare prohibits offering lower rates to healthier groups. It also narrows the allowed premium gap between older and younger enrollees. Las Vegas Review Journal

People will definitely have sticker shock. All the mush filled heads who voted for Barack Obama and Harry Reid will get just what they deserve. Unfortunately, so will many who opposed them and their madness.

Harry and his Democrats know that bad things will happen which is why Obama keeps delaying and changing things in Obamacare. He is trying to make sure the bad things do not happen until after the election in November. He and his minions (particularly those in vulnerable seats) are hoping that they can delay the pain until they are safely in their seats for another term (six years for Senators and two for Representatives).

Don’t be fooled people. You are going to feel the pain at some point. no matter how many times they delay the pain will eventually catch you.

Some of the expensive renewals will be mailed out prior to November so people will be hopping mad come Election Day. Look for Reid and the Democrats to do everything they can to prevent that from happening.

Please do not be gullible. If they delay the notifications until after the election the price increase will still come. It matters not when you find out, you will still get the same bad news.

Hold them accountable and vote every Democrat out of office. Send a strong message that they were wrong and that you are making them pay.

You folks who voted for them in the past and begged for government health care actually deserve to get screwed over badly but the rest of us should not be punished for your stupidity.

So let’s replace the tyrants with people who will do a better job and who will listen to the people.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


From The Frying Pan to the Fire

Remember Romneycare? You know, the government health care program in Massachusetts that Barack Obama said Obamacare was modeled after. Yeah, that Romneycare.

It was touted as some great accomplishment by Romney who had to defend why he opposed Obamacare when he did the same thing in MA. To his credit, the MA plan was a state initiative and other states are free to try similar approaches. The federal government overstepped its bounds by applying it to all states.

In any event, while Romney was trying to explain his health care plan and how great it was (despite its cost overruns and lack of insurance to many people) Obama was saying it was a great idea and he did nothing more than model his disaster after the disaster in Massachusetts.

Looks like Romneycare is an official failure:

Bay State officials are taking steps this week to junk central parts of their dysfunctional health insurance exchange — the model for President Barack Obama’s health care law — and merge with the federal enrollment site HealthCare.gov. Politico

So the Bay State admits that the exchange that Obama modeled Obamacare after is dysfunctional so to solve the problem MA will use the even more dysfunctional Obamacare exchanges.

While MA is technically only exchanging the exchange system (the meat and potatoes), if you will, the reality is the exchange is part of a larger and more dysfunctional problem. Massachusetts will scrap its bad exchange system for an even worse one.

Romneycare is a disaster. It costs way more than estimated, fails to cover everyone and has resulted in people not receiving health care services.

Obamacare is even worse and on a national level. The exchanges do not work, people are not covered, it costs nearly 2.5 times more than was estimated and it is not generating the enrollment from the demographic needed to support it.

Yes, the liberals in Massachusetts have decided that they should go from bad to worse and call it progress.

This is liberalism and big government in a nutshell.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Carney: We Have No Idea But You Are Wrong

Imagine if you owned a grocery store and you had no way of tracking what you received and what you sold. Now imagine you claimed that 1000 cans of peas had gone out of your store yesterday and when asked how many of the cans had been paid for you said you did not know (or you said you didn’t have hard numbers).

Someone with access to some information makes the claim that only 670 of them were paid for.

What would your response be? Would you say you needed to see how those numbers were derived or would you claim they were wrong?

Keep in mind, you have no idea.

Jay Carney, the Press Clown for Barack Obama did just this when asked how many of the 8 million people the administration claims signed up for Obamacare had actually paid. When presented with numbers in a report from the House Energy Committee Carney said the Obama Regime does not know how many signed up but that the Regime disputes the numbers.

How exactly can they dispute something if they have no clue what the actual numbers are?

Carney could have said they find the report hard to believe but would need the actual information to know.

Instead he basically said we have no idea but the others are wrong.

This is what passes for intelligence in DC.

It is bad enough these clowns are cooking the books (if 8 million really did sign up how many are people who did not have insurance before Obamacare) but after forcing millions out of their health insurance and then signing them up into Obamacare they not only claim they had 8 million sign up but that, while they don’t have a clue as to how many paid, the numbers presented by others is wrong.

We won a World War in the amount of time the Regime has had to build a website that would capture all this information and it has failed miserably.

Then again, this might have been by design. If they can’t tell how many paid (or other useful data to determine success or failure) then they can claim success without having failure pointed out. If we do not know we cannot tell you.

And if you have an answer you are wrong…

Oh, and it is Bush’s fault and you’re a racist…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
