Are Minorities Brainwashed Into Inferiority Complex?
Apr 23, 2014 Commentary, Terrorism
The Supreme Court upheld a Michigan law that banned affirmative action. The Michigan law basically states that race will not be used as a factor in determining who gets into college. In fact, the Michigan law does not allow colleges to ask the race of the applicant.
The race baiting poverty pimp, and government informant, Al Sharpton is rallying the black folks to do whatever it takes (you know, like riot and protest) to reverse this huge injustice. But what huge injustice is there? We are told that we need equality and a long hard fight was waged for that equality. The Republican Party led the way in ensuring that civil rights were made into law. While one can debate if it was necessary or Constitutional, the fact is we passed a lot of civil rights laws.
So if we want equality why do people of color have to be “more equal” based on their race? Should not one get into college (or anything else like the White House) based on merit and not skin color?
Not according to Al Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters who think that affirmative action is the only way to solve past injustices. In other words, there needs to be a continual advantage for people of color because of inequalities that existed before many of them were born.
One does not solve racial inequality by reversing the racism by giving a leg up based solely on skin color.
Then again, how would Al Sharpton make any money?
It is bad enough that Al uses the issue to provide a solution for a problem that does not exist but what is worse is that many people of color have been told for so long that they are inferior to white people that they seem to believe it. Why are there threats of riots and other civil unrest over the Court’s decision? Why are people fighting for an act that basically says people of color can’t make it on their merits so they need extra help?
It would seem to me that if people believed in equality they would jump at the chance to prove they are on equal footing and worthy of consideration based solely on their abilities. To paraphrase Martin Luther King, Jr., they should be judged not on the color of their skin but on their merits and abilities.
The problem is that many of these folks have been told for so long that they are not as good (and that is the message of affirmative action) so they need a little extra help.
When a state like Michigan says that race will not be asked and will not be used to determine admission folks who have been brainwashed into believing they are inferior get riled up by the race baiters, whose sole job is to keep people down by making them think they are inferior, and act on emotion.
If your scores are not good enough to get you in then your color had nothing to do with it. Perhaps if people (of all colors) spent more time learning and less time listening to people like Sharpton or skipping school to get involved in drug and gang activities they would achieve the scores necessary for admission.
Here is a wake up call. You do not need special treatment to get into school. You have the ability to achieve as well as anyone else regardless of color. There are many highly successful people of color who chose to study and do well in life and you can do that too.
First though, you need to tune out the likes of Al Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters. They will continue to drag you down while they get rich exploiting you (and Al might rat you out for something).
Affirmative Action is a bad program that needs to go away. It causes all kinds of problems.
Look at what happened when we got the Affirmative Action president…
I wonder if Harry Reid will call Al and those he incites domestic terrorists?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: affirmative action, Al Sharpton, civil rights, justice, lies, michigan, supreme court
Bill Clinton To Endorse Rangel, SURPRISE!
Apr 22, 2014 Commentary
Bill Clinton will endorse New York’s Charlie Rangel for his 23rd term. Rangel, as you might recall, is a tax cheat and has ethical problems to boot. He went through some rough times because of his illegal activities but Bill is backing him. It makes sense, in a way, because criminals tend to stick together.
Rangel supported Clinton through his impeachment and backed Hillary for her Senate run as well as her run against Obama for the presidency.
Bill is just returning the favor and it comes at an important time for Rangel because he has a strong challenger in the race.
State Senator Adriano Espaillat ran against Rangel two years ago and nearly beat him and how he is running again.
Perhaps the people of this Congressional District can get past the star power of Clinton and put country ahead of the politics. If they do Rangel will be shown the door.
Now there is nothing wrong with Clinton backing Rangel and there is nothing wrong with people voting for him absent wrongdoing.
But Rangel is a criminal and he is living large at the expense of the American people despite his criminal activity.
I guess ranchers who defend against Harry Reid’s shady deals are the only folks we can’t have breaking the law. I mean, has Harry ever said that we can’t have American Congressmen breaking the law?
Then again, Reid is a master lawbreaker as well.
All these old turds stick together and stink up the entire place.
Nothing would be sweeter than seeing Rangel lose big after Clinton’s endorsement.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: bill clinton, charlie rangel, criminals, endoirse, Harry Reid, lies, tax cheats, thieves
Sure Hope The Militia Stuck Around
Apr 15, 2014 Political, Second Amendment
I knew there was something fishy about the BLM announcing it was leaving the Bundy Ranch. The BLM and local authorities asked everyone to remain calm while the BLM packed up and left. The supporters were happy because they had “won”.
But did they?
Harry Reid said this was not over and now it looks like it is not. While the BLM was saying it would seek administrative ways to handle the situation events on the ground tell a very different story.
GOP Daily Dose is reporting that the feds are moving in with a Command Post, paddy wagons and lots of officers. The video posted at the site matches that narrative and gives the appearance that the feds are back and ready for war.
I knew the BLM was lying when it said it was leaving. It pulled back just to get the supporters to leave. Now the government is back with a larger force and ready for bloodshed.
I hope the militia members who arrived there stayed and I hope those who were in route did not turn around. The Bundys will need a lot of well armed militia to fend off the invasion that is no doubt going to happen.
My guess is an assault in the middle of the night with overwhelming numbers of armed, trigger happy federal agents. It would be a shame if they did not meet much resistance.
I truly hope the militia stayed and more showed and there is a huge force in hiding waiting for them when they come.
If the Bundys have no help there and the BLM assaults them there will be hell to pay. You can rest assured that no one will leave the next site and there will be a lot of short fuses on the freedom side.
I agree with the man who said they won’t fire the first shot heard round the world but they will fire the rest of them.
The link above has a still and a video of what is taking place.
God bless the Bundys and those who are there to help them. May they be successful in defeating this tyranny.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: armed agents, assault, blm, bundy, command post, lies, paddy wagons, tyranny
Eric Holder Plays His Favorite Card
Apr 9, 2014 Political
Eric Holder got spanked yesterday in a hearing before Congress and he did not like it too much. The reality is he was called out for his disregard of Legislative Branch demands and his contempt. Holder turned street thug by telling Congressman Gohmert “You don’t want to go there buddy” when Gohmert mentioned Holder’s uncaring attitude toward being held in contempt.
Well little Eric was at the National Action Network, the alleged civil rights group headed by rat Al Sharpton, to give a speech. Holder went off his prepared remarks and played his favorite card, the RACE card.
“I’m pleased to note that the last five years have been defined by significant strides and by lasting reforms. Even in the face, even in the face, of unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly, and divisive adversity.
If you don’t believe that, if you look at the way, forget about me, forget about me, if you look at the way the attorney general of the United States was treated yesterday by a House Committee, it had nothing to do with me, forget that, what attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? What President has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment?” Best of Cain
You see, Holder wants to know if any other Attorney General or President has ever had this kind of treatment. The implication being that Holder and Obama are black so they are being treated badly for that reason. Since he is a progressive and progressives are always pure his skin color must be the reason.
I am sure that the fact Holder has been involved in gun running (leading to deaths of American and Mexican citizens), has ignored the law, refused to defend federal law, and has lied never entered his mind. Yes, he was held in contempt of Congress but that has nothing to do with the way he is treated because he is black so that MUST be why it is happening.
Ditto for Obama. The guy is a disgrace and has no leadership ability (except to lead blind followers around by their noses) and he is ruining the country BUT it must be because he is black.
And I inferring too much from this? I doubt it since he was speaking at the meeting of one of America’s premier race baiting poverty pimps, Al “The Rat” Sharpton. Everything is about race when it comes to Al and Holder knows the audience will eat this up.
The reality is, Holder is a criminal and Obama is a criminal with no real life work experience. As an aside, Sharpton is a criminal who avoided jail by informing for the FBI.
I also point out that George Bush was treated as harshly by the left as Obama is by the right so Holder’s question is designed to elicit a response based on race while disregarding the facts. In other words, he does not expect an answer only an emotional response.
As for Attorneys General, perhaps Holder was stoned somewhere when Alberto Gonzales was AG. Gonzales was treated much worse than Holder. Perhaps it was because he was the first Hispanic AG?
Considering Holder works for a regime that is nothing but a house of cards perhaps he should be careful which one he plays…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Al Sharpton, alberto gonzales, Congress, eric holder, fbi informant, gun runner, lies, race card, treatment
Total Indoctrination
Apr 1, 2014 Commentary, Second Amendment
Progressives have been slowly changing the paradigm of how the nation works and they use propaganda to influence people. Simply stated, they indoctrinate people. While this has been a slow process that took baby steps over the decades we are now in full bore overload. Society is bombarded with propaganda and the educational system has jumped in with both feet to rapidly accelerate the process of indoctrinating our children.
For decades government programs have been introduced and they have been given great names and described as great causes to help people (or, the granddaddy of them all, to help the children). Social Security was passed off as a safety net to help people save for their retirement. It only cost a little and the amount taken would stay small. Your money would be there for you when you retire so you can enjoy life after work.
Ditto with Medicare.
How could people object to such a program? A little each paycheck gets set aside and when they retire, bam, they have money. The money paid into Medicaid will ensure they have health care in their Golden Years.
The reality is these programs were designed to enslave people by making them dependent on government. People did not save as much because they would get a Social Security check. People always figured that money would be there for them. Now the money is gone because government confiscated it and spent it on pet projects. The only way to get it back is to borrow money or raise taxes (or some combination of both). No matter the choice, we have to eventually pay for it. What this means is we pay for this program at least twice.
The people who are (or will soon be) on Social Security are enslaved and held hostage. The parade of horrors is presented and people do not like it. They are afraid that their money, the money they rely on, will not be there so they pressure politicians to raise taxes on producers to cover their current needs. They really don’t care how those working will be affected because they are only concerned about getting their check now. They are held hostage by government and used as pawns to advance an agenda.
The tax system originally did not include taxes on income the way it is done now. The government took care of that by getting an Amendment passed that allowed them to tax all sources without apportionment. Then government devised a scheme that takes a little of your money each pay for taxes. That way you will not see how much of your money they get. The system is further set up to redistribute wealth by sending tax refunds to those who paid little or no taxes. Couple that with people who get refunds and think they are getting money from the government and the indoctrination is successful. The evil rich are continually attacked and the people who pay no taxes are in line to get hand outs or get returns they do not deserve. Just keep my money coming.
If EVERY wage earner paid income taxes and if we were all required to write one big check each year things would change fast. But folks have been slowly trained to accept the current scheme so that they think it is no big deal. If you are not paying any taxes you think the world is grand.
The indoctrination continues with the erosion of the Constitution. The 14th Amendment was never supposed to give citizenship to babies born of people who are here illegally. But the practice has been too use that Amendment as if it did and then give citizenship to babies born of illegals and then pay the families all the wonderful government hand outs. People have learned to accept that scheme because government indoctrinated them with lies and laws that circumvent or ignore our Constitution.
The Second Amendment is under attack. It has been for decades and the attacks of the past have been slow and incremental. Push one law here, one requirement there and people will not object too much. Use tragedies to introduce some new infringing law and get support of the uneducated who are slaves to government.
The process has progressed rapidly here of late. The progressives have invented a term to describe a rifle and that term is “Assault Weapon.” Assault is an action and people take actions. A firearm cannot be an assault weapon any more than a fork can be an assault fork. Both items can be used by a person to assault someone but neither can assault anyone. But that term is used freely by the left so as to instill fear in people and make them want to ban such firearms.
The people are indoctrinated into the progressive belief that these firearms are bad and no one really needs them. The progressives lie about the Second Amendment to further indoctrinate the uneducated and low information people so that they will oppose these firearms. The goal of progressives is to disarm people so they can be controlled. The progressives use indoctrinated people to help in this goal.
It has been accelerated now under Common Core. Our children are being taught that the Second Amendment allows people to own firearms ONLY if they have government permission, are part of a militia and register them.
The Second Amendment says no such thing and any historical analysis of that Amendment will not show these to be true. In fact, the exact opposite is true. BUT, if the progressives in education can make our children believe these lies they will grow up believing that they do not have the right to keep and bear arms unless they meet criteria determined by government. In a few generations adults will come from the indoctrinated youth who were lied to in order to push an agenda of control.
[note]Teach children that homosexual behavior is normal and that marriage does not mean between one man and one woman and they grow up believing that it is perfectly normal for there to be two daddies or mommies and that the traditional family is obsolete. Indoctrination is then successful and society crumbles a little more.
Religion is another area where progressives are indoctrinating our children. The progressives continue to fight to get all aspects of religion, particularly Christian religion, stricken from society. Teachers attack children who pray or express their beliefs. Tell people often enough that religion is not allowed in government and they will believe it. The phrase Separation of Church and State is a prime example of indoctrination. People believe that phrase is part of the Constitution because they have been told that it was over and over again.[/note]
The State of Maryland had a situation yesterday at a university. An Active Shooter alert was sent out telling students and faculty to shelter in place (cower in place). This was done because someone reported seeing a person with a gun. How can a person with a gun be an ACTIVE SHOOTER if that person is not, ACTIVELY SHOOTING? No one reported shots. It was only reported that someone thought they saw a person with a gun.
Turns out there were two youngsters with BB guns (which are not firearms). They were not active shooters.
But by calling it this the university creates the impression that someone with a gun is an active shooter even if that person is not shooting. We get to a point where people are no longer allowed to display any kind of firearm because they will then be an active shooter. The indoctrination is successful in changing a definition and pushing toward getting rid of active shooters by getting rid of guns because any ownership of the gun makes one an active shooter.
There are plenty of other examples each day from unemployment numbers to Obamacare numbers. The lies about the numbers in each case are designed to indoctrinate people into the belief that what government is doing is working. The fact that the economy remains in the toilet and that the real unemployment numbers demonstrate complete failure are hidden under the rug to push that agenda. Get enough people to believe you are doing a good job and they will keep putting you and others like you in office.
We hear how 7 million people have allegedly signed up for Obamacare. The progressives tout this as a major accomplishment and say it proves Obamacare is working great and that people want it. The real story is not told. No one knows how many of those who signed up actually paid their premiums. No one knows how many of them were placed into Medicaid (welfare taxpayers foot the bill for) and no one ever discusses the reality that even if all 7 million paid in to real plans it is still failure.
You see, Obamacare caused 6 million people to lose their health insurance so at best there is a 1 million net gain. No one is discussing how many healthy young people are part of this group because they are not flocking to sign up. The entire mess is a failure but progressives hide the facts to fool the uneducated and to enslave people to government. Once the plan is in full force it will never be repealed and the progressives know that.
Obamacare will eventually get to where Social Security is. It will cost too much and be unsustainable but it will have enslaved so many people they, like the elderly, will be enslaved and held hostage by a government program.
Do not allow yourself and your children to be indoctrinated. Do not believe what government tells you. Government is not there to make your life easier or to provide for you. All governments eventually enslave their people and abuse them.
We have a whole lot of people who are already on the plantation and will have many more if we do not stay vigilant. Teach your children to reject the lies. teach them the truth.
Better yet, send them to private schools or home school them.
Our country’s future depends on free thinking people who are not mind numbed drones indoctrinated by the elitists.
Push back. The most powerful weapon in the world is knowledge. They can never take that away and they fear well informed people. Yes, firearms and the Second Amendment are important but the firearm is the tool. The person is the weapon and a knowledgeable person is the most dangerous weapon of all.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: indoctrination, lies, plantation, progressives, slavery