Democrats Have Been Telling Us To Do This To Ourselves All Along

A Rhode Island State Senator named Josh Miller, who is an anti gun (and oath violating) politician was confronted over his anti gun stance by Dan Bidondi of the truth Radio Show. Bidondi said to Miller; “The Second Amendment shall not be infringed, you people need to understand that.” Miller’s response was:

“Go fu*k yourself.”

To make sure it was understood Miller’s photographer leaned in and repeated Miller’s words. Bidondi responded to both men with the same answer; “Good comments sir, thank you.”

Miller has apologized for cursing at the gun rights advocate and said his [Miller’s] words were unjustified. So that makes it all OK, I guess. Truth be told Miller only said what he was feeling.

It should not surprise anyone because this is what Democrats have been telling us to do all along. Oh, they have not used those words but they were certainly implied and any reasonable person can infer them.

How so?

A majority of Americans did NOT want Obamacare, period. The Democrats (and only the Democrats) passed Obamacare so their message was:

“Go fu*k yourself.”

The IRS targeted conservative groups and kept them from having an impact or participating in the last election. This is something that many Americans of all stripes had a problem with. Folks like Elijah Cummings of Maryland are upset that the entire issue is being investigated. His (and their) message to those who did not like it:

“Go fu*k yourself.”

Americans overwhelmingly support the Second Amendment and do not want government infringing on the right protected by that Amendment. Some people in this country are OK with the infringement but the majority is not. Democrats keep pressing for tough, unconstitutional, gun control. Their message to LAW ABIDING gun owners:

“Go fu*k yourself.”

Democrats continually lied when they said if you like your doctor or health care plan you can keep them, PERIOD. When the lie was exposed their message was:

“Go fu*k yourself.”

Americans want energy independence and they want to increase our own production of those resources. They want the Keystone pipeline and they do not want the EPA and the Obama regime getting in the way. The Regime and the EPA keep doing things to keep our production down and our costs up. The message from them:

“Go fu*k yourself.”

The majority of Americans want the debt brought under control. They want limited government, reduced spending and lower taxes. They want social programs reduced and they want jobs so people can pay produce rather than consume money meant to run the government. The government, and this includes members of both parties, has increased the debt ceiling and continues to grow and spend like there is no tomorrow. They now have no ceiling on the debt. Their message to those who pay the bill:

“Go fu*k yourself.”

As you can see this sentiment is not limited to Miller. He was just the one who had the testicular fortitude to say it out loud. But make no mistake, these politicians (particularly Democrats) have been telling you to do this to yourself for a long time.

All of them in the House and a portion of those in the Senate are up for reelection in November as are huge numbers at the state level. These Democrats and their RINO assistants will be campaigning and they will ask you to vote for them so they can continue to do what they have been doing all along. They want you to vote for more of the same.

They want you to vote for them to do to you what they suggest you do to yourself.

But when they come asking for your vote you can respond then and on Election Day by repeating Miller’s words.

Here is a link to the video. WARNING: The vulgar word is not edited out.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Democrats Are Good At Pointing Fingers

We know that Democrats are good at blaming others for their shortcomings. Barack Obama displays this regularly when he blames George Bush for everything that is wrong and when he blames Republicans for things that he is responsible for.

Harry Reid is a typical liberal Democrat who needs to retire and yell at kids walking on his lawn. Reid is blaming the problems in Crimea on Republicans. It seems that Republicans held up aid to Ukraine because the bill includes changes to the IMF. Reid complained that the bill was held up prior to the last break and now that they are back at work the Republicans need to do something so we can show we are committed.

[note]If it was that important then why did they recess and go on a break?[/note]

Harry blamed the Republicans saying that their refusal to comply endangered our national security.

“As we begin debate on this aid and sanctions package, I also hope that the Republicans stopped action on this legislation prior to the break have considered how their obstruction affects our great country’s national security as well as the people of Ukraine who are struggling so very, very much,” Reid said on the floor.

Reid said that Republicans blocking action on the bill sent “a very weak message to the Russians” that the U.S. was taking its time, saying since the bill failed to advance, Russia has been aggressive in the Crimean region of Ukraine.

“It’s impossible to know whether events would have unfolded differently if the United States had responded to this Russian aggression with a strong unified voice, which we did not do,” Reid said. [Politico]

First of all the situation in Ukraine has little to do with our immediate national security (once again, if it does why did they go on break). The Russians did not attack us though their action might cause us to react because of treaties. They only thing they really did was demonstrate that we have a weak leader in Obama. Putin has made Obama look like a child on the playground of life.

That leads to the second point. The refusal of Republicans to act on the bill did not demonstrate weakness, Barack Obama did. He believes that all he has to do is speak and people will be hypnotized by his message. Putin was having none of that and, recognizing he was dealing with a weakling, pressed on.

The final point is that it is not impossible to know if things would have unfolded differently, they would not have. Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney warned of this years ago. They were both mocked and criticized by Obama and his cronies.

Turns out they were right.

Putin has known for a while that Obama is weak. He demonstrated that in the Syrian issue and he knew that he could outplay Obama on the world stage and that Obama would not have the testicular fortitude to do anything.

Putin was right and that, Harry, is why things happened the way they did. The Russians forced their will on the people of Crimea and are turning toward Ukraine to do the same.

You Harry, should understand forcing something on people who do not want it.

We call it Obamacare.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Spending IS The Problem

The reality is not that the federal government does not get enough of our money to spend, the reality is they spend too much of it. No matter how many times the government has some kind of record revenue (read more taxes coming in) it always manages to spend more than that number.

The biggest problem is that the federal government is an ever expanding entity that keeps taking on things that it should not and that it has no Constitutional basis for getting involved in. Each time government decides to add more to its plate it has to add more plates, more people, and more money. Its insatiable appetite for spending is why there is no money in the Social Security Trust Fund. Government looked at the money we paid in for retirement as a slush fund and issued worthless bonds and took the money to spend. Now it cannot pay back the money without taxing us more which, in effect, means we pay into Social Security at least twice.

Despite the terrible Obama economy the federal government took in a record amount of tax revenue during the first five months of this fiscal year. One would think that would be a good thing but the government spent more than it took in. So even with more revenue the government overspent.

Government has had a spending problem all along. When Reagan and Bush cut taxes the revenue to the Treasury went up. The government decided this meant it had more to spend and did so. The government never gave a thought to paying down the debt or balancing the budget.

[note]There are claims that Clinton balanced the budget and had a surplus. This is untrue. The revenue and expenses looked good on paper but the government did not follow the plan. The Treasury shows that we had deficits each year the budget was allegedly balanced. You can claim anything if you change the parameters after making the claim.[/note]

We are well past the time when government should be reigned in. We are well past the time where unnecessary, duplicated, and unconstitutional spending must end.

We are over 17 TRILLION dollars in debt (well over 100 TRILLION when unfunded liabilities are included) and that will go way up over the next ten years. We are in a crisis and it has to do with out of control spending.

Our government views us as an endless ATM but we are unable to pay our debt even if most of the wealth in this nation were to be confiscated. Until we get spending under control we will continue to spiral downward and when we crash it will make Greece look like a playground fight.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Feinstein Drones On

Dianne Feinstein has no problem with the government using drones. There is evidence that she is concerned about police use of drones without some kind of oversight but she has no problem with big government using drones to spy on Americans. She has no problem with the NSA spying on Americans.

That changes a bit when she is one of the Americans being spied on. There have been revelations that the NSA has been spying on members of Congress. That is not sitting well with people like Feinstein who have stated that we need such spying for national security.

[note]We need it for national security, the cry of tyrants everywhere.[/note]

It also appears as if Feinstein is not happy with unregulated drones that are used by private citizens to invade privacy, at least not her privacy. Code Pink folks were demonstrating at her home over government surveillance and according to Feinstein she looked out her window and there was a drone looking back.

It was probably some small craft that was privately owned (it was claimed that it was a toy helicopter) but it was invading her privacy and she did not like it.

So what to do what to do. Like everything else in life Feinstein thinks government needs to regulate private drones. You got that? It is OK, in her mind, for the government to use drones to spy on citizens but if citizens use their own drones to spy back well that is a different story.

Feinstein has indicated that we need to do this spying for national security. Well if that is the case then spying on members of Congress would be a better use of our assets with regard to national security. Congress is more dangerous to this nation than its citizens and politicians like Feinstein are the most dangerous.

This idea that citizens need to be regulated but government (or its elitists) does not should not surprise you. Feinstein wants to take every firearm from every citizen. She has called for a complete ban on guns and said she would confiscate them if she could. Feinstein authored the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

This is the same Feinstein who had a concealed carry permit in the past because of threats she received. She thought she would be safer carrying a gun so she got a permit (something that the average Joe in CA has a hard time doing) but she wants to take the firearms from everyone else. She is more important than us.

So it is no stretch to see how she would be upset that a group demonstrating government surveillance used the same kind of surveillance to make a point.

She did not like it one bit.

But only because it was directed toward her. When it is directed toward YOU it is necessary and we serfs should just shut up and bow down to our overlords.

But, but, Dianne, if you have nothing to hide why would you worry?

The morons in California will probably never vote her out of office. On a positive note she is 80 and time is not on her side…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Would Have Been Good To Know

If Obama had not lied and had said this in the beginning it would have been much better. In other words, this would have been good to know (though many of us knew it).

“For the average person, many folks who don’t have health insurance initially, they’re going to have to make some choices. And they might end up having to switch doctors, in part because they’re saving money,” said Obama in an interview with the medical website WebMD. The Weekly Standard

[note]No one is saving any money. It is costing way more than it was sold for…[/note]

But he could not say this then because it would never have passed. He needs to say so now because an election looms in the near future and his party might take a beating for Obamacare.

See, if he had listened to the sane among us we would not have this failure of a health care law and his party might be doing better.

Here is my word to the Democrats running for reelection:

If you like your elected position you can keep your elected position, period…..

I hope many of you lose your jobs.

Though you still have hope because of the low information voters who need to be led around by their noses.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
