Obamacare: Disaster by Design
Dec 9, 2013 Obamacare
Obamacare is designed to raise costs, cause cancellations and to put the health care system into chaos. It is not, despite any other claims, designed to improve things and it is not designed to make sure people without insurance get it. No, it is designed to fail but to do so in a way that makes it look like they really, no really, tried to make it work. It is designed this way so that Obama and his progressive cronies can push us into a single payer system where government completely controls the health care system.
This has been a dream of progressives for decades and now with the anointed one in office they are working overtime to ensure they get it.
Remember, Obama has always been an advocate for a single payer system with all its wealth redistribution schemes and health care rationing. Obama stated many times that he prefers single payer but he knows that he can’t get there all at once. It will take time.
Enter Obamacare. This fiasco was pushed through and it was designed to overload the system so that it will fail. It must fail but it must only fail after as many systems are in place to allow the easy transition to single payer. This is the entire game plan and it is what was intended from the start.
Obama and his progressive allies know that Americans would never give up their freedoms willingly so a direct assault would have ended in failure. The plan with Obamacare is to take things one step at a time until single payer looks like the last best hope for our system.
[note]“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf[/note]
In other words, Obama will wreck the system and then give us the only solution to save it and that solution, surprise, will be the single payer system that he has always wanted.
And many American morons will fall for it, will demand it and then will live their lives as chattel. They will be the property of the government an entity that will decide who gets what treatment and when. In a few decades we will be in line with countries that have second rate health care because Obama wanted it that way.
The fix is in. Obama pushed for Obamacare (a term he liked until it polled badly) and he made sure that the right members of Congress were paid off in order to secure votes. He got his Democrats to pass Obamacare and he did it without ONE Republican vote (Democrats own it). He needed it passed so he could push for single payer.
Obamacare is a bust. The issue with the website is just the tip of the iceberg. The system is heavy with regulation. It is extremely costly and it is not working the way they said it would. Obama and his minions lied to us to keep the disaster moving so he can get to the point of no return where single payer will be the only solution.
If you like your plan you can keep it, period. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period. This will lower your costs by $2500 a year. This will provide insurance to the millions who are uninsured.
The problem is these are all lies. Obama and his Democrats KNEW these were lies. They had to keep telling them so people would not revolt before the point of no return.
Now we are getting there. About 1.6 million people enrolled in Obamacare but nearly 1.5 million of them actually signed up for Medicaid. This will rapidly increase the costs the federal and state governments pay and it will bankrupt the system. Obamacare is designed so that the healthy young pay high premiums to subsidize the less healthy elderly. If millions of people (those healthy young) are enrolling in Medicaid then there is no money coming in to subsidize the elderly. Boom, the system blows up and Obama rides in with single payer to rescue us from the disaster he caused in the first place.
There is an excellent article in the New York Post by Michael Tanner that describes this. Another article in National Review by Andrew McCarthy explains the scheme to get us to single payer.
Both articles lay bare the myth of Obamacare’s intentions and show the dark truth that it is a very costly scheme to push us to single payer.
Obama might be a lot of things (and most of them are not nice) but one thing he is not is stupid. He knows what he is doing.
The problem is America is bent over holding her ankles while he is doing it.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: fraud, lies, obamacare, progressive, scheme, single payer, tyranny
GOP Senators Need To Go Nuclear As Well
Nov 25, 2013 Commentary
Only a few years ago Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and a host of other Democrats railed at the GOP proposal for the nuclear option. The so called nuclear option is designed to take away the filibuster and make it so only a simple majority is required for actions the Senate takes. In this case the issue was over judicial (except the Supreme Court) and presidential cabinet appointments and Democrats went nuts. The reason this came up was because Democrats were blocking the people George Bush wanted to appoint.
The Republicans eventually sat down and compromised with Democrats to avoid the nuclear option.
Joe Biden was one who screamed that he hoped to God when his party was in power it did not do what the Republicans wanted to do (exercise the nuclear option).
Well, the Democrats are in power in the Senate and last week they exercised the nuclear option. They grew tired of Republicans delaying and blocking the radicals Obama tried to appoint and those who he is trying to stack in the judiciary. Harry Reid and all the others (still serving) who lamented the end of the Republic when the GOP wanted to exercise the nuclear option gleefully voted for it. Barack Obama expressed his happiness that it was done even though he vehemently opposed it before.
Republicans in the Senate need to demonstrate testicular fortitude and exercise a nuclear option of their own. The Senate still requires unanimous consent for items to proceed and it requires 60 votes for cloture. Republicans should deny both. No matter what the issue is from immigration reform to naming a post office the Republicans should effectively shut down the Senate by refusing unanimous consent and it should ensure that there are never 60 votes for cloture.
The Republican leadership should tell Harry Reid that nothing else will get accomplished until the rules are changed back and any appointments made under the nuclear option are negated. The Republicans need to stand firm and ensure NOTHING takes place in the Senate. Without the Senate no bills can be passed and no budgets can be passed. Government will come to a halt until Reid gives in.
Eventually Reid will either capitulate or make the move to change the rules so that a simple majority is needed to get cloture or for bills to proceed.
If he changes the rules further then 2014 plays a big part of history. If the Republicans take the Senate back they will have free will to do a lot of things and if a Republican wins the White House in 2016 then Obamacare can be repealed by a simple majority vote.
Democrats took another step toward complete tyranny by exercising the nuclear option but Republicans can lob nukes of their own.
But only if they grow a spine.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: hypocrite, lies, nuclear option, Reid, Senate
The Overlords In Congress Have It Easy
Nov 21, 2013 Obamacare
They claim they are just like us and they pretend to be of the people but members of Congress are the overlords and they have a much easier time of things. This is, in part, because they are not subject to the laws they pass for us to follow. The Obamacare debacle is a primary example.
First of all they ensured they were eligible for up to 75% of their premiums to be paid for by taxpayers. No other worker is in the exchange with employer support. They are in and paying the entire freight or they are getting a tax credit (at the expense of taxpayers). Members of Congress voted to exempt themselves.
Now, they are not having any trouble signing up because they have special access phone numbers and people from the insurance companies sitting at the Capitol to help them get all signed up.
In addition, the lawmakers have a much larger selection of plans from which to choose. They have 112 Gold Plan options which is many times more than the serfs for whom they work have access to.
These cretins forced this on America and then ensured they were treated like royalty.
We need to vote them all out of office for this.
They work for us and we need to make sure they know that.
Of course they will flash some shiny beads during the next election and the low information voters will reelect them and then cry that they are getting screwed.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Congress, exempt, lies, obamacare, overlords, royalty, vote them out
Obama’s Example Screwed By Obamacare
Nov 20, 2013 Obamacare
Jessica Sanford of Washington State did not have health insurance for 15 years because the single mother could not afford it. She was self employed and received no child support so she was on her own.
[note]I question whether she was actually on her own. There are a number of government programs that provide for low income people, particularly single women with children. It is more likely that she is part of the huge number of uninsured who never took the time to sign up for one of the existing programs.[/note]
She went on her state exchange website and signed up. She was told that she qualified for a tax credit and she selected a plan she could afford. She was so excited that she wrote an email to Barack Obama.
I am a single mom, no child support, self-employed. And I haven’t had insurance for 15 years because it’s too expensive. I was crying the other day when I signed up, so much stress lifted. Weekly Standard
Barack Obama used her email at an event.
A funny thing happened on the way to Obamacare for Ms. Sanford. She first received notice that the tax credit quoted was too high and it was reduced which meant she had to pay more of her premium.
Then she received notice that she was not eligible AT ALL for a tax credit. She was responsible for the entire premium.
And that my friends, was an amount that she could not afford.
Now that they have her information and she has selected a plan I am willing to bet she won’t be able to cancel it. She should be able to because she was given incorrect information but that will probably not mean much. Even if they allowed her to cancel her information is on file so if she fails to select another plan she will be taxed for not having one.
She states in the article that for now, she won’t be getting insurance.
Here comes the tax man…
Obamacare is a disaster.
But then again, so is Obama.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: disaster, jessica sanford, lies, obamacare, screwed, tax credits
Unemployment Number Faked To Help Obama
Nov 19, 2013 Political, tea party
Just before the last election the unemployment number did a miraculous nosedive. At the time I along with many others (most of them, unlike me, are known entities) stated that the numbers were not real. We pointed out that nothing added up and that it would be nearly impossible for such a swing to happen. We pointed out that the other indicators did not support the unemployment number.
The left crowed about how wonderful it was and that Obama’s vision was finally proving true. All hail Obama.
Of course the number had to come down because people are not reelected to the presidency with high unemployment numbers.
Now we have a story that the Census folks (those paid to do the unemployment data gathering) fudged the numbers to help Obama. Sources claim that people were told to do so in order to help Democrats, particularly Obama.
This is illegal and the person or persons involved, from those who did it to those who ordered it, should all be prosecuted.
But these folks were good little SS troops following orders just like those at the IRS who targeted conservative/TEA Party groups prior to the election.
Anything for the Dear Leader….
The road to hell is paved with liberal policies…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: corruption, election, lies, unemployment numbers