Too Little Too Late

A new poll by the Washington Post/ABC News shows that if the 2012 election were held today Mitt Romney would have an edge over Barack Obama 49-45. Perhaps this is because the lie Obama told to get reelected has now been revealed and millions of Americans are getting screwed because of it.

There were lots of lies by Obama in 2012 and we are seeing that many of the things Romney predicted, which were dismissed by Obama and his obedient media, have come true. Romney was right about foreign affairs and he was right about millions of people losing their health insurance. Obama dismissed all of this and he received cover from the media that was so eager to see him reelected.

This change of heart among voters is too little too late. They needed to be engaged before the last election and they needed to do their own research. They needed to cut through the bull and recognize that Obama was not being truthful.

Instead millions of voters were either eager to get their free health insurance (which is not so free) or were happy to keep what they had voted for Obama because he said things they liked and he was not some evil Republican.

Mitt Romney was not the most ideal candidate for the job but he was many times better than Obama. Mitt got things right while Obama lied to get reelected.

It is obvious that Obama knew he was lying but did it in order to continue his path of destruction in America.

There are a lot of liberals who voted for Obama who are now lying in that path of destruction. They have been used and are now discarded and suffering the consequence of Obama’s lies.

Democrats loved to tell us that Romney lived in the past and his ideas were decades old. While this characterization was off the mark one can only wonder how much better off we would be if we lived based on the lessons of the past.

One thing is certain; America’s future under Obama will not be so good.

But hey, at least they have their Obamaphones…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Was Not The Only One To Say It

There is a lot of hype about Barack Obama’s promise that if you like your insurance you can keep it and there should be. He lied to us dozens of times when he knew all along that he was doing do. He should be held to account for this but he is not the only one to say it.

A number of Democrats also spouted this lie and they knew they were lying when they said it. They need to be held accountable for their words and some of them can be. A few are retiring and some are not up for reelection but many on the list at the linked article are up in 2014.

The ones up for reelection lied to our faces and did not really care what impact their lie or the law would have. All they cared about was getting it passed.

Now that it has passed and their lie has been exposed along with the dismal failure of the roll out they are running around like their heads are on fire and their asses are catching. They are pretending to care about us. They are working hard to fix the problem they knew existed and that they knew would happen but that they lied about.

They are doing this in order to win reelection because they are running scared. If they can fool people then they can continue to screw people. Remember, they only care about their political careers.

Breitbart News has compiled a list of the Top 10 Senate Democrats who should follow Obama’s lead and apologize to the American public. These particular lawmakers either went all-in on the false claim for partisan reasons or were in a position to know that millions of Americans would not be able to keep their health insurance.

Read The Article Here

If these people are your elected officials then be sure to vote them out of office. They lied to your faces and they allowed criminal schemes to be used to get a law that is harming our nation. They have shown their disdain for the voters and 2014 will be the chance for voters to send them packing.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obamacare Is Settled Law, So?

The left keeps telling us Obamacare is settled law and it should be left alone. That is, of course, unless B. Hussein Obama wants to alter it to help his friends. He is OK with granting exemptions and delaying certain provisions that help donors or base groups. He, I might add, is not allowed to change a law but then again the Constitution has never gotten in his way.

To strengthen his argument Obama tells us that John Roberts (an alleged conservative) and the Supreme Court have told us that Obamacare is settled and therefore we must leave it alone.

This guy is supposed to be a Constitutional law professor but he never gets it right. The Supreme Court only stated that Obamacare was Constitutional, not that it had to be left alone. The Court is charged with deciding if something is legal, the Congress is charged with introducing and changing laws and it has that authority no matter how long a law has been in place.

[note]It is also important to point out the SCOTUS violated the Constitution when deciding Obamacare. The Court rewrote the law to make the penalty a tax and thus make it legal under Congress’ taxing authority. The law never calls it a tax; it calls the money a penalty. Remember, Obama was vehement that this was not a tax (until it was).[/note]

In any event, we are supposed to just sit back and allow Obamacare to destroy the nation because it is settled law. Well a funny thing happened on the way to Obamacare, the Democrats who rammed it through are now in a bad position because it is not working and millions of people are losing the plans they like and were promised they could keep. The rollout of the exchanges was a disaster and the website will likely not be working correctly by the end of November as Obama promised. Democrats want to change the law, you know the one that is settled and must be left alone.

When Republicans were debating the budget issues they pushed for many things. One of the compromises was a year delay of the individual mandate. The Democrats refused to negotiate and allowed the government to shut down over the issue. Now that things are going badly many of them (particularly those up for reelection) are seeking a delay of a year in implementing many parts of Obamacare including the individual mandate. Think about it. Democrats refused to do this and allowed the government to (partially) shutdown and now they are asking for it in order to protect them in the next election.

I like the way Obama and his toadies scream about settled law. Why is it that a settled law means nothing to them when they don’t like it?

Case in point, the Second Amendment. The law regarding arms has been settled law since December 15th, 1791 and yet liberals, including Obama, keep trying to change it.

The Second Amendment protects a preexisting right for an individual to keep and bear arms. This is only in dispute from those who want to get rid of firearms. History, SCOTUS rulings and the writings of the Founders all make it perfectly clear that individuals have the right to own and carry firearms for personal protection and any other legal purpose.

But liberals are not happy with this settled law. They want to change it even though it has been in effect just shy of 222 years.

So don’t fall for the mindless prattle of liberals who declare Obamacare settled law that can’t be changed.

You can change any law. Obamacare can be changed by Congress and the President and the Second Amendment can be changed by the people (through the Amendment process).

Ironically, liberal/progressive/socialists want Obamacare upheld and the Second Amendment repealed for the very same reason.

To control people.

[note]This video shows black conservative leaders discussing gun control[/note]

This is how tyrants work. Control people’s lives (like their health care) and remove their means to fight tyranny and you can run roughshod over them.

History is full of examples of this.

Let’s not allow America to be added to that list.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



ACORN was the community agitating group that worked for liberal causes and helped people to register to vote multiple times. It is the group that was allegedly disbanded because its workers across the nation were caught on video telling people how to lie in order to hide illegal activities and avoid paying taxes. Acorn was “destroyed” by these actions.

[note]Destroyed as ACORN. The group is still working on lots of things and being led by the same people.[/note]

The videos in question were shot by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles. O’Keefe has been doing these kinds of stings for a few years and has caught a lot of wrongdoing.

O’Keefe has set his sights on the navigators of Obamacare. In his most recent videos an investigator records workers telling people how to scam the law. A navigator tells the investigator not to report he is a smoker or he will pay a higher premium (“You lie because your premiums will be higher”). A navigator also tells the investigator, who claims to have unreported income that might affect his subsidies, not to report it now.

“You lie because your premiums will be higher,” one navigator advises an investigator for O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, who tells the worker he sometimes smokes. “Don’t tell them that. Don’t tell ’em.”

The investigator then poses as a low-income worker at a university who has unreported cash income on the side, worrying about how that might affect his premium subsidies. That’s no problem for a navigator, who says, “Don’t get yourself in trouble by declaring it now.”

“Yeah, it didn’t happen,” another navigator says. One more chimes in: “Never report it.” National Review

It looks like the name has changed but the players are still the same.

Not only that, the lies and the cheating are still the same. These people should be in jail.

Of course it goes without saying that this is all by design…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Was Misleading; Ya Think?

Representative Kurt Schrader of Oregon said that Barack Obama was grossly misleading on Obamacare according to an article at the Weekly Standard. He further stated that Obama was very misleading on the claim that you could keep your plan if you like it.

Schrader voted for Obamacare and he supports it. He makes it clear that he thinks the problems with the roll out will be fixed and that those problems will be way in the past.

I think he means that they will be in the past when Election Day comes next year. Many Democrats are hoping that Obamacare can get its feet on solid ground and the problems lessened or solved early on so that they have plenty of time to recover before the 2014 election. You see, the reality is that they do not care how it affects people they only care how it affects their ability to remain in office.

Conservatives warned that these problems would happen. There were plenty of warnings that Obama was not telling the truth about keeping plans. There were plenty of warnings that the plans under Obamacare would cost a lot more than plans people already had. There were plenty of warnings but Obama and his toadies said Republicans were trying to scare people.

Many conservative radio and TV hosts warned that these things would happen.

Now you know why Obama told people they should not listen to talk radio or watch FOX News. If they had they would have been informed about what was taking place.

And let’s face it, the last thing a Democrat/Socialist/Progressive needs is an informed electorate.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
