Obamacare Is A Losing Proposition For Democrats

In the 2014 midterm elections a lot of Democrats will be in for a shock when, for the first time in their miserable lives, they will have to get a real job. They are running scared right now and they have a reason to. They thought that the government shutdown would help them and when it first happened that appeared to be the case.

Terry McAuliffe won the election for Governor of Virginia but he barely eked it out. When the month of October started he had about a 12 point lead over his Republican opponent. McAuliffe raised 15 million dollars more and outspent his opponent about 2:1.

Then the partial government shutdown ended and the media focused on Obamacare and the disaster it has been. The failure is there each time something is tried and it is obvious that Democrats lied to America by supporting Obama and his you can keep it if you like it mantra.

Ken Cuccinelli had the deck stacked against him. He did not have the money and the left spent a lot lying about him. To top it off the Democrats paid for a person to pretend to be a Libertarian (his entry into the race and his backing paid for by an Obama bundler) to siphon votes. The votes the pseudo libertarian got would have propelled Cuccinelli to victory.

Be that as it may, the reality has set in. Obamacare wiped out a 12 point lead that McAuliffe had. Exit polls show that a lot of people are not happy with the whole mess that is Obamacare.

Cuccinelli had no support from establishment Republicans and the establishment’s new darling, Chris Christie Kreme refused to even campaign for him.

With all that going against him Cuccinelli almost won because of Obamacare.

Democrats can crow about a win in Virginia but when they are in their quiet places out of the public’s sight they are worried. They know that they are vulnerable because of Obamacare. All of them are on the record voting for the law and the very items they were warned would cause millions to lose their coverage thus giving us the lie of keeping it if you like it.

They cannot hide from their votes and they cannot defend what they did.

There are a number of Democrat Senators who are in trouble and any Democrat House Member in a red state (or specifically a red district) is worried because support of Obamacare will come back to hurt them.

Unless of course, Democrats find more phony third party candidates to help them along the way.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Barack Hussein Obama LIED

And he is now lying to cover the lie…

There is no getting around the facts and the facts show that Barack Obama lied to everyone about being able to keep insurance plans and doctors. As Marc Thiessen points out, Obama’s people knew the statement that if you like your insurance plan you can keep it was a lie. Obama and his regime took the decision to keep telling the lie in order to get Obamacare passed and in order to keep momentum while it was being implemented.

Barack Obama is now out telling people he never really said if you liked your plan you could keep it. He is telling people that what he really said was if you like your plan and it has not changed since the law was passed, well then you could keep it.

This is a lie to cover up the first lie and that is ALL that it is. Obama lied to people on nearly 30 occasions when he told them that if they liked their plan they could keep it. He did not provide a caveat. In fact he emphasized his statement by adding the word PERIOD to the end. The truth is he made the statement and he made it an absolute by adding the word period to the end. He further stated that no one will take it away NO MATTER WHAT which further cements the statement as an absolute.

“If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

Is there any way that any reasonable person could listen to this and conclude that there were ways to lose a plan that was liked? Is there anyway a person who heard this would think well I might lose my plan if it changes?

The answer is no because Obama and his team decided to lie in order to get what he wanted and to keep Obamacare rolling.

Let me be clear again, Barack Obama LIED. He did not misspeak, he did not make a mistake he was not in error, he LIED, PERIOD and the fact he lied will not change, no matter what [he now says] (see how I did that).

His people knew that Americans would lose insurance coverage and Obama knew that people would lose coverage. They decided to lie about it.

[note]Here is a video of Obama denying he said if you like it you can keep it. From the article; “What we said was you could keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed,” he told Obamacare’s political beneficiaries and contractors.

That claim is not supported by his videotaped statements, which don’t include any mention of his new “if it hasn’t changed” exception.[/note]

Obama LIED. [Here is another video of Obama LYING]

Democrats are entirely responsible for Obamacare so they are just as culpable as Obama for the lies. Not once did any Democrats stand up and tell us that Obama was not being truthful. None of the Democrats who are now pushing for a delay to Obamacare’s individual mandate stood up and supported that when Republicans wanted it during the budget negotiations. The refusal of Democrats to speak up led to the government being shutdown. The Democrats who shutdown government for political reasons while neglecting constituents are now calling for a delay to save their own careers. Keep that in mind when you vote next November.

[note]In Virginia you all should keep this in mind today as you vote. Terry McAuliffe supports Obamacare and wants to expand it even further in Virginia. Do not vote for him![/note]

We now have Democrats pushing for a law that basically says if you liked your insurance you can keep it despite Obamacare. These Democrats are pushing to solve a problem that they helped to institute. They are pushing to do something to help the millions of people who are losing their insurance despite Obama’s promises because they are worried how it will affect them in next year’s election.

Here is a question for you. If Obama always said that you could keep your plan if it has not changed (which he is now claiming despite the evidence to the contrary) then why would Democrats need to introduce legislation to allow people to keep their plans? If Obama was above board then all of this should not matter.

Answer: Obama LIED and he is now trying to cover the lie with another lie. Democrats in Congress are trying to cover their asses by introducing legislation to undo what Obama swore would not happen.

The sad thing is that there are still members of the media who support Obama and cover his lies. The sadder thing going on is that there are people in this country who still believe Obama and now believe him when he says he never told them they could keep their insurance PERIOD. They believed the old lie and now they believe the new one.

Here is what Obama should have said:

If I like your insurance you can keep it.

It would have been accurate. It would have reflected what Obama and his people knew all along and isn’t that how tyrants are supposed to talk anyway?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


News From Around The Asylum

The Blame Game

Barry Barry bo arry banana fanna fo fairy, fee fi mo marry, Barry.

Every day is blame day in DC as Barack Obama finds someone or something to blame. Everything that happens that is bad is the fault of someone or something Barry chooses to assign blame to. George Bush is a favorite target of Obama who blames all that is bad on Bush even though the blame lies squarely on Obama’s shoulders.

[note]Obama always takes credit when good things happen. To hear him you would think he was the one who killed Bin Laden.[/note]

Today Barry is blaming the “bad apple” insurance companies for people having their insurance cancelled. The linked article points out that fact checkers have ruled that Obama lied (they use the term not being truthful) about being able to keep your insurance if you like it. Obama claims that the terrible insurance plans offered by bad apple insurance companies are the culprits because they were too cheap and dastardly to offer the generous plans Obamacare requires.

Never mind that people put those plans together, liked them and could afford them. No, his majesty B. Hussein Obama has decreed that they are not sufficient to meet your needs and they must go.

But it isn’t his fault the companies cancelled you. It is the insurance company’s fault for offering substandard plans. It matters not to Obama what you like or what you want because you are too stupid to know what is good for you.

Pelosi Says No Deals If Your Taxes Being Raised Are Not Part Of The Deal

Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that House Democrats will not support any agreements to end the sequester that do not include new revenue. New revenue is political speak for taxes. Nancy Pelosi refuses to address the sequester cuts unless she gets to raise taxes. To Nancy, who said the cupboard is bare, we do not have a spending problem, we have a “revenue” problem. In other words the budget mess is not because government spends too much it is because it taxes too little.

Pelosi is a typical progressive in that she never met a tax she didn’t hike. Couple this with her refusal to make actual cuts in spending and you have the recipe for a disaster and that disaster is currently sitting at 17 TRILLION dollars.

The reality is we have plenty of money coming in and would have tons more if the 90 million people who have dropped out of the workforce were employed. Think about that for a moment. If the people counted in the 7.2% unemployment number plus the 90 or so million who have quit looking for work were employed we would have over 100 million people paying taxes which would increase the amount of money taken in quite a bit.

I think I agree with Pelosi in that we need a tax to make things work. My idea is vastly different than hers because she undoubtedly wants to tax the rich even more. I think Republicans can tell Nancy they will agree to a tax increase and then submit a plan that taxes the 47% of workers who pay no federal taxes. When Pelosi cries about fair share and all the other BS she spouts she can be reminded that paying nothing is not a fair share.

Hell now is a great time for Republicans to push a flat tax that everyone pays. Make the tax rate a flat 11% for each and every wage earner. We could eliminate most of the IRS and filing taxes would be so easy. Eliminate ALL deductions and charge people 11% of all income. Then eliminate the Social Security and Medicare taxes (11% of all income will pay for those programs) and include a provision that the rate cannot be raised unless 75% of Congress votes to do so and it must be raised for all wage earners. In other words, any tax decrease or increase must apply to all wage earners. That should stop them from raising taxes so willingly.

The last thing to do is include a provision that any tax money over the amount required to run government must go to pay the debt until the debt is eliminated.

It would be nice to include a provision for a balanced budget but it is unlikely that would have teeth without an Amendment to the Constitution.

Imagine how Pelosi would react if she is promised a tax increase and then that increase includes everyone.

Put it back on her. If the tax increase does not include all wage earners then there is no deal. Or in Obama parlance, no negotiations.

I guess being a terrorist holding people hostage with a gun to their heads is OK as long as it is a Democrat doing it.

Speaking Of Revenue And The Budget

More proof that we do not have a “revenue” problem but a spending problem is revealed in the latest news. The budget deficit in the US is at a 5 year low. The government took in 2.77 TRILLION dollars last fiscal year but it spent 3.45 TRILLION. So even with increased “revenue” government failed to cut spending.

The progressives will tell you that all the cuts that can be made have been made but this is a blatant lie. These people use baseline budgeting and have a number of programs that are on autopilot.

“We’ve made a lot of fiscal progress in the U.S. because of the sequester cuts, tax rates going back to historic norms and the economy improving,” said Bricklin Dwyer, an economist at BNP Paribas in New York. “Politicians have, thus far, avoided the most difficult choices — addressing unsustainable spending on entitlements such as Medicare and Medicaid.”

There are programs that are duplicated all over the government. In some cases there are dozens of agencies that do the same things. There are billions of dollars in waste and unnecessary spending that could be cleaned up to take care of the shortfall.

Until we make the government smaller and get adults running the show things will only get worse.

While a report like this lets the sane among us know the problem is our government spends too much, the progressives will say it indicates we need to tax more.

I agree. See the above item…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Democrats Lied To Us

The Obamacare rollout is a failure and millions of people are losing their insurance plans because those plans do not meet the requirements of the new law. Despite being told that they could keep their plans if they liked them, people are losing what they like and are being forced to have no insurance or to accept plans that cost a lot more and provide coverage that contains unwanted items.

Even though Barack Obama promised people that they could keep their plans if they liked them the truth is people who like their plans are not getting to keep them.

People are upset at this and believe that they were lied to and they would be right. Yes, it would be easy to say that Obama and the Democrats simply did not know and that might have merit since none of them read the bill before it was passed. Hell, Nancy Pelosi told us that they had to pass it to see what was in it.

Wouldn’t that be like being told you had to buy a house before you could look at it to see if it meets your needs?

In any event, information is creeping out and it tells of a regime that lied to our faces. Steny Hoyer, the worthless Congressman from Maryland, admitted that they [Democrats] knew that some people would not be allowed to keep their plans. His explanation is that the President failed to provide the caveat that you could keep your plan IF it met the Obamacare standard.

Hoyer contends that the promise that you could keep it if you liked it was not misleading. Hoyer believes the message from Obama was accurate.

[note]If they were not deliberately misleading us then why didn’t any Democrat step up and clear things up when Obama said we could keep our plans if we liked them? If they were not trying to be misleading, wanted to be accurate and knew that some wouldlose their insurance why didn’t they say so? You know the answer to that.[/note]

So tell me Steny, how can you say it was an accurate message when millions of people are losing their coverage? Only in DC can such an obvious issue befuddle a politician. Hoyer is being a good little toady and spinning this turd as best he can but the fact is Obama LIED.

Yes Steny, Obama LIED. He was not accurate and he most assuredly was misleading because you all knew that people would lose their coverage.

You all also knew that any coverage offered would cost more and this is why the regime changed the function of the website so that people had to sign up and provide all their information BEFORE they could get a price. You all knew that if the price was up front people would close out the website and not sign up for Obamacare.

Democrats are trying to spin this by saying that people are being transitioned or that they are getting something better but the undeniable truth (OK, a Democrat will deny it) is that the regime knew people would lose their insurance and continued to lie to them stating they would not.

A report today indicates that thousands of Maryland residents could lose insurance because of Obamacare.

In true Obama style the White House is blaming insurance carriers.

It is interesting to me to see all the people who voted for Obama and who supported Obamacare calling in to shows or reporting in the papers that they lost their coverage. I love seeing them whine that they have to pay more and they love the idea of everyone having insurance as long as they are not paying for it out of their own pockets. Typical liberals; love to spend someone else’s money. Give everyone everything as long as they don’t have to foot the bill.

I am enjoying seeing people who are waking up to the fact they were lied to and used. I love seeing them express frustration at having to pay more money they don’t have for something they don’t want all because they trusted the guy who lied to their faces.

They should have listened to the rest of us.

Enjoy the cat food morons (can you buy that with food stamps).

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obamacare Bait And Switch

If you like your health insurance you can keep it, period. These were the words of Barack Hussein Obama and those words were repeated time and again as the snake oil salesman pushed the passage of the (UN)Affordable Care Act, aka, Obamacare. Obama assured people that they could not only keep their plans but their doctors as well.

Now, as Obamacare stumbles out of the gate millions of people are losing their health insurance coverage. People, who like their plans, are being told their plans will be cancelled because they do not meet the minimum standards of Obamacare. Those grandfathered in are dropping like flies because the HHS wrote rules to ensure folks grandfathered would eventually lose their plans as well.

Barack Obama and his regime all knew years ago that millions of people would lose their insurance and be forced to go without or to sign up under the Obamacare exchanges. THEY KNEW IT. Even so, Obama was out telling people they would not lose their plans.

Now there are cracks in the wall of Obamacare as people are being cancelled because they don’t have plans deemed acceptable to Obama. The original you can keep it if you like it mantra contained no caveats about plans not meeting a standard. Obama simply stated that if you like it you can keep it.

Now the regime is throttling back on some of that rhetoric and claiming that MOST people will keep their insurance. Jay Carney, the Obama spokes puppet admitted that some folks will not be able to keep their insurance.

The regime is saying that people will get better insurance or that what they had was inadequate. My question is according to whom? The government is claiming that these plans are not adequate for those who have them but the people chose them and decided that those plans were what they wanted and were adequate for their needs.

It all boils down to; who is better qualified to decide what is adequate, you or the government? How can government decide what is best for individuals? People know their own situations, their own health and their own needs as well as their ability to pay. People should make their own decisions when it comes to what they purchase.

Government no more belongs deciding what is adequate for a family with regard to health insurance than it does deciding how many children a family should have, what size house it should live in or what kind of car it drives.

These are personal choices and should be left up to the individual.

Those choices should also include NOT buying health insurance. My only condition is if one chooses not to have health insurance than that person is responsible for the bills generated for health care received. How they pay for it is their business so long as they pay for it.

Other than that the choice is theirs and theirs alone.

As an aside, that is my position on having children. Have as many as you want as long as YOU pay for them.

[note]Why is a woman’s body hers and hers alone with all decisions affecting her body made solely by her but the rest of us are not free to choose what we do with our bodies and for that matter with our lives in general? We should be as free with our health care decisions as women are with decisions affecting their bodies and government should give our choices as much weight.[/note]

Unfortunately we live in a society where personal freedoms are being eroded each and every day. The government intrudes in our lives more and more and each time there is an intrusion freedom slips further away.

I am capable of running my own budget, deciding what kind of car to drive, whether I need health insurance or not and what kind I need if I choose to have it. I do not need the government to interfere with those things. Neither do most people.

Look at how members of Congress and the rest of the elected government live their lives and then ask yourself if these are really the folks to be deciding what is best in your life.

Barack Obama and his regime knew all along that people would lose their health insurance and yet they kept telling us if we liked it we could keep it.

They lied to us and it is up to us to take them to task for that.

Those who fail to fight for their freedom deserve the weight of the chains that will hold them in bondage.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
