600 Million Dollar Failure

The Obamacare website is a dismal failure. It has crashed and burned from the moment it went live and there is no doubt that it was not ready for prime time. The Republicans worked to get the individual mandate delayed for a year but Democrats would not negotiate. They flat out said no and that a delay would NOT happen.

Now, of course, a bunch of them are working hard to get that very delay so that they will not suffer on Election Day next year.

The partial shutdown took attention away from the Obamacare roll out but now that the government is back to 100% the focus is more on the Obamacare failure. Even Saturday Night Live took a shot at the failed roll out.

Imagine how much pressure would have been taken off this mess if Democrats had been willing to negotiate. Imagine how much less of a sting there would have been if they would have agreed to delay the individual mandate. People would not have been pressured to sign up and the regime could work to get the thing fixed.

The bull headed approach the Democrats took is now biting them in their posteriors.

Now that they insisted that things go forward they are seeing that over 600 MILLION taxpayer dollars were wasted to write a program that uses old technology and is full of security holes. A friend of Michelle Obama is prominent in the company that received the no bid contract to produce the website and it looks like they will get even more money to work on fixing the garbage they created.

How much more of OUR money will government throw at this project to get it running correctly?

An article in the New York Post indicates the entire website might have to be scrapped and rebuilt from scratch.

So Obama spends over 600 MILLION dollars on a project that will be scrapped and rebuilt at even more cost to the taxpayer.

Everyone involved in this should be put in jail.

The nightmare for Democrats is that people are becoming frustrated and not signing up. Those who do get through are seeing such huge costs that they are not selecting plans. What this means is that there will not be the millions of young, healthy people paying to provide for the older and less healthy among us.

Obamacare is going to cost multiples of what they told us and it will collapse under its own weight.

This is by design as Obama wants a single payer system but will anyone with a brain (excludes his supporters) actually trust him after he failed to deliver on his signature plan?

I have been reading about all the liberals who have had their insurance cancelled and have discovered how much more they will have to pay under Obamacare and I find it funny that they are surprised. They seem to think they can keep their plans like Obama promised and they are surprised to find out they are paying more to support others. To a person they exclaim how excited they were to have Obamacare pass so that everyone could have insurance but that they did not think THEY would be paying for it.

Typical liberals, no idea where money comes from and perfectly happy giving stuff away as long as they don’t have to pay.

I hope they end up eating cat food so they can suffer for their foolishness.

You see, pain is a great teacher and these folks need to suffer.

One last thing. If you think the roll out is a mess wait until you have to actually get care. That will make the roll out look like a stroll in the park.

When things like this happen people always say “I hate to say I told you so.” I don’t feel that way.

I take joy in saying I told you so…

The Weekly Standard

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Proof Democrats Shut Down Government For Politics

When the continuing resolution was being debated the Republicans offered to continue to fund every part of government except for Obamacare and when that did not fly they offered to fund every part of government if the individual mandate was delayed for a year. That did not fly. Keep in mind that Republicans passed all the appropriations bills needed to run government last spring but Harry Reid did not address them so we went into the last minute crisis mode.

This was by design and was part of the plan orchestrated by Valerie Jarrett in order to shut down government and blame Republicans in order to gain a political advantage in the 2014 midterm elections.

The Republicans finally capitulated and took some token concessions in order to pass the CR and at the same time extend the debt limit.

[note]The debt limit is actually a misnomer because there is no cap at the present. In fact, it is quite possible, if Obama spends at a weekly rate he has since government reopened, we could add 5 TRILLION dollars to the debt (for a total of 22 TRILLION) by February 2014. In other words, we could have 5 TRILLION more in debt in four short months…[/note]

One thing that took a back seat to the PARTIAL government shutdown was the rollout of Obamacare. It has been a disaster and now that the government has (FULLY) reopened we are hearing endless stories about how terrible this thing is. The media are trying to run cover for Obama and the Democrats but that is not working well as even they can’t lie enough to cover the truth.

The number of people who were able to enroll is a small fraction of that needed in order to have success. The website does not work and when someone actually gets in they are shocked at the huge increase in cost for health insurance.

All those folks who thought they were getting free stuff are now getting sticker shock. Some are refusing to sign up opting to pay the penalty. Others have refused to try or have quit trying because the website does not work.

With all of this going on Democrats are open to the idea of delaying the individual mandate so that things can be worked out and people will not be penalized for being unable to access the portal.

Keep in mind that none of the Democrats came forward during the budget process to support Republicans in getting a one year delay. It is important to keep that in mind because these Democrats remained silent preferring that government shut down rather than allow a one year delay.

The major problem was in the Senate where NO Democrats (with the possible exception of one) came forward and said they would support a one year delay. They dutifully stood with Harry Reid and helped shut down the government for political gain.

Now that the government has reopened with no delay in Obamacare ALL Senate Democrats who are up for reelection in 2014 have suddenly voiced their willingness to delay the mandate. Some want a 6 month delay, some until January 2015 (after the election) and others even longer.

Many of these Democrats are in conservative states and expect to have a battle in the next election. They are now doing whatever they have to in order to keep their jobs.

Here is the reality in a nutshell:

When they could have acted to delay Obamacare when it would have benefitted their constituents they refused to act. Now that they succeeded in shutting down the government and laid that on Republicans they are willing to delay Obamacare’s individual mandate but not to help YOU, to help them keep their jobs.

Be sure to remember that they put their own interests above yours when Election Day rolls around.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Save The Best And Brightest For Last

Barack Obama and his regime spent over 600 MILLION dollars for the Obamacare exchange websites and the accompanying software that runs (ahem, tries to run) them. A Canadian company that had been fired by the Canadian government for missing deadlines was given 5 or 6 times the original contract estimate (a no bid contract at that) and about two and a half years to get things right. Millions of lines of code later and the thing is a total flop.

So Obama and his peeps have called in the best and the brightest in the tech world in order to rescue the monstrosity. There are reports that the entire thing needs to be rewritten and that people will miss deadlines for signing up.

Not to worry though, the IRS will still tax you for not having insurance.

The big question I have is why didn’t they get the best and the brightest to begin with?

It is always more difficult to step in and clean up a mess made by people who do not know what they are doing than it is to start from scratch. These best and brightest will have to step in to fix something that was written poorly and that did not work.

Once again, why didn’t they get the job to write it in the first place? Perhaps this was a political payoff to an Obama friend? It is well documented that Obama has no problem throwing billions of our hard earned dollars at the failing ventures of his friends (think solar energy companies and electric cars) so why wouldn’t that hold true here? Hell, Obama did not put it out for open bid, the very thing Democrats screamed about with regard to Halliburton.

I guess when the messiah is doing it then it is OK.

Perhaps though, Obama selected a failure of a company because he wanted the thing to fail. Obama has made it clear that he would prefer the Socialist dream of a single payer system where government pays for all health care (and rations it out) while increasing our taxes to pay for it. Obama and his Democrats have not hidden their desire to have a single payer system and Obamacare is their first step.

They passed a monstrosity that will cost a fortune. All they need is to laden it with burdensome regulations and ensure it costs too much for most people to afford and then make sure it does not work and people will be demanding action.

Once everyone starts getting socked with taxes (not penalties, ask John Roberts) for not having health care insurance, all because they could not use the flawed software, then those folks will scream. They will be burdened and demand that government step in and fix the problem (a problem government created in the first place). In steps Obama and his toadies saying the only thing to fix this is single payer.

Boom, insurance companies go out of business, taxes go up for everyone, government completely controls health care (and your lives) and many people smile as they become slaves to the government.

Liberals smile at their successful transformation to Socialism and know they will be the overlords who are exempted from the system.

It is all part of the plan. We had a chance to defund it and the RINOs blew it by caving.

So now it will take even more force to get rid of it.

Which will happen as soon as people take the advice of a member of Congress and follow the example of veterans who took control of the government and showed it who was boss.

We can do that as a people.

The question is do you have the stomach to do it?

You don’t need to be the best and the brightest to see what is going on but you need to have the ability to use your own brain…

CS Monitor
National Review
National Review with best advice from Consumer Reports

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Harry Reid Planned The Shutdown

For those unfamiliar with the appropriations process in Congress the whole thing can be confusing. But one thing that is easy to understand is that the process involves sending about a dozen appropriations bills from the House to the Senate where the Senate changes them and sends them back. The two chambers hash out differences and then a final bill is passed and sent to the White House.

Notice that the process does not involve one bill that funds the entire government. The process involves separate appropriations bills for different parts of the government.

So when Harry Reid told you (and Barack Obama emphasized) that they would not accept piecemeal bills from the House because, according to them, that is not how you fund government, they were lying.

The reality is they did not pass a budget and they were not trying to pass a budget. They were trying to pass a continuing resolution. That is basically a bill that admits Congress is unable to do its Constitutional duty and pass a budget so they pass a CR to keep open.

In fact, there has not been a budget the entire time Obama has been in office because Harry Reid in the Senate has refused to pass one. He has gone as far as ignoring the bills sent from the House and he did that for a reason.

Reid has conspired with the White House to shut down the government. Democrats think a shutdown benefits them in 2014. They want to keep the Senate and get the House back so they can spend the last two years of Obama’s term passing gun control and amnesty and as many other socialist dreams they can fit in.

As I stated, Harry Reid has deliberately ignored the budget process and has refused to take up the appropriations bills sent from the House. He did that earlier this year. The House of Representatives passed all of the appropriations bills required to fund the government earlier this year (in the March-May time frame). Note that they did not pass one bill funding the entire government as Obama and Reid would have you believe is the norm, they passed the package of separate appropriations as has been the practice for centuries.

Harry Reid refused to take them up in the Senate. If Reid had done his job those bills would have been considered by the Senate, changes made, differences worked out, and then a compromise passed and sent to the President for his signature.

But Reid did as he has done for years; he ignored those bills and he neglected to do his duty.

Why would Reid do this? He wanted to force a showdown with Republicans in the House in order to shut down the government. Reid ensured that absolutely no bill presented by Republicans would pass. That the first bill would fail is a given because it defunded Obamacare and Democrats would rather collapse the country than admit that law is a disaster. The subsequent bills only delayed the individual mandate so people would get the same consideration as the big businesses Obama helped out (illegally, I might add). That too was rejected.

Then the House sent a bill giving Democrats all that they wanted but removed the special carve out for Congress. They keep telling you that there is no carve out but there is. The Obamacare law requires members of Congress to be in the Exchanges. They all are going to be in the exchanges. But people in the exchanges do not get an employer contribution; they either get a subsidy or are ineligible for a subsidy. Members of Congress are not eligible because of income so they would have to pay it all. Obama had OPM make a ruling that provides for an employer contribution for the wealthy people in Congress. While Joe Six Pack is getting socked with tens of thousands of dollars in premiums the members of Congress got a carve out.

In any event, Harry Reid rejected this as well. So the House then did what it has done for decades and what it did just this past spring. It passed individual appropriations to fund the government. Reid rejected this as not the way to do business. He referred to Americans as anarchists and radicals while members of the liberal establishment labeled us as terrorists and hostage takers (as an aside, Harry Reid is a coward who will call people names on TV and while he has security. He has not the balls to actually tell a person these things to his face).

The only real hostage takers were the people on the left led by chief terrorist Harry Reid. Reid rejected everything so that he could get the government shut down. He carried out the plan orchestrated by Valerie Jarrett, the Communist who tells Obama what to do. Jarrett is skilled at carrying out the Rules for Radicals that Alinsky put in place. She plans for Obama and has her henchmen in the party carry out those plans.

[note]The bill passed by the Senate and accepted by the surrender monkeys weakens the ability of Congress to control the debt ceiling. Like I wrote about yesterday, they can now spend freely and claim to have voted against it or not to have voted for it.[/note]

Harry Reid carried out the plan to shut down government so the Democrats could gain an advantage going onto the 2014 midterm elections. They want the House back and they will stop at nothing to get it.

The real losers in all of this are the Americans who work each and every day to make a better life for themselves and their families. People work hard and pay more and more in taxes to see that money go to welfare. There are far too many folks on welfare and government encourages more to join the roles each day.

This too is part of the grand plan to gain control. Look at how many people went nuts when the food stamp program went down for a few hours. These leeches are threatening to riot if they don’t get “their” money. Got to keep the Obama base happy and keep paying so they stay on the liberal plantation.

This is all part of the plan to fundamentally transform this nation.

Obama is a Communist and he wants to bring America down. Harry Reid is one of the terrorists charged with ensuring that happens.

I pray for my country.

Part of the deal that reopened the 17% of government that was shut down includes a death benefit for the wife of the late Senator Frank Lautenberg. I would be willing to have our government provide such a benefit for all liberals if they would be so kind as to join Senator Lautenberg. We can give the same deal to RINOs who supported this mess. McCain and McConnell can say hi to Ted Kennedy…


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Kick The Can Down The Road

The budget impasse seems to be nearing an end, at least for now, as an alleged bipartisan agreement has been reached to fund the government for a few months and to raise the debt limit for a few more. Democrats have no sense of fiscal responsibility and Republicans have no spine so we ended up with a deal that allows them to kick the can down the road for a few more months.

The world will sigh with relief as it proclaims that America averted a disaster by not defaulting. Of course this is a false narrative because there is no chance of default. We take in enough money each month to pay the interest on the debt and as long as we pay that we will not default. The reality is they would have to cut from other places and the most likely places, given Obama’s history of deliberately causing harm, would be Social Security and Veteran’s programs. Since the leeches on welfare are threatening to riot if their food stamps are cut off Obama can’t afford to cheese off the base.

The reality of the situation is the Democrats orchestrated the shutdown in order to position themselves to win the House back in 2014. They need to have control for Obama’s last two years so they can inflict maximum damage to the nation. They are pushing us closer and closer to another civil war and they need total control of government to do that.

Republicans, actually some conservatives, took a principled stance to get spending under control and to reign in or eliminate Obamacare. In 2010 Republicans took control of the House based on promises to do everything they possibly could to get rid of Obamacare because it is bad for the nation, was forced on us against a huge majority of people who disliked it then and dislike it now and because it is a violation of our freedom.

When push came to shove many of those Republicans who promised to do everything they could to get rid of Obamacare backed down. They violated the trust the American people placed in them when they promised to do so if we would only elect them. Most of them are spineless cowards who are only concerned with keeping their jobs.

Sure, they took a number of votes to get rid of it but when they had the chance to hold the debt ceiling over the heads of the liberal commies they folded. Liberals will now get what they want and will spend like there is no tomorrow. I predict that they will hit the ceiling again before the next deadline limit but even if we don’t reach that ceiling we will once again be in the same place as before.

Word is out that there is a provision in this newest bill to make it harder to use the debt ceiling to influence policy. It is reported that Congress will have to vote NOT to raise the ceiling and if they don’t it will automatically go up. Keep in mind that this is what they did with their pay raises.

They don’t vote NOT to get one and it is automatic. How many times have they voted not to get a pay raise?

We will now have no limit, no hammer, and no weapon to use to keep the government from out of control spending.

Those who think the world was going to end because we hit some arbitrary ceiling are going to be in for a rude awakening when this nation is no longer able to borrow money to pay the bills. Over 50% of the budget is for social welfare programs and we do not take in enough money to sustain the current rate of spending. The Democrats want to raise taxes to cover the spending and if they gain control of the House they will do just that.

Obama has been a failure. His regime has hastened the demise of this great nation. Plans for a post apocalyptic America need to be replaced with plans for a post Obama America.

If we even have a nation by then.

Soon patriots will need to have a say in all of this. Once government loses control, and it is nearly there now, patriots will step in to fill the void. The veteran march on DC demonstrated that people who risk their lives for this nation are not afraid of a few baton twirling cops. They were not afraid to walk up to the White House and dump Obama’s gates in front of the place.

They will not be afraid to do what is necessary to regain the nation our Founders gave us.

God help us.

We are going to need it.

In the mean time, prepare for another showdown in December, just before the holidays and during the shopping season. Prepare for another intense debate with warnings of dire circumstances and then prepare for the low life members of Congress and the Bozo in the White House to pass some spending bill that does what they all want so they can slap each other on the ass, pour a few drinks and laugh at us.

God bless America.

She needs it now more than ever because the enemy is within.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
