Obamacare Is The Law
Sep 30, 2013 Commentary
This is the mantra we have heard from the left, a left that is employing all the Rules for Radicals in an effort to demonize people opposed to government intrusion into our lives. Liberals have called Tea Party members tea baggers, terrorists, radicals and anarchists in an effort to paint them as a fringe that must be ignored.
The true terrorists are the members of the government who impose things on us designed to take away or freedoms.
We have heard the left tell us that Obamacare is the law as if this means that it cannot be stopped or overturned. We have heard the brain damaged Harry Reid tell us that the opposition comes from people who can’t come to terms with the fact that Obamacare is the law and that the Supreme Court upheld it.
It is the law is NOT a valid reason to oppose an item or to work to have it changed. The left would have you believe that because this is the law that is the end of the story and nothing can or should be done to change it, period. We made a law and you have to follow it and since it is a law you have to follow it and it cannot be changed or revoked.
Slavery was once the law of the land. Separate but equal (Jim Crow laws) was once the law of the land.
These were all changed. The funny thing is that when people were working to change them Democrats acted as if they could not be changed because they were the law.
If we applied the same logic then that liberals like Reid are employing now then Obama would be a slave someplace or he would be required to eat at a different lunch counter.
These laws were all changed so for Reid to indicate that Obamacare is the law and that is that is disingenuous at best.
But let us look at something in the here and now.
Along with the Continuing Resolution the Congress must address the debt ceiling. The US has hit the statutory limit of how much it is allowed to spend. The claim is we will hit it in October but we already hit it and they are using gimmicks to keep us afloat.
BUT, the debt ceiling is a law. So, we can now tell Harry Reid and his sock puppets that the debt ceiling is the law and can’t be changed. We will be using their words against them and that will be a valid reason NOT to raise the limit.
If they want to claim that we can’t change something because it is the law then we need to hold firm on the debt ceiling because it is the law.
Ball is in your court Harry. I expect you will fetch it and take it to Obama while you sit at his feet but it is your ball nonetheless.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: debt ceiling, jim crow, lies, obamacare, Reid, slavery
Politicians, You Were Warned
Sep 25, 2013 Political
It looks like Democrats, with the help of some RINOs will be able to find a way to fund Obamacare against the will of the people and, in the case of Republicans, in opposition to the position they ran on. These Republicans vowed to do everything possible to defund of repeal Obamacare. They have the chance and they are not going to do it.
The Republicans who help the Democrats will then vote against the measure which will pass with a simple majority which the Democrats have. Those deceitful Republicans will then run for reelection telling people they voted to defund Obamacare and that will be a lie.
Americans were given over 21 hours of education by Senator Ted Cruz and he made it clear that a vote for cloture would be a vote for Obamacare.
The American public has been burning up the phone lines to the Capitol and expressing their desire that their Senators do what it takes to defund.
The people in the Senate, those who work for us, will ignore them at their own peril. When 2014 rolls around these same politicians will run around begging for money, swearing they kept their promise to defund and will ask that you vote for them so they can continue their work.
Many of them will lose their seats either in a primary or in the general election because the base is fed up. We know what they are doing and we know they are lying to us. For those who were unsure Ted Cruz spelled it out very clearly. You can play games but you do so at your own peril.
Mitch McConnell lost the Tea Party backing and he has a primary opponent. It is time for the people of Kentucky to throw this hack out of office. If John McCain does not retire then the people of Arizona need to retire his sorry ass.
We need to make them pay for failing to listen to us.
I do not care if the Democrats take control. That is not my concern because with this bunch of Republicans we might as well have Democrats.
[note]Democrats in red states might catch hell in 2014 if they vote to fund Obamacare. Good, make them pay.[/note]
The Republican Party will be making calls to get money for the election. Some of my money will go to specific candidates like Cruz and not to the parties. I recommend that people use their political donations to buy ammo instead…
There is a good chance the Republican Party will lose many people who will change their affiliation over this.
Good, let them ride the sinking ship to the bottom without the rest of us.
We are tired of being lied to and taken advantage of and soon they will know our anger and our resolve.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: general election, Harry Reid, lies, obamacare, primary, promise, Senate, sham, ted cruz
Obamasnare; Getting Caught In The Increase
Sep 24, 2013 Political
If you like your doctor you can keep him. This law will save each family $2500 a year.
We have to pass the bill to see what is in it.
Remember these lines of BS thrown at us during the time the Democrats rammed Obamacare through? There were plenty of other lines of BS thrown around (like tax dollars not paying for abortion) but these are the ones that are now affecting people.
As we get closer to full implementation of Obamacare people are finding out that the statements above were lies. Obamacare is becoming a huge nightmare as people are having their insurance coverage cancelled, their hours cut so employers are protected or they are receiving insurance bills with huge increases.
[note]It might seem as if the statement we had to pass it to see what was in it was true but we could have spent time reading it and learning prior to the votes. Therefore, it is a lie to say we HAD to.[/note]
One Kentucky family is finding out that the Affordable Care Act is anything but affordable. Their monthly insurance bill rose from $333 a month to $965. This is a threefold increase and is not an uncommon occurrence as families across the nation are getting the same kind of news.
But Democrats have decided that you do not matter. They (and only they) passed this monstrosity even when the majority of the public opposed it. Even those groups (unions, AARP etc.) who supported it now oppose it and are trying to get (or have gotten) waivers. Congress worked hard to exempt itself from this. They fought to force it on you and then fought to keep it from them.
Democrats and some Republicans are working to ensure this is fully funded and they do not care about you.
Senators McConnell and Cornyn, both Republicans, are helping Harry Reid defeat the House bill that defunds Obamacare. They will then vote against it because Democrats can pass it without their votes. They will go home and tell people they did all they could to get rid of it and that will be a lie.
We need to get rid of them so folks should work hard to do so. Regardless of the outcome of the current fight, these two need to go.
The Democrats are working hard to get this passed and to screw you over. Make them pay in the next election. Take the Senate away from them (and keep the House) so they do not have the ability to impose these bad laws on people. This is not an endorsement for Republican politicians because many of them are no better.
Those who impose their will on us should pay.
As it stands right now families like those in the article are the ones paying.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: debt, Democrats, funding, insurance increases, lies, obamacare, Republicans, socialism
Time To Pull The Plug On Obamacare
Sep 23, 2013 Political
This week will be full of back and forth fighting over Obamacare and the budget. Conservatives are trying to defund Obamacare while providing funds for all the rest of the government but Barack Obama and his henchmen in the Senate are holding the country hostage over the failed legislation. Those of us affected by it are in the dark…
A huge majority of Americans does not want Obamacare and they want to be left out of it. Obama and the Democrats (as well as obedient establishment Republicans) are ignoring the will of the people and threatening to shut down the federal government if they do not get their way.
These people want to ignore the majority of Americans on this issue and impose this on them against their will.
Interestingly, Democrats think we should follow the majority opinion when it involves something they want. They falsely claim that a majority of Americans want the gun control they are pushing (this is untrue) and use that alleged support as a reason to impose unconstitutional restrictions upon us.
When the majority actually does favor something (like getting rid of Obamacare) they ignore the will of the people.
Obamacare is a failure, period. More than half of the lawful deadlines have been missed and Barack Obama has illegally changed the law to benefit businesses and his buddies (the Executive cannot change a law unless there are provisions for the changes in the law, otherwise, only the Legislative can change the law).
Obamacare is so great that Obama has exempted a great number of organizations who do not like it (most of whom supported it). The law has even been changed in order to keep Congress and Congressional staffers from participating.
The law they passed is good enough for YOU but not for them. Democrats are fighting attempts to ensure the law is followed and that Congress is not exempted and they are receiving help from Republicans who do not want it either. I do not blame Republicans for not wanting it because none of them voted for it. However, the law is the law and if it passed and must be followed by the rest of us then they should not be exempt.
I feel sorry for the millionaires in Congress who can’t afford health insurance on over $170,000 per year but they are just going to have, to quote Obama, to eat their peas.
Efforts to ensure Congress must follow the law are also aimed at Chief Justice John Roberts. People want him to have to be in Obamacare since he ruled it Constitutional (actually he changed the law by rewriting it which is not the job of the Legislative Branch).
It appears as if the people who work for us are having trouble doing the jobs they are authorized to by the Constitution and are too busy involving themselves in things they do not belong in.
The Republicans can defund this. If the Senate will not get on board then the House should send single bills to fund other parts of government. The first one should be for Defense to ensure the soldiers get paid (Social Security is on autopilot so people will get their checks). Let the Senate vote that up or down.
Then the House can do that with each other part of government covered in the entire budget. They can make it so nothing can be added to it because it will be a single budget item.
Let Democrats vote each item of the government up or down and hold them accountable.
If Obama vetoes any item then hold him accountable.
These folks are playing games and we are the collateral damage of their petulance.
I know that the brain dead witch Pelosi said there was nothing else to cut from the budget but if they hire me, give me the budget and two months I will have cuts for them.
And since I am not in elected office I can’t be swayed by the desire to get reelected…
Obamacare will vary by state
Fish wrap of record finally sees the truth…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: budget, constitution, defund, establishment republicans, fight, john roberts, lies, obamacare
Obama Then And Now
Sep 21, 2013 Political
Barack Obama is working hard to get the debt ceiling of the nation raised. We are already at 17 TRILLION dollars but Obama wants more. The asinine statements that raising the debt ceiling does not give us more debt are an insult to people with brains. Raising the debt ceiling allows government to borrow more money which leads to greater debt. If there will be no increase in our debt then there is no need to raise the ceiling.
But Obama wants more. He has already added 8 TRILLION dollars and he is not yet satisfied. He is out saying that Republicans are holding the nation hostage because they want cuts to go with any debt ceiling increase.
We must cut our spending. There is no other way around it and raising the debt ceiling is not a way to do that. Force Congress to live with what it gets and keep the ceiling where it currently sits.
We can do that with cuts.
But to Obama the Republicans are doing things that have never been done. Why, we must raise the debt ceiling as a matter of good business and those mean Republicans are preventing us from doing this and it has never happened before, all this hostage taking to get what one party wants. After talking about how it has never been done before Obama then discussed the dangers of not allowing a president, any president, to raise the debt ceiling so we can ensure our bills are paid:
“George [Stephanopoulos], here’s the problem. If we continue to set a precedent in which a president, any president, a Republican president, a Democratic president, where the opposing party controls the House of Representatives, if that president is in a situation in which each time the United States is called upon to pay its bills, the other party can simply sit there and say, ‘Well, we’re not gonna pay the bills unless you give us what we want,’ that changes the constitutional structure of this government entirely.” Maddow Blog
Barack Obama is a typical liberal and those who support him are mindless drones with short memories. Nancy Pelosi says Obama is wonderful and has been non partisan. It is all those evil Republicans and Nancy has not seen anything like this in her entire 26 years in office. A real journalist would have asked her to submit to a drug test because this is how she treated George Bush. Democrats run roughshod over everything when they are in charge and Pelosi was no different as Speaker. Can you be any more of a mind numbed drone with a short memory?
[note]The Obama interview quote is from Rachael Maddow’s Blog and the title (GOP debt-ceiling hostage strategy takes shape) shows the writer [Steve Benen] is one of the mindless drones with a short memory.[/note]
Not long ago when Obama was a Senator he refused to vote to raise the debt ceiling. He did not think it was necessary for presidents to have a raised ceiling and he did not think it was important for America to pay her bills. In fact, Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling when George Bush was president as a protest to government spending too much of our money, or as he called it, reckless fiscal policies (what he really hated was that a Democrat was not spending too much of our money).
Here is what All Drama Obama had to say in 2006:
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. National Review
Everything he said then is true with regard to now with the only difference being that the numbers are much larger. Obama has been a leadership failure. His policies and our debt increase are signs that we can’t pay our bills. We do rely on other countries to pay our bills and the bad choices made by Obama have passed debt onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.
By Obama’s own assessment he has been a leadership failure. We need to hold him to his word and remind him that the amount of debt passed on is grossly higher now than when he opposed doing what he now says we must.
The debt ceiling is not being held hostage the American taxpaying public is. We are held hostage to the shackles of debt amassed under an out of control government.
Obama is at the top of that mess and it all rests on him.
But I guess if Obama had to assign blame he would blame it on Bush…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: debt limit, leadership, lies, Obama