Gun Free Chicago Has Another Mass Shooting

If gun control worked then Obama’s Chicago should be the safest place in the world because it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get a gun. However, Chicago is now the top murder city in America topping New York which has three times as many people.

The latest mass shooting took place last evening just after 10 pm. Thirteen people including a 3 year old boy were shot at the basketball courts in a neighborhood called Back of the Yards.

[note]I do not know what they were all doing at the basketball courts this late unless they were participating in the midnight basketball program that liberals said would reduce crime. But it might have been a block party. What was a 3 year old doing there at that late hour? Not blaming the victims I am just asking.[/note]

How in the world did this happen? Very few people in Chicago have guns and a carry permit is as rare as an honest politician. Police believe the shootings were gang related so it is safe to assume that none of the guns were obtained legally and none of them were registered (unless they were stolen from the registered owner).

Do you mean to tell me that the gang bangers, you know criminals, did not obey the gun laws? Well perhaps if we had passed EVEN tougher gun laws like say, background checks this would not have happened (background checks are already required).

Right, because criminals would submit to a background check. Criminals do not buy guns from sources that require background checks. Private sales are supposed to have a background check and selling guns without doing them is illegal which would make the gun seller as much of a criminal as the buyer. So it is reasonable to conclude that this was not some issue where the check was not completed when it otherwise could have. It is obvious the guns used were from an illegal source, obtained illegally and sold illegally.

Well hell, that never happens. I mean it is not like Barack Obama and Eric holder were illegally shipping firearms to other countries. It is not like New York police officers have ever been caught smuggling guns in and selling them. It just could not happen.

Heroin is illegal to buy, sell, or use and yet people buy, sell, and use it each and every day. So laws banning something do not stop people from doing what is illegal.

Laws banning guns do not stop people from using guns for violence. Chicago is a prime example as was demonstrated last night.

This will not stop the gun grabbers from trying to impose more gun control. For some reason whenever a criminal uses a gun illegally the gun grabbers want to disarm those of us who had nothing to do with it.

Chicago is an example of what happens in every place where guns are banned. The cities in America with the highest rates of violence with guns are the ones with the toughest gun control.

Gun control does not work. If the daughter of the Former PM of the UK can be held at gunpoint in a nation that collected nearly all the guns and made owning them illegal then gun control does not work.

The reality is this is not a call for gun control it is a call for people control.

Once they have the guns they can control the people. Think the tyranny is bad now?

Wait until they do not fear you as an armed free person…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Out Of Step With Military

The President of the United States serves as the Commander in Chief of the armed forces and of the militia when it is called into federal service. It is an important marriage of the concept of civilian control of the military and was designed by our Founders to keep the military in check because the Founders were suspicious of standing armies.

Samuel Adams put it this way in 1768:

“Even when there is a necessity of the military power, within a land, a wise and prudent people will always have a watchful and jealous eye over it”

And Elbridge Gerry, a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, stated:

“standing armies in time of peace are inconsistent with the principles of republican Governments, dangerous to the liberties of a free people, and generally converted into destructive engines for establishing despotism.”

The Founders established a Constitution that gave all three branches of government some portion of control over the military so that no one branch could use the military for its own agenda. For example, the Legislative raises and supports the Army and Navy and provides its funds and rules. It also has the authority to declare war.

The Executive enforces the rules established by the Legislative and has control over how they are used; the Commander in Chief commands them. These checks are supposed to keep us from rash decisions about war and quick use of our armed forces.

This has played out recently with the Syrian chemical agent use issue.

[note]The US effectively has a standing Army though the Constitution requires appropriations of monies not to last for more than two years (to provide the ability to dismantle the raised army). This is why the appropriations are supposed to happen every other year. As is the case with most things government, the process is a tangled mess that distorts the original intent of the Founders.[/note]

The Syrian issue has shown more than the Constitutional conflict. The crisis has also shown an uneasy relationship between Obama and the nation’s military leaders.

The military, while declaring it is prepared to execute any order given (I assume they mean any lawful order), has also expressed displeasure at a strike that would allegedly be punitive and have no clear goals. There is worry that things could escalate and require a larger response or the movement of troops into the area.

The article points out that there is a feeling among the leaders that the military has been burned with half measures. There is disgust over the way Iraq has been handled and there is concern over Afghanistan.

The military, in other words, has lost faith in its civilian leader.

This should come as no surprise as Obama (who appoints many people who feel as he does) is not a fan of the military. He is a typical liberal and has a dislike and a distrust of the men and women in uniform. He has never served and he has never been a leader.

There is weakness at the top and the military can see it.

It must have frosted many of our leaders to see Putin wax Obama’s ass over Syria. The military does not like to see a foreign leader’s footprint on its Commander’s ass.

While many people looked to Obama to lead them out of the desert and into the Promised Land they are now seeing that Obama cannot lead.

[note]“A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite time in the future.” ~ George S. Patton Jr.[/note]

George Bush once said that history would make its decision about him.

Members of the military seem to bringing that sentiment home as many report that, unlike Obama, “…Bush had his stuff together.” They report that when he made a call, whether good or bad, at least he was making it.

History seems to have arrived sooner than one might have thought.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Obama took charge of people who did not want him to begin with and he has done nothing to boost their confidence in him.

They probably feel like I do. Obama sees the military as his pawns.

And they don’t think he knows how to play the game.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Chicago Is Murder Capital

In 2012 more people were murdered in Chicago than in New York even though Chicago has a third of the population. The linked article has a lot of information regarding the murders and how many of them are related to bad people who use firearms but the overarching theme is that nearly every city on the list has a strict gun control policy.

Another reality is that many, if not all, are heavily populated with Democrats and run by liberals.

There is no denying that liberalism and Democrat leadership are the root cause of the high murder rates because liberal policies encourage this kind of behavior.

Liberals do not believe in personal responsibility. One needs look no further than Barack Obama who has never taken any responsibility for anything bad that happens under him. He blames everything bad on George Bush or the Republicans in Congress or the TEA Party.

He is quick to take credit for anything good. He took credit for the death of Osama bin Laden even though the military took him out.

Look at the two politicians recalled in Colorado. They are blaming voter fraud, misinformation and anything they can think of rather than the reality which is they thwarted the will of the people.

These murder cities, led by Chicago, have dense populations of liberals who support liberal politicians so they can get their “free” stuff. Get me my food stamps and Obama phones and I will vote for you while my children and peers are out knocking off liquor stores and committing welfare fraud.

The criminal elements in these cities prey on the poor and the defenseless. It is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to own or carry firearms in Chicago and many of these other murder cities. The criminals, on the other hand, get plenty of weapons including firearms.

Liberalism is hazardous to your health.

This is Obama’s Chicago. It is his buddy Rahm’s Chicago.

Obama was a ghetto organizer before he got into office and those ghettos are now well organized.

Don’t worry though. In keeping with the lack of responsibility inherent in liberalism they will blame this on everything from Bush, to guns, to poverty. Remember, the people who are doing this are not responsible for their actions.

They must be victims of something other than the liberalism and liberal policies that they have in common.

These cities have been turned into shooting galleries and murder-hoods.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


We Need To Ban Video Games

When someone uses a bomb to blow up a building we go after the bomber not the bomb. When a person uses matches to light a building on fire we go after the arsonist and not the matches. When someone drinks and drives we go after the drunk driver and not the car or the alcohol.

For some reason though, when someone uses a gun to commit a crime we go after the gun. Not only that, they go after the guns of all the people who had nothing to do with the crime.

When I wrote for some reason above I knew the reason and you know it as well. They use incidents of violence with guns to go after guns because they want to disarm all of us. Gun control is not about the gun it is about control and government knows that if it can disarm its citizens it can control its citizens.

This is why we have a Second Amendment. Despite the stupidity of people like Andrew Cuomo of New York the Second Amendment is not there to protect hunting or sport shooting. It is there to protect the population from its own government and any other that tries to attack us.

Make no mistake about it, our Founders protected our right to keep and bear arms so that we would never be held as slaves under a tyrannical government. We would always have the ability to fight our government should the need arise.

This is not a radical idea as our Founders did just that to gain our freedom.

But gun grabbers want to disarm everyone. I know they claim otherwise with nonsense terms like “common sense laws” and such but their plan is to incrementally impose more and more bans until we are disarmed. Places like Maryland are already well along in the anti gun, gun ban, confiscation scheme. Communist Governor Martin O’Malley and the Democrat idiots in the legislature have passed gun laws that are unconstitutional and will hopefully be negated by the Supreme Court (though one can never tell with the outside influences blackmailing justices).

In any event, the shooting at the Navy Yard elicited the same visceral response we have come accustomed to. The immediate reaction of the gun grabbers was to call for more gun control. The reality that the shooting took place in a city that has strict gun control on a military base with strict gun control has not even dawned on the people who are so hell bent on enslaving us that they were screaming for more gun control while the dead bodies were still warm.

Barack Obama lamented that we are once again dealing with this kind of tragedy. I will shoot his words back at him. We are once again dealing with you exploiting a criminal to disarm non criminals. You danced on the bodies of the dead children in Newtown and you are dancing on the dead at the Navy yard.

The narrative was the same in the media as we were bombed with stories of an AR 15 and assault this and assault that.

Turns out the gun used was a shotgun and the pistols used were taken from the guards who were shot. Not to worry, the media came to the rescue like they did when George Zimmerman turned out to be Hispanic instead of white (and thus became the new race of white Hispanic) and invented the new AR 15 shotgun…

We are now finding out that the shooter had a real problem with mental illness and that it was reported months ago but not acted upon by the very government that wants to disarm you for the deeds of the shooter. It also turns out that this guy would spend up to 18 hours at a time playing the Call of Duty video game. It is reported that the game took him to his dark side.

In other words, the video game influenced this mentally ill man to act on his inner dark side. Thus, he sneaked a firearm onto a post and went around shooting people like in the video game.

So now that we know this is it safe for us to conclude that we do not need to ban guns we need to ban video games? The game caused the problem and made this man shoot others. In order to stop this senseless violence we must have the following:

  • All people who want to buy a video game must be 21
  • All people who want to buy a video game must pay money and submit an application with a set of fingerprints
  • All people who want to buy video games must sign a release for a medical and mental health records check
  • All video games must no longer be capable of being played longer than 2 hours in a 24 hour period. This is our ban on high capacity video games
  • Anyone who purchases a video game must wait 3 days before picking it up so a background check can be completed
  • No one can buy more than one video game in a 30 day period
  • Online video gaming will no longer be allowed so we can close the internet loophole

These are a must because there are millions of people out there using video games. These games cause people to turn violent and result in death. It is not the person, it is the game and you should never forget that.

We must do this…

…for the children.

However, in keeping with the spirit of Barack Obama’s tenure video games may be given to terrorists.

Yep, Barack Obama wants to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms and wants to impose even tougher restrictions on law abiding citizens while at the same time he has waived the law disallowing us from sending arms to terrorists so he can arm the Syrian Rebels.

Think about it folks, Barack Obama trusts terrorists with firearms but does not trust you with them.

And he knows the terrorists would fail the background check. That is why he waived the law…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


If Al Gore Had His Way We’d Have Fried

For a very long time now Al Gore and the followers of the Church of Global Warming have been telling us that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the culprit in manmade global warming and that we need to reduce this greenhouse gas or we would all suffer from rising temperatures.

These allegations flew in the face of history which showed cyclic climate activity with periods of cold and periods of heat. The planet was not boiling over tens of thousands of years ago when the CO2 level was many times higher than it is now.

This did not stop the climate alarmists from screaming about the end of the world if we did not spend tons of money to solve the problem (even though we do not have the money and cannot change nature).

The revelations about phony data and data manipulation did not stop the adherents to the Church of Global Warming from continuing their quest to enslave us under the guise of saving the planet.

They pressed on with their plans and they did so while they flew in their jets and rode in their limousines. They have continued to press on even as data show the polar ice caps getting bigger.

But if Al Gore had his way and we had actually been able to lower the CO2 level then we might have all fried from increased planet temperatures. You see, NASA has conducted research and concluded that CO2 (and other greenhouse gasses) in the atmosphere actually blocks up to 95% of the harmful solar rays that would increase the planet’s temperature.

NASA’s Langley Research Center has collated data proving that “greenhouse gases” actually block up to 95 percent of harmful solar rays from reaching our planet, thus reducing the heating impact of the sun. Principia Scientific

The entire global warming/climate change scheme is designed to rid you of your money and your freedom. Al Gore got very rich off this sham as did many other people.

This is not to say we should not be good stewards of our planet. We should clean our mess and find ways to create less pollution BUT we should not do so at the expense of phony science and our freedom.

Al Gore said the science was settled. I think he meant the phony science was settled.

The real scientists have found that CO2 is beneficial to our existence and increased levels keep us from heating up.

Maybe Gore should return his Nobel.

Perhaps he can get a deal on shipping if he sends it back in the same box with Obama’s.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
