Obama Embraces Bush Doctrine

The Bush Doctrine of preemption is one that has given liberals like Barack Obama fits. They are opposed to military action but generally only when Republicans want to take it. Liberals, even those who really are opposed to violence, are mostly silent when one of their own is proposing military force.

Barack Obama, the alleged Constitutional Law professor, seems to have a few problems. First, when he was a candidate, he stated that the president does not have the Constitutional authority to attack another nation unless the US has been attacked or there is an imminent threat.

Now the Constitutional Law Professor is saying he has the authority to do just that. He is working on plans to attack Syria even though that nation has not attacked us and there is no imminent threat to us from Syria.

It would seem that a liberal Constitutional Law Professor is one who believes the Constitution authorizes whatever a liberal wants to do. Simply put, it is a flexible document that can be interpreted as a liberal sees fit.

Before John Kerry said that Syria could hand over its chemical weapons to avoid a strike Barack Obama was working on getting authorization to strike Syria. Obama believes he can strike without Congressional approval but is seeking it anyway. It is rough going as many oppose a strike. Obama was on several news shows to make his case and this is what he had to say when trying to justify the strike:

“But we are the United States of America. We cannot turn a blind eye to images like the ones we’ve seen out of Syria. Failing to respond to this outrageous attack would increase the risk that chemical weapons could be used again; that they would fall into the hands of terrorists who might use them against us, and it would send a horrible signal to other nations that there would be no consequences for their use of these weapons. All of which would pose a serious threat to our national security.” [emphasis mine] UPI.com

So, in this long drawn out roundabout way, the chemicals in Syria might end up in the hands of bad people who would use them against us so that is an imminent threat and we can strike Syria. This is a stretch by any measure but if this is the path Obama wants to follow the question becomes how is this any different than the Bush Doctrine of preemptive strike that liberals violently opposed? I see the difference in that there is no actual threat the chemicals could be used against us. It would be different if Syria threatened to use them on our troops in the area. This is a threat and could justify a preemptive strike but saying that some third party might get them and then use them on us is several layers removed from being a threat.

But if this is how Obama is playing it then he is trying to claim the right to a preemptive use of force. The very use of force liberals decried when Bush used it.

The reality is that if we allow Obama to use this contorted view we could basically justify preemptive force against anyone. North Korea or Iran might lose control of their nuclear materials and a terrorist group might get it and use it on us so let’s bomb North Korea and Iran.

Someone might steal Russia’s smallpox virus and sell it to terrorists who might use it on us so let’s attack Russia.

This is the theater of the absurd.

Not to mention the reality that if we attack Syria and destabilize things (even more than they are) there is a greater risk that Syria will lose track of chemical weapons which then could end up in the wrong hands.

In other words, the act Obama wants to prevent (or that he is using to justify force) might be aided by the very attack designed to prevent it.

Yep, it is still amateur hour at the White House.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Amateur Hour At The White House

First Barack Obama makes an unwise comment about a red line and now John Kerry has given a deadline. Both of these deeds have come back to bite America in the behind.

I know that Barack Obama said he did not lay out the red line but he did. It is he who is saying it and there is no doubt about what he meant when he did. All of his claims to the contrary are designed to help him save face because he is trying to put the blame on someone else. He put it on Congress and he put it on the international community (which refuses to back him) but the reality is that Obama opened his mouth and inserted his foot.

He claims the onus is on the international community because of the Chemical Weapons Convention but the reality is that Syria never signed that treaty. How can that country be held to a treaty it did not sign?

The other aspect of this is that Syria’s use of nerve agent had no impact on the US. That country did not attack us, it did not attack our territories and it did not attack our troops. It attacked its own people (and there is doubt as to who actually attacked, the government or the rebels).

This is Syria’s civil war and we do not belong in it.

But Obama and his Democrats are banging the war drums. John Kerry, who protested the war in Vietnam, is working hard to convince people that the US needs to attack Syria. The Democrats who were anti war when Bush was president are largely silent over the rumblings of war coming from their Nobel Peace Prize receiving president.

It is amateur hour at the White House. Obama made the first mistake by laying out the red line and now John Kerry has shot himself in the foot by opening his mouth.

Kerry said that Syria could avoid an attack by turning its chemical weapons over to the international community (where they would be inventoried and destroyed). Kerry, like Obama, miscalculated. Obama figured if he set the red line that Syria would not use chemical weapons. Someone did and it was either the government spitting in Obama’s face or the rebels using Obama’s declaration to draw the US into the conflict and help them beat Assad.

Kerry figured Syria would not turn over its chemical stockpile. Not so fast. Russian President Vladmir Putin told Syria to take Kerry up on his offer and Syria is considering it.

It is unlikely that the chemical weapons will be turned over BUT the gaffe by Kerry gives that country time. Syria can say it will turn over the stockpile and then the UN will get involved and there will be inspectors. It will take months, if not years, to sort things out.

John Kerry opened his big mouth and gave Syria a get out of being bombed free card.

It is not bad when one considers we should not be bombing Syria over its use of chemical weapons when we were not attacked in any way but the entire episode shows the Obama regime to be a bunch of amateurs who are piss poor at diplomacy.

Obama opened his mouth resulting in talks of bombing Syria for the sole purpose of saving face for the resident and Kerry has now thrown a monkey wrench into the Obama war machine by giving Syria a way out.

A way out that was recognized by Putin who took advantage of the rookies in the White House.

The world is laughing at us and our man child resident who is demonstrating that he was not prepared for the job and has not learned anything in the five years he has held it.

The bad guys in the world will be emboldened.

But not until after they stop laughing.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Between Barack And A Hard Place In Syria

Barack Obama discussed the movement or use of chemical weapons in Syria as a red line that would be crossed and require action. The red line was crossed and now something has to be done or Obama will look like all talk and no action. He will lose face if he does not do something and this is of his own doing.

Obama is weighing options with regard to a military strike in Syria. He has not recalled Congress to get its approval for such an action and it appears as if he might not do so. The use of chemical weapons in Syria is not an attack on the US and there is not an imminent threat to this country so he is required to get Congressional approval for any military action.

Whether you agree with George Bush’s decision to go into Iraq or not he did get Congressional approval for the use of military force. No matter what the outcome or how one feels about it Bush did what he was supposed to do.

The reality is that if Obama strikes Syria then Syria and Iran will strike Israel. This will draw in players like Russia and China as well as the UK, France and the US. In other words, this situation is a powder keg with a short fuse that could result in World War III.

Obama is in a tight spot because of his mouth.

His Democrats are in a tight spot because after years of bashing Bush for actions in Iraq they are now faced with a nearly identical situation (and the WMD in Syria likely came from Iraq). These Democrats will have to rationalize any yes vote on military action because they all eventually expressed their disapproval.

When there was talk about going into Iran Joe Biden said he would push for impeachment of Bush if he did so without Congressional approval. Barack Obama said that the president could not use military force without congressional approval unless there was an attack on our country or a threat of imminent attack. Now he is pushing to do that which he said was illegal and that which his VP (who was a Senator at the time) said would cause him to push for impeachment.

How will Democrats reconcile the conflict between doing the exact opposite of what they railed about and their desire to keep Obama from looking weaker than he already looks to the rest of the world?

If Barack Obama orders military force be used in Syria without Congressional approval then the military has an obligation not to carry out the orders and Obama should be impeached. If anyone in the military carries out those orders they should be prosecuted for obeying unlawful orders.

If Obama calls on Congress and Congress gives the approval then we have to live with the consequences though Democrats will still have to explain how their change of heart was for national security and not to cover Obama’s rear end.

If Obama goes to Congress and does not get approval then he is stuck with his foot in his mouth looking like a paper tiger.

In addition, all the anti war, anti Bush protesters will have to show the same reaction to Obama as they did to Bush. To do otherwise would show their blatant anti American hypocrisy.

Keep in mind, Bush got approval from Congress.

Now it is time for the alleged Constitutional law professor to follow the Constitution.

I know why should he start now?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



What Would Martin Luther King Like?

Barack Obama gave an interview to a couple of radio hosts and in the interview he said that MLK would have liked Obamacare. It is a prelude to what he will be saying in an upcoming speech. He will try to convince the mind numbed drones that follow him that MLK would have liked Obamacare.

Here is what Obama said:

“Oh he’d like that,” [MLK would like Obamacare] Obama asserted. “Well, because he understood that health care, health security is not a privilege, it’s something in a county as wealthy as ours, everybody should have access to.”

Obama reminded the pair [radio hosts] that it was important for everyone to sign up for Obamacare on healthcare.gov.

“We were just talking with some folks earlier about the fact that, for a lot of people, it will be cheaper than your cell phone bill,” Obama explained. Washington Examiner

First of all, how would Obama know what MLK would like? Obama was a small child when MLK was murdered. I do not recall King calling for universal government run health care but I do recall he was a fan of people being free. He had fairly conservative values and it seems unlikely he would have approved of anything that would have made anyone, particularly blacks, more dependent on government.

It seems to me that King would not have fought for civil rights and equality of all only to have the blacks put back into bondage as slaves on the Democrat plantation.

Obama claims that King would recognize that everyone should have access to health care. Health care is not a right and it is not a privilege, it is a commodity. And everyone has ACCESS to it. The fight that is involved is who will pay for it. You see, anyone can go to a doctor. The fight comes in when it is time to pay the bill. The people who think like Obama believe that it should be paid for by someone else.

Obama was sure to remind people that they should sign up to become more dependent on government, something King would likely not approve of.

Obama then claimed it would be cheaper, for some folks, than their cell phone bill.

In what world is Obama living? I imagine there are some folks who have really high cell phone bills so Obamacare might be cheaper. I imagine if these folks fall into the category where taxpayers subsidize their health care (there we go again, determining that someone else pays the bill) then it might cost less than their cell bill. How could health care possibly cost less than the cell phone bill of the leeches who are using one or more Obamaphones?

But let me make this clear, if you have a cell phone bill that is about the same cost or more than health insurance you can get rid of the phone and pay for your own insurance. The reality is Obama wants everyone dependent on government. He wants the takers to increase in numbers.

Once people depend on government to live they will continue to fight for politicians who promise them more and more and who promise not to take away their goodies.

Look how the elderly are used as pawns. Many become dependent on Social Security and that is used as a weapon to get their votes. They vote in their best interests and not the best interests of the country.

Obama wants more people on the dole so they will keep voting for the Marxists in the Democrat Party. The transformation can’t take place without the hangers on who refuse to live their own lives or take responsibility. As long as Obama and his thieves can get people signed up they can be controlled.

There is no difference between liberals and a drug dealer. They both get you hooked and then exploit you.

One last thing, Obama claims that in a wealthy country like ours everyone should have access to health care. I have already pointed out that everyone has access and that the dispute is who pays.

But let’s look at the country as wealthy as ours myth. We are over 16 TRILLION dollars in debt and have over 100 TRILLION dollars of unfunded liabilities. We are not wealthy.

We can’t even pay our own bills.

Obama will never be able to see this. He has lived his life having everything handed to him and he is in a job where he does what he wants and others foot the bill. He thinks there is no end to the money.

And he is wrong.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Was Bush Right After All?

And if he was will he get an apology from the left?

When the authority to use force in Iraq was granted there were about 19 items in the resolution and only three or so dealt with WMD. There was plenty of credible evidence that Iraq had WMD and used them. In fact we know he used nerve agent on his own people. Despite this evidence and despite a number of Democrats alleging that Saddam Hussein had WMD (when Clinton was president) many Democrats claimed they were lied to.

Yes, when we went into Iraq we failed to find chemical agents. This, the left told us, was proof that Bush lied just to get into a war. They conveniently ignored the Iraq General, Georges Sada, who said the WMD was moved to Syrian planes that had their seats removed. Hussein was able to use the aircraft under the guise of humanitarian aid to Syria.

There were people from the region who claimed the chemical agents were stored in several locations throughout Syria but this fell on deaf ears as liberals who voted for the use of force claimed that Bush lied about WMD. Even though WMD was only 3/19 of the items in the resolution the die was cast and Bush was a liar.

I wrote a number of times about the chemical agents being moved to Syria. I knew Hussein had them and there was no intelligence showing that he had destroyed them but plenty of evidence that he had moved them. His general confirmed they went to Syria.

Liberals took me to task as they bought into the claims that Bush lied.

Well my friends, chemical agents have been used in Syria. There are accusations flowing from the government and from the rebels with each side blaming the other. That will all be sorted out but one thing is clear, nerve agents were used to kill innocent civilians. To be specific Sarin was used.

Hmm, Sarin. Isn’t that what Saddam Hussein had?

If chemical agents are being used in Syria then where did they come from? I would like the inspectors who are there investigating to have access to all the places where the Syrian government might be storing chemical agents (particularly the places claimed in the information provided years ago) so we can see what kind of markings are on them. My bet is that they will show that those agents came from Iraq.

I also bet they will show that they originated in Russia. I have written in the past that the Russians provided the agents to Iraq and that Russian trucks were the ones seen at the storage sites. The Russians were interested in helping get them out of country before we invaded so they would not be caught. Now the Russians are blocking efforts in the recent investigation into the Sarin use in Syria. The UN is helping block efforts as well.

It would be very interesting to see how this plays out if chemical agents are found and they came from Iraq (if the UN would even report the truth). It would be very interesting to see how many on the left who called George W. Bush a liar would apologize.

Hell, who am I kidding? Barack Obama and his liberal gang of thieves would use the revelations to blame Bush for what happened.

They will do anything to deflect attention from the mess they started in Syria.

That entire mess belongs to Barack Obama. He is responsible for it and he is culpable in the deaths of those who were gassed with Sarin.

Not that you will ever hear it from the Obama media.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
