Obama Administration Did Not Know?

The news has been filled with stories about the Australian who was murdered by three teens who were either involved in some type of gang initiation or just bored (or both). Chris Lane was here as a student in Oklahoma and he was shot down by three thugs. The deputy White House press secretary Josh Earnest was asked about the murder and said he was not familiar with it.

When the case was explained to him he said it was tragic but that he did not want to get ahead of the legal process.

Really now?

Obama got ahead of the legal process when it involved Trayvon Martin. The police had investigated and found that Zimmerman did not violate the law. Obama opined about Martin looking like his son if he had one. Obama kept interjecting himself either directly or through his Justice Department.

The pressure from the race hustlers and the Obama Regime (but I repeat myself) led to a politically motivated witch hunt. Zimmerman was finally found not guilty but at the cost of millions and a setback for race relations.

Why would Obama worry about getting ahead of the process when it relates to the Lane murder?

Perhaps it has something to do with the race of the victim and the race of the shooter.

I find it very unlikely that Obama and his Regime knew nothing about the case. There is a pattern of selective outrage with this Regime and the outrage is only visible when the victim looks like a son Obama might have…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Impending Financial Doom

In July the federal government had a $98 billion deficit which means the government spent 98 billion dollars more than it took in. People with even the most basic of math skills know that this means we incurred more debt and therefore, our debt amount went up by 98 billion dollars.

But that did not happen, at least on paper. The US Treasury reports that we had a 98 billion dollar deficit for July but the national debt remained EXACTLY the same every day of the month. They said we spent more than we took in but that the amount of debt we had did not increase. This is impossible and the accounting tricks being implemented will lead to catastrophic economic doom.

Treasury Secretary Lew said he has implemented the standard compensatory measures. Those generally involve stopping the government’s portion paid to employee’s retirement and using the money in employee’s Thrift Savings Accounts (TSP), at least the portion in government securities, to pay the bills (along with other hocus pocus measures). This could be offsetting the deficit numbers and making it look like the debt did not increase but it only looks that way.

This might look good on paper and it might solve a short term problem but the money must be paid back and when it is paid back it will be another huge hit to the national debt.

Another problem is that by doing this the Treasury Secretary is going above the debt limit established by Congress and signed by Obama. It might not look like it on paper but he has exceeded the limit and is using compensatory measures to make it look like he is not. The problem is that he is hiding the fact that the debt ceiling has been passed in hopes that it will be raised and he can pay back the money.

If there is a prolonged fight or the ceiling is not raised then we will be in default and all those places he moved money from will not get paid.

Yes, this has been done in the past. These compensatory measures are usually for a very short time while legislation is being worked out and signed.

The problem now is that the debt has been the very same since the first day of July. Not only did the debt not increase in July but it has not increased in all of August. This means he has hidden debt for a month and a half and if the course remains unchanged it will be well over two months (closer to three) before the situation is resolved.

In all that time nearly 300 BILLION dollars in debt will be incurred and need to be replaced.

Make no mistake folks, we are in default. The fact that the numbers on paper do not reflect it does not change the fact that we have spent more than we have and more than we are allowed to by law.

Treasury is robbing Peter to pay Paul right now but Peter will need to be paid back. A default on all that retirement money that employees have paid in will not be well received.

Right now the country is using fuzzy math to hide the fact that the debt ceiling has been crossed and we are in default.

When it comes time to pay the piper all hell will break loose.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Guns Up Crime Down In Virginia

This comes as no shock to people who live in the real world. Gun ownership in Virginia has increased by 16% and violent crime is down 5%. It is important to note that it is not just the ownership that has resulted in lower crime. The important factor is that in Virginia people can carry firearms concealed with a permit and are allowed to open carry.

That is an important distinction and one we see in all of the states that do not infringe on the right of the people to keep and BEAR arms. In states where people can carry openly and/or concealed there is a lower crime rate. Increased ownership in and of itself will not reduce violent crime if the people who own the guns are not allowed to carry them. There will likely be a decrease in crimes at homes that are occupied since criminals will not know if there is an armed person inside but if that same person must go out without a firearm then he is at a greater risk for violent crime than a person in a free state.

The state of Maryland has seen a huge increase in the sale of firearms because the Governor and his minions in the State Capitol passed unconstitutional gun laws that take effect in October. But the people in Maryland (a state that calls itself free) are not free to carry firearms. The State Police deny most applications. People need to be politically connected to get a carry permit or they need to demonstrate good and substantial reason (something not defined) and then if they are lucky enough to be blessed by the state their permit is usually a restricted permit.

[note]Maryland boasts a high approval rate but the reality is most people do not apply because the process costs about $150.00 and there is little hope of getting approved. Only those who have a real good shot (the connected or people who own a business and carry valuables) apply because anyone else is just throwing their money away.[/note]

So yes, Virginia has a lower violent crime rate commensurate with an increase in firearm ownership but the real reason crime is down is because people are allowed to carry their firearms. Criminals do not know who is and who is not armed so they would rather not take a chance. Instead, they go to neighboring Maryland where people are made prey by their elected elites.

This pattern repeats itself across the nation. Places with strict gun control have a lot of crime (violent or otherwise) and places where people are free the rate is down. Chicago, strict gun control and lots of murder and mayhem. Texas, Virginia and Florida, lots of people carrying firearms and not a lot of murder and mayhem.

Armed places are safer places.

That is just an undeniable truth. And even though it is, morons like the Governor of Maryland continue to push gun control. Keep in mind that he is surrounded by armed guards all the time so he is safe. The rest of us, not so much.

Martin O’Malley wants to run for President of the US in 2016. He wants to do to America what he has done to Maryland.

He wants to enslave the entire country and make us prey to the criminal elements in society.

I know there are plenty of people who hate guns and agree with O’Moron, Obama and the rest of the gun grabbing anti American pukes so why don’t they just move to a place where guns are banned? You know why and so do I. Hell, why don’t Obama and O’Malley get rid of their armed guards?

Because they want a chance to live. The elites (like the Hollywood libs) want guns banned but only our guns and not the ones they use in their movies or that their bodyguards carry. All liberals are hypocrites (particularly the elitists).

In any event, Virginia is a shining example of what happens when people are free.

We in Maryland can only long for our freedom.

But one day we will have it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Al Qaeda On The Run – Toward Us…

Four years ago Barack Obama assured us that the terror group Al Qaeda was on the run. Because Barack the Almighty had focused on them they had been vanquished. This all falls in line with the self projected image of Barack Hussein Obama being a tough guy when he took credit for killing Osama bin Laden. A side note here, the US military killed him. Obama was playing golf when the good guys were working hard to get OBL and only left the golf course long enough to watch real men at work.

Keep that golf thing in mind because it will come up again in regard to terrorism.

Anyway, Obama told us that Al Qaeda was on the run and his regime effectively removed the words “War on Terror” from our vocabulary. Can’t have the US insulting Obama’s kin now can we?

Al Qaeda is on the run BUT it was that terror group credited with the Benghazi attack and subsequent murder of four Americans (and the cover up that followed).

This past weekend 22 US embassies in the Middle East were closed and a global travel alert was issued because of a “specific threat.” First of all, if the threat was specific why close all those embassies? Unless it was specific to the extent that all of them were targets why would we need to close them all? Why issue a GLOBAL travel alert for a SPECIFIC threat?

The kicker here is that the specific threat, one described as more specific than any going back to before 9/11/2001, is a threat from Al Qaeda.

You got that? The reason we closed 22 embassies (and now that closure has increased from one day to a week) and issued a global travel alert is because a group of terrorists that Obama said is on the run has issued a specific threat.

Evidently on the run has a different meaning to Obama than it does to the rest of us. You see, to most of us if the enemy is on the run it means they are running AWAY from us. They are defeated or degraded so much so that they cannot effectively fight so they are running away.

To Barack Obama it must mean that the enemy is strong and running TOWARD us because it is strong enough to force us to close 22 embassies and issue the travel alert.

Make no mistake about this, Barack Obama touted his street creds about Al Qaeda many times, particularly during the last presidential campaign, and he gave the impression through his speeches that we had beaten that terror group. Even if his idea of on the run is different than ours he did not explain that difference so he led us all to believe that we were winning.

Obama talked about the demise of Al Qaeda 32 times since the Benghazi attack. Yes, Al Qaeda, the group Obama said was on the run four years ago attacked the compound in Benghazi. So they were not on the run then and since then Obama has talked about how that group, the group that murdered Americans, had been decimated (which is an incorrect use of the word*) even though it is evidently strong enough to cause mass chaos for our embassies and our travel.

I will not fault this regime for exercising caution because of the threat. If there is a threat it must be taken seriously and whatever actions are necessary must be executed. I take exception to all this being done in the shadow of Obama’s many claims that he had defeated the group causing the problems.

[note]The cynic in me thinks that Obama is using a red herring to take focus away from all the scandals that are not phony as he would have you believe.[/note]

I also take exception to a regime that refused to exercise the same amount of caution in Benghazi. If it had listened to requests for more security and granted those requests our people would have stood a better chance.

But how could he? He was in the middle of a campaign and needed to fool people into thinking he was making progress. He had told people Al Qaeda was on the run so he had to act like it was.

Our citizens were fodder to cover his ineptness so he could get reelected.

Now that he does not have to worry about running again he can close all the embassies and issue all the alerts he wants. It matters not if his claims about Al Qaeda have turned out to be untrue.

He is already in office and his sycophant media will not call him on the lies.

As for the golf I told you to keep in mind? Obama played golf when our troops were going after OBL.

Yesterday, amid the embassy closings and travel alert Barack Hussein Obama took it so seriously that he, you guessed it.

Played golf…

*Decimate: though many dictionaries have relented the word means to reduce by one tenth. Annihilate, obliterate, or slaughter are better choices if the intention is to convey something has been drastically reduced. Or one could simply say drastically reduced…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Despite Denials, Government Is Spying On Us

The government swears (and we can trust them) that they are not looking at our stuff. Why, they only collect metadata and only worry about terrorists and people with overseas connections. They are as pure as the driven snow and would never violate the privacy of the citizens of this great nation.

The head of the NSA said so and we can trust a guy whose job is to keep secrets and do spy stuff that no one is allowed to discuss.

Edward Snowden claimed that the government is reading all kinds of stuff and has invasive programs that can snoop through all kinds of things. He said that he, as an analyst, could do it from his desk. It looks like an article in the Guardian confirms what Snowden told us. The government has a program known as XKeyscore which makes available everything you’ve ever done on the internet. We will pause while you think back to what you might be worried about.


OK, XKeyscore searches your browsing history, searches, email content, online chats and your metadata. The very things Snowden said the government could do and the very things the government has denied.

[note]Isn’t it funny that government claims it must do certain things (like this) to keep us safe so it basically rationalizes spying on us but when a guy like Snowden reveals the program he is a criminal. He spied on them and revealed what they were doing. How is that different from what they do to us? I still have reservations about how he did things but he revealed a serious problem.[/note]

Think the government is not spying on you? A family was visited by the police after the wife searched for pressure cookers and her husband searched for backpacks. While there might be a problem with this and they might be planning something bad the reality is that both items are legal to purchase. The bigger picture item is; how did the government know what they were looking at online?

Let that sink in. There are probably ways that this could have been discovered BUT now that we are aware of the snooping that takes place and its extent one must wonder how government knew this information.

The government continues to deny many things and promises us that it is not invading our privacy but more and more we are seeing that this is not the truth.

As for the XKeyscore program, we are assured that safeguards are in place and it is not used to spy on people.

You mean like the safeguards in place to prevent the IRS from releasing data to other agencies, or being used as a political weapon against certain organizations? Or perhaps like the safeguards in place to keep voters from being intimidated like happened in Philadelphia? Or maybe the safeguards put in place to ensure guns did not get in the hands of criminals under Fast and Furious.

Let’s just say the government has given us no reason whatsoever to trust the alleged safeguards designed to keep our information private and to keep us from having our rights violated. It appears as if the only safe place is wherever Obama’s birth certificate and college transcripts are housed.

One has to wonder if XKeyscore found anything on Chief Justice Roberts. That would explain why he allowed Obamacare to stand by rewriting the law.

In any event, they are spying on us all the time. Keep that in mind. No matter what they say to your face they are spying on you behind your back.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
