How Did A Gun Crime Happen In DC?
Jul 2, 2013 Political
Washington DC has very strict gun laws, in fact some of the strictest in the nation. Politicians who pass these gun laws tell us that they will keep us safer in spite of the fact that criminals do not obey the law. Ronald Reagan was shot in Washington DC even though he was surrounded by armed guards and there were even striter laws at the time. This proves beyond a doubt that criminals do not obey the law and even the most protected are vulnerable to a determined criminal.
Recently in DC, a man was carjacked and forced, at gunpoint, to sign his vehicle over to an evildoer. The man advertised his 1998 van for sale and agreed to meet a prospective buyer at a location other than his house. The prospective buyer and another person met the seller and took the vehicle for a test drive. The prospective buyer had a wad of cash and a gun. The seller asked why he had a gun and the man nodded to his friend in the back of the van.
Both men pointed guns at the seller and forced him to sign the title to the vehicle over to one of them.
You can read the whole account of the story here.
The point of this post is to ask how could this happen? How could two armed men force another, at gunpoint, to sign a title over in a city that does not allow people to carry guns?
If gun control is the answer to the problem of gun crime then how did this happen in a place that has such strict gun control?
The Democrats in Maryland passed a new gun control law in order to reduce gun related crime so they should take note of what happens in places like DC. The gun laws do not stop criminals from using guns to commit crimes.
The only thing gun laws do is make victims out of law abiding citizens.
Gun control laws do not work, they do not stop criminals from using them and they do not reduce crime. Maryland has tough gun laws now and Baltimore is the City that Bleeds. Things will get worse when the new laws take effect.
Just like they are in DC and every other place where people are denied their Constitutionally protected right to keep and BEAR arms…
Wake up America and wake up People’s Republik of Maryland.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: constitution, DC, gun control, lies, Maryland, rights
July 4th, Dependence Day
Jun 28, 2013 Political
Looks like the Fourth of July is no longer Independence Day. Nancy Pelosi, the moron whose brain is botox numbed, noted that it was one year ago that the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare (what they did was change it to a taxing scheme) and therefore provides health independence for millions of Americans (and no doubt illegals).
Pretty soon we’ll all be leaving for the Fourth of July recess. Next week when we celebrate Independence Day, we’ll also be observing health independence. This marks one year since the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act. “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The Affordable Care Act offers just that: A healthier life, liberty [to] pursue [a] person’s happiness, to be free of constraint, the job locked, uhh, because they’re policy locked. So, if you wanted to be a cameraman, a writer, you want to be self-employed, if you want to start a business, if you want to change jobs — whatever is you want to do — you are free. ~Nancy Pelosi
The reality is that Obamacare enslaves people to government. We fought for our Independence from an oppressive government only to end up a few hundred years later enslaved to the new government. Obamacare FORCES people to engage in commerce and it FORCES them to pay fines (the SCOTUS redefined them as taxes). When people have independence they are FREE to choose.
When people are forced to do something they do not want and that is not authorized under the Constitution then they are not Independent.
Nancy Pelosi might celebrate Obamacare on the 4th of July and it is likely that many of the low information Americans will celebrate with her.
The rest of us will celebrate the Independence our Founders fought, and many patriots died, for. We will lament what is happening to this nation and the shackles that are placed around our legs by today’s government.
But we will not celebrate the slavery that has been imposed by the government that is supposed to protect our freedom.
Pelosi is an idiot and she has no concept of how this nation was founded and what led to our Independence.
She only knows how to oppress.
She is a modern day slave owner and she likes it that way.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Obama Supports Voter ID
Jun 27, 2013 Political
But only in Africa.
It is well known that Barack Obama does not support voter ID laws in the US. He and his administration have fought every attempt at voter ID since he was elected. Hell, the lack of voter ID and the corruption of groups like ACORN are responsible for his election and reelection.
Without voter fraud Democrats have a hard time winning.
Obama was beside himself when the Supreme Court struck down part of the Voting Rights Act because that removed a weapon the regime had to force states into lax voter conditions. Now states will not be held to a decades old standard that probably no longer applies.
Texas jumped right in and reintroduced its voter ID requirement moments after the decision. Liberals screamed about an activist court (like one that negates the will of the people in Prop 8) and lamented about how horrible this all is. Liberals do not like voter ID because it makes it harder to cheat.
But while Obama is on his African vacation (where he will not visit his place of birth) he made a comment about the voter ID laws in Africa. He likes what they have done and the fact they have spent million of dollars to get young people ID cards, a prerequisite to voting.
Funny how Obama is all for things for other people but not the citizens of the US. He likes voter ID in Africa but not at home. He is arming the Syrian rebels (the citizens fighting against the government) but wants to disarm the American citizens [the subject of whether the animals in Syria should be armed is a different discussion].
It seems to me that there should be a huge push for voter ID laws in this country and we can cite Obama’s own words for support. As for the gun issue, he can try to take them but will fail miserably. We decided that issue in 1776 and we remember how we did it.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
And They Say Gun Control Saves Lives
Jun 25, 2013 Political
The State of Maryland is supposed to be the Free State, or at least that is what they say. It is anything but free. When it comes to firearms and the allegedly free people of the state keeping and bearing them the state disallows that.
The only people in the state who are allowed to carry firearms are the criminals. When I say allowed I mean they do not obey the gun laws of the state and carry them in spite of the rules. The law abiding people of the state do not carry firearms around and are left at the mercy of those who disregard the law.
The state already has strict gun laws with a large number of firearms banned and a longer wait time than the feds require to obtain those firearms the state deems worthy of sale. The strict gun laws have done absolutely nothing to stop the murders by criminals carrying guns so the liberal morons in the state passed even stricter gun laws. Those laws will take effect in October and a lot more firearms will be banned. The crime rate will not go down and the liberal morons will push for more laws.
The state police are charged with determining who is worthy of owning a firearm and by law they have 7 days to do so. They are running at about 90 days and even though the law states that firearms dealers may release them after 7 days if the State Police have not responded those dealers are being pressured not to do so. The police are ignoring the law and generally getting away with it.
Another issue is the ability to get a concealed carry permit. The only people who can get one are those who are politically connected. The rest of the people have to have good and substantial reason to get one. The law does not define good and substantial so the police have taken it upon themselves to determine that if you have a business and carry money you can get a limited permit. You can protect your money but not your own life.
This is all to keep us safe because guns on the street are bad. Now mind you, the law abiding are not the ones carrying guns and in places where they are not denied their Constitutional right the crime rates and the number of gun related crimes are much lower than in places that restrict.
Maryland claims that the gun laws prevent gun crimes. The state has strict laws and in Baltimore City the rules are even worse. That has not stopped the gun related crimes AS ALL REASONABLE PEOPLE KNEW WOULD BE THE CASE.
Over this past weekend 20 people were shot in Baltimore. 10 of them died. On Monday another person was shot and today 5 others were shot (1 dead 4 injured) by ILLEGAL guns.
The people in charge are neglecting sanity and blaming guns that they vow to take off the streets.
They will never be able to get guns out of the hands of criminals because criminals do not jump through all the hoops the state requires. Only the law abiding do that. If the law abiding are lucky they get to buy a gun. They never get a permit to carry one because, well you know, that would be too dangerous.
Liberals are idiots and Martin O’Malley, the governor of Maryland, is a top notch idiot. He pushed this agenda by dancing on the graves of the dead children in Newtown. He is boasting about his gun laws and his trampling on the Constitution because he is an anti American slug.
And that idiot wants to be president. He is not worthy of anyone’s trust. He is not worthy of leading anything. This idiot could not organize a child’s birthday party. Hell, he could not lead a group of people out of a burning building.
Gun control is costing people their lives. What Maryland needs is criminal control. We also need the state police to start approving carry permits for people who are law abiding and have no disqualifying factors without applying arbitrary reasons (reasons that are not codified in Maryland law) to those who are no threat to society.
We also need to get rid of the newly passed gun control laws and every politician who voted for them.
And we need to ensure that Martin O’Moron is never elected to any other office. His next term should be in prison.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: carry permit, gun control, lies, martin o'malley, Maryland, state police
See Something, Say Something
Jun 24, 2013 Political
I do not agree with what Bradley Manning or Edward Snowden did. Manning did not just expose some cover up of an incident, he released tens of thousands of documents the contents of which could have an adverse effect on our national security. He apparently had a meltdown over his gender identity issues and, in a snit, released lots of stuff. There were other avenues for him to reveal the cover up but he chose an incorrect one. Some hail him as a hero but he is not.
In addition to exposing the illegal spying by our government, Snowden took untold numbers of documents and his actions could damage our security. There were plenty of ways he could have gotten the spying information out that would not have landed him in hot water. He chose an incorrect one and while his actions have enlightened millions of Americans the issue will be more about him than the wrong he exposed.
The interesting thing in both of these cases is that, while what they did was wrong, they both followed the instructions of Homeland Security. For years now the DHS has been telling us that if we see something we should say something. These people, as misguided as their methods were, saw something and said something.
Unfortunately for them they saw something the government was doing or had done and said something about it. Big government does not like its misdeeds exposed. It only likes when we are reporting each other TO them. Being reported for their wrong doing enrages them and results in criminal charges.
I personally think that these two broke the law and should be punished BUT I admit that they had valid concerns and could have exposed the wrong doing legally. They would have had more credibility and would have avoided trouble.
In any event, they were doing as DHS instructed them.
I wonder if DHS thought their see something, say something campaign would come back to bite them…
No matter what, things are wrapping up for Manning but the Snowden saga is just beginning. Regardless of the outcome we are much more aware of government wrong doing because of him.
I just wish he had done it the right way.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: dhs, lies, manning, say something, see something, snowden