The Poor Pay More, Deservedly So

When Obama and his band of merry thieves were out pushing socialized medicine down our throats the supporters were elated at the prospect of free health care. Make those nasty rich people pay for my health care. Pay for my birth control as well because this is my right!

There is no such thing as a free lunch and, as Obama’s favorite Imam (ahem, Pastor), Jeremiah Wright, might say the chickens are coming home to roost.

It looks like the poor will be hit particularly hard by Obamacare. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the poor will pay more.


Excuse me, I had to laugh. They thought the evil rich would take it in the shorts while they received another government provided (read taxpayer provided) hand out.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that Obamacare is going to make health care unaffordable to a shockingly large number of poor people — many of them single and childless. This should come as no surprise, though: The burden of regulation falls all too often disproportionately on the relatively poor, especially the working poor — the very people this law was supposed to help. Obamacare, sadly, is merely the latest and most painful hit from the regulatory onslaught of Washington, diverting resources that could be better used to address larger and more immediate risks. Washington Times

I am sure there will be some mad rush to correct this. Politicians will scream bloody murder and there will be a push for some single payer system to take out the disparity. Why, it is just unfair to make the poor pay more.

Well hell, government caused it. They should have read the bill before they passed it but Pelosi said it had to be passed to see what was in it.

So now that it has passed we are seeing more and more things that are a nightmare.

The poor will be hard hit but that must happen. Pain is a great teacher and unless it hurts them a lot they will keep doing stupid things like supporting the redistribution of taxpayer money.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Border Security Will NOT Happen

The people in Congress talk a good game but it is all talk. Democrats claim that border security is important but then do everything to keep it from happening and Republicans pretend to be tough but care little about it. The overall goal, as it was in past illegal immigration debates, is to talk tough about security in order to grant amnesty. In the last two debates on the issue we were promised that once amnesty was granted the border would be secured and we would not need to worry about the issue again.

There will be no more illegals we were told.

And now there are upwards of 20 million who are, like those illegals before them, on a path to amnesty.

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York has made the bold claim that the bill the Senate is working on will solve the immigration problem and secure the border.

Let me translate. Solve the immigration problem does not mean solve the problem of them coming here illegally. We have seen that this is not the case based on the last two immigration reforms. What Schumer means is that it will solve the immigration problem for Democrats because now more immigrants will be on the dole and voting Democrat.

Schumer’s claim that the border will be secured is negated by his next statement. In the article he is quoted as saying that border security measures will be maintained. Then he goes on to say that the Gang of Eight will not compromise by conditioning the path to citizenship on factors that might not happen, as in border security.

You see, he says the border will be secured but then says there should be no condition for border security because once they make millions of lawbreakers legal they will not care about border security.

Why would they? How can rich Republicans get cheap labor to care for their lawns and build homes and how can Democrats get millions of new voters if they close the border? They need a pool of new laborers and voters from which to draw.

We have been promised that the border would be secure and that there would no longer be an illegal immigrant problem since they started granting amnesty in the 1960s. Each time millions of lawbreakers receive a free gift and their crimes are absolved as they bring in more and more family members and take jobs while the border remains wide open inviting millions more illegals who hide until the next amnesty.

It is all a sham. They have no intention of securing the border. They only want to pander to people who should not be here.

The border security issue should be a separate bill. Pass it and implement it while debating the immigration issue. This way the border gets secured and that security is not held hostage to the political posturing of both parties.

And while we are at it let’s make it a felony to be here illegally. Let’s make sure it is a felony to get caught crossing the border illegally AND a felony to be here illegally.

I am waiting for a border state to pass legislation that makes it a felony to be in the state illegally and thus bypass the federal government all together. Since the feds claim only they can enforce the immigration laws of the country the states should enforce immigration laws for their state. Pass legislation that says if you are in the state illegally (which means in the country illegally and then in the state) you are not allowed to stay. They should be arrested for illegal entry into the state and then deported to a sanctuary city. Funny how sanctuary cities are a clear violation of the law but the Obama Regime does not go after them.

That should tell you their intent…

In any event, whatever they come up with will screw citizens while rewarding illegals with welfare.

And pricks like Schumer will bask in the glow of new Democrat voters as more and more cross the border. In 10 years Schumer (if he is still alive) will be screaming about immigration reform and the need to do something and how we will never have to do it again.

It is the same song we have been hearing for decades.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Patton Is Turning Over In His Grave

Looks like the military is continuing to decay into a politically correct social establishment that is more concerned with what a soldier reads or eats than his ability to do his job. MSG Nathan Sommers, a member of the Army Band, is in trouble because he is conservative and is not a fan of the current Commander in Chief.

Sommers served Chick-fil-A at his promotion party (all of which he paid for with HIS own money) and he tweeted that it was in honor of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT). The party happened around the time that liberals had their pink panties in a twist about the owner’s stance on gay marriage. Sommers could not attend the Chick-fil-A appreciation day so he had them cater his promotion party.

[note]Remember when the phrase “never leave your buddies behind” meant not leaving them on the battlefield?[/note]

He got in trouble for that.

He had anti Obama bumper stickers on his car (as well as anti Democrat in general) and he got in trouble for that. He was told he might be violating the Hatch Act (he was not).

He was caught reading a book by David Limbaugh (Rush’s brother) backstage before a performance. He was told the book was offensive and he was causing disruption within the unit.

Really? Were soldiers in the unit allowed to read Obama’s books? Are they allowed to read books by hate mongers like Al Franken? Are they allowed to read Rules for Radicals?

Even if the book was offensive the soldier had a right to read it.

His unit has been monitoring his tweets and is not happy he follows and has retweeted tweets by Mark Levin.

At what point do people realize this soldier is being harassed by his Chain of Command? At what point do we stop trampling on his rights because someone else might be offended?

There is no right not to be offended in the Constitution, period. While there are standards of conduct nothing I have read shows Sommers is a problem (he had one retweet where he used a word that he regretted using but that is an exception and not the rule).

I stand with you MSG Sommers. You have a 25 year record of exemplary service to this nation and have served more honorably than the guy in the WH.

Illegitimis non carborundum…

Stand tall brother.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Eric Holder And Civil Rights

Valerie Jarrett, the Communist running the White House (and you thought Obama was doing that?), has stated that Eric Holder will keep his job. She said that he is resilient and has the confidence of Barack Obama so these scandals will not force him out.

Jarrett said:

“Eric never loses sight of what he’s there for,” said Jarrett. “He’s there to be the chief lawyer for the United States of America and to make sure that all of our rights are protected, and to defend our country, to make sure that he is an advocate for those whose civil rights have been infringed upon–anyone whose rights have been infringed upon. And there are people all around the country who are counting on him to be the attorney general. And so yes he is resistant, and he is tough, and he is strong, and he is perfectly capable of defending himself, and he is an outstanding attorney general, who enjoys the full confidence of the president of the United States.” Weekly Standard

There is no doubt that Holder knows what he is there for. He is there to exact revenge on Obama’s enemies. He is there to ignore the crimes of minorities and to suppress conservatives. Let us not forget that Jarrett was the one who said that once they won the election (the 2012 election) there would be payback and they would be taking revenge on people.

Holder is part of the team doing that. He is trampling on the First Amendment (and several others for that matter) and he is going after conservatives, period.

If he was truly an advocate for civil rights then he would be balls to the walls to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal. The civil rights of many conservative groups (as well as other groups opposed to Obama) were violated by the IRS. Can anyone show me where Holder has gone after anyone involved? Is Holder seeking indictments of those who broke the law?

Jarrett is right in one respect. There are people around the country who count on him. The Obama Regime is counting on him to continue exacting revenge and those who have been wronged by government are counting on him to uphold the law and punish those who broke it.

Guess which group is getting his attention?

Eric Holder is a racist, partisan hack who cares not about the people who have been harmed if they are people who either do not look like him or hold the same political philosophy as he and his cronies in the Regime. We saw it with the New Black Panther Case and we are seeing it now.

Holder is one of the people involved in the criminal activity. How can he be looking out for our civil rights when he is busy violating them?

I think Jarrett is correct that Holder will not go anywhere. He can’t because there are still a bunch of rights he has not trampled on.

Holder leads the Department of Just-Us and that is why Obama supports him….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Government Profiling?

If the government has a hunch that a person who looks Middle Eastern is up to no good and stops that person at the airport or as he crosses the border the Muslim groups (I know, not all Middle eastern people are Muslim) and the liberal PC crowd scream about racial profiling. Never mind the fact that Middle Eastern is not a race, the fact is people who do not fit the demographics of a terrorist are stopped and checked while those who fit the demographics of most who have committed acts of terror are waved through.

But the federal government, the one that is loathe to be associated with “racial” profiling (remember, it is not a race) has no problem taking the electronic devices of people, on a hunch, and copying all the information on those devices.

The government is arguing that is should have the right to take YOUR property and copy YOUR information to see if you have child pornography or information indicating you are a terrorist (or support terror) based on a hunch.

In other words, if you look like someone who might have that stuff on your electronic device the government thinks it has the right to take your stuff and copy it without a warrant or probable cause.

You see, if you LOOK like the people responsible for most of the terror we can’t profile you but if they have a hunch your electronics might have something illegal on them then they can stop you and take your stuff and copy it.

The government is out of control. Without probable cause they have no reason to search your stuff. If they do not have enough cause to get a warrant then they do not have enough cause to search your stuff, period.

The government is busy collecting information from Google and Verizon (while forbidding them from informing you your information is being released) without warrants, Eric Holder is snooping in the emails and phone records of reporters, the IRS is harassing conservative groups and the NSA is collecting phone records by the millions each day.

We live in a country that is rapidly becoming a totalitarian state where Big Brother snoops in all of our business. We are subject to more harassment than citizens of Germany in the 1930s.

This is a violation of our constitutionally protected rights and it needs to stop. We cannot allow them to do this and we can’t allow the courts to let them do it. Even if they pass some law or the court says it is OK it is NOT.

Everything Hitler did was legal under German law.

That did not make it right.

Take a stand America. It is time to abolish the IRS and severely limit the size, scope and power of the government.

And it is time to kick the bums out of office (and preferably to a jail cell).

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
