PVT Manning Is No Hero

The long awaited trial of Private Bradley Manning began today at Fort Meade Maryland. It has been a few years since Manning was arrested for releasing hundreds of thousands of documents that he contends the public had a right to see and the disclosure of which would spark a debate on our role of our military and our foreign policy.

Perhaps he is correct about all of those assertions. It is quite possible that the contents of the documents should be available to the public and perhaps they would spark debate. Let us assume all of that is true.

Another truth is that Manning was not in a position to make that call and it was not his right or his duty to release the information.

Bradley Manning was charged with analyzing intelligence and guarding that information. He was supposed to guard the information in accordance with the rules established for it. Someone classified the information and decided that it was not to be publicly available.

Manning disregarded the classifications and the instructions to keep the information from being released. He decided and took it upon himself to gather it and release it to someone who would make it public. This is where he went wrong. He broke the law and he is no hero for doing so.

People in certain positions within the government are charged with doing jobs that require secrecy. Manning was in such a position and he failed to do what he was trained to do. He failed to do what he was ethically and legally bound to do.

The fact of the matter is it does not make any difference if the information is damning, if it should be available to the public or if it would spark debate because Manning was not allowed to take that decision and he was not allowed to release the information.

There are those who support him and call him a hero. He is a traitor and he should spend a very long time in jail.

Suppose something he felt should be made public resulted in a terror attack in America. Suppose what he released was used by the enemy to attack and kill members of our military. I know that many on the left might still view him as a hero but most folks would be quite upset if what Manning released was used to harm them or their families or our nation.

Manning is a confused young man with many mental health issues. He got in a snit and did something very stupid and now he will have to pay.

No matter what, he is no hero.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


It Will Get Worse If We make Them Legal

The gang of eight and all the other politicians who desire to make the shadowy illegal aliens in America instantly legal keep assuring us that once these folks are out of the shadows they will not receive welfare. In case you live in a cave someplace (which is silly because you would not be reading this) welfare is paid for with tax dollars. People work hard for their money and then some of it is extorted from them by government who then hands it over to those who do not work, cannot work, or are not earning much money.

Welfare was designed to be a social safety net but it has become a wealth redistribution scheme run by the government to keep people dependent on the politicians. Vote for us and we will keep paying you with other people’s money.

There is proof that once illegals are given some sort of legal status they will get welfare. One big one is the Senators who have proclaimed that they will get the money. That pretty much indicates there is no push to ensure it does not happen.

Another good indication is that billions of dollars in taxpayer money is spent on welfare that goes to people who should not get it. People in prison are getting checks. People who are dead continue to get checks that their families are undoubtedly spending. There are billions of dollars wasted in the welfare scheme.

Another strong indication that those newly legal people will get our tax dollars is the fact that many of them are getting our tax dollars as ILLEGALS.

A woman in Florida who is in this country illegally and has been for at least 20 years is drawing $240 a month in food stamps and $700 a month in Social Security and she has been getting this money for 20 years. She is 50 years old so that means we have been supporting her since she was 30.

The amount of money she gets and whether or not she can live on it is not material to the issue. The real issue is that she is here illegally and is receiving welfare money.

How in the name of all that is holy can our government claim those illegals it deems to be legal will not get welfare money when it cannot stop the illegals from getting it? This woman is but one example that is surely repeated all across the nation. The linked article indicates that Florida has a lot of food stamp recruiters and they have a goal; to increase federal aid to Florida by a billion dollars a year.

These people are working to get folks on the welfare rolls whether they are lawfully eligible or not.

Our tax dollars are being wasted supporting people who squirt out a litter of children or bring in their families (this woman has 7 people to feed) while we work our butts off to make ends meet.

The members of Congress working on immigration reform say that tax dollars in the form of welfare will not be given to those newly legal people but we all know this is a lie.

We have a problem with illegals for two very basic facts. The first is we have an open border and we refuse to secure it. The second is we give illegals welfare. If we did not pay them our money to come here they would stay home.

It is time to tell Congress to drop all ideas of making these people legal. We need sweeping reform that includes purging all the welfare rolls of people who are here illegally. Couple this with e-verify and workplace enforcement and these people will eventually self deport.

Let’s solve the problem by making them go home rather than making them legal (thus rewarding them for their crime) and paying them to be here.

Enough is enough.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


How Far Does The IRS Scandal Reach?

The IRS is guilty of targeting conservative groups. Of this there is no doubt and when this is said and done a number of people should land in jail. The IRS deliberately targeted groups to help Barack Obama get reelected and it released tax information to people who could use it to attack Romney and his supporters.

These are the facts in the scandal and they are not in dispute.

We know that Harry Reid made claims that Romney paid no taxes. We do not know if this is true or not but where did Reid get his information? We know that Austan Goolsbee, Obama’s economic adviser, accused the Koch brothers of not paying corporate taxes. Where did he get his information?

Goolsbee and the White House had claimed they got the information from publicly available sources (Forbes and the Koch website) but those sources did not have that information. Now that the IRS scandal has broken Goolsbee has piped up to claim that it was a mistake and the info came from an article.

Why did he chime in now when the issue was not mentioned since the original false claim? Perhaps it is because Goolsbee is worried about getting snared in the IRS scandal. Is it because this will be traced back to Obama?

It is likely that Barack Obama had knowledge of what was going on. Whether he directed the IRS to break the law is not yet known but he probably knew where the information was coming from. Hell, his campaign was using the information so it requires the willful suspension of disbelief to think he did not know. This tactic is classic Obama.

This is why all the wagons are circling. The people involved are trying to protect Obama from being caught up in all of this.

Congress can investigate all of this and it can appoint a special prosecutor to look into it but if it wants to end this fast it needs to find the low level people involved and threaten them with serious jail time. These people might be Obama sycophants but I doubt any of them want to go to jail for him.

Goolsbee is covering his rear so he should be on the hot seat as should the people at the IRS all the way up to Lerner. Threaten these people with the full might of the government and the judicial system and they will begin to sing.

There are plenty of scandals that show America elected a criminal to run the country. His shady deal with terrorists (he was either running guns through Benghazi or he planned to have our Ambassador kidnapped so he could negotiate a deal to swap the Blind Sheik and look like a hero before the election. The plan went south when two Seals refused to stand down) led to Americans being murdered and he should be impeached for that. In any event this 3 am phone call will derail Hillary in 2016.

The IRS scandal hits a broader audience because it targeted everyday citizens for political purposes. A government agency was used to intimidate Americans and help Obama win an election. Despite the moron liberals who are happy it took place the overwhelming number of people in this country find the whole thing distasteful. Most people here do not like the IRS and give it no sympathy.

The public trust has been violated and there are a lot of people involved in the violation. We need action on this. We need Obama impeached, we need the IRS abolished and the tax code simplified, and we need everyone who was involved in this to be sent to jail.

Then we need to deal with Benghazi and the DOJ violation of the First Amendment right of the press.

No matter what, we must have answers and we must have justice.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Chicago Is Hazardous To Children


Jonylah Watkins was only six months old when her life was suddenly ended by a gang banger with a gun. Thirty-three year old Koman Willis, a man with documented gang ties, shot the baby as she sat on her father’s lap in his parked vehicle. Jonathan Watkins was the intended target because he allegedly stole Willis’ video game console.

Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation yet it is among the most dangerous places to live. More people are murdered with guns in Chicago than in most places (if not all) in this nation and certainly more than any place where the right to keep and bear arms is not infringed.

We have been through this before. Criminals do not obey gun laws so people like Willis will continue to use firearms illegally. Law abiding citizens are stripped of their rights while those with no regard for the law continue to obtain and use firearms illegally. There is no doubt that gun control and the failure of the judicial system resulted in the death of this innocent child. You see, Willis has 38 prior arrests so it is highly unlikely he is allowed to own a firearm. It is also a mystery why a person with such a record is not behind bars where he could not shoot people.

Chicago is an open fire murder zone where people are shot and killed each and every day despite the fact that guns control is extremely strict there.

This is the progressive dream city and it still has gun murders. The reality of this escapes progressive politicians like Barack Obama and Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley who continue to harp on gun control as a means to end gun violence. Disarming law abiding citizens will not make them safer. There is no clearer example than Chicago but the progressives push on. They only want the agents of government to have firearms.

[note]The progressives tell us that certain firearms (they desire all firearms) should be banned because they are only suitable for war. These firearms are possessed by police departments across the nation so if they are only suitable for war, just who are the police departments planning on going to war with?[/note]

While gun control certainly plays a part in the violence in Chicago it is not the only reason. There is a fundamental breakdown in the family unit and in societal norms. Society is definitely in decline when members of the society think an appropriate response to the theft of a video console is to murder the alleged thief. When neighbors are so terrified that they will not cooperate with police, when young men father children with many women or women have many children with multiple men there is a problem. That problem is exacerbated in the generational welfare state.

People lose all self respect and all respect for life. The code of the street and the gang becomes the norm and we end up with babies being murdered because a father allegedly stole a video console.

While politicians beg gang members to stop shooting children and churches beg the community to come together and repent the violence continues.

It continues because people are no longer accountable for their actions. It happens because people become dependent on the government and lack the responsibility and social mores that keep a society together.

Basically, people become animals and act like them while an overburdened judiciary keeps turning criminals back to the street and government keeps digging in deeper to keep people on the plantation.

It is sad that Jonylah was murdered but even sadder that her death was not an isolated incident in the jungle known as Chicago.

It is also sad that the gun will be blamed for this as it is for all gun related murders.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Deny Lerner 5th Amendment Protection

Lois Lerner is the IRS official who was in charge of the Tax Exempt Division when it was illegally targeting conservative groups (among others). Her division fast tracked liberal organizations but caused all kinds of problems for conservative groups. The results of an IRS IG investigation were known last year prior to the presidential election but the results were suppressed in order to help Obama win reelection.

Make no mistake; this was all suppressed in order to help Obama. Think about it. If everything going on right now had been known and took place prior to the last election do you think Obama would have won? The media covered him on Benghazi and the IRS covered him on the brewing scandal where the IRS was used to intimidate groups opposed to him.

Lois Lerner is before a Congressional Committee today to answer questions about the scandal. Yesterday we learned that she planned to invoke her right against self incrimination under the 5th Amendment to the US Constitution. It appears that she revoked her right by making a statement but that has not stopped her from refusing to answer questions.

I believe that Lerner should be denied her 5th Amendment right not to incriminate herself. Why is that?

Well, I would normally say that she has the right and all rights should be upheld but in DC not all rights apply and among liberals not all rights are viewed as equal or relevant. For instance, regular citizens are not allowed to carry a firearm in DC. Hell, it is damn near impossible to own one there. We have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms but that right is routinely dismissed by liberals in DC.

Liberals do not support the Second Amendment and they are working very hard to take our firearms away. Elijah Cummings, the head Democrat on the committee, is an anti gun nut. He does not believe we have a right to keep and bear arms and he supports anti gun legislation. Since he refuses to uphold his oath then we should deny Lerner her right. Let’s assert she has no right and get the liberals on record indicating that rights are precious and need to be upheld. Lerner violated the rights of a lot of people with her illegal activities now it is time to deny any right she invokes and eventually deny her freedom.

Now that won’t generally work because one needs a brain to apply logic and common sense. The AP and some of the other media are coming around after the regime violated the First Amendment but we have a long way to go before we get them to recognize that the Second is as important as all the others.

In fact, it is more important. Without the Second there will be no protection for the others.

As of this writing Lerner got up and left the building.

She should have been arrested. Think about this folks. Would someone from the IRS allow YOU to take the 5th and then get up and leave during an audit? Do you think the groups her division targeted could have gotten away with this when the IRS asked them the intrusive and illegal questions?

I find it ironic that the people who ignore and violate the US Constitution each and every day have suddenly decided that the Constitution is important.

Notice how they use it to cover their rear ends when they have trouble.

I have two words that will get her to talk.

Water boarding.

And keep in mind, this wench will be running the IRS division of Obamacare.

Who gave the orders?
Surprise, parties divided over scandal
No star witness?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
