Congress Will Use End Run, Deceive On Immigration
May 21, 2013 Political
With the Obama regime neck deep in scandals, all of which are real and deserve scrutiny, the Senate is forging ahead with immigration reform. Read that as backdoor amnesty because Senators from both parties are working on ways to promise us one thing and do another. They are also working to pass as much as they can while our attention is focused on the Obama criminal regime.
The Senators keep telling us that these illegals will not be allowed to get taxpayer funded assistance. No welfare for them when they come out of the shadows. This is absolute BS.
First of all, the Senate Judiciary Committee has passed an amendment to the immigration legislation that will allow illegals who are magically changed to legally here eligible for welfare.
Even if this were not the case they would still get it. How is that, you ask?
Quite easy! Under the misinterpreted and misapplied 14th Amendment any child born here to these illegals will be called a US citizen. The parents, though illegal, will apply for any benefits that a child who is a US citizen can get. These people will have welfare rolling in and spend it on whatever they want (they do this now so how will it be any different when we make them legal). Those who claim that they will get no welfare will then tell us that those kids are citizens and “deserve” this.
No, we did not lie because citizens are getting your money, not those illegals we waved our amnesty wand over.
The liberals in the Senate have already balked at removing the eligibility for the Earned Income Credit (EIC) on their taxes. This credit is a wealth redistribution scheme where people who pay no taxes (or very little that they usually get back) get money because they have children. It is a scheme that allows those who pay no taxes to get what was withheld back AND THEN SOME.
The Senate passed the amendment allowing welfare so it matters not but regardless of how they approach this, the illegals will be getting taxpayer money. If that is not bad enough, the alleged fines these people will have to pay (as in fines and back taxes) is all a ruse.
As pointed out, they pay little or no taxes. How can we force them to pay back taxes when they end up not having owed any taxes? No, this is all smoke and mirrors so the government can claim that these people paid their dues.
No restriction is allowed on all of these lawbreakers. The advocates for these illegals are screaming about an amendment making conviction of a third DUI grounds for deportation. No, we can’t have such a strict thing for people whose first act in this nation was to break our law.
Look, these folks can be wonderful and hard working pillars of their shadow communities but the reality is that they are all lawbreakers. They came here illegally and now want to be rewarded for their crimes. They expect special treatment over those who are trying to do things the right way.
I personally have a friend who is highly skilled and has a job offer pending at a hospital but she cannot get here because of all the illegals and non English speaking people gumming up the works. She has been waiting for years to come here and she would be an immediate asset. She is skilled in a profession that is in short supply and she has a job offer. She would start working and begin paying taxes immediately.
But she can’t come here because of all the future Democrat voters who are demanding they be rewarded for breaking the law and because liberals in Congress are listening to them.
We need to put systems in place to flush these folks out where they self deport or we send them packing and we need to change our laws so that those who try to come here the right way AND HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER are processed quickly.
We conservatives are not against immigration. We are against illegal immigration.
We are also against members of Congress who pander to people who break the law and expect to be rewarded for it.
I have an idea. Let’s evict the United Nations, tear down the building and ship the bricks to the south. Then round up the illegals and make them build a wall between them and the US with those bricks. Once it is done we will let them walk back home without being put in jail. In exchange for their labor we will allow them to apply for legal entry in 15 years, may never become a citizen and may never vote in an election.
Even Democrats won’t want them here if they can’t vote.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: end run, illegal immigrants, Immigration, lies, Obama, Senate, taxes, welfare
Because Liberalism IS Weakness
May 16, 2013 Political
Researchers conducted a study and concluded that men who are physically strong (have more upper body strength) tend to be conservative and men who are physically weak tend to support welfare and wealth redistribution. This should come as no surprise when one looks at liberals. They are metrosexuals who need someone to care for them because they are not able to care for themselves.
It is obvious that liberals are a bit wimpy, have you ever seen Obama throw a baseball? Lest we forget he bowled a 37…
Why do you think liberals oppose firearms? These are tools of strength and liberal men can’t have that. They would prefer to sip frou-frou coffee and collect government assistance because they know they are not able to care for themselves.
Now I know there are some liberal men who are physically strong (I know many) and some conservative men who are physically weak (I know some of them too) but the research does not say the results are true in all cases, just that they tend to be so.
Look at the liberal men you see on TV and see if they appear to have more upper body strength or less and also look to see if they look a bit girly. It should not be hard to find a number of these liberal weaklings beyond Obama and Holder. Look around in everyday life and you can figure which men are self supporting and strong and which ones are weak and need to be taken care of.
The study links the finding to evolution and claims that humans have always been political but in the past governments and courts did not make decisions about the distribution. These were done through shows of strength. The strong were able to enjoy the fruits of their labor while the weak depended on others to help them out. If you were strong it was unlikely someone was going to take your stuff or that you would produce much of your own.
Why do you think liberals always fear conservatives coming to power? Why do you think that liberals run on fear that some mean conservative will take your free gubmint stuff if elected?
They are not strong so they fear that their lifeline, the stuff gubmint has extorted from the strong, will go away.
Liberals want big government give aways because they are unable to support themselves and they fear having to try.
Liberal men equals girly men.
The study showed no difference between conservative and liberal women. My study shows conservative women are smarter and better looking…
And libs, please don’t argue. As Al Gore would say, the science is settled…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: girly men, liberalism, lies, weakness
Liberal Logic Demands Supporting Second Amendment
May 15, 2013 Political
Liberals who want more gun control will tell you they support the Second Amendment. They will tell you that nothing they are doing will interfere with people and their right to keep and bear arms. This is a lie because the things they enact infringe. Maryland is a prime example where the Nazi Governor and his minions have imposed unconstitutional gun laws that restrict law abiding people. The tragedy is that these gun laws will do no good which will lead to calls for even more gun control.
Liberal logic (if you can call what liberals use logic) demands supporting the Second Amendment.
In light of this week’s revelation that the Department of Justice has obtained phone records from the AP the media is up in arms and there will be backlash. The first thing to note is that what Justice did might not be illegal under the law.
But what they did is much larger in scope than anything that has happened before and though the reason given is to find the source of a leak the reality is it gives the appearance that the First Amendment right of the media has been violated. It looks like Justice is trying to intimidate the media (in this case specifically the AP but indirectly all media) and is sending a message that it will go through huge amounts of records to get what it wants.
The media are out discussing how this took place and expressing their outrage while those at the AP have expressed anger, shock and disbelief. They feel their communications are being monitored and that their rights have been violated.
They have the support of conservatives who are also wary of these kinds of government tactics. In other words, conservatives support these organizations in their belief that even if it is legal to do (and that is a questionable thing right now) the idea of trampling on a right is sickening.
I only wish the media and other liberals outraged by the AP records scandal felt the same way about other rights. When other rights are violated, particularly if the violations affect conservatives, the liberals say it is OK and justified. Look at how the former head of the NAACP and others have reacted to the IRS violations of the rights of conservative groups. They have said that it is OK because those groups are racist. First of all, they are not racist BUT even if they were they have the same rights as everyone else.
Racist groups like the KKK, the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers all have rights and those rights should not be violated just because we do not agree with the message.
Once we start rationalizing the violation of our rights it becomes easier to rationalize other violations until pretty soon we have no rights left.
The left loves to push gun control even though most gun control laws violate the Second Amendment. They rationalize that it is for safety or for the children or that no one needs certain types of firearms. This allows them to continue eroding our Second Amendment right until the judiciary is comfortable removing those rights based on what we have allowed to creep in.
I wish that these liberals would be as outraged by the violation of the Second Amendment as they are at the alleged violation of the First. We on the right support ALL rights and do not like when any of them are violated. It is high time the left jumped in and supported us the way we are supporting them.
Perhaps they now know how those of us who believe in and support the Second Amendment feel each and every day as we battle the forces of evil that are hell bent on denying us that which has been endowed by our Creator. Perhaps, but I won’t hold my breath.
So the AP scandal shows that liberals, if they actually had any integrity, would fight for the Second Amendment (and all other rights) as hard as the one that affects them the most.
Interestingly, the Gosnell abortion/murder case gave Harry Reid the chance to show why there should be less gun control instead of more.
Dr. Kermit Gosnell was an abortion doctor who murdered babies born alive and performed late term abortions in violation of Pennsylvania law. He was found guilty of murder and a number of other charges and will spend the rest of his life in jail.
Harry Reid wants us to believe that pro life supporters have forced women to go to clinics like the one run by Gosnell. He says that people have been pushed into holes like that clinic because of people who picket abortion clinics. Reid also blamed this all on restrictive laws.
He believes that having less restrictive abortion laws would have prevented the murders Gosnell committed.
Interestingly, Reid and his ilk are the ones who think that MORE restrictive laws will curb gun violence. Yes, to Reid and other gun grabbers more restrictive laws will stop gun crimes but less restrictive laws will end the crimes like those committed by Gosnell.
If we were to apply Reid’s logic to gun ownership (and publicly carrying them), then we can conclude that less restrictive laws will prevent more gun crimes. In fact, this has actually been proven time and again.
Reid is incorrect about Gosnell. We do not need less restrictive laws for abortion. The crimes committed by Gosnell had nothing to do with laws being too restrictive. They had to do with this; First Gosnell is a monster. Second, Gosnell performed late term abortions (after the time PA says they can be performed) so women who waited too long or did not know went to him because he would do it. They went to him because he would skirt the law.
His clinic was not filthy because of laws that are too restrictive and he did not have all those aborted kids in containers because the law was too tough.
His clinic was in that condition and he was doing what he was doing because it was not inspected by the government agency responsible for ensuring medical businesses are clean and operate according to established law (and medical standards). The Health Department (or whichever agency PA has given the task) did not make unannounced visits to ensure his clinic was clean and up to standard. Less restrictive regulations would not correct this and it did not happen because people protest abortion clinics. It happened because the laws in place were not followed; the laws requiring health inspections as well as the laws regarding late term abortions. Any inspection at any time would have caught these problems early on.
Keep in mind; they were only brought to light because a woman died at his clinic because of his negligence.
Harry Reid is wrong because his root cause analysis is wrong. He is right that less restrictive laws would lead to fewer problems if this were applied to gun control because that has been shown time and again. Criminals do not obey the law.
Gosnell got away with his crimes because the state did not enforce the law (which, by the way, is why many gun crimes happen).
So the media is now positioned to defend rights. Good, defend them all and apply the same standard to the Second Amendment as to the First.
Harry Reid is now on record saying less restrictive laws would lead to fewer problems. Good, beat him and the other anti gun zealots over their heads with Reid’s words. Make them apply the same standard he wants to apply to abortion. He might be wrong about why they happened but there is no doubt he believes fewer laws would mean fewer problems.
It is ironic how all of this has come to light at this time.
I think it is quite possible that these items (including the IRS scandal) were made public (and Reid commented on Gosnell) because they want to draw focus away from Benghazi.
I have read a lot of liberal sites where they are calling the AP scandal the only real scandal of the Obama regime. If the left can get the public to believe the AP phone records scheme is the only scandal and then later show Justice acted legally then the other scandals (which are REAL scandals) will be swept away.
I do not put anything past these criminals but we should use their words and deeds to our advantage. Who knows, maybe we can change their minds and get them to see where they have been wrong. We might be able to make them leave the liberal plantation.
Hell, a few pro abortion folks have changed their views after the horror of Gosnell.
And David Axelrod now agrees with TEA Party folks that government is too big.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: ap, gosnell, Harry Reid, holder, justice, lies, obama scandals, rights, Second Amendment
Another Scandal For Obama – Shocked Face :–o
May 14, 2013 Political
Eric “The Red” Holder might have stepped in it big time now that we know The Justice (or is it Just Us) Department secretly obtained the telephone records of people at the Associated Press. Justice did not say why they took the records but it is believed they were obtained to discover who leaked classified information to the AP.
In all, the government seized the records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to AP and its journalists in April and May of 2012. The exact number of journalists who used the phone lines during that period is unknown, but more than 100 journalists work in the offices where phone records were targeted, on a wide array of stories about government and other matters.
In a letter of protest sent to Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday, AP President and Chief Executive Officer Gary Pruitt said the government sought and obtained information far beyond anything that could be justified by any specific investigation. He demanded the return of the phone records and destruction of all copies.
“There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of The Associated Press and its reporters. These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the newsgathering activities undertaken by the AP during a two-month period, provide a road map to AP’s newsgathering operations and disclose information about AP’s activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know,” Pruitt said. FOX News
Benghazi, IRS targeting conservative groups, HHS Secretary extorting money from insurance companies and now this.
How many of you Obama toadies are still on board? How many of you still think he and his minions are wonderful people looking out for you?
They are using the same tactics that the Communists use. They are doing things that are ILLEGAL in order to push their progressive/commie agenda and they are crapping on the Constitution and the people of this country at the same time.
These people are enemies of our nation and we need to put them on trial and get rid of them. Any politician who opposes is part of the problem and must go as well.
The irony of this AP news is that the media spent so much time covering for Obama no matter what he did and now they have been bitten by him. I doubt they will learn anything from this but who knows? Perhaps the media will start doing some investigation. Folks at the AP are hopping mad so maybe they want to play hardball…
What Obama has done and continues to do is far worse than anything Nixon did.
IMPEACH him and put the rest of them on trial. Time for a deep colon cleansing in the bowels of DC.
In other words, time to get rid of the crap.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: communists, constitution, criminals, lies, Obama, progressives, scandals
Sequestration Saves The Troops
May 13, 2013 Military, Political
The sequestration is a bogeyman that the Democrats are trying to use to blame Republicans for everything that happens. The fact that Obama came up with the idea is not part of their thinking process because they are interested in blaming everything on the right. They have hopes that they can pin this on Republicans and that it will help them keep the Senate and take the House back.
[note]They had better hope that they do both because if Republicans get the Senate and keep the House Obama will almost certainly be impeached for his cover-up of the Benghazi murders.[/note]
The idea that Sequester is debilitating is moronic. The cuts amount to 2 cents of every dollar. That is not much money and any pain felt is because Democrats have specifically made cuts to areas that would cause harm. They can shut down White House tours while still allowing million dollar donors to show up. They can allow TSA to furlough employees to harm the public because it is the only way. Of course another solution was found as soon as some member of Congress was inconvenienced by the travel delays.
These facts have not stopped Democrats from using sequester as their talking point. One Democrat blamed sequester for the events in Benghazi when sequester took place after the murders there. As an aside, the alleged cut in money for security is a smoke screen. We had money to put electric car charging stations but not for security? Get real.
Nancy Pelosi is the latest Democrat to blame the sequester for something. It seems that San Fran Nan is blaming the sequester for the fact that she did not take a delegation to Iraq or Afghanistan to thank mothers and grandmothers for serving in the military:
“Every year for the past few years on Mother’s Day I’ve taken a delegation to Afghanistan – or Iraq – to say thank you to our moms – and by the way, our grandmothers – who are serving there – to also thank all of our troops for what they do to protect America’s families. I won’t be going this particular weekend because we don’t have – you know, under sequestration – we don’t have (inaudible).” IJ Review
I don’t know how much money it costs to take a delegation to Iraq or Afghanistan but it is not cheap and we don’t have money to begin with. I also do not know why Pelosi thinks it is necessary to fly around the world to say thank you to mothers and grandmothers. It would be much easier and far less expensive for her to put out a thank you on her website and then have Defense notify the troops it is there through their systems. She can’t possibly visit every mother and grandmother in these countries so the message sent electronically would at least make it to as many as she would have visited.
It sounds to me like Nan just wants and excuse for a trip. I know these places are not garden spots but think of how many places she can visit on the way out and the way back, I mean since they are already in the neighborhood.
Pelosi makes this statement as if it is a bad thing that she could not go and seems to think blaming it on sequester will hurt Republicans.
First of all, I venture to bet that most of the military do not want to see her or visit with her. She is a liberal moron who does not support the troops.
Second of all, if she could not waste money on this trip because of the sequester then I say it is doing what it is supposed to.
However, I will buy her a one way ticket if they promise to keep her there.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: lies, Military, mother's day, Pelosi, sequester