Don’t Ask Don’t Tell If You Are A Christian

Looks like the military will have a new Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy but it will not apply to homosexuals, it will apply to people of faith. A new policy will prohibit members of the military from sharing their faith and since most military members who practice a religion are Christian it will affect them the most. Military members who express or share their faith will be subject to a Court Martial according to a new memo that the Pentagon is set to release.

Interestingly, homosexuals are free to express their sexuality now because the DADT signed under Clinton has been lifted by Obama.

I imagine that this new DADT will not apply to Muslims because they get special treatment wherever they go. They get prayer rooms, foot washing stations and time to pray five times a day in all kinds of places where liberals traditionally shun religious expression particularly from Christians.

The world is turning upside down when a guy like Tim Tebow who expresses his religious beliefs is mocked by the media and told to keep it to himself but a professional basketball player admits he is gay and he is hailed as a hero and gets a call from bathhouse Barry Obama.

I don’t particularly care if anyone is gay, that is their business. Since when does openly expressing that become a heroic act? How many of the people who ran towards the blasts in Boston to help the wounded received a call from Obama? Running in in the direction of the blast to help is an act of heroism.

Coming out of the closet is not. It might have taken courage to do it but it is far from heroic.

This is the backward country we are now living in as the progressive agenda works to strip us from our tradition and our identity. The men and women of the armed forces fight to protect and defend the Constitution and this new memo will prohibit them from exercising one of the protected rights, the free expression of their religion.

The measure being taken is so twisted that it could leave Chaplains in hot water for doing what Chaplains do. They will be expressing and sharing their faith.

Seems to me the Obama regime and the progressives are working to remove Chaplains from the military in an effort to further erode the warfighters.

I proudly served for 24 years and I never pushed my religious beliefs on anyone else but I was never afraid to share them or to openly express my beliefs and I was never offended when others did the same. I doubt I would serve in the military as it stands today because the civilians in charge of it are a bunch of socialist morons who are hell bent on destroying it but if I did I would express myself as I saw fit and so long as it did not interfere with someone else the leadership could suck wind.

I imagine a number of people are just waiting to either get out or praying that the military will not be totally destroyed by the time Obama leaves office.

Jimmy Carter damn near destroyed the military and Obama is trying to one up him.

Congress is charged with developing the rules by for the armed forces (Article 1, Section 8, US Constitution) and it needs to make a rule that prevents the Obama regime from infringing on the rights of the brave men and women who stand at the gates of Hell to protect this nation.

The country is going to Hell and Obama is leading the way. We need to squash him and the rest of the progressive morons like the bugs that they are.

Congress needs to get some testicular fortitude and quickly.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


US Government Funded Boston Terror

It looks like the Boston Bombers and their families were paid over 100 thousand dollars of US taxpayer money in the form of welfare. The bombers probably purchased the items they used to make their bombs with money from those who work hard and pay taxes. In effect, our government paid for the terror that occurred in Boston.

There are many failures in our government and the inability to weed out those who should not be here is among the most egregious of its failures. The Department of Homeland Security is supposed to be on top of things here in the “homeland” and should be focusing on the people who are here and intend to do bad things.

The reality is that the DHS would rather spend time demonizing veterans, Christians, conservatives and many other groups that have not used violence in pursuit of their agendas. Instead of looking at the illegals and those who are here legally but do bad things the DHS is stuck on attacking those who do no harm.

The Tsamaev brothers were reported as bad actors and they were checked on by federal officials. Instead of taking action the government decided to allow them to continue living here and receiving welfare money.

Our government is directly responsible for what happened in Boston from the bombing to the police state that followed.

The progressive agenda of the past 100 years has given us generational welfare and record numbers of people dependent on government (read working taxpayers). The progressive agenda is not only responsible for the bombing in Boston. The progressives and their agenda are responsible for the decay of many American cities that are run by progressives who dole out taxpayer money to people enslaved to government.

The inability of government to secure the nation and the failure of the progressive agenda has not stopped progressives from doubling down. No, the new immigration bill being floated around will ensure that millions of illegals who get a legitimate status will be allowed to get welfare. The progressives are working on building a new cadre of would be American haters who can use taxpayer money to cause chaos.

That chaos will mostly be economic where millions more on the dole will suck the last breaths from an already dying economy. But what will stop just one terrorist from getting and using taxpayer money to cause mass destruction in another US city?

We need to get a handle on the immigrants in this nation and we need to weed them out. Legally here or not we need to check to make sure they can stay here. Illegals should be sent home and those here legally but who should not be allowed to stay should be right behind them.

Until we address the number of bad people here and do something smart like getting rid of them there is no doubt we will have further attacks.

I doubt the decpticons in government really care. As long as our overlords have protection they really do not care what happens to everyone else.

Does anyone really think Obama and the rest of the progressive elitists care about dead school children or marathon runners?

If they cared about human life (other than their own) they would not support abortion and the monster in PA who murdered babies.

And they certainly would not “God Bless” Planned Parenthood…

Just so you know, I don’t disagree with everything Obama says.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Americans Fear Their Government

[note]”When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.” ~ Thomas Jefferson[/note]

The recent police state in Massachusetts, as police equipped with all the military equipment Obama says has no place on our streets, has people jumpy. If one of our largest cities can be locked down while police conduct illegal house to house searches for one guy then what will stop them from locking down any city and violating our rights for whatever reason?

A recent poll shows that more Americans are afraid that our government will violate our constitutionally protected rights than are afraid government will fail to protect us.

This should come as no surprise. While the news is filled with stories of government’s inability to keep us safe it is also filled with daily stories of government working to violate our rights. In some states, such as Colorado, New York and Maryland, the government has passed laws disarming people. These laws violate our rights and are designed to keep us from protecting ourselves from bad people including bad people in our government.

The Second Amendment protects a right that preexisted the Constitution. It is in place so that if government ever starts shooting at the people the people can shoot back. Governments who want to disarm the people do so for only one reason and that is to control the people by removing the people’s means to protect themselves from government oppression.

If the people are properly armed and their rights are not infringed (they can carry) then there is no need to lock down a city to look for one guy. Bad people are not likely to stick around a place where anyone, at any time, could produce a firearm and eliminate them as a threat.

The poll shows that Americans fear the loss of their rights and this is for a very good reason. Our government (at all levels) is working against us and the Constitution. There are laws requiring us to purchase things (call it a tax but it is a requirement to buy a good), to detain us without due process, to spy on us and invade our privacy, and to disarm us.

People know when government gets too powerful and when it has effectively disarmed the population then it can control people. A look at history shows how this has resulted in the slaughter of millions of people who were first disarmed.

Our government is no different from any of those and could easily be moved to impose its will through the use of deadly force.

I know that the naysayers believe that could not happen in America but anyone with a brain knows otherwise.

Any government that would ignore its Constitution and the will of the people (as it is exercised within that Constitution) is capable of murdering people to get what it wants.

Our government has slaughtered people in this country before and if it effectively disarms us there will be nothing stopping it from doing so in greater numbers.

Anyone who watched the government impose a police state in Massachusetts as it violated the rights of the citizens living there and can’t see that it would not take much for government to round people up and detain or kill them is not living in reality.

It will get much worse before it gets better, if it ever does…


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Good Enough For You But Not For Congress

Well, well, well, it looks like the highly paid members of Congress are in talks to exempt themselves and their staff from Obamacare. Yes, the must have health care law that was forced upon the American public is deemed too costly for members of Congress and their staff but the constituents, those who pay their salaries and for whom they work, are not so lucky.

This is another example of the good enough for you but not for me. Yes America, your employees in Congress think this is too costly for them to afford with their nearly 200,000 dollar a year salaries.

Those of us who make far less than that are stuck with it. The logic here seems to be that Congress members and their staff are unable to afford this and DC might lose the brain power (that ship has already sailed) so they need an exemption BUT it matters not how it affects the rest of us because our overlords have decided it is best for us.

Senator McConnell says he is not involved in the talks and believes all Americans should be exempt. Well Senator, you guys there have the ability to defund this monstrosity so have at it.

If the Democrats give you a hard time ask them why they too are on board with the exemption. Hell, they should be happy to rid themselves of this before the next election.

Be aware Decepticons in Congress, the public is watching. A huge majority did not want this to begin with and if you deem yourselves too important to be burdened by this we will unburden ourselves of your presence in Congress.

Keep in mind that the SCOTUS ruled that Obamacare was a tax. So not only did Obama raise taxes on EVERYONE, Congress is now trying to exempt itself from that tax.

Pay attention to Maryland for an idea of how the cost will affect the rest of us…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Americans Are Entitled To Answers Mrs. Clinton

Hillary Clinton once said this after being accused of trying to divide America when she waved a newspaper with the words “Bush Knew” displayed:

“We have a responsibility to ask for information, and I think that is not only appropriate but necessary. You know, nobody is more entitled to answers to these questions than the people of New York, and I take that responsibility very seriously.” CNN

Imagine how torqued Clinton would have been had Bush asked; what difference does it make?

Clinton was all about the responsibility she had to ask questions when she could attack the sitting president for political purposes but she is more than a little reluctant to give any information regarding the attacks in Benghazi that left Americans dead.

A recently released report shows that Clinton lied to Congress about certain things that took place and the report shows that the White House was involved in coordinating the response over the issue (and lied about it).

Obama and Clinton were negligent in their duties and the result was dead Americans. We cannot get straight answers and the matter seems to be of little importance to Clinton or Obama.

I have said it before; these people do not care about American lives. They only care about pushing their radical socialist agenda and turning America into a third world nation.

They look at dead Americans in Benghazi as an inconvenience and dead children in Newtown as political pawns to be used to push an anti gun agenda.

They are despicable people who should be in jail.

So Mrs. Clinton, Congress has a responsibility to ask for information and the American people, and most certainly the families of those slain in Benghazi, deserve answers, HONEST ANSWERS, to those questions.

Don’t think we will forget about this when you take your next run for the Oval Office.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

