Boston Terrorist Search Shows Abuse of American’s Rights
Apr 22, 2013 Political
[note]The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ~ Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution[/NOTE]
As one terrorist lay dead in Boston the other, his younger brother, was on the loose in Watertown Massachusetts. The police from many local, state and federal agencies descended on the town to find the accomplice to the deadly Boston Marathon Bombing. During the search the rights of the people were violated and very few objected or took a stand to prevent the intrusion of government into their lives.
Parts of Boston were locked down. Businesses were told not to open and residents were told to stay inside their homes. There is no indication that any order, executed in accordance with Massachusetts law, was implemented. People were told to stay put and they did. Was martial law declared? Why were people not allowed to move freely about town and go about their lives?
Then the police conducted a house to house search for the terror suspect. The police are well within their duties to knock on doors and ask if there is a problem or if people have seen the suspect. They are free to ask people if it is OK for them to come inside and look around.
But people are free to say no. Unfortunately, it appears as if people were not really given the chance. The police were outside with firearms pointed at doors and people were asked if it was OK to look around. No one can give free consent when faced with armed people. It amounts to coercion.
There are reports that at least one household told police that they did not consent to a search. Those folks were marched out of their house while the police conducted a search of the premises. This is a violation of the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution. Without a validly executed warrant the police have no right to enter someone’s home (barring a few limited exigent circumstances).
Forcing people from their homes at gunpoint (or even not at gunpoint) in order to search that home after the occupant has denied consent is a violation of the Constitution and those who did this should be held to account for what they did.
[note]Article XIV. Every subject has a right to be secure from all unreasonable searches, and seizures, of his person, his houses, his papers, and all his possessions. All warrants, therefore, are contrary to this right, if the cause or foundation of them be not previously supported by oath or affirmation; and if the order in the warrant to a civil officer, to make search in suspected places, or to arrest one or more suspected persons, or to seize their property, be not accompanied with a special designation of the persons or objects of search, arrest, or seizure: and no warrant ought to be issued but in cases, and with the formalities prescribed by the laws. ~Commonwealth of Massachusetts Constitution[/note]
The police did a great job hunting down the bad guy and this is in no way an indictment of their work in that regard BUT there is no excuse for violating the rights of citizens in order to catch a bad guy no matter how dangerous he is.
Our rights are enshrined and protected by the US Constitution (and as shown above, by the Massachusetts Constitution) to prevent these things from happening. To dismiss this as some extraordinary circumstance allows government to define or invent all kinds of circumstances in which they can ignore our rights.
And since people in Boston did not push back the police now know they can get away with further erosion of the people’s rights.
It is a sad time in America when the government violates rights. It is even sadder that people allow it to happen.
Does it bother anyone that the government can shut down an American city and infringe on the rights of Americans to find one terrorist but refused to send help to Americans in Benghazi where it would have been appropriate to secure the place and help Americans?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: boston, constitution, fourth amendment, infringe, lies
Who Are The Extremists?
Apr 15, 2013 Political
Governor Cuomo of New York has rushed through anti gun legislation that infringes on the Constitutional rights of all New Yorkers. In the wake of the Newtown mass murder, where a nut broke dozens of existing laws to murder school children, anti gun zealots like Cuomo danced on the graves of the victims to push their agenda.
The people of New York who are not inclined to break the law and are not inclined to use their guns illegally have been targeted in this round of Constitution shredding. None of the provisions in the new law will stop what happened in Newtown from happening in New York.
This has not fazed the Governor who has decided that he has the duty to trample on the rights of the people. He has erroneously stated that these common sense measures (none of which contain anything close to common sense) are supported by the majority of the people. This is a lie. Liberals love to repeat lies over and over because the longer they repeat them the more people believe them to be true. Any poll that shows a majority support is biased and had questions designed to get answers desired.
And now the registration part of the law begins. People with firearms designated as assault weapons (a phony name) have from now until 15 April 2014 to register them. Registration is the first step in the process of confiscation. This has been the case in nearly every country that eventually banned and confiscated firearms. The most notorious example would be Hitler’s Nazi Germany where firearms registration led to confiscation and the eventual extermination of millions of people, most of whom were Jews.
I doubt many people will rush to register their firearms but if they do those will be confiscated the next time some person breaks the law and murders with a firearm.
The murders will take place, Cuomo or his liberal replacement will scream for gun bans and then use the lists of registered owners to confiscate firearms from those who broke no laws.
Cuomo calls those who oppose such things as an extreme element. I ask which is extreme, those who support the Constitution or those who work to ignore and violate it.
Cuomo and his anti gun zealots are the true extremists. They are the ones who are doing things counter to what our Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, states.
Cuomo and his ilk will only turn a great number of law abiding citizens into criminals.
Or as I prefer to call them, the resistance, patriots all.
If you can, just move out of the state. Let it die a slow death.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: confiscation, constitution, cuomo, gun control, lies, registration
Dear Joe Biden, Actions Say Otherwise
Apr 10, 2013 Political
Joe Biden is a tool. There, I got that out of the way right off the bat so we can move on with pointing out his stupidity without anyone stopping to wonder if Biden is, in fact, a tool.
Joe once told us that Barack was not coming for your guns and if he ever tried to get ole’ Joe’s Beretta he would have trouble. Now Obama is out trying to get our guns with back door gun grabs like those being experienced in New York. After passage of the newest gun laws in that state officials are combing through records and revoking the gun licenses (yes, you need a license to buy a gun in New York) of anyone who has taken or been prescribed medication the government has decided warrants citizens not being allowed to own firearms. The licenses are to be surrendered AS ARE THEIR FIREARMS.
This is what Obama wants. His liberal moron protégé in Maryland, Martin O’Moron pushed anti gun legislation through his puppet legislature and there is a license requirement. This will give Marty the same opportunity to back door people.
Biden mocked people recently calling those concerned with the assault on the Second Amendment the black helicopter crowd and mockingly stated that the government was going to send in the Special Forces to confiscate your guns.
Let me address this first. There are more citizens with firearms than there are Special Forces. There are certainly not enough of them to successfully confiscate our firearms. Most importantly, while Biden was mocking people with his statement, it would be silly to even contemplate that the SF would follow such an order. I guess Biden thinks those folks have some allegiance to him and Obama.
They have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution, not a few tin pot dictators. If anything, the SF would be more likely to escort out of office the despots running the country.
But I digress.
Biden wants you to think that no one is coming after your firearms. Just like they were so honest that Obamacare would not increase the deficit by one dime or that you could keep your doctor. The reality is that we can point to dozens (if not more) instances where the Obama regime (and often Obama himself) has stated one thing (or vowed they would or would not do something) only to see them turn around and do (or not do) it anyway.
The focus is not likely confiscation AT THIS TIME. The plan is incremental. They want to get things in place and then they can eventually move to get your guns like New York is doing.
It might work like this. Require background checks (background checks do not solve the problems and Obama lies about them) for each and every purchase where a database is kept of who bought a gun. Then force people to get a license or to report their gun ownership on their tax forms. Then, after all the laws that will do nothing to stop crime fail and there is another mass shooting declare that people with certain medical histories can’t own firearms and force them to surrender their guns. Then when another tragedy takes place force everyone to surrender firearms or send SWAT teams to confiscate them under cover of darkness.
Sound farfetched? These things are taking place in California and New York. Germany worked much like this in the 1930s and 1940s and then millions of “undesirable” people were executed. Yes, people were murdered by their own government.
The progressives have anti gun zealots all over trying to indoctrinate young people as they learn. These people, many of whom have armed guards, are working hard to remove a right that has been protected in our Constitution since the founding of the nation.
They know that an armed population is a free population and those disarmed are slaves. If they control your health care (which they now do) and they take your arms (which they are working on) you will be at their mercy. You will no longer have the means to resist and they will be able to impose their will on you at any time.
I know in my heart that there are millions of patriots who will fight to the death to keep this from happening but there are millions more who belly up to the government trough thoroughly enslaved to government programs who will do what their overlords say. These people will allow government to incrementally infringe until one day we are all slaves.
Unless we remain vigilant (Unless you would prefer to be prey as the government wants. Notice none of the actions involve an armed person stopping the bad guy).
The British tried to disarm us and a new nation was born.
You know what they say about people who refuse to learn from history….
Tags: biden, black helicopters, gun control, lies
Political Stunts? Obama Misses The Irony
Apr 10, 2013 Political
What happened at Sandy Hook was absolutely horrific and there is no doubt that the lives of the families of the murder victims will never be the same. The people at the school were murdered by a bad person with a gun. Yes, the school was a gun free zone which is the ultimate in gun control but this guy ignored the law and, knowing there would be no armed opposition, murdered people.
The tragedy worked to excite Barack Obama and other anti gun oath breakers into frenzy. They used (and are using) the tragedy to punish people who have not broken the law with rules and laws that will not affect criminals, who by their very nature, do not obey the law.
Several states have already enacted laws that violate the Constitution and those laws will be ineffective as murder by guns will not go down. Congress has been slower to respond to this because there is some opposition to anything that would violate the Constitution AS THERE SHOULD BE. In fact, anyone who is working to violate the Constitution should be immediately removed from office.
[note]The Constitution is in place and has rules to follow. It is hard to change and takes a very long time. This is all by design in order to prevent knee jerk reactions like the one to the Sandy Hook shooting. It is designed so that despots like Obama are unable to run roughshod over We the People.[/note]
Obama is not happy that members of Congress are working to prevent the violation of the Supreme Law of the Land. He claims that they will use gimmicks to prevent legislation from moving forward. He is referring to the threat of a filibuster. Mr. Obama, a filibuster is not a gimmick. It is a legitimate parliamentary procedure that has been recognized in this country since the establishment of our government. Perhaps if you understood American history you would know that.
Obama talks about these gimmicks and fear of pro gun organizations as if he is a pure as the driven snow. Barack Obama flew the families of the murder victims on Air Force One as part of his stunt to push his anti gun agenda. That plane was used for political purposes by the guy who decries the use of such “gimmicks”.
Obama is anti American, anti Constitution, and anti gun. He is dancing on the graves of small children and using their families as props in order to get what he wants, the disarmament of Americans.
It is not about guns, it is all about control and only control.
Our children are more important that Barack Obama will ever be. He has armed people around him at all times. Our children deserve to be protected by people with guns. These people would be teachers, janitors, other workers, and parents.
Obama would have you call 911 and hope someone with a gun gets there before you are murdered.
911 is the government’s version of dial a prayer.
All these murderers have selected places with no guns for a reason.
One would think the smartest person in the world could figure it out…
Instead of flying his plane Obama should go fly a kite.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: air force one, gimmick, gun control, lies, Obama, political moves
Think Of A Pez Dispenser
Apr 3, 2013 Political
I know that trying to teach a liberal anything is like trying to teach a pig to sing but I feel it is an obligation to try particularly when the liberal idiot in question is a lawmaker. You see, when lawmakers are uninformed and work to pass laws detrimental to us and they do so with no understanding of the topic they want to regulate then it is important to try to educate them. It will likely not help them because most of them are mind numbed morons but pointing out their stupidity might help people remove them from office so they can no longer damage us and infringe on our freedom.
Colorado Democrat Representative Diana DeGette is the latest moron to show her ignorance. She is involved in the sweeping anti gun legislation that has resulted in the loss of millions of dollars in business for the state. In fact, the total loss will likely exceed a billion dollars as hunters are shunning the state, outdoor shows have cancelled filming there and at least one firearms related company is moving out of the state. All of this coming as uninformed morons like Diana DeGette work hard to infringe.
DeGette does not know how firearms work and she does not know that a magazine is the device that the ammunition is placed into so that a firearm (that uses a magazine, of course) can function through that ammo. DeGette thinks the magazine is a throw away item and that once the ammo in the magazine is spent, the magazine is no longer of any use.
I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available. RCP
In order to teach a libeal one must make the lesson simple. Cartoons and crayons are wonderful tools to help liberals. I want to make it easy to help DeGette understand how a magazine works.
Ms. DeGette, think of the magazine as a Pez dispenser. You use one by taking a package of candy and inserting it in the dispenser. Each time you lift the little Pez head a candy comes out (it is a semi automatic candy dispenser in that one candy is ejected with each activation of the head). Now Ms. DeGette, what happens when the Pez dispenser runs out of candy (ammo)? Do you throw it away?
Of course not. You simply open another package of candy and insert it in the dispenser and you are ready for rapid fire candy dispensing.
This is how a magazine works. Each has a limit on how many rounds it will hold. The Pez dispenser has a limit of one package of candy. The only real difference is that Pez dispensers only come in one capacity where magazines come in different sizes.
Back to magazines. The user fills one with bullets and inserts it in a firearm. Then he pulls the trigger and each time he does one round (and one round only) is fired. When the last round has fired, now pay close attention here, the shooter removes the magazine and inserts more bullets in it (like the Pez dispenser). Once that is done the magazine can be used AGAIN.
Usually, shooters have several magazines filled so they can switch an empty one with a full one without having to reload the magazine immediately. Think of it as carrying several loaded Pez dispensers so when one is empty another can dispense the tasty treats without the need to immediately reload.
Perhaps we should ban these high capacity Pez dispensers and tax the hell out of the candy (ammo) because of the obesity problem in this country and the ever increasing number of diabetics.
I will let you ponder that while you take in all the info I have provided to help you do an effective job. I am sure you are not interested in being informed because if you were, you would be a conservative.
Perhaps being loaded is a problem YOU have and that is why you are not so bright…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: ammunition, anti freedom, backlash, colorado, diana degette, gun ban, lies, magazines, moron, pez dispenser, semi automatic