Baltimore Sun Editorial Full Of Fallacies
Apr 1, 2013 Political
A Baltimore Sun editorial addressing the ongoing gun grab in the People’s Republik of Maryland is interesting in that it is full of fallacies about what gun control can do. It is no secret that the Sun is a propaganda publication for the Democrat Party in Maryland. Most of the Sun staff is privately paid stenographers for the Democrats. But the naive discussion presented in the editorial is beyond ridiculous. Of course, thinking people do not believe most of what is in the Sun (the Sports page is the exception) but then again, the Sun is aimed at low information voters who continue to vote for stupidity and loss of freedom.
The Sun editorial starts out right out of the box by claiming; “…the effort in Congress to enact any meaningful legislation to address gun violence appears increasingly at risk.”
The statement that Congress doing anything is at risk is true but the fallacy is anything meaningful. What legislation could be passed that would have stopped the shootings at Newtown? I will point out later why nothing will.
The reality is that we have thousands of gun laws on the books. We do not enforce them and liberals turn a blind eye to the reality that the gun is not the problem, the criminal is. The Sun plays into this myth that gun laws (“meaningful” or otherwise) do nothing to stop criminals.
How would any new gun law stop people from getting guns when most crimes committed with guns are committed by people who are not allowed to have them?
[note]Our government illegally provided thousands of guns to criminals in Mexico.[/note]
The Sun is hedging its bets that the Democrat controlled legislature in Maryland and the Communist governor will pass meaningful gun control to stop the violence like the violence that happened in Newtown.
Keep in mind that the shooter was not allowed to have guns, none of the guns were owned by him, he murdered his mother and stole her guns and then he took them to a gun free zone known as a school and used them to murder people which, wait for it, is against the law (which I assume the Sun staff knows).
The shooter broke many laws to murder so what would stop him from breaking some new gun law? The answer to this question escapes the Sun writers. It also escapes them that it is against the law to murder people and yet, murders occur. And they occur with more than just firearms.
The Sun continues by telling us about a provision that would require people who purchase a handgun to register with the police and submit fingerprints. The Sun naively believes that this will end straw purchases. I can only surmise that the Sun thinks that this will keep criminals from getting guns because criminals will not register and submit fingerprints so they won’t buy guns. The first issue is that a straw purchase involves someone who is legally allowed to buy a gun doing so and then selling it to a person who is not. This is already illegal so what would stop a person who is allowed to buy a gun from submitting to the requirements and then selling the gun. It is obvious that criminals do not obey the law so it is unlikely this will stop the problem.
The only thing it will do is create a database of people with guns for later confiscation.
The Sun is also deluded in its thinking with regard to registration. The Sun likes the idea because it erroneously concludes that this requirement will make it harder for criminals to get guns. Criminals do not obtain guns legally and they do not register the guns they have.
It is tough to believe that there are actually people who think that some requirement will force criminals to comply.
It is illegal to buy, sell or use heroin but people do all the time. Do the laws against this prevent people from breaking those laws? Certainly not! Criminals do not obey the law.
How many of the people on the Sun staff have ever gotten a speeding or parking ticket? Did the laws against speeding or parking illegally prevent them from doing so?
The crimes committed in this country with guns will not be solved by any laws because we already have plenty of laws against using guns illegally and people still break the law. I know I harp on that but the writers at the Sun are fairly dense so repetition is important.
And to get back to another point, it is against the law to murder people. That has not stopped people from murdering.
One last point. If the writers at the Sun think these laws will stop the criminals and make it harder to get guns then perhaps they should look at the early part of last century and the subject of prohibition.
People were able to obtain alcohol during prohibition just as criminals today will get guns no matter how tightly they are controlled or how restrictive the laws are.
The Sun concludes by pointing out that passage of a meaningful gun law in Maryland is deserved because it will make us safer.
Newtown has tough restrictions on guns. How did that work out?
But, but, all you have to do is call 911 and they will send a guy with a gun.
In Newtown the police were called within one minute of the first shot fired through the glass. All the victims were murdered within five minutes. The police arrived after everyone, including the shooter, was dead.
Any person at the school who was allowed to carry a gun would have had a better chance of stopping the shooter than the act of calling 911.
In the past only law abiding people followed the laws and criminals were unaffected. Any new gun laws will only affect those inclined to follow them.
The reality though, is that many people have already stated that they will not comply with any new gun laws in Maryland.
The state will make law abiding people criminals who will eventually vote with their feet. The right to own a firearm is protected by the Constitution and the reason is to prevent the kind of tyranny the Maryland governor and his sock puppets are imposing.
It is to prevent the kind of tyranny the Sun endorses.
For allegedly educated people the Sun staff seems to have trouble with the concept that criminals do not obey the law and the definition of the word infringe…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: baltimore sun, criminals, fallacy, gun control, lies, myths
Businesses Seeking Relief From Obamacare
Mar 27, 2013 Political
Anyone with a brain knew Obamacare would cause problems. The law and the regulations implemented to enforce it are cumbersome and do nothing to help. The cost of the program has risen since it was enacted (they lied about what it would cost) and the downstream current of the law has caused the cost of private insurance to go up. The DHHS has admitted that because of Obamacare insurance will cost much more.
Businesses across the nation are appealing to the government for relief from the costs of this law. Specifically, businesses in states that have refused to bow down to big government are the ones asking for relief. They need help because the SCOTUS shot down the Medicaid requirement. The SCOTUS ruled that states could not be compelled to participate in the expansion and a number of them have decided not to do so.
This means that businesses will have to foot the bills and if any of their employees end up in a state exchange the employers will have to pay $3000 for each employee who joins.
This means a lot of businesses will end up in financial trouble. Some will likely end up closing their doors or they will fire enough people to get under the 50 employee mark where Obamacare is applicable.
It certainly sucks to be in the position in which these businesses find themselves but they should not get any kind of relief. If they are given relief then the costs will be shifted to everyone else. Those of us who pay taxes are already paying for the law and those who benefit from it. We are footing the bill for everyone else and if we have to cover the cost to these businesses then we will be paying even more.
It is not my job to provide health care dollars for someone else. It is my job to take care of me and my family. This is true of anyone who knows what responsibility is. Yes, we need programs in place to cover the absolute poorest among us and those who absolutely cannot afford health care BUT there are not many of those people out there.
Those who can afford cell phones, multiple cars, satellite or cable TV, expensive clothes and the newest modern gadgets can pay for their own health care insurance.
Anyone who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day and/or drinks a few beers or other drinks could quit doing so and use the money to buy basic health insurance. Give up the cell phone and the satellite/cable TV and they could buy a better plan.
It is about responsibility and choice.
As for the businesses, if they do not feel the pain and if their workers do not feel the pain then they will never learn. Anyone affected who voted for Obama and his minions voted for this to take place. Those who did not vote for him are, sadly, collateral damage in the war on the people waged by government.
They were all warned and now they are finding out that their decision (or the decision of the low information voters) comes with consequences.
Let them live with their decisions or the decisions of others. If their business cannot thrive in a state that has refused the Medicaid expansion then these businesses are free to move to states that have.
Or they can fire any of their employees who voted for Obama until they get down to 49.
Then they can ignore the law and their former employees can deal with the change they voted for.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: business, cost, exemptions, lies, medicaid, obamacare, relief
Better Ban The Giffords’ Assault Dog
Mar 26, 2013 Political
Gabby Giffords was shot in the head by a deranged person who broke the law. She made a miraculous recovery considering the gravity of her wound but still has a long way to go. She resigned from Congress to continue her recovery but she has time, along with her husband, to advocate violating the Second Amendment rights of the people who had nothing to do with the attack on her (or anyone else).
Gabby and her hubby testified about evil assault weapons (a made up name) and how we need reform. Then her hubby went out and purchased a 45 caliber pistol and an AR 15. Yep, Mark Kelly purchased the very firearm that he wants banned for the rest of us. He did not take possession because of the law (the firearm was used and the gun shop had to wait longer and do a more in depth check). Meanwhile, Kelly was observed and the news leaked out. He lied about his motives because he had been caught buying what he wants banned.
The gun shop has pulled the sale and refunded his money because they do not trust his motives for purchasing the firearm (the proper term). The store believes Kelly lied on the application when he said he was buying the firearm for himself because he stated (after he was caught) that he was buying it to give to the police (buying it for someone else).
The question we now face is should Gabby and her husband now appear before Congress and demand that assault dogs be banned?
You see, a dog belonging to their daughter attacked a sea lion at Laguna Beach and ended up killing the animal. If only there was a ban on assault dogs that poor sea lion would still be alive.
It is now obvious that Gabby and her hubby need to demand that all people who want to own a dog go through a background check, pay a fee for that check, get fingerprinted, get a license to own a dog and they can only own certain breeds of dogs because some are not appropriate for the streets of America.
Assault dogs are not meant to be in the hands of the average citizen. They must only be in the hands of government agents who can use them against the people, should they become unruly.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: assault dog, gabby giffords, gun purchase, lies, mark kelly, sea lion
Bill Maher Is Getting What He Paid For
Mar 19, 2013 Political
Bill Maher is a foul mouthed moron who loves to deride people and call them stupid. He believes that America is full of stupid people (I would think his audience might give his position merit) and Bill loves liberals and their policies.
Maher supported Barack Obama to the tune of a million dollars and has carried Obama’s water for quite some time. He attacks people like Sarah Palin relentlessly while praising his overlords on the left.
Bill has had an epiphany about taxes. He has decided that the greater than 50% he pays between the federal and state taxes is too much. He came to the realization that the very wealthy (a small portion of the population) pay nearly all the taxes in this country. He is quite late to the table as most thinking people have known this for decades. Rush Limbaugh has had the tax breakdown posted on his website for a very long time.
Yes, the guy the left loves to attack has made this information available to anyone who visits his website and yet Maher, a guy who supports politicians who call for higher taxes and for people paying their fair share, has just discovered this information. I would think that a person who is on TV would research issues before he opined on them but it appears as if Maher could not be bothered to do this.
And truthfully, while I might think a person would do that the liberal media has shown that this is not common practice as they often shoot from the hip spouting off liberal talking points to please their masters on the left.
Yes Bill, the wealthy pay most of the taxes in this nation and nearly 50% of wage earners pay nothing. Romney made that point and the left attacked him for his statements. But he WAS right. His point of course was that he would not get those votes but the smaller point was they do not pay taxes (they take instead of paying).
How come so many people on the right know this and have known it for a long time but Maher, the supposed intellectual in the room, is just finding it out?
Perhaps it is because he is now feeling even more pressure on his bottom line.
Or, perhaps he is one of the stupid people he often laments about.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Hey Bill, you have questioned Sarah Palin’s intelligence in the past. Guess what? She knew this too.
How do you feel being dumber than the people you call stupid?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: bill maher, epiphany, lies, Obama, smart people, taxes
Madonna Bullies Boy Scouts
Mar 18, 2013 Political
The singer Madonna was at the GLAAD Awards Ceremony where she was presenting Anderson Cooper with an award (for what, finding his way out of the closet). I don’t care if they have these award programs or that they are up there saying what they feel but someone should tell Madonna that private organizations can do what they want.
She blasted the Boy Scouts because they do not allow gay people to join or to be leaders.
If gay people don’t like that then they can start their own scouting organization for gays only. Ever notice that groups perceived as victims by the government and liberal twits always screech about inclusiveness but then restrict who can join their groups?
[note]What next? Will liberals demand that the VFW or American Legion allow non veterans to join so more liberals can be included?[/note]
In any event, Madonna showed up in a scout uniform and said she wanted to join the boy scouts but they would not let her. I imagine this was some kind of joke but if not, here is a clue for the clueless singer; BOY Scouting is for BOYS. She claims she was in the girl scouts but they threw her out because she wore a skirt that was too short and ate the cookies instead of selling them. Perhaps this too was a joke but if not it seems to me the problem is Madonna and not any particular organization.
Madonna, after blasting the Boy Scouts, proceeded to rant about a few things including bullying.
So let me get this straight. Madonna bullies the Boy Scouts about its position on gays and then rants about how bad bullying is. Madonna has a history of bullying people who hold political positions with which she disagrees.
But this is typical liberalism. Deride others for what you do.
Hell, Michael Moore says he hates the rich and lives in a house that is the size of a small village. Madonna could move in but only one idiot is allowed per village.
But I digress.
Madonna is a dim witted moron who happens to have a particular talent. The world would be a better place if she stuck to only opening her mouth while singing.
Perhaps the gay community is GLAAD she spoke out but I doubt she had any impact on the Boy Scouts.
They stand for tradition, values, and service, things Madonna has no clue about.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: anderson cooper, boy scouts, bullies, glaad, lies, madonna