Any Doubt Obama Is Harming People On Purpose?

The battle of the mindless in DC continues to go back and forth as Barack Obama fights to avoid HIS sequestration. Yes, he wanted it; he suggested it and he got it. Now he is running around pointing fingers and trying to avoid it like the plague. Obama does not negotiate in good faith. In fact, none of the Democrats do. Their idea of negotiating is to demand tax increases NOW and spread cuts (cuts that NEVER happen) over ten years.

Obama got huge tax increases in December and cutting was supposed to take place between then and now. However, Obama has decided that the way he wants to proceed is to raise taxes again. He does not want to cut so he is placing the burden of the sequester cuts on people who will feel them.

I wrote yesterday that Obama must cause pain or people will realize that cutting is not so bad. There is, as of today, no doubt he wants people in pain if he cannot have his tax increases.

[note]The cuts are only to the growth in government. We will spend more this year than last and we spent more last year than the one before. This is a cut in growth, not an actual cut to the budget (which, by the way, they have not had for over 4 years).[/note]

The Republicans in the Senate have come up with a plan that eases the restrictions and allows Barack Obama even greater latitude to decide where the 85 billion dollars in cuts will come from. In other words, they will allow Obama to decide what to cut so long as it adds up to the right amount. Obama could take this on, cut from things that do not directly affect people, and reduce the pain.

But he does not want to do that because no pain means people will realize that government must spend too much and we can cut even more. This puts a damper on his plan to grow the government and create more dependency than we currently have.

To Obama government is everyone’s mommy and daddy and he can’t have people seeing that they can live with less of it…

Obama has threatened to veto the Senate Republican bill.

He does not want the ability to cut from larger sources because it would ruin his plans. Obama said that the only way to solve the problem is to back the Democrat plan of raising taxes on the wealthy (who cannot solve it even if all their money was confiscated) and then cut over ten years. That is the liberal playbook. The other part is they will never cut but the taxes will stay in place. It has been done time and again and Democrats never keep up the cut part of the equation.

Pretty much like they are trying to do now in their effort to avoid the sequester.

Obama also indicated that there is NO WAY to cut 85 billion dollars over the next seven months (the balance of the fiscal year) without drastically affecting national security and economic policies.

Really? Cuts need to happen and entitlement programs need to be reformed. I know liberals like to scream about the wars Bush started and the amount of money they cost but entitlement programs cost 2.48 TRILLION dollars. The war on terror cost 115 BILLION dollars. Entitlements need to be reformed and there is an abundance of waste in them. Government wastes BILLIONS of dollars each year sending money to people who should not get it, like dead folks. The Medicare system is rife with fraud and costs billions of dollars that government is unable to catch.

But we need cuts now and Obama needs to get to 85 Billion. Here is an idea. Let’s cut the 24 BILLION dollars that we spend on foreign aid. Most of the places we send it don’t like us anyway and hell, we need to take care of our own first. Why should people in the US be harmed so some jihadist Muslim nation can get billions in aid?

There are billions of dollars in accounts at various agencies that have not been spent. The money is excess and could be used for the cuts. There are also hundreds of programs that do the same thing. We can cut them and have one agency in charge (if the program is actually needed). There is no doubt that billions of dollars are wasted each year on things like turtle tunnels and what we can learn about democracy from fish so let’s cut them.

It will not take long to get to and surpass 85 BILLION dollars. All Obama has to do is want to do it.

And that is the rub. Cutting the money would be easy but then he would lose his claim that government needs more money and the cuts will harm people. He will lose his ability to grow government and show that his claim that we don’t have a spending problem is a lie

[note]The government has 15 BILLION dollars in unused property it can sell. That will take time but we can unload is as soon as possible for the future.[/note]

Senator Barbara Mikulski of the People’s Republik of Maryland mocked claims that we should be able to cut 2% like families have to do. She said that American families don’t run prisons, don’t build roads and don’t have to fund their own local police force.

First of all, American taxpayers do have to pay for all of this IN ADDITION TO PAYING FOR THEIR OWN BUDGETS. Second of all, the federal government does not do all of this. Local roads, prisons and police forces are paid for by local (including state) governments with taxes confiscated from taxpayers in those states.

The federal government is not as involved in all of this as she would have us believe. Additionally, government historically takes the money taxpayers have confiscated for these things and spends it on other things. In Maryland we had a transportation fund that had lots of money in it that we paid in. The Democrats spent it on other things and now want to tax us even more to fund transportation. This happens at the federal level as well. Let us not forget that Social Security has had trillions of dollars paid in since it was started. There is no money for that program because politicians used it in the general fund. Now we have to pay more in to replenish the money. We are paying for it at least twice.

So Mikulski can take her mocking tone and put it where the sun does not shine. She is part of the problem and she takes the rest of us for idiots who do not see what is really going on.

Obama’s end game is to hurt as many people as possible to push his agenda. Mikulski’s game is to help him do it.

They are evil people who must be stopped.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



The Obama Sequester End Game

Barack Obama’s sequester is set to kick in on Friday and there appears to be no stopping it from taking place. This means that about 85 billion dollars will be cut from the growth in the budget (not the actual budget but what they said they would spend) and about 48 billion of that will come from the Defense Department. Obama and his Democrats could easily cut items that do not affect people but have chosen to cut where it will hurt the most. In the DOD 800,000 people will lose 20% of their salary when furloughs start at the end of April. This is being done to hurt people and there is a reason for it.

Obama wants people to hurt and he wants to pin the blame on Republicans. Obama came up with the sequester but he will put the blame on others.

No surprise there.

He wants voters to be angry with Republicans so they will be voted out in 2014 and Obama can have a majority in Congress. Then he can run roughshod over the country.

There is also another reason Obama chose to hurt people. He needs people to hurt so he can claim that cuts to government hurt people so there can be no more cuts and taxes have to be raised.

Imagine how bad it would be for Democrats if the cuts took place and no one noticed. Imagine how it would be portrayed if those cuts were so painless that people began demanding more in the way of cuts. That can’t be allowed to happen if you are a big government socialist like Obama. He needs people to get hurt so he can brainwash them into thinking big government is the answer and that there is no spending problem (after all, we need the spending to prevent people from being hurt) and that the problem is revenue.

Obama got his revenue increase and it is far above the amount of the looming cuts. The entire cut amounts to about 2.5 cents of every dollar of the projected spending. The government could easily cut 2.5% from spending (the growth in spending) and not even feel it.

That is why they are targeting people and programs that directly help people. Obama needs to inflict maximal pain to push his agenda.

This guy who so many believe cares for people is a cold and calculating political monster who cares nothing about anyone. He cares for his agenda and socialism and that is all.

So if you support him and his cuts hurt you then you got what you voted for and what you deserve. If you don’t support him and get hurt then you will have to suck it up and do the best you can.

Strong people will come through the other side intact. The weak will be worse off because their baby daddy in government is spanking them.

Deliberately harming people is wrong and the mark of a true beast.

Maybe someone in Congress can make one of the cuts the executive Air Force that ferries people like Obama and his vacation addicted wife around. Be kind of nice to see them stuck in DC actually having to do something.

Anyone with some testicular fortitude on the right side of the aisle willing to make this cut?

I doubt it. They will probably cave and give king dufus all that he wants.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Obamacare Will Add More Than One Dime

When Democrats were ramming Obamacare through Congress they assured us that it would bend the cost curve down and that health care would cost less money than it does now. They assured us that the private insurance companies had caused runaway costs and that Obamacare was the answer.

They claimed it was a wonderful plan. It was so wonderful that the Democrats had to bribe some of their own members and lie to others (on no federal funds for abortion) in order to get them to vote for passage. After it passed it was so wonderful that Democrats granted thousands of waivers to their friends. All those folks who supported Obamacare and pushed for it to be passed promptly applied for, AND RECEIVED, waivers so they would not have to participate.

Conservatives and Republicans (not one in the same) argued that adding millions of people to the health care rolls (ironically, nearly as many will be uninsured under Obamacare) would increase costs. The excessive regulations and the free reign given to the Secretary of the HHS all but ensured Obamacare would cost more.

Barack Obama said that it would not cost one dime more (everything with him is one dime probably because of all the dime bags he bought in the past). He told us that he would not sign a bill that added one dime to the deficit.

“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future,” Obama told a joint-session of Congress in September 2009. “I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.” National Review

In all fairness, none of his programs add one dime. They add lots more…

According to the CBO, Obamacare will add 6.2 trillion dollars to the deficit.

That is 62 TRILLION more dimes….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



More Gun Companies Need To Step Up To Oppose Tyranny

A number of firearms manufacturers have publicly stated their policies will be to sell to law enforcement agencies and state governments only the kinds of firearms that citizens in those states can buy. Some companies have indicated they will not sell any firearms to the government agencies in those states.

This is a step in the right direction. The companies listed here are taking a stance against oppressive government and are supporting the PEOPLE in this nation who are being run over by tyrants in government.

Other companies, the big boys of the industry, need to step up and take a stand against this tyranny as well. I realize that many are taking a wait and see posture and that some are probably more than willing to sell to governments and fill the void created by those who refuse BUT the people are watching and many gun owners will not buy from those who support tyranny over freedom.

We will boycott those who refuse to boycott the tyrants.

If those companies really want to make an impact they need to leave states that are enacting unconstitutional laws for states that are more firearms friendly. Many states would love to have companies that produce firearms and accessories and would offer attractive incentives to relocate.

Magpul Industries (manufacturer of polymer accessories) has indicated that it will leave Colorado if proposed anti gun legislation becomes law even if there are exceptions for the company because it will not produce items in a state that would prohibit people in the state from buying them. Good for them. This is what integrity is all about and if this company holds true it will gain even more customers.

Beretta USA in Maryland has indicated it will move its company out of the state if Maryland enacts anti gun laws (laws even more stringent than the unconstitutional laws in effect). Lawmakers think the company is bluffing but it has shown in the past that it does not bluff. It moved part of its operation in the past because of Maryland’s freedom killing laws.

All companies involved in the firearms industry need to boycott states that are enacting anti gun laws and they need to move to friendlier confines. The public will support them and they will prosper.

These companies also need to consider how they will respond if the federal government enacts unconstitutional laws.

Think about how things would work out if the feds could not get the very firearms the government banned for the people (THE PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN CHARGE). Think about how things would pan out if an entire industry stood up to the tyrants at all levels of government.

Imagine the blow to the tyrants if they could not get the firearms (or accessories) they want to use to control the people.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Panic Buttons Will Not Help When Bad Guys Arrive

The public schools in Marietta GA have installed panic buttons that can be pushed in the event of an emergency. The buttons were installed in the wake of the Newtown Connecticut shooting and their purpose is to immediately place a call to 911. The police say that once the button is pushed they will send everything they have until they figure out what is going on.

The panic button will not reduce the number of people murdered and it is nothing more than a feel good measure.

How can that be?

It is quite simple. Notification of 911 was not an issue in Newtown. Records indicate that a call was made within a minute of the incident. That is as fast as recognizing a problem, getting to and pushing a panic button. The problem is it took nearly 20 minutes for police to arrive. By the time they got there the children and teachers had all been murdered.

To recap, notification was not the problem, response was.

A panic button addressed a problem that never existed in the first place.

Governments at all levels across this nation have been working on gun control. This is allegedly in response to the Newtown shootings but the reality is that the shootings were a catalyst to put into place that which the socialist left has wanted all along; a disarmed America. Armed Americans are a threat to their evil intentions. It is nearly impossible to enslave an armed population. The left (the same left that supports murdering unborn children) knows this and will walk on the graves of murdered children (children who were murdered because of government policies) in order to disarm the law abiding. This is why the federal government, through its agents in the VA, are classifying veterans as unable to own a gun. Veterans will defend this nation against the domestic enemies so the government is working to keep them from being armed.

The anti gun crowd wants us to call people with guns and let them come address the issue. Give up your guns and you can just call 911 when there is a life threatening issue. Guns were already banned in this school so how did the gun ban there work out?

Their answer is for you to call the police and wait for them to arrive. During the wait you end up murdered like those in Newtown. Once again, almost all of the murders in that school took place after the police were notified.

One armed person in that school could have reduced the number of lives lost. If the right person had been armed (or more than one person) then it is likely no one in the school would have been murdered.

The politicians who want gun bans are surrounded by armed guards. Obama, Biden (who is no friend to gun owners, no matter what he claims), Bloomberg, and countless others have armed security details for themselves (and in some cases their families) while they work at keeping you from being protected by the same tool their guards have at their disposal.

Our money is protected by guns, our gold is protected by guns, there are armed guards at nearly all government buildings and politicians have armed guards. For some reason they seem to think that these things are more important than us or our children which is why they want us disarmed and they designate our schools as gun free.

My children and grandchildren are more important than any of these things including the politicians and they deserve as much or more protection. Our children deserve to be protected by people with guns.

Banning guns will not stop gun crime any more than prohibition stopped the manufacture, distribution and use of intoxicating beverages (our politicians drank during prohibition). Gun bans will be no more effective than laws against illegal drug use. Criminals simply do not obey the law.

Gun control is about control of people and has nothing to do with guns.

It is time to push a button. Not a panic button in a school and not one that alerts government agents with guns.

It is time to push the button that musters patriots who will fight the tyranny of government.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

