What Happens When Legislation Is Rushed Through
Jan 19, 2013 Political, Second Amendment
By now most people know what happens when legislation is rushed through because we have the glaring example of Obamacare. Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass it to see what was in it and things come to light each day. Hell, Obama said there was nothing in Obamacare to prevent doctors from asking about guns in the home but he must not have read the thing because there is (page 2308). A section dedicated to the rights of gun owners prevents such questions and prevents establishing databases.
The state of New York enacted even tougher gun control after the tragedy at Sandy Hook. The legislation was rushed through as New York Governor Cum-o waived requirements (calling it an emergency) so it could pass and be signed quickly. The first problem is that there was no emergency that required waiving the three day legislation requirement (there were no school shooting rampages in New York) and it is obvious this was done for political reasons. Cum-o wanted to get it passed before opposing views could be presented and he wanted to sign it quickly to avoid a rush on gun purchases.
This is all about controlling people and not addressing the issue of criminals using guns illegally to do things that are against the law. Keep in mind that every time someone uses a gun to commit a crime he is already breaking a bunch of laws. The reality is that liberals want to take guns away so they can impose tyranny on the country. Unarmed people are slaves and the Democrat Party is the party of slave owners.
The problem NY faces is that the legislation was rammed through so quickly that there was no exemption on the size of magazines police officers can use. This means that police officers will be in violation of the law.
I am not opposed to that as I do not believe that the police should be allowed to have higher capacity magazines than law abiding citizens. In fact, since we all know that these laws only affect the law abiding, the criminals will be the only ones with higher capacity magazines. This is something that has not escaped the notice of the police in NY:
State Senator Eric Adams, a former NYPD Captain, told us he’s going to push for an amendment next week to exempt police officers from the high-capacity magazine ban. In his words, “You can’t give more ammo to the criminals” WABC
This statement is a direct admission that the new law will do NOTHING to prevent criminals from keeping higher capacity magazines. It is an admission that the law will only affect the law abiding. It is an admission that the goal is to disarm the law abiding and an admission that criminals do NOT obey the law.
How many NY police leaders stood with Cum-o and agreed with him? How many are OK with law abiding citizens being shackled while criminals are left untouched? How many realize that the law they want an exemption to will affect people the way they want to avoid?
This law should not be amended unless the amendment is to repeal it. The police in New York should suffer the same fate as those they are supposed to serve. There is no reason for the police to have more ammo than the average citizen when we all know the criminals will always have more and that the police will arrive afterthe crime has been committed.
Related Items:
Obama regime does not have time to enforce current law
Will the GOP cave on Second Amendment?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: ammo, exemptions, governor cum-o, gun law, lies, New York, police
The Modern American Gunfight
Jan 17, 2013 Political
Time to Stand and Fight
The NRA has an ad pointing out that Barack Obama’s children attend a school with armed guards but he refuses to allow the same protection for our children. The White House was upset that Obama’s children were used in such fashion. Funny though, Obama did not mind exploiting the dead children from Connecticut and he certainly did not mind using other people’s kids to push his agenda yesterday when he used his Imperial position to impose gun restrictions.
Here is a new ad from the NRA. It is right on point and it shows many in the media attacking Wayne LaPierre for saying that schools should have armed guards (a position most Americans agree with). It is crazy, they say, to suggest putting more guns in schools (yeah, because right now the only ones that make it there are carried by crazy people).
Keep in mind that the media all attacked LaPierre for his suggestion. That same media fawned over Obama’s proposals. Here is one of those proposals (I agree in principle with the idea here though I doubt this is a federal responsibility):
The president will also push for federal funds for more school counselors and mental health aides and for schools and school districts that want to hire armed and trained security officers CBS News
Why is that same media not attacking Obama for providing money for MORE guns in schools? Where are all those who attacked LaPierre for his proposal now that Obama has included that very idea in his package?
This is about advancing gun control. Make no mistake, gun control is not about guns but control of the people. The camel’s nose will get under the tent and pretty soon there will be a push for an all out ban.
It works this way. There is gun violence, the government makes rules that infringe upon those of us who did not commit that violence (while ignoring the fact that criminals don’t obey the law) and then when that does not work they come back and say the only thing that will work is a complete ban.
The time to fight is now. We cannot allow them to violate the Constitution and the other laws that have been passed to protect gun owners and our rights.
As an aside, Obama said that nothing in Obamacare keeps doctors from asking about guns. Section 2716 on page 2308 of Obamacare specifically says otherwise.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: gun control, lies, nra, Obama, socialism, wayne lapierre
Governing By Executive Order
Jan 15, 2013 Commentary, Political
Imperial President Barack Obama is set to use Executive Orders to violate the Constitution in order to push gun control. While Obama is not the first leader to abuse Executive Orders he is the only one in recent memory to use them to so blatantly abuse the power of his office and to violate the rights of US citizens. Obama will have children present when he makes his big announcement.
He is walking on the graves of those kids murdered in Connecticut and he is using the children at his announcement as props to garner sympathy. He has no shame and will do anything to push his Socialist agenda.
Executive Orders have their place and that place is to issue orders to agencies of the Executive Branch in order to manage their operations. Executive Orders can also be used by Presidents in order to pursue Acts of Congress which have delegated some power to him.
Executive Orders CANNOT be used to enact a new law, change an old law or govern the American people.
The reason Barack Obama is using EOs is because he will not be able to get what he wants through Congress and that does not suit him. He will, instead, do an end run around Congress. This is a violation of his authority and the Constitution and it is the duty of Congress to ensure he does not get away with this.
There is one Republican lawmaker who has vowed to file articles of impeachment against Obama if he tires this power grab. Unfortunately, many Democrats are urging Obama to usurp their authority because they do not believe any bills violating the Second Amendment will pass through Congress.
In any event, nothing he tries to impose via EO will apply to the public and accordingly, I refuse to comply.
I will not comply with any order or law that violates my rights. Other citizens are free to do as they wish, comply or not, but I will not. I see how things work. They will impose some rule and rush to remove guns from society and then the issue will make it to the courts and by the time the issue is ruled in favor of the Constitution all the surrendered firearms will have been melted into plows. People will never get their property back and will have no recourse. Additionally, once you allow one right to be taken the rest will fall if they interfere with government’s desires. The Second Amendment is the one that protects all others.
The oath I took to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic does not have an expiration date and I intend to uphold my oath under all circumstances.
Obama and many in this government are working to violate our Constitution and that means they are domestic enemies.
Additionally, I will not follow any law enacted at the state level if that law violates the US Constitution. The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment requires the states to provide equal protection to all people of the state. Basically, states can’t do things in violation of the US Constitution and enacting laws that violate the Second Amendment violates the law.
What harm could a little EO do?
Keep in mind that it was an Executive Order that led to the unlawful confinement of Japanese Americans in internment camps during World War II.
The Second Amendment is not about hunting and it is not about sport shooting. It is there to protect the means citizens have to keep their government in check. It allows us to shoot at tyrants in our own government.
But, Piers Morgan and other liberals say this is nonsense and that the US government will not abuse it people.
Really? What about the previously mentioned Japanese Americans? What about the blacks who were brought here and sold as slaves? These folks were denied their liberty and it was sanctioned by the government. It was eventually changed but how long did our government allow people to be held in bondage before it changed? If one thinks the government would not do bad things to a disarmed population should ask the Native Americans how things worked out. Government massacred them.
Then, after it changed, southern states tried to deny blacks the right to keep and bear arms. It is easier to round up people and lynch them when they are not armed.
Governments will eventually become corrupt. Look at how massive and corrupt our government is now. Imagine how bad things would get if those in charge knew they could do what they wanted because people lacked the means to resist.
Executive orders and unconstitutional laws are detrimental to society and I refuse to follow them.
I and many others will honor our oath, period.
One last point. I keep hearing the question; “why do you need a magazine that holds more than ten rounds?” I need it because I want it and I am free. I need it because that is what the military has and I am to be armed as well as the individual soldier.
My question is why does Obama need so many people with guns protecting him? Won’t one guy or maybe two do the trick? Why does Governor O’Malley of Maryland need an armed detail of at least six police officers to protect him? Won’t one guy with a gun suffice? Hell, why are we paying for their protection when they are working so hard to deny us ours?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: enemies, executive order, law, lies, oath keepers, Obama, Second Amendment
Obama To Ignore Constitution Again
Jan 9, 2013 Political
And Obama is not the only one. Any politician in any state who is working to ban firearms is ignoring the Constitution. The Second Amendment applies to all states. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and it has supremacy over states in those items that are enumerated in it. The 14th Amendment requires all states to provide equal protection under the law and that means that states are not allowed to make rules that violate the Constitution of the US.
States are working on doing just that (and have for a long time). New York is working on banning guns even more than it already does. A lawmaker in Iowa wants to ban AND confiscate firearms (and make it retroactive, ex post facto violation). Not only would this violate the Second Amendment it would also violate the Fourth (illegal seizure of property).
Obama is doing his part to impose tyranny on the citizens of this country. He not only wants to impose strict gun bans but the news reports he will use an Executive Order to impose his will on gun owners and violate the Constitution at the same time.
Remember, it was Barack Obama who criticized George Bush for using Executive Orders which Obama called an abuse of power:
“These last few years we’ve seen an unacceptable abuse of power at home,” then-candidate Obama said in Chicago in October of 2007. “We’ve paid a heavy price for having a president whose priority is expanding his own power.” Washington Examiner
Obama has always been anti gun even though he lied while running for office. He said for people to tell their friends that he would not take our guns and that is what he will be doing, or should I say trying to do.
This will not go unchallenged.
We will not be subjected to a tyrannical government and we will use all means at our disposal to ensure we are not victims of government overreach and illegal actions.
So they can fold that Executive Order up and stick it where the sun does not shine.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: call to arms, gun control, lies, Obama, patriots, Second Amendment, tyranny
What Does The B In EBT Mean?
Jan 7, 2013 Political
It appears, from the recent news, that the B in the Electronic Benefits Card actually stands for Bar, Booze or Booty because quite a few EBT cards are being used at bars, strip clubs and liquor stores. But, but, these folks can’t use those cards for such things because the cards are for essentials like food, formula and diapers.
Well that would be the case if we only issued the cards to people who were in need. If we issued them to the truly needy to meet their essential needs and not to people who have it quite good and have learned to game the system then we might have something that works.
Instead, we issue these cards to people who have figured out how to get cash with them and then use the cash to buy items that are not allowed. We issue them to people who drive nice cars, have smart phones, wear the nicest clothing, have jewelry that is top notch and who have wads of cash probably from jobs that are paid under the table so as to keep those benefits coming.
I have been to the store and witnessed people using the EBT card for food (really nice and expensive food) and then pulling out a wad of cash to buy a carton of smokes. I am not talking a few twenty dollar bills I am talking a wad of cash that would put a drug dealer to shame. These folks (and I see them often, not rarely as some would suggest when claiming there is no problem) then go out and get into a very expensive car to take all their free goodies home.
I realize there are plenty of people who might have these nice things and an EBT because they are foster parents and the money is for the children under their care. I have no problem with that and am sure I could tell the difference. The folks I see are gaming the system as they have been taught to by generations of welfare and generations of liberal policies that take from one group and give to another thus enslaving those folks to their masters in government.
These folks become dependable voters because they will vote for the people who promise them more “free” stuff.
Barack Obama and his minions will scream about raising taxes on the rich and claim that spending is not the issue but the reality is that we have billions and billions of dollars in waste because government is inept and can’t keep track of these things. Government is not interested in finding this waste because it likes people being subservient to it. This is why the government wants to take our firearms, to enslave all of us and not just the welfare class of low information voters who feel they are “entitled” to what they get.
We need to go through each and every case and decide if the people on welfare should actually be. We need to check and if they have suspicious EBT use. We need to get a list of their assets and see if they have expensive stuff. If so then they do not need welfare.
People with actual needs would continue to get welfare as would those who care for foster children. They are the folks these programs were designed to help and we need to make sure they are the only ones that get the help.
Before you liberals scream that the elderly is the biggest class of people on welfare because of Social Security or Medicare keep in mind that while these programs need to be reformed to exclude those who should not be getting those benefits, those who paid in really are entitled. They paid for this on a promise the government would use the money to care for them. If government had not spent the money on other things there would be plenty of it to pay those who receive the benefits. Well, there would be if we got rid of those who scam the two systems with phony claims for disability and other such things the system was never designed to pay for.
In any event, we need reform of everything and we need it now. No debt ceiling increase, no tax increases and lots of spending cuts.
How long before those of us paying taxes stop sending you the money? We had excessive taxation and attempts at gun confiscation in the past. The result was the birth of the USA.
What will the next result be?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: booty, booze, Democrats, ebt, fraud, liberals, lies, Obama, redistribution, spending cuts, taxes