Let Them Eat Food Stamp Cake

The food stamp president, Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm), will head off on vacation at the end of this year just as the alleged fiscal crisis that he and his Democrats allowed to happen comes into full swing. The messiah of the left will fly to Hawaii with his family at a cost to taxpayers of 4 MILLION DOLLARS.

Yes, while people are losing jobs, while they are suffering through the Obama economy, while they are trying to figure out what comes next, Obama and his family will be basking in the Hawaiian sun on the taxpayer’s dime. One would think that while so many Americans are suffering, so much so that they have not been able to take a vacation, Obama would stay closer to home and save the taxpayers’ money. OK, I would not think that of Obama. Only a leader would do such a thing and Obama could not lead a group of people out of a burning building unless he promised them Obamaphones for getting out.

Obama will not save taxpayers money because he thinks he is a King and that he is above it all. Hell, we have no money to pay the bills and he will waste 4 MILLION DOLLARS on a vacation.

Obama knows that taxing the wealthy more will not solve the fiscal problems this country has but he is pushing forward for those increases anyway. Spending and so called entitlement cuts are not on the table because Obama would rather tax the rich just for the fun of it.

I guess he needs to raise their taxes so he can pay for his vacations.

Obama has spent millions of dollars to keep his records sealed (hiding a Kenyan birth certificate is expensive). I think I know why he has locked his college transcripts away.

He failed economics and did not want anyone to see the failing grades. Too late Barack, we can see the failure each and every day.

While Obama and his family vacation like royalty America will be suffering. Let them eat cake!

At least his supporters can eat cake they purchased with food stamps.

Just not Twinkies…

As an aside, we have not had a budget in four years because of the Democrats. Why worry about it now? Let the tax cuts expire and spending cuts take place and let people deal with it the best they can. The media and the Democrat Party (but I repeat myself) will try to blame Republicans but who cares? The government gave us the fiscal cliff prior to the election and the people who voted put the exact same government in place. This means they were happy with how things were going. Let them feel the consequences of their actions…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What Media Bias?

The left will scream from the rooftops that the media are not biased and that they were not in the tank for Obama. That is a bunch of crap as most of the MSM are nothing more than extended arms of the Democrat Party.

MSNBC Did No Negative Stories About Obama or Positive Ones About Romney Last Week of Campaign

A new study just released by the Pew Research Center found that in the final week of the just-ended presidential campaign, the “Lean Forward” network did absolutely no negative stories about President Obama or positive ones about Mitt Romney.

Instead of Lean Forward MSDNC’s slogan should be Bend Over…

Report: Obama Coverage Turned More Favorable In Final Week Of Election

From October 29 to November 5, positive stories about Obama in mainstream media outlets outnumbered negative ones by 10 percentage points, with 29 percent positive, and 19 negative. On the other hand, negative stories about the GOP nominee Mitt Romney outweighed positive stories by 17 points, with 33 percent negative compared to 16 positive.

Nothing to see here, move along.

I am still waiting for the MSM to cover the massive voter fraud that took place across the country. When many locations report that voter turnout was greater than 100% of the total number of registered voters there is a problem. When military voters are systematically disenfranchised there is a problem. When Mitt Romney received NOT ONE vote in over 100 precincts between PA and OH alone (how many more like this across the country) then there is a problem.

Would this make a difference? The only way to find out is to investigate before the results are certified. But greater than 100% and no votes for Romney adds up to millions of disenfranchised Republican voters and many more votes for Obama than he actually received. Remember, it is not how the national number was affected; it is how it would result in each state in the battle for electoral votes.

Anyone who thinks that fewer Republicans actually voted given the 2010 midterm election and the enthusiasm among the right’s voters is delusional.

It is only fraud when Democrats lose. They refuse to look at fraud that is clearly there when they win.

And their lapdog media are more than willing to assist in the cause.

Our Founders are spinning in their graves at such a high rate of speed we could tap the energy to generate electricity.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Limits On Spending Never Come

Senate majority Leader Harry Reid has fired the opening salvo in the lame duck session regarding the fiscal cliff that we are rapidly approaching. His first declaration was that the election is a mandate to raise taxes on the rich. I beg to differ and counter that we basically have the same government we had prior to the election and that means the American public wants a divided and gridlocked government. If Americans did not want the gridlock that existed then it would have changed the makeup of Congress.

Reid has further declared that Social Security is solvent for the time being and that it will not be part of any budget negotiations. What Reid is saying is that he will kick the can down the road.

Social Security and Medicare are in trouble. The government has, for decades, collected huge sums of money from workers via the Social Security insurance tax. Over the years far more was collected than was needed to pay retirees because there were far more young workers. The government took that money and put it in the general budget and issued an IOU to the trust fund. We are now at a point where more is being paid out than is coming in but there is no way to compensate for that without borrowing money because the money paid in has long been spent.

AARP released a poll that it took of its members and a majority of those members 50 and older indicated they did not want Social Security and Medicare included as part of the budget negotiation process. They want their benefits that were promised.

This lines up with what I have long said. Social Security and other programs like it are designed to get people dependent on government. The people surveyed are demonstrating that they do not care about the debt or any of the country’s other money problems so long as they get their checks. They are beholden to the nanny state to survive and this axe can be held over their heads to get them to comply with what government wants and can be used to scare them into voting for certain politicians. It is a shame that the elderly, like those on welfare, are held as slaves to government. Keep doing what government wants, keep voting the way it wants, and you can have your soup.

AARP and its members can say they want to keep their benefits and Harry Reid can claim that all is well but it will not be long before the reality of insolvency sets in and Congress will run around like their heads are on fire and their asses are catching in order to raise taxes to pay for the shortfall. By that time the game will be over. Like any Ponzi scheme, there is always an end game where a lot of people get screwed. No matter what AARP members want when there is no money they will get nothing.

[note]As an aside, the death panels in Obamacare should help reduce the elderly population so that there is not as big a drain on SS and Medicare[/note]

Reid is also indicating that he is going into negotiations with the mindset that Congress will raise taxes on the rich. Reid said he feels that there is nothing wrong with asking the wealthy to pay a little more. His statement ignores the fact that the wealthy already pay most of the federal income taxes paid in this country. How much more is a fair share? How much of someone’s income is a fair amount to give? How much is fair when we know it will be wasted and that no matter how much they take it will not solve the debt problem?

The Democrat’s idea of bipartisan negotiations is that you have to agree with them and it is bipartisan. Disagree or work for something else and you are being an obstructionist.

For their part Republicans are indicating they are open to revenue increases (read increased taxes) as long as there are limits on spending. Those limits never come. Tax increases take place instantly and limits are delayed until they are deemed impractical and then never happen.

I think we should allow the Bush tax cuts to expire in their entirety. According to the Democrats they were only for the rich anyway so let them expire. As far as the other draconian measures that will cut many agencies and hurt contractors, well that is what they get for supporting Obama.

Pain is a great teacher and people need to feel that pain.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Don’t be Fooled By Talk Of Raising Revenue

Democrats will talk about the fiscal cliff as if they actually care about it and then say we need to raise taxes to increase revenue. The term revenue is misleading for several reasons. First of all, revenue is income derived from business activities, usually the sale of goods to customers.

The federal government (or any level of government for that matter) does not sell goods and it does not produce anything. Therefore, government cannot gain revenue. Government extorts money from people who actually earn it and then uses that money to function. If the government used the money for only the items the Constitution authorizes then there would be few, if any, problems.

Unfortunately, government has elected itself as a big nanny over the rest of us and extorts money to pay for the nanny state. It is intent on providing cradle to grave care for people so that the elite ruling class can gain and keep power.

If the government wanted to increase “revenue” then it would lower taxes and decrease the stifling regulations that encumber business. When tax rates are lowered the amount of money that flows into the Treasury increases. This has happened each and every time tax rates have been lowered. The problems arise when all the money gained, AND THEN SOME, is spent by Congress. Like the Democrat voting process, spending is always greater than 100% of available income.

If the United States had a balanced budget and tax rates were lower the amount of money into the Treasury would increase and we could pay our bills and lower the debt which is currently at a staggering 16 TRILLION dollars.

Instead, our government will work to increase taxes. The claim is that the increases will be on the wealthy (and the definition of wealthy changes day by day) but this will not be enough to make a difference. Then, the taxes will be increased on others until everyone is taxed more and government is receiving less.

We have all seen this movie before. At no time in history have tax increases solved fiscal problems. As it is often stated, no nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity.

It is true that if you want more of something you subsidize it and if you want less of something you tax it. We subsidize the non productive and we are getting more of them. We tax the productive and we are getting fewer of them. If the government raises taxes on the alleged wealthy then those folks will work fewer hours and find other ways to keep from paying more in taxes.

This is the plan of the Democrats and the Obama regime. They want to collapse the system we have, blame it on capitalism and then impose Socialist methods on the population.

Socialism is a government design in which people are controlled. They are not free under this kind of government and they will never be free under it. Nations that have tried this form of rule have failed to thrive.

The Democrats do not want us to thrive. They want more and more people dependent on government so they can control them. One only needs to look at the elderly and the poor to see this. The elderly are continually threatened with the removal of Social Security and Medicare as a way to control them and the way they vote. The poor are continually threatened with the removal of welfare programs if they vote the wrong way. These methods are all designed to keep people enslaved to government.

And government wants more slaves.

People who truly need help should get it but those who depend on government (read the productive in society) for a living are irresponsible parasites that lack integrity and personal responsibility.

The best way to resolve this is to lower taxes, reduce regulatory burdens and let the private market take care of things. Put people to work and force people who live off others to go out and earn a living. That builds self esteem and pride.

Two things sorely lacking from those in the dependent class.

Baby Troll Blog

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Why Worry About The Fiscal Cliff?

It is billed as Taxmageddon, the first day of the New Year when all the Bush tax cuts expire and certain budget measures kick in. These were designed to force lawmakers to get off their butts and actually do something constructive but that never came to pass. They were too busy running for reelection or working to get their messiah reelected. Now that has happened and there is some movement toward fixing the problem that lies ahead.

But why should they worry about fixing it? When Democrats took control of the Congress in the last two years of the Bush Administration they ran on a platform of eliminating the Bush tax cuts. Remember, Democrats have LONG declared that the Bush tax cuts were ONLY for the rich. They never referred to them as just tax cuts as they always added “for the rich.” Democrats claimed that Bush only cut taxes for wealthy people and that the middle class got screwed despite the fact that the middle class made out better than anyone with regard to the cuts.

Be that as it may, the reality is that Democrats said these tax cuts were only for the wealthy and they said they would eliminate the Bush tax cuts in total, not in some piecemeal fashion.

So let them expire.

Once Democrats won they had to back off their claims that these tax cuts were solely for the rich because they knew otherwise and eliminating them in their entirety would hurt the middle class but that is NOT how they portrayed it when they wanted the lesser minds in society to vote for them.

We should give them no quarter. They ran on eliminating them so let them expire and let everyone suffer the consequences (elections do have consequences). Obama and his minions all think that raising taxes is a good thing and will help the economy. If that is what they believe then they should let the Bush tax cuts expire completely and reap the benefit of increased tax revenue. It is unlikely the Treasury will actually receive increased revenue as tax increases tend to keep that from happening but that is not what Democrats believe.

So why not let them expire completely and see what happens? If Democrats are right then the increase in revenue will catapult the economy into prosperity and we will be on the track to salvation. Hell, if raising the taxes on the rich is wonderful then raising taxes on everyone should be even better.

Besides, the expiration of the tax cuts will only affect the wealthy because that is what the Democrats have told us.

So there should be no worries about the first day of next year. There should be no fiscal or political worries because we are only going to do what Democrats promised all along, end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

Hell, let us take it a little further. Let’s actually raise the taxes on millionaires (real ones who make a million dollars or more) to 90%. Everything above a million dollars will be taxed at 90%. They don’t need that money. Barack Obama already told them that at a certain point he thinks they have made enough so let’s just take it from them. Many of the millionaires who live in this country voted for Obama so they should be perfectly willing to have some skin in the game. Imagine if Brad Pitt was paid 5 million dollars for a movie. He would get 400 thousand dollars of the amount over a million and the government would get 3.6 million dollars. What a deal and Pitt will be more than happy because he supported Obama and Obama’s plans.

Think of how rich liberals would be overjoyed at this. Warren Buffett, Michael Moore, Cher, and all the other rich liberals who supported Obama and his plans could pay their fair share to help the poor folks.

Now it is an absolute fact that if the government confiscated ALL the money rich people make it would only run the government for about 90 days but that should not matter. It is all about fair play and these rich folks, many of whom live in California and New York, have put their trust in Obama.

Let the Bush tax cuts expire in their entirety so Democrats can fulfill their promise to do so and then raise taxes on people who make more than a million dollars so they can pay their fair share.

The reality is that none of this will help but the Democrats promised it so they should go through with it. It will crash the economy, force the wealthy liberals to find ways to keep from paying taxes (you KNOW they don’t really want to pay more) and show America how deadly liberal tax policies are.

Who cares if it leads to the demise of this once great nation? If people actually cared about that they would not be standing around with their hands out for Obamaphones, food stamps and other forms of welfare. They would be working instead of mooching.

Let’s give the liberals what they want by letting the Bush tax cuts expire and raising taxes on the wealthy. No exceptions so all the rich guys in Congress have to pay. Hell, Obama will have to pay 90% on all his income above a million so he will have skin in the game. And while we are at it we need to tax him on his employer provided transportation. His employer gives him a car, a plane and a helicopter. He needs to pay taxes on these as well just like a guy in the private sector.

Obama needs to have skin in the game as well.

Once the policies have taken effect it won’t be long before our economy completely crashes. Some will survive and some will not but once we come through the other side those who caused this will be long gone and we can rebuild the Republic.

The ball is in your court Congress. You liberals wanted to end those tax cuts so do it and quit crying about how they will hurt everyone.

You were not worried about that when you were running to cut them so don’t worry now.

Man up and do what you said you were going to do and live with the consequences.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
