Obama Stole The Election
Nov 8, 2012 Political
There is no doubt in my mind that Democrats used dirty tricks and broke the law to win. I will say it up front so the liberals can guffaw and then click over to Kos and pleasure themselves. The evidence is clear that Barack Obama and his Democrats did things that were illegal in order to win.
Republican turn out was 3 million lower than in 2008 and Obama hit his numbers? There is no way this is accurate and given the number of complaints of voting machines changing votes from Romney to Obama the loss of Republican voters and Obama holding his own gets clearer. The votes were changed so his numbers went up and Romney’s went down.
How else can one explain internal polling that showed Romney winning battleground states by a comfortable margin? And yes, those internals showed Romney taking the major battleground states while Obama’s internals showed he needed to go to states that he should have held easily. The linked article discusses how the voting machines had been programmed so that a vote for Romney had to be exactly in the square but one for Obama was anywhere close (and just outside the Romney box). If millions of people did not check before submitting they were screwed.
Couple that with reports of people in Ohio being bused in to vote illegally (non English speaking being given pre filled cards or being shown what to select) and the intimidation in Philadelphia as well as the GOP election judges being thrown out (and one in Chicago wearing an Obama hat) and you can see the problems.
Barack Obama is illegitimate. He won because of fraud and this was his plan because he knew he would not win otherwise.
Only the naive would think that the network of Commies behind Obama (Soros and company) would not or could not do this. The reality is this was well planned and it worked. The usurper is back in office.
It is my understanding that James O’Keefe has documented hundreds of incidents of fraud and he is compiling the video. I wonder if there is any way to fix the problem once this has occurred?
I doubt it. The political class shields itself from the law.
Think this is all BS? You are (at least right now) entitled to that opinion but consider this. Obama did not win in ANY state that requires a photo ID to vote.
Is there any wonder why Democrats fight against voter ID laws? They need to cheat.
And even the UN observers commented that they could not believe the US does not require an ID to vote…
Why would it surprise them? They know how corrupt Democrats are.
American Third Position (a link does not indicate endorsement of their policies)
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: cheating, fraud, illegals, lies, Obama, stolen election, usurper, voter machines
Leon Panetta Is Out Of Touch
Oct 27, 2012 Political
The big blunder in Benghazi has caused headaches for those in the Obama regime who are trying to cover things up. Recent revelations show that increased security was denied and that the requests of fighters to go to the assistance of Ambassador Stevens were denied. Those orders were eventually ignored by two brave men who died after seven hours of intense fighting. Two men held off a large number of terrorists. Just think what we could have done if more help had been sent.
That help was not sent because the military was told not to go help. The Pentagon refused to send help. Leon Panetta refused to send our warfighters despite the fact they were close enough to help because, he claims, there was not enough intelligence and he did not want to put those folks in harm’s way.
Now that his decisions are under attack he says people are engaging in Monday morning quarterbacking.
No Leon, this is called holding our government accountable. You decided not to send help and because of that whatever chance of survival those folks had evaporated. You turned your back on people and I can only conclude that it was an act of cowardice.
It is not Monday morning quarterbacking to hold the government accountable for obvious failures. the military was chomping at the bit to go help and you stood them down. You turned your back on Americans in peril.
If that was your child in Benghazi, or if it was Obama’s children or perhaps his wife or Hillary Clinton you would have moved Heaven and Earth to rescue them. There would have been no concern about lack of intelligence or putting troops in harm’s way, you would have sent everything available to help them.
If Obama happened to have been in that Consulate you would have sent the entire military to save him regardless of cost.
Does not any American citizen deserve the same consideration?
Does not the Ambassador who represents our president deserve it?
You failed in your duty and the honorable thing for you to do is resign.
Then again, if you had any honor help would have been sent to Benghazi.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: benghazi, cover up, cowardice, leoon panetta, lies, pentagon
Did Obama October Surprise Backfire?
Oct 27, 2012 Political
There is an interesting post up at The Tavern Keepers with an alternate hypothesis about the Benghazi attacks that left four Americans, including our Ambassador, dead. The blog states upfront that its post is only a hypothesis based on known facts. I think that they might be on to something. In fact, I think they might be right.
The hypothesis goes something like this. Obama wanted an October surprise in order to guarantee his reelection (or at least greatly increase his chances). Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi on 9/11 to broker an arms deal and while he was there the people Obama has gotten into bed with were supposed to abduct him and hold him hostage. Obama would broker a deal getting him and his small contingent home safely and would be a hero easily sliding into a second term. There is even supposition that release of the Blind Sheik would be part of the deal.
This explains why Obama denied increased security and why the requests of fighters on the ground to intervene were ignored. Those fighters ignored their orders and fought for seven hours while the Pentagon refused to send help. Leon Panetta said there was not enough intelligence to act on (a lie) and that he did not want to put our troops in harm’s way. I hate to break it to him but that is their job description.
This would also explain why the Pentagon did not send that help (rather than Panetta’s lame excuses) and would explain why Obama went to bed rather than save these people. He thought they would be captured and he would get a ransom call in the morning.
The problem is a few armed former Seals took it upon themselves to intervene and try to save Americans who were in trouble. The terrorists who were supposed to capture Stevens (and maybe the others) did not expect to meet resistance because they knew there would be no added security. When they did meet resistance and started dying they lit the place on fire. Since Stevens was in a secure room with no windows he suffered smoke inhalation and later died (not before he was sodomized by the terrorists).
This all blew up in Obama’s face and since that night he and his regime have been involved in one of the biggest cover ups in our history.
This is all speculation on the part of those at Tavern Keepers but I am claiming that it is true.
It is up to the Obama regime to prove that it is not true. After all, that is the standard Harry Reid used when he claimed Mitt Romney paid no taxes. He made the claim based on an anonymous source and said it was up to Romney to prove it was not true.
So, a source has claimed Obama set this up and it went awry. Now it is up to Obama to prove it is not true.
All they have to do is release everything that is associated with that night. Videos, secret emails and other communications and any other item associated with the event.
It is time for Mr. Transparency to actually be transparent and he needs to do it now. If he manages to get reelected and this all comes out after the election the American public and the Republican Congress will push for criminal prosecution of everyone involved (though that will probably happen in any event).
Man up Obama and come clean with us.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: benghazi, cover up, lies, murder, Obama, october surprise, planned event, tavern keepers
Hillary Chooses Party Over Country
Oct 25, 2012 Commentary, Political
The murder of our citizens in Libya and the subsequent cover up by the Obama regime is an ongoing nightmare. It is now obvious that additional security was requested and denied, that Obama knew about the attacks within hours (and might have watched it), and that he did not send help to our people who were brutally murdered. Reports are that our Ambassador was repeatedly sodomized before being murdered and that the two former Seals who went to provide help were beheaded. Help was an hour away and they fought for seven hours so Obama could have gotten help there in time.
He went to bed instead. Yes, the guy who is bragging that he will stay up for more than 24 hours campaigning could not stay up on the night of the attack and send help.
After this all took place Obama and his mouth pieces went on TV and told America that this was in response to a video. They continued with this lie even as evidence to the contrary continued to see the light of day.
People died and Obama lied.
[note]Barack Obama says he will look out for YOU. How can you take him seriously when he did not look out for our citizens in Libya?[/note]
Hillary Clinton took the blame about two weeks after the attack (coincidentally just before the last debate) but evidence suggests that she actually requested additional security and that it was denied by Obama (or his regime).
Bill Clinton is urging his wife to release everything she has in order to clear her name and avoid criminal prosecution (and if anyone knows about criminal prosecution it is Bill Clinton). Bill and Hillary have had several arguments about this because Hillary is reluctant to release what she has which is believed to be enough to cost Obama his reelection bid.
While Bill Clinton wishes his wife would “exonerate” herself by releasing the documents that show she wasn’t at fault for the tragic security failure in Libya, the secretary of state refuses to do so because she doesn’t want to be viewed as a traitor to the Democratic Party. News Ninja
It comes as no surprise to those of us who know the real Hillary but it should send chills down the spines of all Americans that this woman is more concerned about betraying her party than she is about betraying her country.
This is typical of liberals. They put party before country and don’t really care how what they do affects the nation or the people as long as it benefits the party.
If Hillary has information about what happened she has a duty to release it not to exonerate herself or to hurt Obama but to let Americans know what happened and why. I know, I know, it is a pipe dream to expect a liberal, particularly a Clinton, to do the right thing.
If Hillary stands pat and refuses to release these documents and they come to light later on (via subpoena or she willingly releases them) after the election and they show Obama lied about what took place then she needs to be prosecuted for treason.
Liberals, Hillary told you she was the most qualified to handle the 3 am phone call. She screwed that up and is now involved in the biggest cover up in our history.
Remember, when Watergate happened, no one died.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: beheading, Clinton, libya, lies, loyalty, murder, Obama, seal, sodomy, traitor, treason
Obama Did Not Do Enough In The Last Debate
Oct 23, 2012 Political
The final presidential debate was on foreign affairs and it was a snoozer when compared to the first two. Those two featured both candidates going after each other. The final debate showed Barack Obama channeling Joe Biden in petulant behavior.
Obama attacked Romney and was condescending toward him. One would not know that Obama was speaking to an accomplished businessman some 15 years his senior. It appeared to me as if Obama felt he was speaking to someone beneath him.
Mitt Romney was low keyed and agreed a number of times with Obama but he acted more presidential. I think this was his strategy for the debate. Romney knew Obama would try to paint him as a war monger who was stuck in the Cold War era. Romney would have none of it and stayed above the fray.
Obama won the debate on points but lost it on style and that is what mattered in this debate. With a terrible economy the people of this country are more concerned with that rather than foreign policy. It helped Romney greatly that he was able to bring our national security back to the economy. Obama cannot counter attacks on the economy because he has done nothing to make it better. It does not help Obama when he continues to scream that the math in Romney’s plan does not add up and that it will not lower the deficit. Obama wants us to believe that he is the one who can lower the deficit despite the fact that he has added to it in each of his four years to the tune on nearly 5 TRILLION dollars. Obama is hollow on this issue.
Obama is falling in the polls and there is a risk to his campaign that one state after another will fall into Romney’s column and this includes states that are traditionally blue. Mitt Romney is beginning to pull even or ahead in states that Obama felt little need to defend so much so that he has had to pull out of those he thought he could win in order to defend those he should easily win.
During the last debate Barack Obama needed to score a big win. He needed a knockout punch in order to stem the tide of states moving toward Romney. Obama did not get that knock out punch. He might have won the battle but the win was marginal and therefore he might end up losing the war.
As an aside, the fact checkers found about 15 items that Obama was not truthful about. It is unlikely he made mistakes or misspoke so I can only conclude that he deliberately lied to the American people.
On 6 November we can end this nightmare that is Obama and put adults back in charge of our nation.
After watching Joe Biden and Barack Obama it will be a breath of fresh air to see adults in charge once again.
One last thing. Obama spoke as if he cares about our military. If he cares so much why are he and his Democrats across the nation working had to deny the vote to our service members? If you were going to sit this one out please go to the polls and vote for the military members who are being denied the very thing they fight to protect. Vote Romney for their sake.
Let’s do it for the troops.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: debate, foreign policy, knock out, lies, Obama, romney