Obama Lies; Will He Blame Bush?

On 9/11/2001 George Bush was president and our nation was attacked. There was no delay in announcing that we were the victims of a terror attack. As the nation braced for further attacks and began to get its war face on the president was announcing that the people who did this would soon hear from us. The term War on Terror became commonplace.

On 9/11/2012 Barack Obama occupies the White House and our embassy in Libya is attacked and four Americans, including our Ambassador, are murdered. How did Obama respond?

He and his regime immediately claimed that some obscure anti Muslim movie was responsible despite all evidence to the contrary. To this day he and his sock puppets parrot the idea that this movie caused the issue. The initial response was that the attack was not coordinated and it was just some random act. Yes, the regime failed to provide security, and considering the date should have beefed up security, and was blowing that off by claiming the attack was a spur of the moment, uncoordinated event.

But the regime did not believe this. Barack Obama and his security apparatus labeled the attack as a terrorist attack within 24 hours of it happening. Since Obama has practically outlawed the use of the word terror the regime must have been pretty convinced to use that very word in its internal characterizations.

Obama LIED to the American public. The only people who believed the lie were the morons who will vote for Obama because of a “free” cell phone (paid for by the taxpayer). The rest of us, the productive and thinking part of the nation, knew right away that the events were acts of terror and that they were an act of war initiated against the US.

The Obama regime used this event to violate the rights of the movie maker by having him brought in for questioning. His right to free speech came into question by the regime. It is bad enough that this man’s rights were violated but the fact they were violated despite the regime knowing the attacks were coordinated terror attacks should send a clear message that Barack Obama will lie and throw Americans under the bus in order to retain power.

Obama knew the attacks were terror attacks but chose to lie. Was it because the attacks demonstrated the failure of his policies? Was it because he knew that being unprepared for a terror attack on 9/11, of all days, is a demonstration of his complete lack of competence?

The reality is that Obama is not a leader. He is a politician who wants to impose his Socialist ideas on the nation. He is in cahoots with the radical Muslims and because of his inflated ego and incompetence, Americans are dead.

While the Democrat controlled media is concerned with a private remark Romney made it ignores Obama’s complete incompetence and the fact that he and his regime LIED to us for political gain.

We need to take the trash out on November 6th.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Muslim Obama Defends His Prophet

Barack Obama claims to be a Christian despite many claims from others that he is a Muslim. I think he certainly acts like a closet Muslim deliberately lying to us in order to push an agenda. It does not help that his former brother Muammar Gaddafi said Obama was one of us [Muslim] and Obama said that John McCain had not attacked him over his Muslim faith. The newspapers from Kenya call him Kenyan born, his publisher calls him Kenyan born (in a pamphlet Obama had to approve) and singer Madonna called Barack Obama a Muslim.

It seems that everyone got the memo but Obama himself as he continues to deny his Muslim faith.

Obama has told us the Muslim call to prayer is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world and Barry can recite it quite well. I guess he should since he had all that practice growing up.

Now Obama is defending the child molesting prophet of Islam, Mohammad [PBUH – Piss Be Upon Him]. You know, the guy who had sex with a pre-teen girl he had taken as his wife. Where I grew up men would be shot for that. Too bad they did not kill Mohammad for his pedophilia and we might not have all these troubles today.

Be that as it may, Obama was out doing one of the things he does best and that is blame someone else. Obama was blaming You Tube and a sorry movie for the violence that led to the murder of Americans and made them bumps in the road.

While Obama was blaming someone else for his failure he said; “The future must not belong to those who slander the holy prophet of Islam.”

Really? Who the hell is Obama and where does he get off making this kind of claim? The holy prophet was a child molester and the people who follow him are a bunch of radicals living in the past. They are people who have no regard for human life or any one else’s religious beliefs.

Muslims routinely murder people who are not followers of Islam and they insult Christianity and Judaism ALL the time. When we the last time you heard Obama say the future must not belong to those who slander the Son of God? When was the last time he made such a claim to those who insult the Jews?

He has not nor will he ever. He is an ass kisser who is part of the Muslim faith. He is working overtime with its followers in order to bring about Muslim domination.

The UN is considering making blasphemy of Islam a crime. Obama spent NO time fighting back against that idea because he is one of them and he believes in it.

Let me say it first. NO LAW will keep me from saying what I want and NO ONE will successfully enforce any such law against ME.

I don’t know what the future holds but I know Muslims are radical and they want to take over and will do so by force. They are working very hard on taking over and they are having success with the assistance of Barack Obama.

I am sitting back waiting just dipping my bullets in pork grease and dog crap.

And if I ever find Mohammad’s grave I am going to pour bacon grease on it right after I piss all over it.

There, was that insulting enough for you schmucks?

I slandered your child molesting prophet and the future already belongs to me and those like me. Patriots who are ready, willing, and able to stand up and fight for our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

I can’t help but wonder though. Obama is great at blaming everyone else but he is also great at campaigning. Perhaps he is saying these things to get millions more in illegal Muslim donations like he did in 2008 (you libs know it is true).

Perhaps he is discussing the prophet for profit…

In any event, they can all go straight to hell.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What’s A Few Bumps In The Road To Obama?

Barack Obama is well known for using people as he sees fit and then throwing them under the bus. He threw his Pastor and his grandmother under the bus during the last campaign and when they arrived there it was very crowded. It is safe to say the driver of that bus experienced bumps from running over those Obama left in his wake.

It is one thing for a politician to throw people under a bus. Politicians are cold, calculating people who will sell their souls in order to get and keep power. But it is entirely different when the politician is the president and he throws the dead bodies of American citizens under the bus.

On the CBS Show 60 Minutes Barack Obama described the crisis in the Middle East as bumps in the road. It is not bad enough that Obama’s policy of bowing down and apologizing coupled with appeasement has led to the Muslim Brotherhood taking over in the Middle East (and maybe the White House) but Obama’s pandering has resulted in the deaths of four Americans.

Barack Obama’s failed foreign policy and his inability to ensure our interests are protected resulted in the rape and murder of our Ambassador and the deaths of three others. Barack Obama has the audacity to call these developments bumps in the road.

I am sure that the families of these people do not see this as a bump in the road. Their lives have been torn apart and turned completely upside down because the president of this country is unable to lead, is unable to protect and has failed in his basic responsibility, to keep this country and its citizens safe.

These people worked for Obama (either directly or indirectly) and it was his responsibility to ensure they were safe but he failed at that, he failed them and he failed our country.

While Obama seems to be comfortable dismissing the murders of our people as evidenced by the ease with which he dismissed their deaths while throwing them under the bus, no one with any grasp of reality can possibly be comfortable with the murder of our people.

The only bumps in the road are those encountered by the driver on the Obama bus and those bumps now include the bodies of American citizens murdered because of his complete incompetence.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maybe Obama Caused The Middle East Riots

The Democrat controlled media have been telling us that some little known anti Islam movie that has been out for months is the reason our embassies were attacked and our Ambassador murdered. The White House has been trumpeting this line even though the facts refute the narrative. It matters not to them as they suspend the rights of an individual by taking him in for questioning in order to appease the radicals who really don’t care.

Jimmy Carter tried appeasement and it was a disaster.

No one heard of this movie until the attacks and then it became a convenient scapegoat. But I have a different theory. I believe that Barack Obama incited the violence by continually bragging that HE killed Osama bin Laden.

After OUR NAVY SEALS killed Bin Laden Barack Obama took credit for it as if he went there and pulled the trigger. He claimed that we “don’t spike the football” but as the election grew closer Obama brought the football out and he spiked it.

And he spiked it again.
And again.
And again.

Veterans are not happy with Obama because he has taken all the credit for the death of Bin Laden. The veterans don’t want recognition and would prefer that the matter remain quiet so as not to draw attention to themselves. That would put them and their families in danger. Obama though, is spiking that football for political gain so I think he is much more responsible for the acts of war we have seen than some unknown film maker.

Here is an ad that was produced by veterans:

They are obviously not happy. It is no surprise that the majority of those serving and those who have served are not thrilled with Obama. They know he hates the military and would love to scale them way down.

They hate it that he is running around acting like he actually humped a pack to the Middle East and went on the raid. They hate the fact he is taking credit for the work THEY did and that he is doing it for political gain.

And I hate that his spiking the football got an Ambassador murdered.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Truth Shall Set You Free If You Listen

The media, the Obama regime, the Internet and the chattering classes are all abuzz today because a video of Mitt Romney from May of this year has surfaced and in it he is discussing politics. He states that 47% of people do not pay taxes, believe they are victims and are entitled to free everything. He said his job is not to worry about them because he can’t convince them to take responsibility. It is obvious that he meant politically he can’t worry about them because he won’t get their votes:

“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what..These are people who pay no income tax…. [M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

Romney told the truth, well almost. He was a little low in his assessment of the number of people who do not pay taxes but he is right on target when he discusses that these folks (and it is a broad term since not all of them believe this) believe they are victims and are entitled. Barack Obama and his Democrats have beat victim mentality into the heads of many of these folks. They are the downtrodden because of the rich. They are not making it because of the Republicans and the big oil companies. They don’t have jobs because of the corporations. The Obama regime plays class warfare and has been quite successful in making a lot of people believe that they are victims and that they “deserve” free everything.

Obama wants this because he wants more and more people dependent on government. If the Democrats can get more than 50% of the population dependent on government and believing they are victims who are entitled to free stuff then they will have a permanent Democrat voting bloc.

This was LBJ’s intent with the Great Society (and was particularly aimed at blacks) and it is the intent of Obama. When more and more people realize they can vote for people who will give them free stuff they will do so and willingly become slaves to government. They will give up their freedom and relinquish their responsibility so they can be taken care of.

Why would Obama want this? Besides the obvious desire to get more Democrat votes it will also help with his plan to fundamentally transform America. Obama wants to change this country into a Socialist Mecca and he needs more and more people on the dole in order to do it. In order to get his Mecca he needs to end the Republic and that is what he wants to do. Romney’s quote discussed nearly half the people on the dole and when that 50% + 1 level is reached the Republic will spiral down. Romney is not the first to recognize it and his observation was not the most eloquent. This quote is attributed to Benjamin Franklin:

When people realize they can vote themselves money from the public treasury, it will herald the end of the republic”

This quote is spot on and is coming to fruition. There is no doubt that far too many Americans (and some who are not American and not here legally) believe that they are owed and that the government will take care of them. Who can forget the moocher Obama supporter who proudly boasted:

I won’t have to worry ’bout putting gas in my car, I won’t have to worry ’bout payin’ my mortgage. You know, if I help Obama, he’s gonna help me.

So tell me, how is Romney’s assessment that there are people who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing… and will not vote for him wrong?

Romney needs to get out in front of this and make sure people know his idea is to make sure the 47% earn more and contribute to society rather than living off it. His job is to tell them that his policies will make sure they are not subservient to the government. He needs to let people know he can free them from bondage to government.

Romney wants to free them, not enslave them. With a record number of people dependent on government Romney has his work cut out for him. Let’s face it, these folks are indeed victims but they are victims of a ruthless progressive orthodoxy that enslaves them and takes away their will to be independent.

Monica Crowley has a great article on this.

Interestingly, it looks like Jimmy Carter’s grandson had something to do with releasing the video.

Romney is correct and the truth will always set you free.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
