More Redistribution Of Wealth
Aug 27, 2012 Political
If you can afford broadband access then you can also pay for others to have broadband access. The FCC feels this way since it is considering a new tax on people who have broadband access in order to fund the Connect America Fund, an offshoot of the universal Access Fund which was created a long time ago to ensure everyone had access to landline phones. The fund is drying up as fewer and fewer people have landlines and fewer long distance calls are being placed as people opt to send email instead (that will be the next thing they tax).
The Original fund applied a fee to a customer’s phone bill in order to pay for service in parts of the country where service might not be readily available. In other words, instead of allowing phone companies to decide based on business where to put lines the government imposed a fee to ensure it happened. That fee, of course, was passed on to customers.
That is what will happen with the Connect America Fund. The companies will be assessed a fee (this is a tax) and that will be passed on to customers. The ability to pass this on is why many companies support it. If they were not allowed to pass it on they would be lined up opposing it.
The Connect America Fund is designed to subsidize building broadband networks where none currently exist.
Since people who have broadband will be paying for this it is another example of making those who have something pay for those who do not. If they want broadband then perhaps they should buy broadband wireless cards to get access. Most folks who will eventually be able to pay for the broadband we paid for would certainly be able to pay for the monthly air cards.
Personally, I don’t care if they can afford it or not. If they want broadband they should move to a place where it exists or lobby broadband companies to build the infrastructure.
No matter what happens the rest of us should NOT be required to pay for broadband networks to be built so they can have access.
There is one other consideration here. Only Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes. Where does the FCC get off imposing a tax on people?
Right now this is open for public discussion but that is a mere formality. The FCC Chair has made expanding broadband access his priority so it is a matter of time before this is imposed.
Congress is too busy doing important stuff like running for reelection to notice this taking place. Someone from that body needs to make it clear that the FCC is not a taxing authority and that the rest of us are tired of paying everyone else’s bill.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: connect america fund, fcc, lies, redistribution of wealth, taxes, universal access fund
Republican Women For Obama Are Democrats…
Aug 26, 2012 Political
There is a new ad out featuring a few women who claim to be Republicans who are so upset with the far right turn of the Republican party they are being forced to vote for Barack Obama. MSNBC played the ad quite a bit and why wouldn’t they? After all, any chance to show that Republican women are coming to their senses and abandoning the party is right up their alley.
The only problem is that two of the Republican women featured in the ad are Democrats who support Barack Obama. Yep, the Dems can’t find any Republican women who are joining team Obama so they just invented a few.
They also invented a guy whose wife was killed by Mitt Romney a few weeks back. In fact, they invented the lie that they did not know about the guy or his story and even stuck to that line after it was shown they were lying.
It seems to me that all the Obama ads are full of lies.
Then again, Obama is full of lies.
On another note, supermodel Cindy Crawford who supported Obama in 2008 appears to be supporting Mitt Romney in 2012. She is featured in a Romney fundraising video.
So Obama invents Republican women who are leaving the party while Romney actually has a female who supported Obama in the past but is now supporting Romney.
No wonder team Obama feels it necessary to lie…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: cindy crawford, lies, Obama, phony republicans, romney
Birther Of A Controversy
Aug 26, 2012 Political
I have been out of play for a few days as I was away conducing business. I have been catching up on some chores and reading the news that I missed and I have to say that there is a lot of nonsense going on. I know, what makes this nonsense any different than the nonsense any other day?
Nothing really…
I read that Mitt Romney made a joke about birth certificates and that got the Obama regime’s collective shorts in a bunch. Romney was in Michigan and he said that he and his wife were born there and no one has asked to see his birth certificate because they know he was born there.
The Narcissist in Chief and his peeps took to Twitter to respond about the negative attack. The Socialists in the regime, in my opinion, overreacted to this quip from Romney.
Was Romney reigniting the birther debate? Who knows? Romney claims his reference was only to him and his wife and from the video it appears that way. If others read something into it, well…..
The Obama media is not too happy about this and have been asking if this is civil discourse and if it was a swipe at the sainted one.
Who cares? Obama needs to put his big boy pants on and suck it up.
In the past few weeks the Obama camp has called Romney a felon and made the claim that Romney has not paid taxes for the past decade (and yes Obamabots, both of those claims were made regardless of how many times you and Barry deny it).
Where was the media uproar over those claims? Where was the questioning of Obama and his mouth pieces regarding their civility? It was nowhere to be found because the media are part of team Obama. They cover for him, lie for him and ensure he gets favorable press because the media have stopped being impartial and are part of the Democrat team.
For what it is worth, Obama is not natural born regardless of where he was actually born because the person he claims is his father was not a US citizen. Even if he admits that Frank Marshall Davis was his daddy the paperwork says otherwise so barring any further information, that which has been provided shows Obama is not natural born.
In any event, the worst thing that happened is that Romney had some fun at Obama’s expense.
Of course the Obamatrons did not see it that way and they went ballistic. This is because they are losing and things are not looking good for them. They know their days are numbered and they are fighting back like cornered animals. This will get worse as things continue to slide downward for Obama and he will get riled even more quickly over little nonsensical things.
Good. If all it takes to get his boxers in a bunch is to make fun of him then we need to keep that pressure on.
We cannot afford four more years of this usurper and in November we can correct this mistake.
January 2013 will be the end of an error.
As an aside, did you notice that the Democrats keep demanding records from Romney including decades worth of tax returns but when anyone mentions Obama’s paperwork, like a birth certificate, the wheels come off the cart and all of the sudden it is dirty politics? If Obama’s birth and NBC status were so obvious there would not be so much confusion and he would not have spent millions to keep it all covered up.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Pulling Back the Curtains
Aug 15, 2012 Political
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain goes a famous line from the Wizard of Oz. This is the point where the weary group sees that the Wizard is just a man who promises a lot of things on which he really can’t deliver. The Democrats have a lot of people behind curtains and what goes on there is certainly hypocritical and usually criminal.
Take Barack Obama. He and his team are running around claiming that Paul Ryan will end Medicare, he will gut it, and he will hurt seniors, blah, blah. The reality is that there is only one candidate who has gutted Medicare and hurt seniors and that is Barack Obama. Obama cut over 700 BILLION dollars from Medicare in order to fund Obamacare. Yes, Obama took nearly three quarters of a TRILLION dollars from the medical program that benefits seniors and moved it to a Socialist program to enslave everyone to government.
Team Obama denies this and is making the claim that Obama did not cut Medicare but he did. Here is a link to a 2009 interview with Jake Tapper where Obama admits that one third of the funding of Obamacare comes from cuts to Medicare. Obama then goes on to say he will veto any bill that tries to undo those cuts. Not only did Obama admit to robbing seniors of the money paid into Medicare but he then doubled down and told them he would veto anything that tried to put the money back.
And yet the media and the followers of Obama continue to claim Ryan will gut Medicare. Paul Ryan has a plan that will save Medicare for those currently on it and improve upon the system for those who will enter it later on. It would be wise to pay attention because Democrats love to lie and they love to rewrite history.
Obama lied, seniors died.
Harry Reid is another POS on the left who loves to demand the curtain be pulled back for everyone else but refuses to step from behind his fortress of lies. Harry Reid is demanding that Mitt Romany release his tax returns for the past decade and has publicly stated that Romney did not pay taxes for all those years. Harry Reid said that Romney paid no taxes and by extension implied that it was because he did something wrong (there is no indication that Romney did not pay taxes). If you have nothing to hide why not release those returns, right?
Harry Reid was raised in poverty, had a few low paying jobs and has been in public service (and I use that word loosely) for nearly his entire adult life. He started with meager means and is now a millionaire. This article presents a pretty good timeline on how Reid made the money and there is no doubt that it was through underhanded and illegal means. I am firmly convinced that Harry Reid broke the law on more than one occasion in order to get wealthy. In a just world he would be in prison.
Reid will not release his tax returns so there is no way of knowing the exact source of his income or if he even paid his taxes. He has no problem attacking Romney but he is not in favor of people seeing how he became very wealthy by misusing his position.
Democrats hate when they are exposed but seem to love to expose everything about their opponents. They also like to expose our Nation’s secrets. The Obama White House has more leaks than a screen door and that does not sit well with those in the business of secrets.
Once again, the curtain is pulled back exposing our secrets thus making our nation less secure.
If Obama kept our Nation’s secrets as well as he hides his personal records (birth records, college transcripts, passport information, etc) then we would not have to worry about leaks and our nation would be more secure.
It is also true that if Obama worked as hard to create jobs for us as he is to keep his own we would not have the worst economy and jobs picture in eighty years.
Democrats are bad for this nation. They do not care for the country and our way of life (if you cared you would not want to fundamentally transform it) so they will do anything to destroy us.
Don’t be a sheep. Vote this November to save this great nation.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: crime, lies, medicare, Obama, Reid, romney, ryan plan, taxes
Obama’s Failed Public Equity
Aug 14, 2012 Political
Barack Obama and his minions have been attacking Mitt Romney for his time at Bain Capital and his record in the private equity market. It is true that some of the companies that Bain was involved in eventually failed and that is what the Obama regime is harping on. The regime neglects the reality that those companies that did fail would have done so much sooner without Bain intervention.
The regime also overlooks (or more accurately deliberately ignores) the successes that Bain was involved in and the number of jobs that Bain created or saved. And yes, in this instance the jobs were saved because those companies did not go under. In fact, Bain saved a number of companies including Staples, Sport’s Authority and Domino’s Pizza. In saving those companies a lot of jobs were also saved.
Marc A. Thiessen of the Washington Post wrote an article on 24 May of this year discussing the idea of Bain’s success and Obama attacking the company. Thiessen says that if Romney’s record at Bain, a private equity firm, is up for debate then Obama is open to scrutiny of his record in the public equity market.
He then goes on to discuss a few examples of Obama’s public equity failures. These are companies in which Obama has invested millions of taxpayer dollars to keep them afloat only to see them fail. Yes, Obama was the public sector Bain in trying to save distressed entities only Obama failed at it and it cost the taxpayers.
When Romney was doing his private equity thing he was risking his own money. Obama is risking AND LOSING our money.
Go to this article and read the list of companies that Obama has invested your money in and how much of it he lost.
It takes guts to invest your own money knowing you could lose it. It takes no guts at all to risk money that is not yours, just like Obama did.
Obama is a typical liberal who has lots of fun with other people’s money.
The problem is when Obama is done we will be stuck with the bill.
I suffered no loss when a small portion of the companies Bain invested in failed but all taxpayers will feel the pain of the Obama failures.
This is something that the Romney campaign can use to hammer Obama. Even though this is the case it will not stop Obama from claiming that Mitt Romney is responsible for the cancer death of the wife of a worker who lost a job at a company in which Bain was involved. According to the left Romney’s actions resulted in the death of this woman.
Be careful liberals. Obama is lax on immigration allowing illegals to roam without consequence.
Perhaps we need an ad demonstrating that Obama is responsible for the rape of this child.
Obama has a failed record of using OUR money to bail out companies. Mitt Romney has a successful record of bailing out companies with HIS OWN money.
Which person has a better understanding of business and which one is better equipped to push our economy to recovery?
I think you know that answer.
It is November or never.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: bain, failure, lies, Obama, private equity, public equity, romney