The Illusion Of Homeland Security
Aug 13, 2012 Political
The US Government has spent a great deal of money to give the impression that we are a secure nation. We have X-Ray machines at airports, TSA screeners who feel us up and thousands of other intrusive things that make people feel safe but provide no measurable level of actual security. In the eleven years since 9/11 no one at the airport has actually stopped a terrorist and many airports fail security tests. Not to worry though because plenty of people have been inconvenienced and embarrassed.
As a side note, the US is testing a new aircraft that will travel at hypersonic speeds. The idea is that eventually travel will be so fast that one can get from New York to London in an hour or so. How ironic is it that one would spend longer going through security than it would take to fly across the ocean?
In any event, a person has been charged with criminal trespassing because he breeched security at JFK airport. The man, Daniel Castillo, was stranded in Jamaica Bay while jet-skiing so he swam to shore, climbed over a wall and then walked across two runways and into a terminal.
Castillo went to a Delta Airlines agent who called the authorities. Castillo probably had no criminal intent and just needed help but he managed to embarrass JFK and all of Homeland Security by getting past $100 MILLION dollars in security devices including closed circuit cameras and motion sensors.
Yes, Castillo walked in undetected by an elaborate and expensive Intrusion Detection System and made it across two runways and into a terminal and was not detected until he presented himself to someone inside the building. He could probably have left the airport and they would never have known he was there.
Castillo was a person in distress and not a terrorist or he could have caused all kinds of chaos at the airport long before he was detected but being in distress is not a reason to avoid criminal charges if one embarrasses the government.
The government does not like the curtain pulled back so that everyone sees how inept it really is. It was caught with its 100 million dollar pants down so Castillo will have to suffer.
Unless of course he gets a lawyer who can effectively defend him.
Either way he will suffer the expense and time involved in the case.
And no matter what happens to him we are no safer even with the expensive gee whiz stuff government employs.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: homeland security, illusion, jfk, lies, Terrorism, trespassing, tsa
Death Wishes From The Tolerant Left
Aug 12, 2012 Political
On Saturday morning Mitt Romney announced that Paul Ryan would be his running mate. The announcement was supposed to be Friday but the funerals for the people murdered at the Sikh Temple were on that day so the announcement was pushed to Saturday. Ryan and one of Romney’s sons attended the funerals.
It was not long after the announcement that the liberal left went nuts. There were wishes that Ryan would die and there were a number of hate filled tweets regarding the selection. This is how the left operates. It claims that it is for peace and that our country using violence via wars is wrong but then the very people who scream for peace call for violence.
Today the Twitter universe is full of death threats against Mitt Romney. A bunch of deranged liberals are saying they want to shoot Mitt Romney. Many more are calling for someone else to shoot him. This is how the tolerant left reacts to things it does not like.
I am no fan of Barack Obama. I do not like his ideology and I think he is out to destroy America but I have never had the desire to shoot him. I have never ever wanted to see him get shot. I want to beat him in the election and send him packing.
The deranged left is unable to comprehend as liberals remark about how bad Romney would be. Russell Simmons says a Romney victory would destroy our people (blacks). I imagine Simmons is unaware of the astronomical unemployment among blacks at the hands of Obama. I guess he is unaware that the black’s allegiance to the left has led them to poverty, welfare, high death rates, single parent homes, teens having children and generational poverty while they are held hostage as slaves on the liberal plantation. The liberal destruction of the black family is one reason that the jails have disproportionately high numbers of blacks in them.
But don’t let those facts get in the way when you want to claim Romney will destroy “our people.” Let me ask Russell, what is your definition of destroy and how is that not correctly applied NOW?
Michael Moore points out that neither served in the military but used a battleship as a backdrop. Hey Mike, the ship is named after Ryan’s home state. By the way Mike, when did you serve and when did Obama serve? Obama is out to destroy the military and loathes it. Before you remark that the Republicans have never served you should look at your messiah.
Oh wait, Barry went to Pakistan and shot bin Laden, my bad.
As an aside, Obama and his regime have only been secretive when it comes to Obama’s personal papers (college transcripts, birth records, etc). All other things leak out of the White House like water through a screen door. At least we know Romney and Ryan know how to keep a secret.
The left is unhinged because the right is energized. People from all parties see what Obama and his ilk are doing to this nation and they want to put a stop to it. The Romney campaign took in millions in the first 24 hours after announcing the Ryan selection because people like the team and want to see Obama defeated before he completely destroys this nation. This is why the left is losing it.
I can only wonder why there is not a big uproar and why people are not screaming that the people making the death threats are racists. We KNOW this would be the case if this happened to Obama. Hell, if someone passes gas near Obama the Secret Service jumps into action and the left screams racism like their heads are on fire and their asses are catching.
It is going to be a long, tough campaign to defeat Obama. Socialists do not want to give up power and Obama has not completed the task to fulfill the dream of his real father. He needs more time and the liberals want to keep their power.
We the People can end that in November.
And we will.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: death threats, left, liberals, lies, Obama, romney, ryan, tolerance, unhinged
What You Won’t Find In Romney’s Tax Returns
Aug 10, 2012 Political
Harry Reid has made the claim that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for the past ten years. This is a matter of public record even though Obama followers will tell you that Reid only said he was told that Romney paid no taxes. Reid though, went on the Senate floor and said it was known that Romney paid no taxes. Reid made this allegation and then said it was up to Romney to prove otherwise by releasing his tax returns.
Though it does not surprise me that a Democrat would lie I am amazed that a guy like Reid would make such accusations considering that Reid was not wealthy when he entered the Senate and is now worth millions of dollars. Reid has been involved in shady real estate deals and involved in legislative actions that were designed solely to enrich HIM. Harry Reid will tell you he has released his financial disclosure forms but he has not released his taxes. I would like to see those for the time he has been in the Senate so we can see exactly how he got rich. I believe he got rich by breaking the law and it is up to him to prove otherwise.
Now Barack Obama has an ad out that implies Romney paid no taxes. This is an act of desperation. The Obama regime has no dirt on Romney and there are no divorce records or criminal records for him to have his cronies unseal. Romney is pretty clean when it comes to those things so the Obama regime must get into Romney’s tax records so it can manufacture a myth about Romney not paying taxes.
Romney has paid more in taxes than most of these people have earned in their lives but this will matter not to the Obama throng.
[note]Does anyone find it hypocritical that the regime that selected tax cheat Tim Geithner to be Treasury Secretary is saying it needs Romney’s tax returns to prove he paid them?[/note]
I have never seen Romney’s tax returns but he has released those for the last two years. We can only imagine that all his others are like these. They have complicated dealings with all kinds of calculations and additions and deductions for more transactions that most of us will ever deal with in our lives. They are very complicated and it would be quite easy to manipulate the numbers to give the impression that Romney did something wrong. This is what the left wants to do.
As an aside, I looked at Barack Obama’s tax returns and they are quite complicated as well. He has income from his book deals and he had money he transferred to his children as gifts. These gifts were then written off his taxes. How would the left feel if people went through those tax forms and said Obama gave those gifts to reduce his tax burden (he is rich so why did he do it)? Keep in mind that anyone could go through Obama’s complicated taxes and make things appear bad just as they could do for Romney.
Romney’s tax returns, like those of Obama and countless other wealthy people, are complicated and those who dig deep enough can find things that could be spun to appear questionable.
But there is absolutely one thing that cannot be found in Romney’s tax returns and that is:
Nowhere in Romney’s tax returns will anyone find the reason that Obama has performed so terribly over the last four years.
That’s right. The reason Obama has done a terrible job is not in Romney’s tax returns.
The only thing that the left will find is another set of distractions to keep people from focusing on how bad Obama has done and how terrible our economy is.
Quit looking at the shiny stuff and pay closer attention to what is going on.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: corruption, Democrats, failure, Harry Reid, illegal land deals, lies, Obama, romney's taxes
IRS Instructs Staff To See No Evil
Aug 9, 2012 Political
The Internal Revenue Service is a huge government agency that enforces untold volumes of tax laws that Congress has passed. It is the enforcement arm of the Mafioso government charged with threatening people who don’t pay up the extortion money and hurting those who refuse to do so. The IRS will be the goon squad in charge of enforcing the Obamacare tax mandate.
One would think that a massive agency with a huge budget would be very concerned with the tax money people pay in and that is returned to them (or redistributed) as part of the tax process.
One would also think that the IRS would be looking out for fraud when it comes to people working the system. It is a certainty that the agency looks for fraud when people, particularly those with high incomes, submit tax returns with what might be questionable entries. How do they know the entries are questionable? They know because people or computers look for indicators of fraud.
A lot of the tax system is based on Social Security Numbers but not everyone who pays taxes or files a tax return has one of those. A taxpayer identification number is assigned to people who are not citizens so they can file taxes and get returns.
The IRS is supposed to look at the applications for TINs and ensure they are legitimate so that people do not get money to which they are not entitled. But the IRS has a different idea of its function as people in charge of the agency instructed staff members to overlook fraud in TIN applications.
The cited article indicates the IRS disbursed $6.2 BILLION in tax refunds to people with TINs. It is possible that all of those were legitimate but if fraud was overlooked, how do we really know if that money should have been disbursed? How do we know that the government (read taxpayers) is not getting screwed out of money to run the country?
The IRS has announced a series of improvements but why is it that federal agencies always lose billions of dollars or are found to be doing a poor job before some improvement is worked on?
Should they not have extreme attention to detail, at least as much as they expect us to have when we fill out our taxes?
We need a simplified tax system with a flat tax and no deductions where one can use a postcard to verify taxes paid and adjust for any small adjustments that might occur. If everyone paid a flat tax on income there would be no need for a huge IRS (if we needed it at all).
Think how much money we could save by scaling down that monstrosity of an agency…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Maryland Gambling With Our Money
Aug 8, 2012 Commentary, Political
The People’s Republik of Maryland has slot machine gambling authorized in five locations and running at three of those. The state is well behind where it would have been but Democrats played games and now the entire web of obstruction is crumbling around them. So those very Democrats, led by Governor Martin O’Moron, called a special session of the legislature to discuss adding another gambling venue.
A brief history goes like this. Robert Ehrlich was elected governor in 2002 (taking office in 2003) and he worked on getting slots gambling in the state. The Democrats opposed this. Many, including then Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Moron, claimed that gambling was not a responsible way to raise revenue or meet budget needs. They said this knowing full well that the state runs a lottery with countless games designed to bring big money into the coffers.
In any event, Democrats opposed Ehrlich at every turn and gambling did not come to Maryland. He was defeated in 2006 by the aforementioned O’Moron who promptly worked with Democrats to get slots machines in the state. Suddenly, those Democrats who were opposed to gambling as a means to raise revenue were all for the idea because a Democrat wanted it. As an aside, Peter Franchot is the only politician I am aware of who has opposed gaming since the very beginning.
The Democrats had a problem. How on Earth could they convince voters that they did not block progress for four years simply because the Governor was a Republican. To do so would mean they put their political games ahead of the state and its people (they always do but want people to think otherwise). They decided that instead of passing legislation authorizing gaming they would put the matter on the 2008 ballot via referendum. This would allow the people of the state to decide and would take politicians off the hook for the decision that was reached. The referendum was very specific as to where the venues could be placed and how many slots machines would be authorized. The only thing allowed was slots machines. No table games were considered.
The problem with this approach is that the matter, if it passed, would become part of the state Constitution and any changes would have to go through the referendum process. I knew it was moronic to do this (gambling does not belong in the Constitution) and voted against the measure. In reality, I would have voted against it anyway because of the way Democrats played games with Ehrlich.
The measure passed and casinos started being built. They were doing fairly well (but are now not producing as expected) and now the state wants another one. It also wants to consider table games. This was not addressed in the regular session as it should have been so the Governor called for a special session to address this. This violates the reason for special sessions but the rules have never stopped Democrats. This process is going on because the next election is this November and if they do not get the issue on the ballot then they will have to wait two years to get it done. See how stupid it was to do it this way?
There is no urgency for another casino. After strong starts, two of the three already running are not doing as well as they were expected to and an additional one would likely siphon money from the others. Keep in mind, there are still two that need to be built.
There are also shenanigans going on (say it isn’t so). The Democrats are having closed meetings to decide how to handle things. The casino folks want better tax rates and a better deal than the other casinos got. This would certainly cause the other casinos to want a new deal. The Democrats are working on back room deals to leave the tax issue off the table and to get the additional casino on the ballot. They will address the tax issue after the next election (during the next regular session of the legislature).
This is just plain wrong. The Democrats in Maryland led by their inept Governor have increased the taxes on the hard working citizens of this state a number of times. The sales tax, the income tax, taxes on services, taxes on practically everything including the air we breathe have been raised over the last six years to feed their hunger for our money.
Now, after screwing the taxpayers with ever increasing tax hikes the Democrats want to cut a special tax deal with the people who want to run the new casino. The mega wealthy folks in the gaming industry will be given what amounts to a tax cut while the people who live in this state have their taxes increased.
How does that strike you? If you live in Maryland it will likely not surprise you (OK, the leeches who live off government handouts might not know nor would they likely care) because the Democrats screw us all the time.
You know it is underhanded because they are deliberately hiding it until after the election. They know that voters would likely reject any referendum that gave tax breaks to the casinos at a time when their taxes have been raised (and more than once). So the cretins on the left will play nice and try to get it passed. If voters approve it then they will get out the Vaseline and bend us all over.
I recommend that the legislature reject this plan and keep it off the ballot. Since that is not likely to happen (Democrats need their palms greased) I implore all Maryland voters to reject this referendum at the ballot box.
Say no to tax breaks for casino operators.
A word of caution on the referendum. Know what you are voting for. Those weasels have a way of wording it so when you think you are voting no you are really voting yes.
Say no to being raped by the Democrats of Maryland and their sugar daddies in the gaming industry.
Say no to slots gaming expansion in Maryland.
[Disclosure: I have never (nor will I ever) gambled in a casino in Maryland. I take my business to Delaware]
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: casinos, corruption, Democrats, lies, malfeasance, martin o'moron, Maryland, referendum, special session, tax breaks for rich, tax hikes