So Bush’s Tax Cuts Were For The Middle Class
Jul 26, 2012 Commentary, Political
I knew this all along but now Barack Obama has confirmed it. The Senate passed his version of the tax cut extension and that version stripped out the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. The so called millionaires who make more than $250,000. Barack Obama said that he wants the House to pass this as it keeps tax cuts in place for 98% of the people.
So let’s work this out. The tax cuts Obama wants to keep in place are for the middle class. Doing what Obama wants will keep tax cuts in place for 98% of the people, therefore Bush’s tax cuts were for the middle class (or 98% of Bush’s tax cuts were for the middle class).
You see, for ten years or so the Democrats have been screaming that Bush’s tax cuts were for the rich. They denied that the middle class benefited from the cuts and they always portrayed it as if the lion’s share went to the wealthy folks. Obama has now confirmed that 98% of the cuts that George W Bush enacted went to the middle class and only 2% went to the wealthy. So Bush’s tax cuts were not tax cuts for the rich.
I know it is hard to believe given how every Democrat was bleating something different for the last decade but now they are confronted with the issue and have to actually tell the truth. They cannot end the taxes or it will hurt the middle class and that would spell disaster in November. So they had to come clean with their story and had to admit that they lied and deliberately misled people for a decade in order to gain political favor.
Joe Biden did not yet get the memo because he is still talking about how Republicans and George Bush gave rich people tax cuts. His booze addled brain cannot comprehend that his boss is saying the exact opposite.
The tax cuts should be made permanent for everyone. In fact, they should be cut even more to stimulate growth. The Bush tax cuts did not cost the government money (government has no money) because more money flowed into the Treasury after the cuts. The problem is that Congress has no control and it spent the increased money and then some. They did that when Reagan cut taxes and the Treasury got more money. Then they blamed the tax cuts on the deficit. They cannot control themselves and that is why we have money troubles.
[note]Government does things that cause problems and then screams about the problems and the need for more government intervention to fix those problems. This is insanity and yet they do it all the time.[/note]
The next time some liberal moron tells you that Bush cut taxes for the rich make sure to point out that their messiah Barry said otherwise.
Then have them look at the government’s own numbers.
Nah, forget that. Liberals do not like the truth because it makes them apoplectic.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: biden, Bush, Democrats, lies, middle class, Obama, rich, tax cuts
Aurora Shooter Did Not Get The Memo
Jul 23, 2012 Commentary, Second Amendment
An Occupy anarchist named James Holmes busted into a theater in Aurora Colorado during a midnight screening of the new Batman movie and shot dozens of people. When he was done there were 12 dead and many more wounded. Among the dead are young children.
As with any mass murder involving a firearm the left wing went into hyper drive in an effort to blame right wing talk and to ban guns. Twitter was all atwitter as left wing moonbats blamed Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, the right wing and talk radio while politicians stumbled all over themselves to declare we need more gun control.
The shooter turned out to be an occupy anarchist type who is a registered Democrat and who reportedly voted for Obama. Does this mean that Obama and the left wing are responsible for what happened?
Of course not. There is only one person responsible for this, and that would be the shooter.
Unless, of course, we find out that Eric Holder and Barack Obama supplied him with guns ala Fast and Furious so that they could push forward with their gun ban agenda.
But I digress.
I want to know how this could have happened. The movie theater was a gun free zone which means even though Colorado citizens are issued concealed carry permits they are not allowed to carry those firearms in that theater. Cinemark Holdings does not allow firearms in its theaters so no guns are allowed.
So I must ask; how did the shooter get a gun into the theater? The rules are pretty clear, no firearms and yet Holmes was able to enter with firearms.
Oh, that’s right, he ignored the rules. This is why all the calls for more gun control are way off base. The people who will do these kinds of things will not obey the rules. If gun control worked then Chicago would not have hundreds of murders by firearms. That city has twice as many as Phoenix and people in Phoenix are free to carry firearms (and it is my understanding they don’t need a permit from the government to do so).
If one person in the theater had a firearm the outcome might have been different. I know that we cannot tell what might have been but at least there would have been a fighting chance.
People like Nancy Pelosi will tell you that if another person had a gun it would have resulted in a shootout and more people would have been injured. Let me translate that for you:
A good guy with a gun is a danger so when a bad guy shoots you should just die in a bloodbath because otherwise others might get hurt too.
Ask any person who survived that ordeal and I bet you will hear that they would rather have had a fighting chance. They would have been happy if someone would have shot at the bad guy. It beats getting shot like sitting ducks.
I wonder what advice Pelosi would give to people who might get raped…
If more people with guns would end in a shootout and more people would be hurt then Nancy thinks, by extension, that you should accept your fate and get murdered. With this in mind perhaps we need to end the Secret Service or police protection for Pelosi and Obama and all the others who think they are more important than the rest of us.
If some shooter pops up and the hundreds of armed guards that protect these people respond there will be a bloodbath and more people will get hurt or killed. It is best to disarm the guards and if a shooter pops up the politicians will just have to hope for the best.
It is always easy for those who are surrounded by armed guards to tell the rest of us how safe we are and what we need for protection.
Our Founders ensured the Second Amendment was in place so that the right OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms would not be infringed.
The incident in Aurora demonstrates that we need more armed citizens and not fewer. The rules there were clear, no guns, and yet guns were used to cause death and destruction.
No gun ban, no law, no method of infringing including the complete ban on all guns would ever stop this kind of thing from happening.
Bad people will always get what they want because they do not care about the law.
If laws banning things actually worked there would be no cocaine or heroin users in this country.
It is time to stop the nonsense of trying to ban guns and trying to blame every act of violence on the right.
As an afterthought, how many DUIs are there in this country each year (whether they result in death or not)? Do politicians try to ban driver’s licenses or alcohol because of the DUIs?
Then why ban guns because of murder? As far as I know murder is against the law. In other words, murder is banned in this country and yet people still murder.
I read somewhere this weekend that after an incident like the one in Aurora they always want to take guns away from the people who had nothing to do with it.
That is true because gun control is not about guns it is about control. The government wants to control the people and it can do so much more easily by taking away their arms.
Incidents like the Aurora shootings are just a means to accomplish the goal of total control. It is a convenient excuse for the left and keeps them from having to commit crimes to get what they want.
The shootings are not a tragedy they were mass murder and my thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims. They deserved better than to be the victims of a senseless act by a deranged person.
And they deserved to be in a safe environment instead of a free fire zone of a no guns theater. Perhaps people should avoid businesses that do not allow citizens to exercise their right to carry a firearm.
[note]Signs at businesses where firearms are not allowed should read “No Firearms on Premises (Except Criminals)”.[/note]
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: aurora, gun control, james holmes, lies, murder, Second Amendment
Obama Responsible For Bain Layoffs
Jul 18, 2012 Political
GST Steele in Kansas City was a company that Bain got involved with and the company eventually went bankrupt. The Obama campaign put out a video in May with a number of former workers discussing the plant closing and they all blamed Mitt Romney for the demise of the company.
Romney left Bain two years before the takeover and closure of the plant. That is undeniable, and it is only disputed by the Obama campaign that is deliberately lying in order to win.
Be that as it may, the ad is misleading and it is obvious that the workers involved are saying what they were told to say. There is no doubt that Bain was involved. They end up lying when they claim Romney was involved in the decisions made.
How does Obama fit into this and why is he responsible? Mitt Romney was not running Bain when this happened a guy named Jonathan Lavine was.
Who is Jonathan Lavine? He is one of Barack Obama’s TOP campaign bundlers. From ABC:
…One of Obama’s top campaign financiers – Jonathan Lavine – is also managing director at Bain, bundling between $100,000 and $200,000 in contributions for the 2012 Obama Victory Fund, according to estimates released by the Obama campaign. The president has also relied on other leading figures in the private equity sector as hosts for high-dollar fundraisers and as members of his Jobs Council. Gateway Pundit
Wow, an Obama supporter and TOP bundler is the guy who was actually responsible for the demise of GST Steel. Therefore, Obama is responsible.
It has to be so. If Obama can claim that Romney is responsible when he was not in charge and not there then we can certainly make the claim that since an Obama TOP bundler was actually in charge that Barack Obama is responsible.
There is another interesting part of the video that probably goes unnoticed.
The workers claim that Bain came into the company and ran up huge amounts of debt for short term profit but that long term it led to disaster. This is basically what they claim happened and they say it was a bad thing to do (I agree with that part).
Spend a lot of money you don’t have for a short term gain only to incur a lot of future debt that causes huge financial problems.
Sounds like Obama’s Stimulus Plan. In fact, it sounds like the way Democrats run everything. They spend huge sums of money we do not have to get short term gain (usually in support from constituents) which leads to long term financial disaster.
Yet, these people in the video seem to think that Obama is the answer because Romney does not understand the little guy.
Once again, Romney was NOT involved.
Even so, Obama is doing to the country what Jonathan Lavine and Bain did to GST Steel, period.
I guess in the liberal mind Romney is bad for bankrupting a company but Obama is righteous for bankrupting the nation.
Let us not forget that to get to this conclusion they had to invent Romney’s involvement.
Romney was NOT there. The fact checkers have reviewed the documents; the SEC has accepted the documents without initiating any legal action and Bain has confirmed that Romney was not there.
So we know Romney did not really do this. Obama did through his TOP bundler.
We also know that Obama was at the helm during the downfall of the country. There is no doubt about that.
[note]Aren’t you glad they put Sheriff Joe Biden in charge of tracking Stimulus money so it would not be wasted? Half a million dollars of equipment bought with Stimulus money cannot be located.[/note]
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: bain, bundler, gst steel, jonathan lavine, kansas city, layoff, lies, Obama, romney
No One Is Ever Responsible In Obama’s World
Jul 17, 2012 Political
Recently, Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) said that the wealthy are not responsible for their own success. His assertion is that, you know, government was involved in some way or the other. Or perhaps, someone working for the wealthy guy helped out. It was not the hard work of the wealthy guy, no that could not possibly be.
While it is certainly true that some folks who have done well have done so because of help, government or otherwise, it is equally true that some who have been unsuccessful have been so because of government or others. But the reality is that most people who are successful are so because they worked hard and invested time and treasure in their business.
In other words, they are responsible for their own success.
I would not expect Obama to understand this because he has never been responsible for anything. He only knows how to take responsibility for the work of other people so to him others could never possibly succeed on their own. Obama has never run a business and has never had to make payroll. It is probably a good thing since his method of running things would bankrupt a business in no time flat.
Let’s look at a few things so we can see how Obama sees things.
Obama is not responsible for the bad economy. That, according to Obama, is Bush’s fault. Ronald Reagan did not spend his first term blaming Jimmy Carter.
Obama has never served in the military but if you listen to him, he was the one who killed Osama bin Laden.
According to Obama, no one makes it through life or succeeds without the government being involved (look at his Life of Julia cartoon). According to Obama, this woman is unable to conduct any phase of her life without the government being involved. In other words, she is not responsible for herself.
This should come as no surprise since liberals NEVER take responsibility. They are all victims of one thing or another. It is not their fault. They are not responsible…
Obama is no different.
Let us assume though, that Obama is correct when he claims the wealthy are not responsible for their own success. Stick with me a minute.
If they are not responsible for their success then they can’t be responsible for their failures (though Obama lives his life that way it is logically inconsistent). If this is the case then Mitt Romney cannot be responsible for his success at Bain Capital.
If he is not, then he cannot be responsible for any failures at Bain. This means that Mitt is not responsible for the outsourcing of jobs. He can’t be because government is the reason for success and by extension, failure (if one were to believe outsourcing is failure).
Obama is a Socialist who believes in the collective. If he were to be in the Star Trek universe he would be (and would encourage others to be) part of the Borg Collective.
It is in his blood. His mom and dad were Communists and those kinds of people formed his life.
Perhaps he loves the collective so much and wants everyone dependent on government because he was a pass around kid. Mom and dad abandoned him and his grandparents (those typical white folks) were left to mop up the mess. He was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis (his real father?) and the rest of the Commies so he believes in the collective.
You know, he was a victim.
To Obama people cannot be successful on their own and they require the gubmint to help them out.
Really? How would he explain how our Founders established this country?
They did it in opposition to government and they were quite successful.
It is up to us to ensure that success remains by getting rid of Obama in November.
Because Obama is right about help in that respect. It will take all of us to be responsible for his defeat…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: borg, communists, lies, Obama, responsible, romney, socialists, wealthy
The Ultimate Outsource Courtesy Of Obama
Jul 16, 2012 Political
For a few weeks now Barack Obama and his regime have been lying about Mitt Romney’s involvement in Bain Capital. Romney left in 1999 to work on the Salt Lake City Olympics but his name remained on the paperwork filed with the SEC. Romney owned the company and his name was required to be on the paperwork even though he had no active part in running the company.
This is important to the Obama camp, because after 1999 Bain had dealings that involved outsourcing jobs. There is really nothing wrong with companies outsourcing but Obama wants to make a big deal out of it in order to paint Romney as anti American business and unable to lead us back to positive job growth.
Obama must spread these lies and deceive voters because he cannot run on his own record. Obama cannot claim he is a job creator because he has a net loss of jobs. He cannot claim he made things better because the unemployment rate is still above 8%; something he claimed would not happen if we passed his Stimulus.
Romney has success in business and in creating jobs. Obama has never owned or run a business and has never had to make a payroll. He is out of his league when compared to Romney. This is why Obama is playing Chicago politics and engaging in lies as part of a character assassination on Romney.
It helps Obama that his base is not really bright enough to understand that just because the man’s name was on the documents does not mean he had anything to do with running the country.
Obama and his minions are pounding away by continually lying about this issue. Nothing new here, Joe Wilson was right about Obama. He lies…
We are able to see a number of things from this very issue. One is that Obama is engaging in the kind of politics he said he would not. He is also showing that he will lie to get what he wants and that he is worried because he knows Romney is better at actually leading.
It is also telling that Obama and his campaign staff continue to call for openness and transparency from Romney while that campaign has been anything but open and transparent.
Obama has almost all of his personal records sealed. NONE of his college transcripts are public, nor are his passports from his youth. His alleged birth record is not an original and has been deemed a forgery by a number of experts. Even if we were to accept it as real, it took nearly three years for Obama to release it.
The entire issue, besides being about the hypocrisy of transparency from the left, deals with outsourcing jobs.
Barack Obama is responsible for more outsourcing than Romney (since Romney was NOT at Bain when it happened). Obama outsourced NASA.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the entity that put the only people to ever land on the moon, there, has been outsourced because of Barack Obama. In order for American astronauts to get to the International Space Station they have to hitch a ride with the Russians.
Yes, the [former] Soviet Union beat us into space and we worked hard for the next decade to get a man on the moon. We led with the Space Shuttle, our telescopes and all kinds of spacecraft. We were unmatched in the world.
And then Obama came along and took away our superior space program and took away the vehicles that get us into space. We are now at a point where we have to hitch a ride to get there.
This is on top of all the companies Obama bailed out that then moved operations overseas.
The reality here is that Obama is lying. He is lying and has been called out on it by several fact checking web sites. But that has not stopped him because he thinks he has an issue here.
Liberals who will run with this are not smart enough to know it is a lie or they don’t care because the end justifies the means.
I wonder where all those who howled that people keep screaming for Obama to release his records even though he has been thoroughly vetted (a false claim the left makes) are now that Obama is making false claims (proven false) over and over and ignoring the truth in order to win an election.
Romney is acting presidential while Obama is acting like a dictator. He will do what he has to in order to destroy his opposition even if it means lying.
That might be the Chicago Way but most of America sees this for what it is.
Barack, you can run but you cannot hide, you can try to control the narrative but you cannot change history.
You are and have been a complete failure and your liberal methods have not worked.
But keep it up. When this backfires the shockwave will be devastating.
And you will get blown away in the blast.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.