Martin O’Malley; Obama Lite

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley is a tax and spend liberal in the same mold as Barack Obama. O’Moron (as I not so affectionately call him), believes that the rich don’t pay enough and that the money people make belongs to him. Yes, like Obama, O’Moron thinks of taxpayers as ATMs that have unlimited supplies of money to dispense for harebrained, and often unconstitutional, schemes.

O’Moron has aspirations of becoming president one day. He would like to continue Obama’s destructive policies (as he has in Maryland) in order to completely destroy this great nation.

Mark Levin recently called out O’Moron. I must say, Levin was spot on in his analysis of O’Moron:

While O’Moron thinks rich people don’t pay enough in taxes the rich have a different opinion. They are leaving Maryland in droves and it would appear as if they are moving to places like Florida where there are no state income taxes.

Yes, the article claims that the opposition says there is a net wash on inflow* (probably illegals or low wage earners looking for gubmint handouts) and outflow and that other things influence these kinds of decisions (like weather) but the reality is rich people are moving out. Surely those other factors affect people who are not rich so why are they not as mobile? [* it is possible that many of the inflow are from the people who moved here because of BRAC]

Perhaps because far too many pay no income taxes and live off the largess of those who actually pay taxes (through confiscation and redistribution by the government). O’Moron has certainly created an environment where those who do not pay taxes are comfortable living off those who do. He has further created an environment where people who have money do not want to stick around.

O’Moron has enacted tax after tax after tax so much so that the Welcome to Maryland signs are snidely referred to as having the tagline; “What’s in your wallet?”

This man is not a leader (and it is a stretch to call him a man) and he does not deserve to be in a position to take decisions that affect the lives of others. He could not lead a group of people out of a burning building so he should not be in charge of anything.

The people of Maryland have the government they deserve because far too many people in this state continue to vote for the same politicians each and every election. The state is a mini Communist regime with big brother dictating every aspect of our lives and taking money from the producers in order to pay for moronic programs.

It is probably too late for Maryland to address the situation because too many people here are on the liberal handout plantation and can’t leave their masters.

One can only hope that the country will be fed up enough after Obama that O’Moron NEVER gets the chance to lead the country.

One nanny state, liberal, Socialist, Commie, redistributionist, class warfare, sock puppet is bad enough.

We cannot afford to have another…

Interesting article:
Brad Pitt’s mother discovers liberal tolerance Ever notice the right never threatened her son for his liberal views?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Romney Was A Republican Governor

Mitt Romney is not the most conservative choice for president but he is the presumptive nominee and one thing is for certain, he is a hell of a lot more conservative than Obama. He is not a Socialist and he does not believe in the Rules for Radicals agenda that Obama and his minions follow. Romney is pretty much a decent guy who is straight laced. His life, unlike that of Barack Obama, is an open book. One can track Romney from a very young age and know all about him.

With Obama, many years are missing or hidden. Obama’s life is certainly NOT an open book.

Many of us do not like Obamacare and the massive taxes imposed by it. Those on the left claim Romney started the thing in Massachusetts and that Obama copied Romney’s plan.

Perhaps, but Romney was the Governor of a state and states have the latitude to try such things. The federal government does not. Romney’s plan was paid for with state money and if it did not work the state could get rid of it. If people did not like it they could move to another state.

Obamacare uses our tax money to pay for people all over the country (citizen and illegal alike) and it, like any government program, will never be killed off once it is implemented. Additionally, if people do not like it there is no place for them to go.

So yes, Romney was a Republican governor but what does that have to do with anything?

The states that elected Republican governors in 2010 have an average unemployment rate that is lower than the Obama rate and that is lower than most states run by Democrats.

Yep, the states with Republicans in charge have a lower average unemployment rate than their Democrat counterparts and Obama at the federal level.

This was not the case for states that elected Democrats in 2010. For instance, the unemployment rate in New York actually went up. On average, states that elected Republican governors in 2010 saw their unemployment rates decrease at a faster clip than states that elected Democrats and the unemployment rate at the national level did.

This is yet another example of how the so-called “blue state” model is not working. [linked article]

Obama was never a leader in anything. He did not run a business and he had no leadership positions in the state or US elected offices he held prior to his current position. The only “leadership” he was involved in was as a community agitator. Other than that, nothing, zip, zilch, zero, nada…

So Obama was never a governor but Romney was and a Republican one at that.

If Republican governors have lowered the unemployment rate and Democrat governors have not which person should run the country; the guy with no experience or the Republican governor who has decades of leadership experience?

The nation is stuck at 8.2% unemployment as Obama’s failed policies have not made a difference. Obama and his failed policies have made things worse and he wants four more years to finish the job, to get it right, to make things better…

He has been a wrecking ball in three and a half years. If he gets four more years he will be free (remember, he told the Russians he would have more flexibility) to put the final nail in the Country’s coffin.

If you had a company that needed help to survive, which of these two would you pick to help you? If you had a million dollars to invest, which of the two would you want to invest it for you?

You know the answer as well as I do.

Obama must go.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama, Barack Obama, Agent 000

This is an interesting video. The usurper will have more flexibility to destroy the country completely after the election.

If you are proud and think what you are doing is good then there is no need to hide or wait until after an election. That, my friends, should be the telltale sign that Obamacare is bad news. He made sure the bad stuff takes place after this election. If it was so great it would start right away.

When will people wake up?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Chris Dumb As A Rock

There is this comedian named Chris Rock. Perhaps you have heard of him. He is a black fellow who rants about white people and some think that is funny. I don’t think he is very funny though some of the things he says are humorous. The bottom line is that 90% of his schtick is a rant about how white people have it great and the poor black guy blah blah.

Only in America, where we have elected the first half black president, could a black comedian who makes millions of dollars cry about how bad the brothers have it. I mean, if it is that bad why doesn’t Rock part with some of his money and help a brother out?

In any event, Dumb as a Rock joined in with a bunch of America haters to ridicule the Fourth of July. There are various tweets about how America sucks and how it is a bad nation and how this and that, you know typical liberal blame America stuff. The kind of stuff you would hear Obama say when he apologizes for this nation.

Many of the tweets were about the nation celebrating independence when blacks were slaves and not independent at the time the Declaration was signed (not all blacks were slaves so some were free but the tweeters failed to make that distinction).

Rock joined the chorus with this tweet:

Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks

I am going to help Dumb as a Rock out here. White people were free before Independence Day. White people were free and some blacks were free while others were brought here by other blacks and sold as slaves.

The American Independence had nothing to do with any individual being free, it had to do with our NATION leaving British rule. Yes Chris, the country was unhappy with how King George was doing things so we told him that our country wished to sever our ties and become a separate and distinct nation with our own rule. The whole thing had absolutely nothing to do with one class of people or another being free because white people were already free.

I am sick and tired of people whining about slavery. It was a bad thing and I can’t understand why any person would own another human being but that was the custom of the time and no matter how we feel about it now there is nothing we can do to change the past. Every person who was held as a slave in this country has long ago died and every slave owner has died as well.

There are no more slaves or slave owners except, of course, the minorities owned by the Democrats. Those folks are kept on the liberal plantation and told how to live their lives. But in that case they entered slavery willingly.

This is the year 2012. We have black members of Congress, a black man on the Supreme Court and a half black guy in the White House. There are black entertainers, sports figures and businessmen and they make good money and contribute to society. There are plenty more hard working blue collar black folks who are free to live life as they wish. This is all good and it is high time we stopped with all the howling over slavery. It happened, it ended and it was a long time ago. Let’s move on or as Obama might say, move forward [comrades].

Interestingly enough, the very people who bemoan slavery and white America are the same people who are the most evil racists. Look at how people of all colors on the left treated Herman Cain. Look how they treated Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas.

Celebrate Independence that we got as a nation and celebrate the freedom that comes from those brave white guys who Rock and the other morons so easily dismiss. Or, don’t celebrate if you don’t want to. The evil white guys ensured you were free to do that as well.

I know that the things that happened when we achieved Independence gave us a recognition that we have a right to free speech. Those very white guys Rock hates so much left a gift that he uses to bash the very people who provided it. In other nations Rock would be put to death for his words. Here in America he can say them and some folks can agree with him and others can disagree. I am exercising the same right to tell you what a moron Chris Rock is.

Yes Chris, slavery was a bad thing and it was a horrible way to treat human beings. But look on the bright side Chris. You never had to go through it but because some black folks in Africa captured other black folks and sold them to America your ancestors arrived here and you were created long after slavery ended.

If they had never been brought here you might have been born in Africa.

Then maybe you could have lived in a shack next to Obama’s brother.

The conversation is here at Twitchy

[note]Here is my tweet for Rock:

Hey Chris. I don’t like what you said but will fight to my death defending your right to say it.[/note]

Hell Chris, if you don’t like it here there are plenty of places you can go to. I promise I won’t miss you.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Did Obama Win The Battle Only To Lose The War?

Last week the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare can stand but only after the Judicial Branch majority became legislators. The Court basically rewrote the law that Congress passed and inserted the word TAX to replace the word PENALTY. This flies in the face of everything the left has been saying about the law. Obama emphatically denied that the penalty was a tax. Now that the Court has changed the law the reality is that Barack Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle class.

When all is said and done Obamacare will impose nearly a TRILLION dollars in taxes on Americans. Keep in mind, this is not an income tax it is a tax on something other than income. Some of the tax increases will pay for the massive expansion of government but the most onerous tax is the one where a person pays a tax for doing absolutely nothing. I have seen in several places an imaginary exchange that highlights how this works:

CUSTOMER: No thank you, I would NOT like a pack of gum.
CLERK: OK, the tax on that will be $2.35.

If Americans ever went to a store and declined to buy something and were forced to pay a tax for doing so they would be marching on DC with pitchforks and torches and lynching those in Congress.

But the very same thing has taken place under the health care law. If you report that you do not have health insurance (whether you can’t afford it or declined to buy it) you will have to pay a tax. This is a nightmare for Obama and I think he would have rather had the mandate ruled unconstitutional than have it upheld as a tax because now he has to defend breaking his promise. Remember, the taxes on the middle class would not be raised one dime, per Obama.

Obama and his sock puppets are already trying to rewrite the SCOTUS decision that involved rewriting the law. They are out saying that this is not a tax and is a penalty. Sorry liberals, you cannot have it both ways. If you are going to implement Obamacare because the Court ruled in your favor then you have to implement it based on the ruling.

This is not an accident. The New York Times has described this as a penalty and made the claim that the SCOTUS upheld the penalty.


It is the largest tax increase in our history and it demonstrates that Barack Obama is a tax and spend liberal and nothing more.

While he is out saying the ruling is a win for the middle class the reality is that the middle class will get hit hard by the taxes. Wealthy people, by and large, have health insurance so they will not be affected by the tax for not having it. Those who cannot afford it will get screwed and they will pay other taxes to fund the monstrosity as well.

This is by no means a win for the left no matter what they claim because the ruling allows several things to take place. It allows states to opt out of the Medicaid expansion (which will leave a lot of poorer folks with no insurance and a tax for not having it) which is a big deal. The ruling also allows any future Republican majority in the Senate to repeal the law with a simple majority of 51 votes. Because this is now a TAX issue it will only take 51 votes to repeal it.

The ruling also had some intangible benefits. It has motivated a huge segment of society that now knows the only way to repeal Obamacare is to get rid of Obama and get a majority in the Senate (assuming the majority in the House holds). Around 66% of Americans disapprove of Obamacare and those people will be out in force on election day. They will be out to repeal Obamacare via the ballot box because the system of government that the Founders gave us failed them when an activist Court rewrote a law to make it Constitutional.

John Roberts might have felt he had to do this to preserve the integrity of the Court (though I fail to see how that happened) but he was wrong in what he did. I know, he has the law degree and he is the highest judge in the land but he is WRONG. And if he does not think it was wrong to rewrite the law then he does not belong on the bench. I am open to him demonstrating where the power he exerted is authorized in the Constitution but I doubt he can find it. The Legislative Branch WRITES the laws and the Judicial Branch interprets them to see if they are Constitutional. There is no provision that allows them to rewrite the laws.

Roberts might have done this in an effort to force Obama to defend a huge tax increase and to show he is a liar. He might have done it to make it easier to repeal it. He might have done this to keep the Court from being viewed as political (too late, the ruling was political and not Constitution based) and then again, he might just be a coward.

I don’t know. I think that if he did all these things he might just be a genius by giving Obama defeat while making him think he achieved a victory.

I don’t think this is what courts are supposed to do but the deed has been done and we have to drive on from here.

In 2010 the major issue was Obamacare. The Democrats took a beating because of that ONE issue. They will claim that the economy is what matters to everyone and while that is true does Obama really want to run on that issue?

Those who were not inclined to vote or who were not reliable voters might not have voted based on the economy but they will get out and vote based on Obamacare.

Americans can go through bad times and we know this is part of life. What we will not do is allow government to overreach and to make us slaves to them. That was the message in 2010 and it is the message in 2012.

In November we will take out the trash.

As a last thought, it has always been a joke that if the government could figure a way to tax you for breathing it would. Since we now have to pay a tax for being an American who does not participate in a certain activity it would appear as if government figured out how to tax us just for breathing.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
