More Little Timmy Geithners Got Stimulus Money

Money Burn

The Federal Government runs a lot of programs and it continually looks for more and more to get involved in. While government tells us that it is capable of running things it fails us when it comes to running things well. Every program in the government has waste, fraud, and abuse. The programs get so big and have so many layers of red tape that money is wasted left and right and the government only finds out (if it ever finds out) after millions of dollars have been lost.

The Government Accounting Office released a report that indicated that 1.6 BILLION dollars in Stimulus money went to people who should not have received it. The money was designed to help people who were behind on their mortgages but they had to be current on their taxes. No one bothered to check and 1.6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer money went to people who, like Tim Geithner, cheated on their taxes (whether they committed fraud or just decided not to pay it is still cheating the government out of what is due).

Not only are these people, like the bottom 49% of wage earners, unpatriotic (VP Biden said it was patriotic to pay taxes), they scammed the federal government and the federal government was unable to detect the scam until after BILLIONS had been lost.

Does anyone really think the government will get that money back? It went to people who did not pay taxes in the first place so it is unlikely they would pay anything else they might owe.

Interestingly, those folks were not detected as tax cheats by the government’s money Mafioso, the IRS. In other words, not only did the government NOT detect that the money was going to tax cheats, it did not detect that these folks were tax cheats when taxes were filed.

Once again, government does not run things well.

The Stimulus was a waste of money as any thinking being knew it would be. It is bad enough that the waste of money known as the Stimulus happened in the first place but to have it wasted on people to whom it should not have gone and who are not paying their taxes is ridiculous.

I thought Vice President Joe Biden, Sheriff Joe as it were (not the real Sheriff Joe who actually follows the law) was supposed to be the public’s watchdog. I thought he was supposed to track the money and ensure that it was not wasted.

We need smaller government and we need government to stay out of things it is not designed to “manage”.

Really, does anyone think that a government that can’t find tax evaders and can’t track money that was not supposed to go to such people will be able to ensure there is no waste and fraud in a government run healthcare scheme (Obamacare) that will involve TRILLIONS of dollars?

Hell, Medicare has been around for decades. It has cost many multiples of what was originally estimated (no government estimate is ever right) and it has had BILLIONS in waste over the decades including a recent discovery of fraud worth 4.2 MILLION dollars. It involved penis pumps and seems appropriate considering what happens to taxpayers every time government runs a program.

Remember, the Stimulus (like all Obama spending) is like the Obama Meal. You order and someone behind you has to pay for it…

I recommend that people regularly check in with Citizens Against Government Waste.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Cover-Up At A Fast And Furious Pace

There has been a tendency on the part of this administration [Bush Administration] to try to hide behind Executive Privilege every time there is something a little shaky taking place and I think the administration would be best served by coming clean on this. ~ Senator Barack Obama

Attorney General Eric Holder is involved in a very bad cover-up of wrong doing in a little thing known as Fast and Furious. Fast and Furious was an illegal gun running operation conducted under the direction of Holder. It was all designed to allow the Obama regime to enact strict gun control but went south when guns the regime allowed to flow into Mexico showed up at murders, including the murder of a Border Patrol Agent. Make no mistake, the guns were allowed to run into Mexico because the Justice Department forced gun dealers to make illegal sales.

Holder has been under investigation for nearly a year and has stonewalled every step of the way. He refuses to release documents relating to the illegal operation and a vote to hold him in contempt looms in the House.

Through all of this the Obama regime claimed ignorance of the operation (and they even blame it on, wait for it, Bush). BTW, this has been disproved) and Holder has done his best to protect Obama from being implicated in the operation. Obama did not see anything, has no knowledge and is not involved.

Eric Holder wrote a letter to Barack Obama asking him to invoke Executive Privilege to cover the documents that Holder does not want to release. Barack Obama did indeed invoke Executive Privilege. Now, if Obama has never seen them and was not involved then how could he possibly know they are documents that should be protected by Executive Privilege? It seems that Barack Obama knows what is in those documents and he is invoking Executive Privilege in order to assist Holder in the cover-up.

This is the same Barack Obama who, as a Senator, said that he was against hiding behind Executive Privilege. This video is from an interview on the Larry King Show:

When Richard Nixon was president there was a little thing called Watergate. Nixon was threatened with impeachment and eventually resigned from office because of it. It is believed that Nixon was not involved in the decision to conduct the break in, his staff was involved in that. Nixon got in trouble because after he was informed about it he was implicated in the cover-up that took place. The reason Nixon was implicated is because he had a recording system in his office and there were tapes of the meetings where the cover-up was discussed. Nixon attempted to assert Executive Privilege to keep the tapes from being released but the Supreme Court ruled that he had to hand them over.

Nixon attempted to assert Executive Privilege in order to cover-up the wrong doing and he ended up losing his job under threat of impeachment (and the certainty he would be found guilty by the Senate). Does this sound familiar?

Today Barack Obama had his Richard Nixon moment and time will tell if he will be treated the same way by the Democrats and their media wing.

Where are Woodward and Bernstein now?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


More Evidence John Lott Is Right

More guns do mean less crime

After Barack Obama was made King, err, elected, the sales of firearms in this country skyrocketed. Citizens of this great nation know a Socialist gun grabber when they see one and Barack Obama is definitely a Socialist gun grabber.

But Big Dog, he has not tried to grab guns.

Really? He and his Justice Department ran an illegal gun running operation designed to make it look as if American guns were getting into Mexico and being used to murder people. The guns would not have been there if the government, under the direction of Obama and Holder, did not force gun dealers to sell the guns illegally and then allow them to cross the border. This was set up to allow them to pursue stricter gun laws but they got caught.

When Congresswoman Giffords was shot the gun grabbers were out in full force discussing how the guns should be more restricted.

Barack Obama does not believe that the Second Amendment is an individual right (even though it is in the Bill of Rights) despite what he tries to portray on the issue.

Obama cannot go all in on gun control/confiscation because he wants to be reelected. If he gets a second term he will not have anything to worry about and he will go after the guns. Remember what he told the Russians, he will have more flexibility.

Those of us who believe in the right to keep and bear arms know that there is nothing wrong with a law abiding citizen carrying a firearm. Open or concealed makes no difference to those of us who are completely comfortable with people exercising their right. I feel safe around law abiding people who carry firearms because I know they mean me no harm.

The only people who need to fear a law abiding citizen who carries a firearm are those who engage in violent criminal behavior.

The huge increase in gun sales has had several positive effects on the country. The sales are good for the economy, the gun industry employs nearly 200,000 people and the crime rate has gone down.

Emily Miller of The Washington Times reports that the FBI’s own crime statistics show a decrease in murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults in 2011 (a 4% drop in violent crime).

The gun grabbers want you to believe that more guns would lead to bloodbaths in the streets but the increase in ownership has not caused an elevation in crime because while millions more guns are being purchased the violent crime rate has dropped.

John Lott wrote More Guns Less Crime and his analysis was spot on.

And as Miller points out:

Mr. Arulanandam [NRA] pointed out that only a handful of states had concealed-carry programs 25 years ago, when the violent-crime rate peaked. Today, 41 states either allow carrying without a permit or have “shall issue” laws that make it easy for just about any noncriminal to get a permit. Illinois and Washington, D.C., are the only places that refuse to recognize the right to bear arms. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence did not respond to requests for comment.

If the gun grabbers were right, we’d be in the middle of a crime wave, considering how many guns are on the streets. “Firearms sales have increased substantially since right after the 2008 election,” said Bill Brassard, spokesman for the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), which represents the $4 billion firearms and ammunition industry. “There was a leveling off in 2010, but now we’re seeing a surge again.”

Is this absolute evidence? No but the evidence keeps mounting that this is cause and effect and the evidence keeps getting harder to ignore. One only needs to look at crime rates in areas where gun laws are strict or guns are not allowed at all. These Democrat run hell holes have much higher violent crime rates than areas where the Second Amendment is upheld and people are truly free. Chicago, Obama’s home turf, is a prime example.

Let’s face it, how many criminals want to take the chance that the person they select as a target is carrying a firearm?

More guns clearly means less crime just as more liberals means less freedom.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.

Big Dog


Sharia Is Coming To America…

But only if we let it…

The tolerant Muslims are part of the religion of peace, at least that is what they say. The acts of violence they commit are not, in their eyes, viewed as intolerance because that is how they live their lives.

Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs has posted a video at the Infidels News Network that shows the Muslims claiming that Sharia law is on the way.

Notice how the followers of the child molester Mohammad claim that Sharia is coming to America while expressing satisfaction that a Christian would be beheaded under such rule.

I also note that the follower of Islam is using vulgar language and smoking a cigarette.

Real adherent, this guy.

ROPMA (Religion of Peace My A$$)…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Did Not Ask For An Argument

No, he picked a fight…

Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) gave a Royal Proclamation yesterday in announcing that his monarchy would no longer follow the law and instead would do what it wanted. He proclaimed that illegal children who were brought here by their parents would not be deported but would instead be given a legal status, be allowed to attend college, and be given a work permit. It must be a Royal Proclamation because he has now done what he once said he did not have the power to do, thus he has become a dictator…

[note]My friend Kender MacGowan points out Legal status=legal residence=legal driver’s license=motor voter registration=illegals voting in elections…[/note]

Obama violated the US Constitution with his decree because Article II Section 3 clearly states:

“…he [president] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…”

The law says if an illegal is captured he is to be processed and deported. Obama changed that with his Royal Proclamation and that is a violation of the Constitution, period…

The big uproar happened when a reporter interrupted Obama to ask a question. Obama got testy, wagged his finger and acted like a petulant child. I would agree that it was rude to interrupt with the question but the reporter later explained that he thought Obama had finished or was wrapping up and wanted to get his question in before he turned and went back into the White House. As it turns out, Obama addressed the question as he wrapped up but did not take any other questions.

No matter what the cause or who was wrong the typical liberal morons were out in full force decrying the interruption and they all blamed it on one thing, wait for it, yup, racism. Obama was interrupted and a question yelled at him while he was speaking because he is black and the right is full of racists.

The left is playing a game with this one. The liberal media are saying that the leaders of the right have not denounced the reporter and therefore are saying it was OK. This is nothing more than them trying to get one of the leaders to capitulate like McCain would and say it was wrong. By doing so they can continue to press their narrative and take the light away from Obama’s unconstitutional move. They can also push their narrative that it is based on race.

Tucker Carlson pointed out that Sam Donaldson was not admonished for his “heckling” Ronald Reagan. Yes, heckling is the word that the left has given to describe a reporter asking a question so Carlson had to describe it that way. Donaldson took issue with the description and pushed the narrative that it was because Obama is black.

Once again, I do not know if what took place was proper but I know the guy who did it said he mistimed his question thinking Obama was wrapping up (similar to what Donaldson said he used to do), so I will reserve judgement other than to say if he did it on purpose it was rude and if not he made a mistake so move on.

My purpose is twofold. One it is to point out that Obama is usurping the Constitution with his illegal amnesty (and face it, that is what it is).

The second is to point out that the left can’t help but play the race card whenever anything happens to poor little Barry Obama. It never occurred to them to look into the unconstitutional act that Obama is engaging in because they are too blinded by race to do their jobs objectively.

Let me help them. Obama’s race has nothing to do with the fact that he sucks.

He sucks because he is a Socialist who is pandering for votes and he refuses to follow the Constitution while he leads the country down the path to destruction.

But the narrative has been set and the left will continue to drivel on as to how this never happened to any other president. But, since Sam Donaldson was mentioned, this exchange took place between him and George W. Bush:

On August 2, 2006, during the last White House Press conference in the briefing room before undergoing major renovations, Donaldson shouted, “Mr. President, should Mel Gibson be forgiven?”, referencing reports of the actor/producer’s alleged anti-Semitic remarks. President Bush laughed and looked up to see who had asked the question. Bush joked, “Is that Sam Donaldson? Forget it…you’re a ‘has-been’! We don’t have to answer has-beens’ questions.” Donaldson replied, “Better to have been a has-been than a never was.” Wikipedia

Was Sam Donaldson a hater because of this? Did he treat Bush this way because he is white? That same behavior toward Obama would have Donaldson labeled a racist…

We also know that a foreign reporter threw two shoes at George Bush (which Bush successfully dodged) and the left did not condemn those acts. I know they have no control over how foreign reporters act but couldn’t they at least condemn the act? Some blamed Bush and said he failed to see why it happened.

Did anyone blame Obama for the ill timed question shouted by Neil Munro of the Daily Caller? Did anyone claim that Obama was out of touch and that he did not understand the frustration of the majority that opposes what he did with illegals in this country? Did anyone blame Obama for anything?

No, because he is not Bush and because he is a liberal.

And because he is a “black”* man.

Yes, it is the left that is racist here because the left always looks at things through the prism of color. The left blames Obama’s failures on the alleged racists who can’t come to grips with his color. The left is obsessed with making race an issue where it should not be.

The right does not care what color he is. The right is concerned with his polices, policies that are destroying our country.

And his blanket amnesty that usurps the Constitution is one such policy in a long line of them.

*Barack Obama is half black and half white but to the race baiters his white half never figures in the equation. In fact, give his Communist background I think it is fair to say that Obama is black and white and red all over….

Will this act by Obama lead to a Constitutional crisis?

Revolutionary Times?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
