Child Abuse at War Protest
Jan 27, 2007 Uncategorized
The liberal idiots who reside in this country decided to exercise their First Amendment right to assemble in protest of the war. There were a number of people there including the very aged Jane Fonda who is a traitor to this country and should have been shot a long time ago. But, she wanted to get out with pals Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins and Danny Glover and try to relive her glory days of protesting like she did during the Vietnam War. The only thing Fonda needs to do to complete the experience is go to Iraq and help a terrorists saw off the head of an American. Then she will have aided the enemy as she did a long time ago when she was not so very old.
It is one thing for adults to protest. They have that right and it is one of the only rights liberals actually fight for. They will fight to protest and for Free Speech and Press but they will fight against Freedom of Religion and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. In any event, when adults protest one can at least assume they have taken their own decisions regardless of how misinformed they are. When protesters parade their children up there and have them parrot lies then it borders on child abuse. I mean, it is all for the children, right? I am sure that the following is not something that the child came up with:
Standing on her toes to reach the microphone, 12-year-old Moriah Arnold told the crowd: “Now we know our leaders either lied to us or hid the truth. Because of our actions, the rest of the world sees us as a bully and a liar.” My Way News
This 12 year old did not come up with this on her own. She either learned this from school or her parents or both. Given the liberal indoctrination system that passes for the school system, it is likely that she learned most of it there and it was reinforced by her moonbat parents. It is undeniable that the school system is a liberal indoctrination system. I have never seen a report of a teacher ranting in class about conservative ideas. We do, however, get plenty of stories about liberal teachers going on rants espousing their liberal views. Moriah Arnold has been abused by the system and her two minutes of fame demonstrate the danger of the public school system.
Moriah Arnold is an idiot and she will continue to be an idiot when she is an adult. There is no evidence that we were lied to. A lie is a deliberate deception. The items presented for war were based upon intelligence from many countries and that everyone saw. The Democrats are backsliding because they have no backbone and the easiest way out is to claim they were lied to. They were not, they are just not intelligent or principled enough to take a decision and stick with it. Of all the members of Congress, Maxine Waters of California must be the most stupid. Why is that, you ask? She believes that the country was tricked into war. If she was tricked, it is because she is dumber than the man that all donks think is an idiot. Additionally, Waters indicated she will not vote one dime to the war. Fine, can we as taxpayers decide how much we are willing to send in? Perhaps I do not want to pay one more dime for the crack whores that Waters represents. Maybe I am tired of paying Social Security for other people to retire on. Who the hell is this piece of trash anyway? Does she think the money is hers?
Waters is a liberal racist who believes in the redistribution of wealth and justifies black on white violence. Yes, this racist, welfare whore, thought that the violence during the 1992 riots was righteous and defended the way blacks treated whites and Koreans. It is amazing that this thick skulled, troglodyte can justify violence in America (but only blacks being violent to others) and yet is at an anti war protest because she can not seem to muster her one brain cell to say that it is righteous. I said it before and I will say it again, we would probably been much better off if the planes had skipped the WTC and hit the Capitol instead. Then we would be rid of most of the problems in this country and could start anew.
The odds are that one day we will be hit again, especially if we pull out of Iraq. If we pull out and are attacked again it would be a sweet irony if the attackers could hit these folks when they are gathered to celebrate their cause. Maybe little Moriah could be the only survivor so she can again tell us how they were lied to.
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It Could Be Worse for Workers
Jan 25, 2007 Uncategorized
A national restaurant association is upset with an ad that is scheduled to air during the Superbowl. The ad shows Kevin Federline daydreaming about being a rap artist (as if) and when he snaps back to reality he is working in a fast food joint. Sort of where he was when Britney found him, but I digress.
But the National Restaurant Association’s Chief Executive Steven Anderson has written to Nationwide saying the ad leaves the impression that working in a restaurant is demeaning and unpleasant and asking the commercial to be dumped.
“An ad such as this would be a strong and a direct insult to the 12.8 million Americans who work in the restaurant industry,” wrote Anderson, head of the association that represents 935,000 U.S. restaurants. “Developing creative concepts that accomplish the marketing strategies for a product should not require denigrating another industry.” al-Reuters
I guess this might upset some folks but let’s face it, the job Federline is doing is not some fancy restaurant job where they cook real food. This is the kind of job that kids get for extra money and that we all joke about ending up in if we fail.
It could be a lot worse. Here he failed as a rapper and ended up in a fast food joint. He could have failed to get an education and ended up in Iraq…
Tags: Link Fest
What Happened at the SOTU Address?
Jan 24, 2007 Uncategorized
The President held the annual State of the Union Address last evening and it was an interesting sight as Bush had to face a majority democratic Congress for the first time. I watched and I thought the speech was OK. It, as all of them do, contained a bunch of aggressive items that will neither be acted upon nor brought to fruition, but it was a good speech. I was disheartened to see the way some of the Democrats acted. I don’t expect them to stand or clap for everything (I would prefer they all not do that so the speech could just finish) but there are always a few items in which everyone stands. I found it disheartening that the Democrats did not stand when Bush said we could and needed to win the war. That means they are resigned to and happy with losing. That should silence the people who claim the Democrats do not embrace defeat.
I watched and Hillary and Kerry both seemed to be staring through the President. I used an amazing device to read their thoughts as bush spoke:
Kerry: That should be me up there. Damn those Swift Boat bastards. I should be giving this speech. One thing is for sure we would be out of Iraq and those uneducated punks in the military would be shoveling crap in Louisiana. Damn it, why am I sitting here listening to this buffoon when I should rightly be the President? I am John F’in Kerry, JFK from Massachusetts! I should be giving the speech. It would be more eloquent, ohh he butchered another word, buffoon. God why am I here when that ass is up there? Where is the justice in this world? How can there be so many stupid people in this country. Well, they got what they deserve. I know my approval rating would not be under 40, heh, that little sloth gets on my nerves. And now that beyatch Hillary has thrown her hat in the ring. how can I compete with her and that husband of hers? Jesus, can any other thing go wrong for me? I mean, I am ENTITLED to the White House, it is my birthright.
Hillary: My God this man is a bore. If he thinks it was a great pleasure to be the first to say madam Speaker wait until i am the first woman to give the State of the Union. I know one thing, bill will not be sitting up there where Laura is. His ass will be someplace else. I can not have him up there distracting the world’s eyes from being on me, the first female President. President Hillary Clinton, President Hillary Rodham Clinton, President Hillary Rodham. Oh, I have to pick one. Maybe I can be like Cher or Madonna and just go by Hillary. I mean, everyone knows who I am, I am more popular than Jesus and you can bet when I am in office it will stay that way. Damned right wing Christians. I can’t wait. The day I swear in I am going to have them seize Bush and Cheney and hang their sorry asses in back of the White House. Then I will dismantle the damned military so I do not have to screw with them again. After I raise taxes I am going to start stacking the judicial benches and then on the second day I will really get to work. They have not seen anything yet. Oh, this guy is getting on my nerves. Jeez, people say I have a grating voice, this is like listening to an R Tard on barbiturates. I wonder if bill is banging that chick up in Canada. none of that crap in the Hillary House, ohh I like that. Change it from the White house to the Hillary House, good he is almost done. If I have to hear any more of him or see Pelosi blink one more time I might go postal.
Obama was there but all I could get while he was reading the text of the speech was “don’t move lips while reading, don’t move lips while reading…”
There you have it, the thoughts of a few of the Democrats. I had Kennedy for a while but his thoughts were slurred and hard to understand…
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Holding Political Office is About Power, Not Service
Jan 23, 2007 Political
How efficient would a company regard a CEO that spent millions of dollars in order to see a $400,000 payoff? Right now the Democratic field of contenders for the nomination to the Presidency has a group of people who will do just that and Republicans will not be far behind. The President of the United States earns $400,000 a year so in a four year term the President receives 1.6 million dollars. In order to get to that job the Presidential candidate will need to spend about 400 times that amount of money. In other words, the person installed as the next CEO of the country will spend about 500 million dollars in order to earn 1.6 million.
Most of the people who run for office either have a great deal of money or they know people who have a great deal and are willing to part with it. The latter is usually the case rather than the former because, with very few exceptions, candidates get a lot of money from people in order to win an election. Those donations are not free and they often involve a quid pro quos once the candidate has been bought and paid for and is safely in office. People who donate money, especially large sums of money, expect something in return for their investment. Whether it is an appointment to a government position for themselves or family members or support for legislation favorable to them, backers expect a return on their money.
While many of the candidates for office do not have the money to finance their own campaigns, they are exceptionally wealthy and make a great deal more than the annual salary of any elected official. Hillary Clinton earns more than 400 thousand dollars a year even without her Senate pay. Her husband routinely receives that amount for one speaking engagement and therein lies the catch. Prior to becoming President, very few people knew who Bill Clinton was. He was elected to office and bumbled through eight years earning an annual salary more than he had ever earned in his life. His service however, put him in high demand and offers that he would never have received had he never been elected President, began to pour in. Book deals, speaking engagements, honoraria, all items that are the spoils of service to this country.
The money that elected office pays is not what attracts these people, it is the power. Hillary does not care about 400 thousand a year; she cares about being the most powerful person in the world. She is looking forward to the spoils similar to what her husband has received as a result of his service but not until she has had a chance to have her name placed in the history books as the first woman President of the United States, not until she has had the chance to rule over the masses, not until she has had her bite of the apple of power.
Hillary is not unique in this regard. Obama, Richardson and the rest can all claim that they see America needs to go in a different direction or that they can change the world but the fact is these are the same things they all say every four years and very little changes. Government gets larger and its appetite for our hard earned money becomes ever more insatiable. More and more social programs are introduced and more legislation is introduced to choke off the productivity of this great nation. In all this, one thing remains a constant and that is the people who are doing it are exercising power over others and that is what they want more than anything. They do not care about this country or the direction in which it heads so long as they are the ones doing the directing. People who allow polls to determine their positions are neither principled or leaders. They are appeasers who will do anything for the financial support offered by the wealthy regardless of how that position affects the country. Hillary, for example, changes her positions (though many of her supporters will deny this) in order to be more appealing (as a candidate, the other could never happen). Look at her early positions on government and compare them to now. Her recently discovered support of the military runs contrary to her words and actions while she was in college and when she was First Lady but she knows the appearance of support is essential to improving her chances for greater power.
As previously stated, these people, in their quest for power, will spend millions of dollars of other people’s money in order to get into positions where they can spend billions of dollars of other people’s money. They seek power in order to increase their personal wealth and to foster an environment where they will be in demand after leaving office. Earning millions of dollars for speaking is another demonstration of power and a position they desire greatly. When someone pays a former elected official huge sums of money to speak it reaffirms, in their minds, the power they have to command such a thing.
The founders of this great nation never intended for the people to be ruled by the government, they intended for the people to rule the country through representation. If they had wanted us ruled they would have kept the monarchy. Instead, they pointed out that our Creator has given each of us the right to live as a free people, unencumbered by subservience to others. They certainly envisioned that there would be people who sought office solely for the power involved and they attempted to keep that from happening by setting up three branches of government that would oversee each other. Unfortunately, these three branches have become coconspirators in the fleecing of the populace. The idea the founders had of citizens serving in elected office was that they would serve the country for a short period and return to their regular lives. The founders never intended for public service to become a lifetime job. Back then serving was not lucrative and people left to return to their lives. Elected officials do not earn a great deal of money (though more than they are worth); it is the other money, the power, and the opportunity to become part of the elitist class that they are in search of and constantly strive to protect.
[tags]president, election, money, campaign, Hillary, government, contribution[/tags]
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Another Botched Joke?
Jan 22, 2007 Political
U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen apologized for some remarks he made saying that his attempt at humor wasn’t delivered or received well and he promised it would not happen again. Then he told everyone the attention was distracting from the important work he needs to do in Congress. As is usual for the Democrats, their mean spiritedness and nastiness is dismissed and excused with the “bad joke” or bad attempt at “humor.” (ala John Kerry).
It is reported that this guy blocked a door to the restroom and told Karl Rove that he [Kagen] kicked Rove’s ass (in the election). He also thanked George bush and Dick Cheney for helping him get elected. Then, in the tactless manner the Democrats are famous for, he referred to Laura Bush as Barbara.
I could never work in DC because if this guy blocked the bathroom door I was trying to enter I would show him what a real ass kicking is and if I felt for one minute he insulted my wife they would be flying flags at half staff in honor of his short Congressional career. Of course, he excuses his behavior and says it was bad humor.
It is amazing to me that when Democrats say something that does not go over well it is excused as a bad joke or humor gone awry. When they are confronted with their words they claim it is a distraction to the important work they have to do. To me they are nothing more than cowards who do not have the courage of their convictions. If they feel strongly enough to say something they should have the courage to stick by what they said and not cower when confronted. This guy was intent on being a schmuck and now that he was called on it he wants to dismiss it and get back to his important work. Typical of a coward, when confronted he runs.
Things like this help me to understand why the concept of the duel was introduced.
Appleton Post Crescent
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