John Edwards and MY SUV
Aug 29, 2007 Uncategorized
John Edwards, the queen of hypocrisy, today announced that he wants Americans to give up their SUVs and he thinks that this sacrifice is one Americans are willing to make. I guess the first thing I would note is that if Americans were willing to do this then they would have done it already. I am not willing to give up my SUV and I have no plans to do so even though my state punishes me with a higher registration fee.
John Edwards flies around the country wasting a lot of fuel trying to become the president. I know he uses a bus to get around though he does claim to use biodiesel fuel for it. Regardless, the bus, the jets and a house the size of a small country are all huge fuel consumers. John prances around the country wasting fuel in order to become president, a job he wants in order to massage his ego. I, and many others, use our SUVs to get to work. For those of us who must go to work regardless of the weather, it is a necessity.
Even practicality does not matter though. If some guy lives in a place where the weather never gets bad enough to need and SUV wants one, he should be able to buy one. If he can afford it, the gas and the insurance then he should be able to drive around in it all he wants. I realize that Edwards is asking us to give them up but when the government asks something it usually forces the response it wants. How far will Edwards go if he becomes president? I also want to know if Edwards would give up the armored limo that presidents use (a limo that gets very few miles per gallon).
I find it amazing that governments go after people with SUVs. In my state they charge us more to register our gas consuming vehicles in hopes that we will buy some hybrid. Of course, when it snows like hell the same government is happy that all the SUV owners answer the call for assistance in getting doctors, nurses, and other necessary people to work. There have been more than a few folks who stopped going out to help in bad weather because of the stupidity, especially when the elected officials in the state ride around in vehicles that get very similar mileage.
I, for one, have no intention of giving up MY (the key word) SUV. The inconvenient truth is, neither do a lot of other folks.
ABC 13
UPDATE: Like I said, he is a hypocrite
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Obama Invokes Jesus, Discovers Great Idea
Aug 27, 2007 Uncategorized
B. Hussein Obama was out on the campaign trail discussing how his vision for America is greater than any other. He also decided it was time to bring up hurricane Katrina with a stop in New Orleans. Katrina has not been mentioned in quite some time so it is time for the Democrats to raise that issue again to show incompetence of the Federal Government (not just the Bush administration). Yep, if the feds are to blame then it is the entire government, many of whom have been employed long before Bush and will be long after. B. Hussein invoked the name of Jesus and in so doing, raised a very valid point:
“Getting ready to talk to you today, I recall what Jesus said at the end of the Sermon on the Mount,” Obama said at New Orleans’ First Emmanuel Baptist Church. “He said, whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock.”
“The rains descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house. But it did not fall, because it was founded on the rock,” he continued.
That rock, he said, was a principal of brotherhood exemplified by the church during Hurricane Katrina — but not the federal government.
“Something was wrong in America. Our foundation wasn’t built on the rock,” he said. CNN
Mr. Hussein has it partly correct. He stated that the foundation of America was not built upon a rock (our founders would disagree) but in reality it was New Orleans that was not built upon a rock. Perhaps, if they had built the place on a rock, above sea level, then it would not have flooded. When one looks up and sees ships, there is a problem. What was the great idea? Rebuild New Orleans on rocks! How about we bulldoze New Orleans in and fill that cesspool with plenty of good, strong rocks so that levees will not be required and so that she will be above sea level? Then we can build upon those rocks and they can weather the storm as depicted in the Bible.
You suppose that New Orleans crumbled because it is a sin city that is not built upon any type of strong foundation moral or otherwise? B. Hussein is onto something here and I would much more supportive if my tax dollars went to filling in that eyesore and making it safe.
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Labor Safety to Labor Unions, Politics Hurt Oversight
Aug 26, 2007 Uncategorized
A recent article at the Huffington Post by one of the wacko writers, oh wait, it was Huffington herself, discussed the Utah mine disaster and how lax occupational health rules that were eased by, who else, George Bush, were to blame for this and many other work mishaps. I don’t know if the rules of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration have been lightened by this administration but I am pretty sure that the toughest rules in the world would not have prevented an accident that some believe involved a tremor. I will not deny that the mining industry has had some serious problems with its safety record but it is insane to believe that a spiffy clean safety record could prevent a natural event that triggered the cave in, if that indeed is what caused it. Suppose some painters were working in a building and there was an earthquake and the building collapsed and killed them. Should Bush (or any person) be blamed for a lack of safety? It is illogical to think this way and amounts to nothing more than politics as usual for Huffington and her brood of ding-dongs.
I am unsure if the claims by Huffington are accurate but I know that OSHA has a ton of directives and regulations that apply to the workplace and worker safety. 29 Code of Federal Regulations (particularly the 1910 series) lays out the rules for all kinds of workplace safety programs and how compliance is expected. There are a lot of workplaces and it is certain that OSHA does not have enough people to routinely inspect workplaces. It is more likely that inspections result from a concerned worker making a call or filing a complaint. Even so, there are some things that fall directly on the shoulders of the employees themselves. Wearing hearing and eye protection, proper safety equipment and other personal protective equipment and doing things according to standard procedures are all things that the employee must do. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their people follow the rules but I have seen far too many injuries related to worker error to discount the idea that stupidity keeps emergency rooms busy and makes ER doctors wealthy. None of this oversight or supervisor involvement would have helped the Utah miners, that is unless their supervisor could see the future and know that a cave in was going to happen.
Interestingly, Huffington decries lax worker safety under Bush but has not addressed the Democrat’s attempts to remove 2 million dollars from the Office of Labor and Management Standards. This office has been ramped up after years of lax enforcement under President Clinton. Seems this office has been real good at finding illegal practices of labor unions and has recouped 101 million dollars for labor union employees. With this kind of success against labor unions the Democrats can only do one thing and that is to cut funding so that their mob buddies in labor unions can continue illegal operations unabated. House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D.-Wis.) (a guy I dislike more as I hear more about him) is trying to cut the budget, mostly because they have been successful. Of course, success in this arena hurts the Democrat’s friends in labor and that just can not be tolerated.
Perhaps Ms. Huffington would like to spend some time writing about this instead of trying to put the blame for miners on George Bush who can no more trigger tremors than he can direct hurricanes.
I also think that perhaps the Democrats should either rethink their position of being honest and transparent or get Webster to rewrite the definition of those words. With their ability to rewrite history, a few definitions should be a cake walk.
TownHall (Robert Bluey)
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Round-up of the News
Aug 24, 2007 Uncategorized
Here are a few items that I found while looking around and rather than write posts about them I figured a brief synopsis and a link would do for this rather busy Friday (for me anyway):
Did you expect anything different?
The Mexican Senate has sided with Elvira Arellano and passed a measure urging their president to strongly protest her deportation. This should come as no surprise to anyone. The Mexicans are corrupt and crime is rampant down there so why would anyone expect them to respect our rule of law? Hell, this is in line with the Mexican government working very hard to get its citizens to sneak in to this country so that they can work here, sponge off the taxpayers in the US and then send money home. Elvira Arellano said that the US broke the law first by letting them cross in and then collecting taxes. “No your honor. The bank broke the law first by leaving its door opened so i could come in and rob it.” The worthless leeches down there think it is perfectly OK to suck our economy dry. If Elvira sneaks in here again we should put her in jail for 30 years. That might get some attention.
Iran is cleansing area of Kurds
The Islamic Republic of Iran is dropping leaflets warning Kurds in border towns in Iraq that they need to pack up and leave. The Iranians are amassing troops on the border and are threatening to attack to get rid of the Kurds. This is the Iran that cries about a US preemptive strike. Now, they are preparing to invade another country to force people out of their homes in their country. This demonstrates the evil that is Iran. I believe that this might have another agenda. The Iranians might just be trying to provoke the US into shooting first. I think we should wait until they are amassed in total and when they fire the first round tons of munitions should rain down on them. Then we might as well go after Ahmadinejad for good measure. Isn’t it amazing that the Muslims talk about tolerance and being the religion of peace but they attack those with whom they disagree (Muslims and non Muslim alike)? That country is full of decent people being ruled by followers of Satan. We need to help them have a revolution.
Another source
Hillary admits Republicans better at protecting country
Hillary Rodham stated that a terror attack before the next election would give Republicans a boost. While she did not come out and say it, she basically admitted that the country feels the Republican party is better equipped to handle such things. On the other hand she indicated that Americans would give that boost to Republicans regardless of how badly they [the Republicans] have messed up dealing with terror. What she said is that Americans are stupid and do not know how to think for themselves. She is telling us that it is by the grace of God that we have her to straighten things out. Of course her remarks allowed her to tell us that she is the best Democrat to handle such a situation, should it arise. But remember, an attack would give Republicans a boost because America knows that Republicans are better at national security than the “best” Democrat. If Hillary handles this type of situation the way she has handled other problems she will deny it for a few days, claim it was a partisan attack and then blame it on the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Then she will tell us why it is not her fault.
NFL suspends Michael Vick indefinitely
During the dog days of Summer football players are tuning up for another season. Michael Vick will be going to jail soon to make his version of the longest yard so he will not be playing for a while. Matter of fact, the NFL suspended him indefinitely so he won’t be playing even after he is released. I wonder how long it will be before the NAACP and the revuums Sharpton and Jackson protest that this was harsh and that the brother only hurt some dogs. We already had the NAACP tell us to wait until Vick had his day in court before commenting because he is innocent until proven guilty. Interestingly, that is not the same courtesy they extend to a white cop who shoots a black thug in an alley at 2am. Matters not because Vick pleaded guilty. That won’t stop the race baiters though. One good thing for Vick. It is public knowledge that he has herpes. Might be a blessing that it is considering he is going to prison where he could end up playing center instead of quarterback.
These were a few to get you through. Feel free to comment on them and let everyone know how you feel about these issues.
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Geraldo Rivera is an ILLEGAL Alien Apologist
Aug 22, 2007 Immigration
I have never cared for Geraldo Rivera because I never considered him a real journalist. He always seemed to me as if he were a National Enquirer kind of TV journalist who did stupid things like find an old bottle (or some other trash) in what was supposed to be Capone’s secret vault. Rivera also revealed the location of our troops while embedded with them though I think, in all fairness, his reporting on their activities was fair.
The real problem with Geraldo is that he is so stuck on America is a racist country that hates Hispanics. He faults the citizens of the US for being against ILLEGALS coming into this country. In his mind, we are wrong for being against ILLEGALS and we are wrong when we focus on the crimes they commit and the lives they take, lives he cavalierly dismisses. Whenever an issue of an ILLEGAL committing a crime arises Geraldo is first in line to remind us that American Citizens commit more crimes. Well duh, there are more of us here, of course we are going to commit more crimes. That aside, it does not matter because the ILLEGALS broke the law to get here showing they have little regard for the law despite Gerlado’s claims that they are law abiding people. No Geraldo, they are not because they willingly broke the law to get here.
I have had it with this whiny schmuck excusing the illegal acts of those who sneaked in here. I have also had it with his insinuation that people who point out that the crimes that ILLEGALS commit would not happen if our government did its job are racists. Geraldo seems to miss the point that while we have criminals here they are here legally and we can not just deport them because they are citizens. He seems not to understand that the ILLEGALS who commit a crime such as murder have committed their second felony. Geraldo says that their being here is treated as a misdemeanor and this is true however the act of entering ILLEGALLY is a felony. If we capture them when they are crossing they are charged with a felony. Some quirk in the law makes their presence here a misdemeanor. To me this is like saying that if a guy robs a bank and we catch him in the bank he has committed a felony but if we find him in his home with all the money he is charged with a misdemeanor. In any event, the fact is they have broken the law and any idiot who excuses that behavior does not believe in the rule of law. I also take issue with this idiot’s references to our ancestors and how we all came from immigrants. Yes we did but they came here LEGALLY! Being an immigrant is not an issue because we welcome the legal ones with open arms. It is the ILLEGAL ones we have the problem with and the very ones Geraldo seems to dismiss as “law abiding.”
On Hannity and Colmes tonight Geraldo was on with Tom Tancredo and they were debating the crimes in Newark where an Illegal killed three young people and a fourth ended up in the hospital. The guy was out on a low bail for other crimes he committed and ICE was never notified about him because Newark is a sanctuary city. Geraldo made the entire issue about crime and how this guy’s bond should have been higher and the fact he is ILLEGAL had nothing to do with anything ignoring, of course, that if he had not come here ILLEGALLY he would not have killed. He also ignored the fact that if ICE knew about the guy they could have put a hold on him and bail would not have mattered. Instead, Geraldo dismissed this and the deaths while focusing on we racists and right wing nut jobs who only focus on crime that involves ILLEGALS while ignoring other crimes. Obviously, this is wrong but Geraldo never lets facts get in the way of his apologist ways. For the life of me I can not figure out why people watch this putz.
I wonder how Geraldo would feel had this guy raped and killed his kids. I also wonder how Geraldo would respond if an ILLEGAL who was not reported to ICE raped his wife and beat her to death or hit and killed her while driving drunk. I imagine that he would have to do a special on the failures of our immigration system.
If he scratched the surface on that one he would find a little more than an old bottle.
Ms Underestimated has the video of Geraldo and Tancredo
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