A Good Guy With A Gun

A security guard at a McDonald’s in Baltimore (the city that bleeds) shot a man who fired at him inside the restaurant. It is not clear if the security guard was working at the McDonald’s (a sad statement about our society) or there to order a meal. In any event, someone shot at him and he returned fire. The would be murderer is in the hospital and will be charged with attempted murder when he is released. His name will be released at that time.

The security guard was armed as part of his job. He was allowed, under Maryland’s restrictive and unconstitutional gun laws that bar the average citizen from carrying, to carry a gun.

His job saved him and others because if he were some regular Joe he would not have been able to defend himself.

This is how Maryland works. It has a lot of programs to help people like illegal aliens, welfare queens and other Democrat supporters but it refuses to follow the Constitution so that law abiding, not otherwise restricted, people can carry a firearm.

[note]Disarming people is the best way to enslave them to tyranny[/note]

It is fortunate the guard was there (whether he worked there or not) because if he had not been people might have been killed. A criminal does not care about the law so gun laws do not affect him (want to bet that the guy who did this was not allowed to have a gun). Gun laws only affect, AND HURT, law abiding citizens.

Maryland should move to be a Constitutional carry state where people who are not otherwise prohibited (felons, mentally ill) can carry a firearm either concealed or open. If one passes the comprehensive background check (yes, contrary to what liberals tell you, this is required) then that should be sufficient with regard to carry.

Maryland will likely never get to that state because it involves freedom and Maryland is not free at all though, ironically, one of the nicknames of the state is The Free State…

The least Maryland should do (and likely will not without court pressure) is to remove the good and substantial reason to carry a concealed firearm.

Maryland is run by liberals particularly in the city and counties surrounding Baltimore and DC. These places are full of liberals who are enslaved to the government. They vote for liberals so they can keep their hands out to receive the fruits of other’s labor.

If Maryland were truly a free state then people could carry firearms which, in turn, would lower the crime rate. Criminals do not like to face armed opposition. The gunman in the story probably did not expect to see an armed guard. If he had known an armed person was inside he would probably have picked an easier target (and there are plenty of them in Maryland).

Things will not change until the population votes out the liberal cretins who have enslaved the people of the state and as long as liberal politicians plunder from earners to give to the gimmiedats there will be no such vote.

Is it any wonder that Maryland is third on the list of states people (47%) want to LEAVE?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No Charges Against TSA Agent; SURPRISE!

A woman in Colorado claimed that she was groped to the point of sexual assault by a female TSA Agent. Thirty-nine year old Jamelyn Steenhoek found out yesterday that the DA would not file charges because they could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt the pat down was an assault.

I travel frequently (I have to or I would not use the airlines) and I always refuse to go through the X-Ray machine so I end up getting the pat down. I have never been assaulted but then again I am not a woman and I don’t look like someone who can be taken advantage of. I don’t know if Ms. Steenhoek fits that bill but she is a woman and they are often the target of sexual assault.

It is no surprise that the DA decided not to file charges against the agent. The entire system is rigged so that the thugs of government can’t be held accountable for their misdeeds. Look at Chicago. Rahm Emanuel is selling bonds to raise money and a large sum of the money raised will go to pay off civil suits against the Chicago police. Once again those who committed the offenses will have their misdeeds paid for by others.

TSA Agents are not accountable to the people who pay their salaries so they abuse us.

I traveled recently and refused the X-Ray so they pulled me over for the pat down. While they were debating who was going to do it a guy was told he had to and he expressed his displeasure by using an expletive “Oh, GD it.”

They don’t like it because they want people to be compliant sheep. The pat down does not bother me (personally but it bothers me the Constitution is violated) and it is worth it to make these slugs do something they do not like.

My rights are violated but I am used to that.

I live in Maryland.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


At Least Police Officers Are Safer

Police officers carry firearms for one reason and that reason is to protect themselves. There is nothing wrong with that because there are a lot of really bad people in the world and the police get to deal with those bad folks so they should be able to protect themselves.

I don’t think anyone would disagree with that.

Looks like the police are safer as a new report shows that the number of law enforcement officers killed by a firearm in 2013 is at its lowest since the Wild West days. More officers were killed in traffic related accidents than by a firearm (half as many died of a heart attack).

This is great news for police officers.

For the regular person who lives in a state that infringes on rights the news is not so good. Those states restrict or ban (with unconstitutional laws) the right of the people to keep and bear arms. While police officers carry firearms to protect themselves the people they serve are denied that right.

The People’s Republik of Maryland is one such place. The Socialist Governor Martin O’Malley (who wants to be President) and his band of thieves in Annapolis have passed restrictive gun laws that violate the rights of the people who are supposed to be free citizens of the state (his Lt. Governor Anthony Brown is running to replace him. Brown, an Army veteran, is a socialist and supports gun control). Maryland likes to call itself the Free State but it is nothing of the sort.

The number of murders by firearms in Baltimore alone is about 9 times that of police officers NATIONWIDE. The people murdered with firearms were the victims (though often other criminals) of people who have no regard for the law and who do not obtain their firearms legally.

But the Socialist politicians in this state think law abiding citizens (who happen to be THEIR bosses) are the problem and have enacted laws that only affect those who follow the law.

Police officers have jobs that put them in harm’s way. They carry firearms to protect themselves. The people who are denied the right to keep and bear arms are not supposed to be in danger when they go about their lives. But as I stated earlier, it is a dangerous world and criminals love to go after unarmed people.

The people who are denied by their oppressive government (and Maryland is not the only place) are prey to those who have no regard for and do not follow the law.

So while it is great that fewer police officers were killed with firearms the reality is the people who live in tyrannical areas of the country (Maryland being one such place) are at the mercy of criminals and more of us are being murdered by them.

Unfortunately, some police officers support more gun control and take great pride in upholding unconstitutional gun grabbing laws for their puppet masters in the legislature.

Happy New Year. May it come with the overturning of all unconstitutional gun laws so we the people can once again be free.

That, after all, is the best way (but not the ONLY way) for us to regain our rights.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


How Did A Gun Crime Happen In DC?

Washington DC has very strict gun laws, in fact some of the strictest in the nation. Politicians who pass these gun laws tell us that they will keep us safer in spite of the fact that criminals do not obey the law. Ronald Reagan was shot in Washington DC even though he was surrounded by armed guards and there were even striter laws at the time. This proves beyond a doubt that criminals do not obey the law and even the most protected are vulnerable to a determined criminal.

Recently in DC, a man was carjacked and forced, at gunpoint, to sign his vehicle over to an evildoer. The man advertised his 1998 van for sale and agreed to meet a prospective buyer at a location other than his house. The prospective buyer and another person met the seller and took the vehicle for a test drive. The prospective buyer had a wad of cash and a gun. The seller asked why he had a gun and the man nodded to his friend in the back of the van.

Both men pointed guns at the seller and forced him to sign the title to the vehicle over to one of them.

You can read the whole account of the story here.

The point of this post is to ask how could this happen? How could two armed men force another, at gunpoint, to sign a title over in a city that does not allow people to carry guns?

If gun control is the answer to the problem of gun crime then how did this happen in a place that has such strict gun control?

The Democrats in Maryland passed a new gun control law in order to reduce gun related crime so they should take note of what happens in places like DC. The gun laws do not stop criminals from using guns to commit crimes.

The only thing gun laws do is make victims out of law abiding citizens.

Gun control laws do not work, they do not stop criminals from using them and they do not reduce crime. Maryland has tough gun laws now and Baltimore is the City that Bleeds. Things will get worse when the new laws take effect.

Just like they are in DC and every other place where people are denied their Constitutionally protected right to keep and BEAR arms…

Wake up America and wake up People’s Republik of Maryland.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


And They Say Gun Control Saves Lives

The State of Maryland is supposed to be the Free State, or at least that is what they say. It is anything but free. When it comes to firearms and the allegedly free people of the state keeping and bearing them the state disallows that.

The only people in the state who are allowed to carry firearms are the criminals. When I say allowed I mean they do not obey the gun laws of the state and carry them in spite of the rules. The law abiding people of the state do not carry firearms around and are left at the mercy of those who disregard the law.

The state already has strict gun laws with a large number of firearms banned and a longer wait time than the feds require to obtain those firearms the state deems worthy of sale. The strict gun laws have done absolutely nothing to stop the murders by criminals carrying guns so the liberal morons in the state passed even stricter gun laws. Those laws will take effect in October and a lot more firearms will be banned. The crime rate will not go down and the liberal morons will push for more laws.

The state police are charged with determining who is worthy of owning a firearm and by law they have 7 days to do so. They are running at about 90 days and even though the law states that firearms dealers may release them after 7 days if the State Police have not responded those dealers are being pressured not to do so. The police are ignoring the law and generally getting away with it.

Another issue is the ability to get a concealed carry permit. The only people who can get one are those who are politically connected. The rest of the people have to have good and substantial reason to get one. The law does not define good and substantial so the police have taken it upon themselves to determine that if you have a business and carry money you can get a limited permit. You can protect your money but not your own life.

This is all to keep us safe because guns on the street are bad. Now mind you, the law abiding are not the ones carrying guns and in places where they are not denied their Constitutional right the crime rates and the number of gun related crimes are much lower than in places that restrict.

Maryland claims that the gun laws prevent gun crimes. The state has strict laws and in Baltimore City the rules are even worse. That has not stopped the gun related crimes AS ALL REASONABLE PEOPLE KNEW WOULD BE THE CASE.

Over this past weekend 20 people were shot in Baltimore. 10 of them died. On Monday another person was shot and today 5 others were shot (1 dead 4 injured) by ILLEGAL guns.

The people in charge are neglecting sanity and blaming guns that they vow to take off the streets.

They will never be able to get guns out of the hands of criminals because criminals do not jump through all the hoops the state requires. Only the law abiding do that. If the law abiding are lucky they get to buy a gun. They never get a permit to carry one because, well you know, that would be too dangerous.

Liberals are idiots and Martin O’Malley, the governor of Maryland, is a top notch idiot. He pushed this agenda by dancing on the graves of the dead children in Newtown. He is boasting about his gun laws and his trampling on the Constitution because he is an anti American slug.

And that idiot wants to be president. He is not worthy of anyone’s trust. He is not worthy of leading anything. This idiot could not organize a child’s birthday party. Hell, he could not lead a group of people out of a burning building.

Gun control is costing people their lives. What Maryland needs is criminal control. We also need the state police to start approving carry permits for people who are law abiding and have no disqualifying factors without applying arbitrary reasons (reasons that are not codified in Maryland law) to those who are no threat to society.

We also need to get rid of the newly passed gun control laws and every politician who voted for them.

And we need to ensure that Martin O’Moron is never elected to any other office. His next term should be in prison.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
