Big Brother; More Data Collection
May 2, 2013 Political
We already know that social media like Facebook and Twitter as well as Google’s services are used to spy on Americans (and users around the world). Law enforcement agencies scan these outlets looking for people to profile and use data, provided either by the user or by the company, to keep data bases of folks that are of interest to the agents of government.
Make no mistake, whenever there is any kind of activity that collects data or asks for information the legitimate use is not the ONLY use. Agencies keep the information.
In Maryland the site that is used by hunters and outdoorsmen collects email addresses and the site specifically states those will only be used for the purpose of whatever transactions take place. The Governor of Maryland used that database to send emails out to people in a push for support of his unconstitutional gun grab. He violated the law in using the information for reasons that are outside those stated.
This happens all the time and I would not be surprised if the federal and state governments have massive databases of people who own firearms. They are supposed to destroy the paperwork generated when a firearm is purchased but you can bet they have kept it.
All new laws being proposed by government at every level includes provisions for the collection of information and incorporation into databases. Despite what they tell you, the information is being kept.
These items are usually generated through some feel good legislation that proposes some action that seems to be in the best interests of the people. In reality, this is not the case.
In Palm Beach County Florida the Sheriff has been awarded 1 million dollars for a new violence prevention program.
Wow, that sounds great. What will they do with the money to prevent violence? Well, it looks like they will be setting up a snitch site where people can call and report anyone they feel is violent. People will be encouraged via public service announcements to report their neighbors and coworkers if there is ANY concern. So if a guy loses his temper at work or goes on a rant because someone’s dog dropped a deuce on his lawn, they could be reported to the police.
This will result in a knock on the door with concerned officers asking if all is OK? There will be no arrests, just a caring, concerned government agent asking if all is well and providing resources in case someone needs help. The people will not know who reported them or why so there will be no way to explain (as if you should have to) why you were reported.
Here is the rub. The sheriff says that this will also allow the agency to collect information:
The goal won’t be to arrest troubled people but to get them help before there’s violence, Bradshaw said. As a side benefit, law enforcement will have needed information to keep a close eye on things. [emphasis mine]
Did you get that? As a result of the campaign the police will have information to keep an eye on people. He says things but things do not cause violence; people do so he is really saying they can keep an eye on people, period.
This program sounds wonderful to the uninformed but it will do nothing more than give police information to keep in a database. This will allow them to surveil people for no particular reason and without any probable cause. It is not probable cause just because some person reported you. What evidence is there that you are a danger? What indication, other than the report of a person who saw you, is there that you might be dangerous?
Will the information be used to confiscate firearms a person might own? Will the police look at the database and determine that someone reported that they FELT you might harm yourself or others be enough for them to take away your firearms or perhaps, your children?
This is dangerous and nothing more than an escalation of the police state we saw blatantly displayed in Boston.
We already have a system where people can report something they feel is a problem. They can call the police as they have been doing for decades on end. Police can take a report and determine if some kind of crime occurred. This new program encourages people to seek out and report others who might be doing nothing more than having a bad day. It allows officers to knock on the door to check people out but most concerning is the compilation of data that can be used against people in any fashion government chooses.
Free people do not live like this.
Many of the people who have committed these mass casualty crimes were on the radar of law enforcement and nothing was done about them. So contrary to the sheriff’s claim that someone knew and could have reported it, the reality is the police knew and did nothing about it.
Therefore, the entire scheme is nothing more than a data collection operation that will provide more information on people so government can further violate their rights.
Freedom is not free. It costs a lot in blood, sweat, and tears. It costs way too much to give it up without a fight…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: abuse, big brother, data collection, florida, freedom, Maryland, oppression, palm beach
Any Doubt Obama Is Harming People On Purpose?
Feb 28, 2013 Political
The battle of the mindless in DC continues to go back and forth as Barack Obama fights to avoid HIS sequestration. Yes, he wanted it; he suggested it and he got it. Now he is running around pointing fingers and trying to avoid it like the plague. Obama does not negotiate in good faith. In fact, none of the Democrats do. Their idea of negotiating is to demand tax increases NOW and spread cuts (cuts that NEVER happen) over ten years.
Obama got huge tax increases in December and cutting was supposed to take place between then and now. However, Obama has decided that the way he wants to proceed is to raise taxes again. He does not want to cut so he is placing the burden of the sequester cuts on people who will feel them.
I wrote yesterday that Obama must cause pain or people will realize that cutting is not so bad. There is, as of today, no doubt he wants people in pain if he cannot have his tax increases.
[note]The cuts are only to the growth in government. We will spend more this year than last and we spent more last year than the one before. This is a cut in growth, not an actual cut to the budget (which, by the way, they have not had for over 4 years).[/note]
The Republicans in the Senate have come up with a plan that eases the restrictions and allows Barack Obama even greater latitude to decide where the 85 billion dollars in cuts will come from. In other words, they will allow Obama to decide what to cut so long as it adds up to the right amount. Obama could take this on, cut from things that do not directly affect people, and reduce the pain.
But he does not want to do that because no pain means people will realize that government must spend too much and we can cut even more. This puts a damper on his plan to grow the government and create more dependency than we currently have.
To Obama government is everyone’s mommy and daddy and he can’t have people seeing that they can live with less of it…
Obama has threatened to veto the Senate Republican bill.
He does not want the ability to cut from larger sources because it would ruin his plans. Obama said that the only way to solve the problem is to back the Democrat plan of raising taxes on the wealthy (who cannot solve it even if all their money was confiscated) and then cut over ten years. That is the liberal playbook. The other part is they will never cut but the taxes will stay in place. It has been done time and again and Democrats never keep up the cut part of the equation.
Pretty much like they are trying to do now in their effort to avoid the sequester.
Obama also indicated that there is NO WAY to cut 85 billion dollars over the next seven months (the balance of the fiscal year) without drastically affecting national security and economic policies.
Really? Cuts need to happen and entitlement programs need to be reformed. I know liberals like to scream about the wars Bush started and the amount of money they cost but entitlement programs cost 2.48 TRILLION dollars. The war on terror cost 115 BILLION dollars. Entitlements need to be reformed and there is an abundance of waste in them. Government wastes BILLIONS of dollars each year sending money to people who should not get it, like dead folks. The Medicare system is rife with fraud and costs billions of dollars that government is unable to catch.
But we need cuts now and Obama needs to get to 85 Billion. Here is an idea. Let’s cut the 24 BILLION dollars that we spend on foreign aid. Most of the places we send it don’t like us anyway and hell, we need to take care of our own first. Why should people in the US be harmed so some jihadist Muslim nation can get billions in aid?
There are billions of dollars in accounts at various agencies that have not been spent. The money is excess and could be used for the cuts. There are also hundreds of programs that do the same thing. We can cut them and have one agency in charge (if the program is actually needed). There is no doubt that billions of dollars are wasted each year on things like turtle tunnels and what we can learn about democracy from fish so let’s cut them.
It will not take long to get to and surpass 85 BILLION dollars. All Obama has to do is want to do it.
And that is the rub. Cutting the money would be easy but then he would lose his claim that government needs more money and the cuts will harm people. He will lose his ability to grow government and show that his claim that we don’t have a spending problem is a lie
[note]The government has 15 BILLION dollars in unused property it can sell. That will take time but we can unload is as soon as possible for the future.[/note]
Senator Barbara Mikulski of the People’s Republik of Maryland mocked claims that we should be able to cut 2% like families have to do. She said that American families don’t run prisons, don’t build roads and don’t have to fund their own local police force.
First of all, American taxpayers do have to pay for all of this IN ADDITION TO PAYING FOR THEIR OWN BUDGETS. Second of all, the federal government does not do all of this. Local roads, prisons and police forces are paid for by local (including state) governments with taxes confiscated from taxpayers in those states.
The federal government is not as involved in all of this as she would have us believe. Additionally, government historically takes the money taxpayers have confiscated for these things and spends it on other things. In Maryland we had a transportation fund that had lots of money in it that we paid in. The Democrats spent it on other things and now want to tax us even more to fund transportation. This happens at the federal level as well. Let us not forget that Social Security has had trillions of dollars paid in since it was started. There is no money for that program because politicians used it in the general fund. Now we have to pay more in to replenish the money. We are paying for it at least twice.
So Mikulski can take her mocking tone and put it where the sun does not shine. She is part of the problem and she takes the rest of us for idiots who do not see what is really going on.
Obama’s end game is to hurt as many people as possible to push his agenda. Mikulski’s game is to help him do it.
They are evil people who must be stopped.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: harm, lies, Maryland, mikulski, Obama, Senate, sequester, waste
More Gun Companies Need To Step Up To Oppose Tyranny
Feb 25, 2013 Political
A number of firearms manufacturers have publicly stated their policies will be to sell to law enforcement agencies and state governments only the kinds of firearms that citizens in those states can buy. Some companies have indicated they will not sell any firearms to the government agencies in those states.
This is a step in the right direction. The companies listed here are taking a stance against oppressive government and are supporting the PEOPLE in this nation who are being run over by tyrants in government.
Other companies, the big boys of the industry, need to step up and take a stand against this tyranny as well. I realize that many are taking a wait and see posture and that some are probably more than willing to sell to governments and fill the void created by those who refuse BUT the people are watching and many gun owners will not buy from those who support tyranny over freedom.
We will boycott those who refuse to boycott the tyrants.
If those companies really want to make an impact they need to leave states that are enacting unconstitutional laws for states that are more firearms friendly. Many states would love to have companies that produce firearms and accessories and would offer attractive incentives to relocate.
Magpul Industries (manufacturer of polymer accessories) has indicated that it will leave Colorado if proposed anti gun legislation becomes law even if there are exceptions for the company because it will not produce items in a state that would prohibit people in the state from buying them. Good for them. This is what integrity is all about and if this company holds true it will gain even more customers.
Beretta USA in Maryland has indicated it will move its company out of the state if Maryland enacts anti gun laws (laws even more stringent than the unconstitutional laws in effect). Lawmakers think the company is bluffing but it has shown in the past that it does not bluff. It moved part of its operation in the past because of Maryland’s freedom killing laws.
All companies involved in the firearms industry need to boycott states that are enacting anti gun laws and they need to move to friendlier confines. The public will support them and they will prosper.
These companies also need to consider how they will respond if the federal government enacts unconstitutional laws.
Think about how things would work out if the feds could not get the very firearms the government banned for the people (THE PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN CHARGE). Think about how things would pan out if an entire industry stood up to the tyrants at all levels of government.
Imagine the blow to the tyrants if they could not get the firearms (or accessories) they want to use to control the people.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: beratta, boycott, gun laws, law enforcement agencies, lies, Maryland, states, unconstitutional
The People’s Republik Of Maryland Led By “Adolph” O’Malley
Jan 23, 2013 Political
Gun control does not work and even if it did the Second Amendment protects our right to keep and bear arms. In fact, it says that right shall NOT be infringed. The Governor of Maryland is following the lead of the anti American Governor of New York with draconian, and unconstitutional, gun legislation. In fact, it looks like Martin O’Malley is trying to one up Cum-o of NY. I guess he feels he needs to out Socialist the guy because both are mentioned as possible contenders for the presidency (God help us).
Martin O’Malley is anti American, period. He is trying to violate the rights of law abiding citizens with laws that will not do one damn thing to stop violence. Nothing proposed in the bill will stop violence and it will not prevent an incident like the one that happened in Connecticut, period.
But that is not stopping the Governor who is channeling his inner Hitler in order to intimidate people into compliance. Certain firearms, that the state calls assault weapons, (that is a fabricated name to make them sound scary) will be banned. Anyone who owns one prior to the ban can keep it but must register it with the state. Why does the state need firearms registered? So it can confiscate them when the next round of anti gun laws are brought to bear. If some tragedy occurs then the state will say it must now take those firearms and it will know where to go. The law forces compliance by enacting a high fine and minimum REQUIRED jail sentence of 5 years.
Hitler did that when he took over countries. Signs were posted indicating people had 24 hours to turn in all firearms or they would go to jail. Those who turned them in late were shot. Some who were found later were shot or jailed. Hitler’s forces were able to use the records from conquered areas to determine who had the firearms. The same kind of gun registration was tried here prior to America’s entry into WWII and it was shot down. Maryland’s anti American governor is doing the same thing. It is all about controlling people. But, but, that could not happen here. Tell the Japanese Americans from WWII that it could not happen. Tell the Native Americans that government will not disarm you and then murder you.
[note]Do you really think government will not abuse a database or use it in a fashion that is not allowed?[/note]
O’Malley happens to be a small minded pathetic little man with a god complex. He is an elitist who thinks he knows better than the rubes he was elected to lead. He has ignored his oath of office and he has abused the power he was given by the people. He seems to have forgotten that government derives its just power from the consent of those governed. Violating our rights is not a just power.
O’Malley and Obama are two peas in a pod. Obama is reportedly using a new litmus test to determine which officers will stay in the military. If they say they will obey orders to fire on Americans then they can stay. Those who will not will be shown the door.
How long will it be before Martin O’Malley has his National Guard and police forces training to disarm citizens and fire on them to accomplish that task?
I put nothing past this guy. He is a lowlife who claims that we need to save the children while supporting murder in the womb.
It is going to get very ugly around here if agents of the state fire on the people. I guess they will feel like it is alright because any new gun laws here will produce a whole new class of criminals; those who refused to comply.
Martin O’Malley is surrounded by armed police officers, who are paid for by taxpayers, to protect his sorry butt. Why is he any more important than the rest of us? Why are they armed with things the rest of us will be prohibited from owning?
It is always easy for those who are protected by armed guards to tell the rest of us we don’t need guns for protection.
New York is getting more totalitarian…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: gun control, Hitler, liar, martin o'malley, Maryland, nazi, republik, socialist
Hoyer Wants It All On The Table?
Dec 4, 2012 Political
Steny Hoyer, useless Congressman from Maryland, said that cuts to Social Security and Medicare should be on the table as part of the budget negotiation process. Apparently, a number of other Democrats believe that they should be looked at for spending reductions but should be addressed at a later date. Plink…
That was the sound of the can being kicked down the road.
Hoyer is saying that taking these items off the table is a bad place to start negotiations. He is correct in that and if he is actually serious about having them on the table then the negotiations can begin. However, he is a Democrat and that means he can’t be trusted.
Here is how I see it. Hoyer says these should be on the table and the other Democrats oppose. Republicans jump in and say; “now we’re talking” and then as the negotiations progress the affected constituents are bombarded with negative information from the Democrats who oppose and their lobbying arm at AARP.
The Republicans get blamed for trying to reduce granny’s check and the furor gets louder. Republicans cave, give Democrats tax increases with no real spending cuts because, well you know, they will come later (psst, they never do).
Then Hoyer and the Republican leadership step in front of cameras claiming they tried to do something about these runaway programs but could not so they struck the best deal they possibly could. They will complement each other, slap backs and say they did a great job.
Then they will adjourn for the holidays and Americans will be left with their shorts around their ankles.
Beware of Democrats bearing gifts. How many times do Republicans have to play Charlie Brown to the football holding Lucy before they wake up?
We do not have an income problem. We have a spending problem.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: budget, lies, Maryland, medicare, social security, steny hoyer