The President Finally Gets It Right
Jun 19, 2011 Political
When it comes to the economy the world is hurting. Some countries that decided not to have a stimulus or bailouts (or limited ones) are doing better than other countries like the US who decided to spend nearly a trillion dollars that we did not have on programs that do not create private sector jobs (because government does not create private sector jobs) and we have little to show for it.
No matter how many people in the regime or how many of its supporters tout how wonderful things are, the fact remains that nearly all measurements are bad and some much worse than they have ever been. Inflation is here and getting worse (but the government denies it because it does not count fuel or food in the equation) and we are ripe for a double dip recession. A number of people who look at such things say it will happen but we are constantly fed a different line by the Obama supporters who think the only economists or money people who matter are the ones who agree with Obama. Keep in mind, Obama has never run anything, never met a payroll, never run a business, and his claim to fame is agitating people and bad mouthing America and white people (cause that’s how white folks will do you).
Finally, there is hope on the presidential scene as the president finally gets it right:
“The proposition that the government is always right is manifested either in corruption or benefits to ‘preferred’ companies,” he said.
“My choice is different. The … economy ought to be dominated by private businesses and private investors. The government must protect the choice and property of those who willingly risk their money and reputation.”
“Corruption, hostility to investment, excessive government role in the economy and the excessive centralization of power are the taxes on the future that we must and will scrap,” he said. AP
Unfortunately for the US, the president who made these remarks is Dmitry Medvedev of Russia. The president of a country that has a huge secretive and Communist past is talking about doing things the way America used to do them while the leader of America is taking us in the direction that failed in the former Soviet Union.
While the leader of the supposedly free country is driving us toward totalitarian rule and complete reliance on government the leader of a country that use to have such conditions is espousing the model that made America great.
It will be a cold day in hell before Obama ever takes such positions.
While Medvedev is talking about such things he also wants Obama to be reelected.
And why not? The US was the world’s superpower and defeated the Soviets in the cold war because our system was better. Communism failed them and freedom made us the victors. With Medvedev shooting for the less government, free market model and Obama shooting for the former Soviet model it won’t be long before Russia is the superpower and we are the vanquished.
We need to get rid of Obama and his Democrats before we are an asterisk in a history book…
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: capitalism, communism, lies, medvedev, Obama, russia, superpower