Since Race Is The Weapon Of Choice…

Since we know that Democrats use the cry of racism as a weapon when they are in trouble and since we know that their plan to derail opposition is to use such false claims (as evidenced by JournoList and Mary Frances Berry), I thought it would be good to remind people of Morgan Freeman’s solution to the race problem.

Notice how Wallace squirms when he is not getting the typical victim claptrap from Freeman:

What a novel idea! How about we stop talking about it and all look past color to see each other as human beings…

But that would be detrimental to the Democrats. They need to use race as a weapon with false allegations designed to put those who oppose them on the defensive. Democrat members of Congress have lied about racist acts in order to paint people who oppose them as racists so those down the line can’t be expected to stop.

It would also put race hustlers like the NAALCP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton out of business.

So there is no way Freeman’s idea will take root. The Democrats can’t lose such a powerful weapon and the race hustlers can’t lose their cash cow…

But it was nice to see someone make sense of the issue…

Big Dog Salute to Brutally Honest

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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