Don’t Ask Don’t Tell If You Are A Christian

Looks like the military will have a new Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy but it will not apply to homosexuals, it will apply to people of faith. A new policy will prohibit members of the military from sharing their faith and since most military members who practice a religion are Christian it will affect them the most. Military members who express or share their faith will be subject to a Court Martial according to a new memo that the Pentagon is set to release.

Interestingly, homosexuals are free to express their sexuality now because the DADT signed under Clinton has been lifted by Obama.

I imagine that this new DADT will not apply to Muslims because they get special treatment wherever they go. They get prayer rooms, foot washing stations and time to pray five times a day in all kinds of places where liberals traditionally shun religious expression particularly from Christians.

The world is turning upside down when a guy like Tim Tebow who expresses his religious beliefs is mocked by the media and told to keep it to himself but a professional basketball player admits he is gay and he is hailed as a hero and gets a call from bathhouse Barry Obama.

I don’t particularly care if anyone is gay, that is their business. Since when does openly expressing that become a heroic act? How many of the people who ran towards the blasts in Boston to help the wounded received a call from Obama? Running in in the direction of the blast to help is an act of heroism.

Coming out of the closet is not. It might have taken courage to do it but it is far from heroic.

This is the backward country we are now living in as the progressive agenda works to strip us from our tradition and our identity. The men and women of the armed forces fight to protect and defend the Constitution and this new memo will prohibit them from exercising one of the protected rights, the free expression of their religion.

The measure being taken is so twisted that it could leave Chaplains in hot water for doing what Chaplains do. They will be expressing and sharing their faith.

Seems to me the Obama regime and the progressives are working to remove Chaplains from the military in an effort to further erode the warfighters.

I proudly served for 24 years and I never pushed my religious beliefs on anyone else but I was never afraid to share them or to openly express my beliefs and I was never offended when others did the same. I doubt I would serve in the military as it stands today because the civilians in charge of it are a bunch of socialist morons who are hell bent on destroying it but if I did I would express myself as I saw fit and so long as it did not interfere with someone else the leadership could suck wind.

I imagine a number of people are just waiting to either get out or praying that the military will not be totally destroyed by the time Obama leaves office.

Jimmy Carter damn near destroyed the military and Obama is trying to one up him.

Congress is charged with developing the rules by for the armed forces (Article 1, Section 8, US Constitution) and it needs to make a rule that prevents the Obama regime from infringing on the rights of the brave men and women who stand at the gates of Hell to protect this nation.

The country is going to Hell and Obama is leading the way. We need to squash him and the rest of the progressive morons like the bugs that they are.

Congress needs to get some testicular fortitude and quickly.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Will She Rent To Illegal Aliens?

A woman in Massachusetts decided not to rent an apartment to a person seeking a place to live. The person was not some drug addicted alcoholic or maggot infested hippie. This person was not even an Occupy moron which is just silly because that person would expect the place to be rent free.

It seems that if any of the above mentioned types had applied they would have gotten the place. But SGT Joel Morgan, a National Guardsman, was deemed unacceptable to Janice Roberts, the owner of the apartment.

Roberts is anti war and believes that renting to a person who serves in the military (and who actually served in the war zone) would create a conflict of interest.

SGT Morgan has decided to sue Ms. Roberts and I hope he wins and wins big.

Isn’t it amazing that liberal localities and activist judges make it criminal to ask immigration status of people desiring to rent but the honorable service to our country is a disqualifier?

I wonder what would have happened if Roberts denied an illegal alien the apartment?

I wonder what would have happened if she had denied the apartment to a gay person?

It is highly unlikely that Roberts opposes those two issues but some people do so what would happen if they applied the Roberts’ logic when deciding to rent to people?

While I find it sad that our country has people like Roberts I find it even more so that this takes place in Massachusetts, a state that has a proud history of patriotism and service in peace and war. Many of this Nation’s battles for freedom were fought in that once great state.

Now it is a haven for liberal lunacy.

Maybe SGT Morgan will win and win big and we will have another shot heard round the world from Massachusetts.

I still have hope for the people of Massachusetts because of a wonderful young man named Brendan Haas.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Is Obama Working To Improve National Security Creds?

While Barack Obama criticized George Bush and the use of military force (remember, Obama opposed everything Bush did) he has done some of the things he accused Bush of doing. It was Obama who used military force without Congressional approval, not Bush.

While Obama is working to draw down troop levels in Iraq and Afghanistan the Pentagon is preparing contingencies for Iran. I would normally think that the Pentagon has these contingencies and plans for this stuff all the time. I would have thought that we have plans for Iran and many other countries that could initiate violence against us.

The fact that the news is being reported and that there are claims we could defeat Iran in short order coupled with plans to engage North Korea appears to be election year bluster in order to improve the standing of the lame Commander in Chief.

This is reported as Obama uses the Seals and the troops in Afghanistan as props in his election campaign stops (but his toadies claim it is not political). He is using the troops to push a tough guy image while he guts the military and its capabilities.

The plans call for doing more with less and perhaps this is the reason the plans are being revised or are being announced.

The Pentagon is faced with a lot of cuts in troop strength and budget money is being reduced as weapons systems wear out and age. The Pentagon needs to have plans in order to react to any threat but now it must do more with less.

I imagine this is probably the regime’s attempt to show that we are still able to protect our nation even after the cuts. It is probably designed to make it appear as if Barack Obama is not harming the country and its armed forces.

It might even be an attempt to show the members of the armed forces that the Commander in Chief has their backs and is looking out for them.

Since a large percentage of the armed forces are conservative it is hard to believe that Obama will get much of their votes.

This is, after all, why Democrats work hard to disenfranchise the military by making sure their votes don’t count.

I realize the Pentagon war games all the time. However, when Bush was President the left loved to tell us he would trot out bin Laden or start a skirmish in order to win an election. Those things never happened under Bush but it is only fair to apply the same standard to Obama.

He has trotted out bin Laden. Will a war be next?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Military Pays In Many Ways

As Barack Obama apologized for the burning of the Koran, books used by prisoners to pass messages, Maryland Soldier Major Robert Marchanti was murdered in Afghanistan by an animal. Bob was murdered because a book was burned. He paid the ultimate price and his Commander in Chief is apologizing (as did the General in charge over there). Is the Afghani President apologizing over Bob’s murder? Hell no, he is calling for those who burned the books to be prosecuted.

Did anyone apologize when the US Army burned Bibles it confiscated from a soldier? No and Christians did not riot and kill people.

Perhaps we should start rioting to get what we want.

Bob Marchanti and I served together and he was my friend. It is tragic that he died and it hurts deeply to know he will never be with his family or friends again. It hurts more to know that he was murdered by someone he was helping and because someone burned a book.

Our military sacrifices everything for this country and that sacrifice sometimes includes their lives. We willingly go through the gates of hell to keep our country safe and free.

What thanks do the men and women of the military get from the people who run this country? They get slapped in the face as the politicians try to balance the budget on the backs of those who serve. While social welfare programs remain untouched the defense budget is hacked to pieces and the programs promised to veterans are going to cost them much more. The federal government is looking to increase the premiums veterans pay for health care.

Some claim that the goal is to force veterans into Obamacare. I don’t know (though it would not surprise me) and I don’t care.

Veterans have sacrificed a lot up front for benefits in the future and it is just flat out wrong for the government to break the promises it made to its warriors.

It is not my intention to use the death of my friend for political purposes. I would not dishonor him or his family by doing so.

However, his death reminds us of what sacrifice is and that we have commitments to those who serve.

Commitments that we should honor.

Rest in peace my friend. You served honorably and will be sorely missed.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Live From DC, It’s Al Franken

Weird Al Franken, the “what were they thinking” Senator from Minnesota was on the floor to discuss the current debt ceiling debate and he had a few charts that were rather disturbing. He borrowed the first chart from the set Obama placed on the southern border. The chart read; Welcome Terrorists. Then he went on to explain that members of the GOP were briefed about what would happen if the debt ceiling was not raised. He showed how much money there was and where it would go and what would not be paid.

Franken listed the following as being paid (all numbers in billions); Service debt-29.0, Social Security-49.2, Medicare/Medicaid-50.0, Defense Vendors-31.7, and Unemployment 12.8.

The next chart shows what would not be paid and it includes Military pay and Veteran’s benefits for a combined 5.8 billion dollars. There are other agencies listed as well including the Department of justice at 1.4 billion dollars.

Franken is trying to scare people into believing that we will invite terrorists in because the military and the DOJ will not be funded. What he is actually pointing out is that Franken (and by extension, his Democrat buddies) would rather pay unemployment benefits to people who are not producing anything (regardless of why they are out of work) and not pay the active military and veterans. He would also rather pay the unemployed than pay the Department of Justice.

So tell me, under this scheme, who is actually inviting the terrorists into the country.

The idea that those who are sitting at home doing nothing would be paid while the men and women who defend this country would not makes my skin boil and the fact that Franken has prioritized it this way is enough to earn him a well deserved butt kicking. They should take him and anyone who tries to implement something like this out back of the Capitol and hang them for treason. I am sure we can make the case they are giving material aid and comfort to our enemies. Welcoming terrorists is an act of treason and if not raising the debt ceiling would invite terrorists then it is Franken and his ilk who would be sending the invitations.

I don’t even think the vendors should be on the list. They get paid when the issue is settled. If they want they can charge interest for carrying the debt load. Or perhaps it would be a good time to review our contracts and eliminate those that are not actually needed.

No matter what, the military should not go without pay. How dare this half baked moron even suggest that the unemployed should keep getting unemployment checks while our brave men and women go without.

This is a scare tactic and it shows that Democrats are either not serious about the issue, don’t understand the issue or actually hate the military.

I bet it is all three.

I wonder what would happen if all those men and women showed up with their weaponry and demanded their paychecks.

I also wonder if Franken includes members of Congress in the federal employees who do not get paid. No member of Congress should ever get paid before a member of the military.

And neither should the unemployed (and if we are lucky most of Congress will be unemployed in 2012).

But if Franken and his colleagues insist on this scheme then we can take the 15 million or so people drawing unemployment and ship them to the borders to keep the terrorists out. We can also send half a million of them to the Middle East and bring our troops home.

Al Franken is an absolute moron who couldn’t pour urine out of a boot if the directions were written on the bottom.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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