Brokaw Did It To Obama As Well

NBC and Tom Brokaw have expressed displeasure with Mitt Romney for using footage from the 1990s, featuring Brokaw, in ads attacking Newt Gingrich. I read comments posted and people say NBC is imposing on the right to free speech. People are upset that Brokaw and NBC would request Romney to cease and desist.

The most important thing about this is that it is not a free speech issue.

However, Barack Obama used Brokaw in an ad when he was running in 2008 and NBC sent him a cease and desist order as well. In this particular case Brokaw is acting no differently toward the Republican than he did the Democrat. It is easy to see how folks would not see this since the MSM is overwhelmingly liberal and has protected Democrats (particularly Obama) from day one.

What should bother people is Brokaw’s stated reason for not wanting Romney using the clip:

I am extremely uncomfortable with the extended use of my personal image in this political ad. I do no want my role as a journalist compromised for political gain by any campaign. Politico

Who in their right mind thinks of Brokaw as a journalist? That would require objective reporting and proper vetting of political candidates. It would require an allegiance to the public and upholding the tradition of the media being a watchdog for the people of this country.

Brokaw is another member of the media wing of the Democrat party and he has failed to act as a journalist.

A commentator, sure, but in no way a journalist…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


A Preview Of Obamacare

The state of Massachusetts had Obamacare before there was an Obama to worry about. It came under Republican Mitt Romney and it is basically the same thing that the federal government shoved down our throats. It is also a huge failure. Imagine how life will be when all 50 states are full of Obamacare hospitals:

Four Massachusetts community hospitals are investigating how thousands of patient health records, some containing Social Security numbers and sensitive medical diagnoses, ended up in a pile at a public dump.

The unshredded records included pathology reports with patients’ names, addresses, and results of breast, bone, and skin cancer tests, as well as the results of lab work following miscarriages.

There will be no privacy and there will be little if any competence. Government grows bigger and programs get bigger and as they do the incompetence is more and more evident. There are countless examples from the mismanagement of Stimulus funds to the payment of benefits for dead people and these will only become more frequent and more egregious as government grows bigger and sinks its fangs deeper into the neck of America.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Tancredo Trades Principle for Politics, Blows Immigration Stance

Tom Tancredo officially dropped out of the GOP race today and he threw his support behind Mitt Romney. Tancredo has great positions on immigration but he is a one trick pony. All he ever talked about was immigration. I am sure there are other issues he has positions on but he failed to come across as anything more than an advocate for tough immigration law enforcement. The one trick got old fast for a number of people who realize that there are many issues in addition to immigration. In dropping out Tancredo had the chance to show how principled he was with regard to his signature issue. Unfortunately, he failed miserably.

Tom Tancredo threw his support behind Mitt Romney who Tancredo met with to receive assurances that Romney would be tough on the issue of immigration. In throwing his support behind Romney Tancredo stated that he was “the best hope for our cause.” This is where I have problems and where it appears to me that he abandoned his principles and went for the politics of the issue. Romney is not as bad as Giuliani or Huckabee when it comes to immigration but he has had his issues with it. I don’t believe that Romney should be held accountable if the company he hired employed illegals. It is the responsibility of the company to do that. However, the company in question had been caught using ILLEGALS before and Romney failed to keep an eye on them or to replace them all together. It took a news report showing admitted ILLEGALS working on his property for him before he fired the company. This man is running for the presidency. He is under much higher scrutiny than the guy next door and he should have been on top of this. He says he is tough on immigration but it does not appear that way.

Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul are the only remaining GOP candidates with records that reflect tough immigration policies. If Tancredo wanted to show that he was absolutely concerned about the issue he should have selected one of these candidates to throw his support behind. Ron Paul has a very good plan with regard to immigration and while I am not in favor of many of his other policies I like his stance on immigration and our borders. Fred Thompson has an equally good plan at his site as does Duncan Hunter. Any of these guys would have been a better choice to be “the best hope for our cause.” Yet, Tancredo neglected each of these people, people who have stands and would not need to provide reassurance, in order to support Romney, a man with questionable views on Immigration. Before the Romney crowd beats me up, remember, Tancredo needed to get reassurance. That is usually not necessary if you have been clear and consistent.

It is unfortunate but Tancredo traded his principles. It gives the impression that Tancredo was not all that serious about immigration because he could not back one of the people who is actually tough on the issue. Since that was his only issue he could have at least picked someone who held the same beliefs. If Romney gets elected and he ends up signing an amnesty bill Tancredo and his efforts will go to the ash heap of history. He will be viewed as a man who backed the guy who gave the country away.

It is unfortunate that Tancredo could not get this right but at least it shows that he would not have been a good president. If he blew this easy choice this badly think about how terribly he would do with judges, justices, and just about any other appointee.

Des Moines Register

Big Dog

Ron Paul Triples Support in Iowa!

The latest polls are out for the GOP contest in Iowa and they show Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney in a virtual tie for the top spot. Though touted as a surprise the real surprise is that Ron Paul has tripled his support in that state. Paul polled at 2% in the past and is now up at 6% which ties him with John McCain.

Paul supporters will no doubt be pleased that their candidate’s message is getting out and giving him better numbers as the primary approaches. If Paul keeps this pace he could be the front runner by the time the polls open in January.

Keep it up Ron-bots, your message is being heard.

Washington Post

Big Dog