Walker, Tax-Less Ranger

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin comfortably won the recall election the left worked to get (be careful what you ask for…). By now you know the story. Walker was elected, changed the collective bargaining terms of unions and worked to balance the state budget (which now has a surplus). The public sector union thugs were not happy and worked on a recall, a recall that the left across the nation supported (important to mention). The recall happened and despite support from the unions and liberals all across this nation Walker won.

The left is now saying the recall did not matter to liberals and it has no indications outside of Wisconsin because it was just a state recall issue. Lest we allow the left to rewrite history, here is a video of how they felt then and how they are talking now.

Barack Obama decided not to actively engage in this recall and a lot of Democrats are very unhappy about that. One wonders how they will respond later this year when Obama asks for their support in getting him reelected considering he did not support them in the recall.

Time will tell but I think Wisconsin is now in play for Republicans. Democrats there might not want to vote for the Republican but on Election Day they might decide to pull an Obama and stay out of the race.

Moonbats (there is a word I have not used in a while) have been showing how unhinged they are over the Walker victory.

Twitter lit up with death threats to Walker and his family.

Woman slaps Barrett for conceding.

Anti-Walker moron cries that Democracy Died Tonight. [Author note: Good, we do not live in a Democracy, we live in a Republic and Walker is ensuring we stay there]

And my favorite, Teary eyed Ed Schultz of PMSNBC laments the loss.

Why all the anger? The liberals realize this is a death blow to the public sector unions. The people of Wisconsin saw that Walker’s plan was working and that they were doing better. They realized all the doom and gloom predicted by their union puppet masters never came to pass. They saw that what Walker is doing is good and will help the state stay in the black instead of swimming in red ink, the result of what the recall supporters wanted to return to.

And why the angst among liberals across the nation? Because the plan that Walker instituted is working, it is a plan for success and it is the exact OPPOSITE of what Obama is doing. Walker showed the right way to do things and it is nothing like what Obama is doing.

And the Democrats are suddenly realizing that the electorate is not as stupid as they thought. The Democrats have been shown that people will choose fiscal responsibility over foolish, out of control spending.

Unions have seen that when people are not forced to join, they don’t and that people no longer think it is OK to be fleeced by fat cat thug union leaders.

Not everyone is on board and there are still people who think they should be allowed to continue getting “free” stuff from gubmint. There are those who are not able to think for themselves and who refuse to leave the plantation.

There will always be those kinds among us but the majority, at least for one night, saw the light.

Walker brought reasonable austerity measures, lower taxes, and control of the union mess to Wisconsin.

He also brought the nation something. Well, the Democrats actually did. By recalling Walker they showed the entire nation how ugly and mean they are and how Walker’s plan is working.

They also brought us closer to a major victory in November as the tide starts to move away from Hope and Change to real leadership.

Congratulations to Governor Scott Walker and the people of Wisconsin. Well fought and righteously won!

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


We Are Back To A War On Terror

It was not that long ago that Barack Obama decided we were not in a war on terror. He decided that this phrase as well as a few words/phrases like Jihadists and global war were no loner acceptable and did not reflect what was taking place.

“The President does not describe this as a ‘war on terrorism,'” said John Brennan, head of the White House homeland security office, who outlined a “new way of seeing” the fight against terrorism. Washington Times

It seems that we are now back to a war on terror and this might have something to do with Obama’s war in Afghanistan. He has sent more troops as part of an increase that started under President Bush’s surge (a strategy Obama said would not work when implemented in Iraq) and now he will likely have to send more if he wants to achieve victory. This has to drive his base nuts because he promised them when he was candidate Obama that he would bring the troops home. It might have looked as if he was heading that way when he softened the terminology but the return to “war on terror” leaves a quick end unlikely.

The term is more threatening than the watered down versions that came out of the White House early on and this might be because Obama wants support for his actions. To be clear, I support any movements that increase troop strength and include tactics aimed at victory but the right is not who needs to be convinced (though we will certainly deride him for his naivete during the campaign). His base is the gaggle that took him at his word when he said he would bring the troops home and they are the ones who need to be convinced.

Obama has not read the assessment of Afghanistan yet (it was sent to the Pentagon today) but it is believed to include the need for more troops. If he decides to send more troops, and it looks like he will, the left will go bonkers. Cindy Sheehan is already ginning up her band of merry mischief makers and it will not be long before the entire left is fed up with Obama and his war.

I want to see an end to war but the only way for it to end is with victory defined on our terms. Obama desperately wants to bring the troops home to fulfill his campaign pledge but now that he is no longer a candidate reality is setting in and he is beginning to see that the decisions are tough and one cannot just make statements or snap fingers and expect results even if the one is the messiah of the left.

It will be interesting to see how the left reacts if this all takes place. The right supports the troops and their efforts and knows that the only exit strategy is victory. Obama won’t have to convince us of the need to support the troops. His task is to reel in his base.

This is a tough position because if they do not side with him he will have hell to pay and if they do it will show once and for all that they are hypocrites.

I think Olbermann will be the first moonbat to jump on board along with tingle leg Matthews. It would not be the first time these guys changed positions based upon the party of the White House occupant.

Big Dog

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Uh Oh, Obama Wanted To Fire US Attorney To Get Own Guy

Let me start off by saying that George Bush was well within his right to fire US attorneys and replace them with whom he wanted. They serve at his discretion. I know there are people who claim he fired them for political reasons and that might be true but Clinton fired all of them to get one out who was investigating a Democratic friend. That is as political as it gets. The key point is that the attorneys serve at the discretion of the president, no matter who that president is.

The left went bonkers over the firing of the attorneys by Bush. They are still fighting that battle and calling witnesses in order to determine if the firings were illegal. I imagine there are some instances where firing them would be illegal like if they were homosexual or because of color but lacking very defined things such as those, I can’t imagine that it was illegal to fire people who served at his discretion. That has not stopped the howling from the moonbats. How much howling will they do now?

Barack Obama wanted to replace Catherine Hanaway, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, and replace her with St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch. Hanaway is a Republican and McCulloch is a Democrat.

McCulloch turned down the job offer from Obama because he wants to stay where he is. However, this begs the question; will the moonbats investigate Obama over this? Hanaway has done nothing wrong but Obama wanted to fire her and replace her with McCulloch who just happens to be one of the Nazis who wanted to prosecute anyone who spoke out negatively about Obama.

This was obviously politically motivated. It is obvious that this is payback for McCulloch’s support and SS tactics on behalf of The Won. Poor Hanaway is a civil servant trying to do the best job she can and is not accused of any wrong doing. Why would they get rid of her?

I say it is because she serves at the discretion of the president and I will bet the liberals will say the same thing.

But that is not how they felt when it was Bush doing the firing.

Karl Rove is going to testify over the Bush firings. Obama could not have given him a better gift.

SENATOR: Mr. Rove, what gave President Bush the authority to fire these attorneys? Don’t you think that was wrong and what part did you play?

ROVE: I don’t think it was wrong because they serve at his discretion. It was no more wrong than Obama trying to fire Hanaway and replace her with McCulloch which recently happened and I want to thank Barack Obama for doing that. She serves at his discretion and he can replace her if he wants. As for what I had to do with it, I gave my opinion when asked.

KSDK St. Louis
Big Dog Salute to Stop the ACLU

Big Dog

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The Dirty Deed Is Done

Well, Barack Hussein Obama (is it OK to use Hussein now that he did) was sworn in as the nation’s 44th president after a bit of a false start and jumbled words by both Obama and Chief Justice Roberts. They got their timing and words correct (or close enough for government work) and finished. Not the big deal writers from both sides portrayed it as. The right said Obama blew it and the left said Roberts blew it. I think both men has a miscue because of nerves. Obama started while Roberts was still going and then Roberts said the words out of order. It all worked out and Obama was sworn in.

The speech was the same stuff you expect. Enough of the “what we all have to do” mixed with the ideological claptrap about government fixing things. There were two things that demonstrated to me why liberals are evil, nasty, asses who deserve to have the snot slapped out of them.

The first was this Reverend Lowery. He stood up there and was supposed to deliver a prayer. It turned out to be a sermon on the long road and all that crap. He ended it with a racist slap that insulted white people and should have every white boiling. He offended a lot of people:

‘Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around… when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen’… Google News

Is this guy living 200 years ago? What the hell is the matter with him. He makes it sound as if people of color don’t have a chance in this country despite the fact that he just watched a black man become president. Then, he tells us how we work for the day when whites will embrace what is right. This sawed off half witted dumb ass has white people to thank for Barack Obama being president. Obama could not have won without a significant numer of whites voting for him. Now I might concede that that was not the right thing to do but Lowery and the rest think it was so what the hell does he mean?

This country was founded by whites and whites freed slaves and if Lowery was looking to be accurate he would have said “when Democrats embrace what is right.” They are the ones who have done the most harm to people of color. I might also point out that everyone in this country has an equal chance and people of color have a more equal chance because of affirmative action. There are good and bad people of all colors and for this low life to throw such an obviously racist remark out there is beyond the pale.

The homos were all worried about Warren? Get real, he did not say anything that insulted anyone (I did not hear him but if he had it would be all over the news). Everyone was so concerned and wondered why the sainted one invited Warren when they should have been worried about Lowery.

It would appear as if Jeremiah Wright is not the only racist pastor that Obama knows. Well screw Lowery and screw anyone who believes that crap and screw those who feel there was nothing wrong with it or fail to condemn it. The past injustices of slavery and discrimination are no excuse for what he said.

The second thing that was offensive was the way the moonbats treated President Bush. This was his last day in office and they could not let him transfer power and leave. They were singing nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey goodbye. They were being nasty to him and treating him terribly in front of his family and in front of the world. I was hoping that the moonbats would have enough decency to behave and show some civility on his last day. I know that I expected too much. I have seen how these morons acted for the past 8 years and today was nothing different. I imagine there would have been a riot if Bush supporters had heckled Obama. Maybe we need a few good old fashioned riots to alleviate some tension.

Well, to hell with them. They talk of working together and making nice. SCREW them. It is time they get a bit of their own medicine. Turn about is fair play and I am in no mood to be nice.

What we need is open season on liberals with no bag limit.

Maybe the moonbats were just upset because the world’s problems did not miraculously disappear once Obama swore in.

Or perhaps they were all wondering if Michelle Obama had broken into their homes and stolen their drapes to wear as a dress.

In any event, they can get in line, behind all the other people in line, to kiss my…

Big Dog

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More Hatred From The Left

A man was preparing to go for a run when he noticed his car had been vandalized. Frank Armstrong found that his Lexus, which was adorned with a McCain/Palin sticker (as well as a Nobama sticker), had received about $5000 worth of damage that was obviously caused by a deranged moonbat.

The car had obscenities and the letters “KKK” etched into the paint, cigarette burns on the car and the criminals might have urinated on it.

How do I know it was a left wing moonbat?

A burned American Flag was found on the hood of the car.

This is not surprising since there are always these kinds of left wing attacks just before elections. If Obama wins his worshipers will become even more brazen. The period just after the election will be a very dangerous one.

That reminds me, I need to pick up some more ammo.

I hope they find the people who did this so they can go to jail. Then maybe they will lose their right to vote…

Big Dog