What Media Bias?

The left will scream from the rooftops that the media are not biased and that they were not in the tank for Obama. That is a bunch of crap as most of the MSM are nothing more than extended arms of the Democrat Party.

MSNBC Did No Negative Stories About Obama or Positive Ones About Romney Last Week of Campaign

A new study just released by the Pew Research Center found that in the final week of the just-ended presidential campaign, the “Lean Forward” network did absolutely no negative stories about President Obama or positive ones about Mitt Romney.

Instead of Lean Forward MSDNC’s slogan should be Bend Over…

Report: Obama Coverage Turned More Favorable In Final Week Of Election

From October 29 to November 5, positive stories about Obama in mainstream media outlets outnumbered negative ones by 10 percentage points, with 29 percent positive, and 19 negative. On the other hand, negative stories about the GOP nominee Mitt Romney outweighed positive stories by 17 points, with 33 percent negative compared to 16 positive.

Nothing to see here, move along.

I am still waiting for the MSM to cover the massive voter fraud that took place across the country. When many locations report that voter turnout was greater than 100% of the total number of registered voters there is a problem. When military voters are systematically disenfranchised there is a problem. When Mitt Romney received NOT ONE vote in over 100 precincts between PA and OH alone (how many more like this across the country) then there is a problem.

Would this make a difference? The only way to find out is to investigate before the results are certified. But greater than 100% and no votes for Romney adds up to millions of disenfranchised Republican voters and many more votes for Obama than he actually received. Remember, it is not how the national number was affected; it is how it would result in each state in the battle for electoral votes.

Anyone who thinks that fewer Republicans actually voted given the 2010 midterm election and the enthusiasm among the right’s voters is delusional.

It is only fraud when Democrats lose. They refuse to look at fraud that is clearly there when they win.

And their lapdog media are more than willing to assist in the cause.

Our Founders are spinning in their graves at such a high rate of speed we could tap the energy to generate electricity.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


High Tech Lynching

While the left screams about TEA Party members wanting blacks lynched (a baseless claim) the left is engaging in a high tech lynching of a black conservative. The story that Herman Cain was accused of sexual harassment and that an investigation turned up nothing has not stopped the left wing media (the Democrat wing) from lynching him. The baseless claims line up with the smear job The New York Times did in manufacturing (in 2008) the equally baseless claim that John McCain had an affair.

The left is very fast to jump on the lynch train when it comes to Herman Cain even though the allegations appear baseless. When it comes to their own they ignore the facts to provide protection.

Bill Clinton accused of rape and caught (and verified via DNA) having sex with an intern. He lied about it and the Democrats defended him during the impeachment he suffered for perjury. The left said it was a personal affair, a matter of sex between consenting adults. Nothing to see here so move along.

John Edwards is another example. He denied, denied, denied and then bam, the facts came out and not only did he have an affair while his poor wife was dying of cancer, he fathered a child. He was eventually shunned by his party but not until the evidence was so overwhelming (and sleazy) that there was no way to deny it.

Jesse Jackson, the paragon of virtue, fathered a child with someone that was not his wife. He is still regarded as a spokesperson for the disadvantaged minorities in this country (or those who have been told so often they are disadvantaged that they act like it).

We are all human beings and we all make mistakes. These men suffered their issues in public because of who they are. The untold numbers of people in the same situations are unknown to all except their family and friends because they do not live in the public’s eye.

The problem arises when allegations such as those against McCain and Herman Cain are manufactured and people do not give them the benefit of the doubt because of politics. Clinton and Edwards deny it so it must be false. Cain denies it and he is lying…

Wouldn’t it be better if the NYT did not make up the McCain story?

Wouldn’t it be better if Cain received the same consideration Clinton and Edwards did when the left kept telling us nothing was going on? It has not been shown that Cain did anything wrong. If it turns out that he did then fine, skewer him and send him on his way.

The idea that he needs to be ruined over baseless accusations is one of the things wrong in our political system.

It would have been nice though, if the MSM had spent as much time vetting Obama as it does looking to destroy Republicans.

Certainly there were a few things in Obama’s past that were liabilities. Of course they are not a problem when the MSM is burying legitimate stories.

Then again, the left only lynches blacks who have strayed away from the Democrat plantation.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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If Bush Had Said It…

George Bush had a way with words that made liberals cringe. Every nuance or mistake was highlighted on TV and other media outlets as proof that Bush was an idiot, a moron, or mentally challenged. The same media uses the mistakes of Sarah Palin to show she is an idiot and not worthy of consideration for anything regardless of her actual intelligence. The media though, love to ignore Obama’s mistakes. He has made many verbal gaffes but the MSM ignores when Obama makes a mistake. He is, after all, the smartest man in the world, so they have to protect him.

At a campaign rally, I mean jobs bill rally this week Obama discussed how great America used to be. We did, according to Obama the Great, build the Intercontinental Railroad

Now, we used to have the best infrastructure in the world here in America. We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad, the Interstate Highway System. (Applause.) We built the Hoover Dam. We built the Grand Central Station. (Applause.) LA Times

I am sure Obama meant the Transcontinental Railroad since we don’t have a rail system that extends from the US to places like Europe or Africa. Since he was talking about America’s infrastructure one must assume he was talking about the Transcontinental Railroad.

Anyone can make a mistake though one would assume that his speech writers would crack a book or do a Google search to ensure they had it correct.

If George Bush had made this mistake the liberal media pundits would be talking about what a moron he is and how stupid we are as a people for electing such a buffoon.

But when Obama makes this kind of error it is ignored. Can’t let the masses know how dumb the leader really is.

Obama is the least intelligent man in any room he enters…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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These Are My People; Americans

The talk about the TEA Party movement is that it is filled with racists, those opposed to Barack Obama’s agenda because he is a black man. The thought never crosses the minds of the MSM that perhaps the people are opposed to his policies and his agenda.

During TEA Party gatherings the MSM looks long and hard for the one person who says something wrong or has an inappropriate sign. Those folks might belong to the gathering or not but are always used to broad brush the entire movement as racist haters. Blacks who attend the TEA Parties are looked at as sell outs or misguided people and they are asked about feeling out of place.

One such interview took place yesterday by an NBC reporter who asked a black man if he felt uncomfortable. His answer is priceless and is an example of the TEA Party members.

The answer was; “No, no, these are my people, Americans.”

And that is the rest of the story.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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As If They Were Not Already Doing This

There is a group, Crash The Party, that is publicly announcing that it wants to crash TEA Parties and exaggerate the stereotype the MSM has painted for the group. The group wants to infiltrate and make the TEA Party look “more” racist and “more” ignorant.

This group is acting like this is new. Plenty of Democrat/liberal/progressive operatives have been in the TEA Party protests and have acted ignorant to portray the Party as bad. This has been going on for quite some time because the left knows that if a person screams a bad word or shows up with a racist sign, the MSM will say that this is a Party member and paint the entire party as having the same views.

Remember, it was the left that beat up a black TEA Party member and called him the N word. This was basically ignored by the MSM. It was actual violence and actual racism and it was ignored because the left’s goons in SEIU were the ones doing it. When TEA Party members started legally carrying firearms to the events the physical attacks stopped. The attacks by media did not as those with guns were called racists. The MSM cropped out the person carrying a gun to show the world the racist there.

Turns out he was a black guy…

This propaganda from state run media is what we are up against with this regime in office.

So Crash The Party can act like it is doing something new but the left and its sock puppets in the media have been doing this all along.

But now there is proof that people are doing it.

How convenient. From now on, any ignorant stuff at a TEA Party event can be blamed on a Crash The Party member. Just say it was one of those guys.

It has been one of those types all along but now we have it in writing.

I wonder if stimulus money from the regime was used to fund the group or if it came from their lord and master, George Soros…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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