Obama Causes Market To Drop 680 Points

The Stock Market Dropped 680 points yesterday and it is Barack Obama’s fault. As a matter of fact, the market has lost quite a bit since November 4th and it is all because of Obama. Obama has been the cause of other bad things as well. Manufacturing is at its lowest in 26 years and Treasury yields have plunged to their lowest ever and this is all Obama’s fault.

I know there are a few moonbats who will say this is not true and that Obama is not even in office yet (though he thinks he is) even though there are plenty who want Bush to move aside and let him in now. Democrats have never been big supporters of the Constitution so this is not a surprise. In any event, Barack Obama has to be to blame for all the bad because the moonbats are giving him credit when things are good (or at least better).

George Stephanopoulos stated that the 17% increase in the market since Obama began announcing his economic team was attributed to The One. The huge gain on the market, Obama’s doing and the report that Black Friday had an increase in spending, you guessed it, Obama is responsible. As an aside, the numbers for Black Friday will not be in until later in the week. The numbers reported were what shoppers said they spent. Like exit polling, it is better to wait for the results than to bank on what people say.

George Stephanopoulos is giving Obama credit when things are looking good so logic dictates that Obama must be responsible when things are bad. But wait, Stephanopoulos is not the only moron in the story.

USA Today reports that the actions of Barack Obama have perked up the market and that his quick actions are a jolt to the economy. I don’t find it hard to believe that Obama could do these things because he is the guy who will stop oceans from rising and will turn back global warming. Obama can feed the multitudes with a few fishes and loaves so it is not hard to believe that he can wave his hands and say the magic words (Hope and Change) and the market will respond. But once again, if he is responsible for the good then he is responsible for the bad.

The bad is that the market has lost more than it has gained since he was elected. The market is down 1476 points since the day after the election and this is all Barack Obama’s fault. It must be because little Georgie and USA Today gave him credit for the good so he is also responsible for the bad. I know that moonbats like to play the game that everything bad is Bush/Republican and everything good is Obama/Democrat but it does not work that way.

There are two choices. Bush is responsible for all of it or Obama is responsible for all of it. Now, since Bush is the President and WILL BE until 20 January at noon, it would only make sense that this is his fault. But since the (ahem) well respected media has made Obama the economy king, then it is up to people like me to ensure you know he is causing bad stuff to happen. The reality is, the policies of the Democrats caused the meltdown and the policies aimed at fixing them are making it worse.

One other piece of unfinished business. I said that Obama would be my president and that I would not act like the morons on the left did toward George Bush and I mean that. I am an American and Obama (who claims to be one but has not proven it) will be the American president so he will be my president but he will never be my leader. His being my president is as far as it goes which is more than I can say about the moonbats’ relationship with Bush. I am not looking for bipartisanship, I don’t want to play together, I don’t want to follow anything Obama wants to do, and I am not ready to make nice. I will not go bananas (like the Kos morons or the idiots at Huffington and her Hollywood nimrods) but I will be here to point out the bad things (like Obama screwing up the market even more). I will be quick to jump up and down on his supporters who give him a pass when he does things that he should not. If I don’t think you would have let Bush slide then I am not going to let you or your leader slide.

I have this take on it. For 7 years the moonbats told us that they supported the troops but not the war. I can play that game because I support my country but not the president of it.

Newsbusters here and here.

Big Dog

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Insider Confirms MSM Bias

This has been around for a day or so but it will not get much attention from the MSM (go figure). Glenn Reynolds from Instapundit received an email from a reader who works in a mainstream media newsroom:

“Off the record, every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true. We have a team of 4 people going thru dumpsters in Alaska and 4 in arizona. Not a single one looking into Acorn, Ayers or Freddiemae. Editor refuses to publish anything that would jeopardize election for O, and betting you dollars to donuts same is true at NYT, others. People cheer when CNN or NBC run another Palin-mocking but raising any reasonable inquiry into obama is derided or flat out ignored. The fix is in, and its working.” I asked permission to reprint without attribution and it was granted.

This is as obvious as flatulence in an elevator.

Neocon Latina has an excellent example of this with regard to a story about Obama’s Commie mommy.

IowaHawk has a comical video from Obama’s teleprompter. It shows the “articulate” Obama that appears when the MSM is not there to edit out the stumbles and the teleprompter is not there to save the day.

Obama supporters made a new logo for him complete with the Muslim Crescent and Star. Think the MSM will report on this? Or, this (In farsi it says. ” he is with us and we are with him”)? If so, how would it play? [Gateway Pundit]

The MSM is in the tank for Obama. These organizations have always been liberal but were more careful in hiding it. Now there is no pretense. They openly show their bias and they have no regard for objective journalism.

Big Dog Salute to Little Green Footballs

UPDATE: Need more? The moderator of the VP debate, Gwen Ifill, is an ardent Obama supporter and has written a pro Obama book that is to be released on inauguration day. How can this woman be seen as anything but a partisan hack? She should be replaced. The question is, who should replace her?

UPDATE 2: Raven found that you can now buy your own Obama Carry All Designer Bag. You can purchase it at the Boston Globe store.

Big Dog

Obama stabs Hillary; minor racism OK as well

Saturday was an interesting day starting with Obama’s pick for VP and ending up with Chris Matthews dismissing “racist”** remarks made by Biden in the past.

Obama was supposed to announce his VP pick Friday but two things changed that. Obama was caught up in the frenzy and delayed but now that I see how things transpired I am sure that Obama waited, at least in part, so that he could take one last dig at Hillary Clinton. The cat was out of the bag at a little after 1 am but Obama waited nearly two hours before he sent the much anticipated text messages and emails. Obama’s campaign sent them out at 3 am. When I heard that I knew immediately that he waited until that time to take a dig at Hillary and her “who do you trust when there is a call at 3 am” ad.

The Hillary supporters are already upset because she did not win and was treated badly. Then Obama did not even consider her for the VP slot. They said her name was in the running but she was never vetted. No one asked for her information because she was not going to get the nod no matter what. The 3 am announcement was the Obama camp’s way of saying that any message at 3 am will come from them. Hillary will not be involved. I hope the people who support her picked up on this and remember it.

The second part of the day involved Obama’s actual pick, who Obama introduced as the next PRESIDENT of the United States. Obama has stated he was an agent of change and that we could not afford to have politics as usual. He touted himself as a DC outsider. Then, instead of picking a running mate that is outside the beltway, he picks a man who has been in office for 36 years. Obama not only picked a man who, like The One, has little experience in the private sector, he picked a guy who is completely entrenched in the DC culture. This is not change and it shows that Obama was worried about the election. He sacrificed what he says he believes in in order to win. The selection of Biden, a man who admitted McCain was ready to be president and Obama is not, shows that Obama is running a bit scared. He also picked a guy who will not forget how many houses he has because they are all in a compound. Biden’s $1.3 million dollar house is only one of the homes in the Biden compound. I wonder if he is considered out of touch?

The last thing I saw (in between the football games) was Chris Matthews demonstrate how completely in the tank he is for Obama. Any person who was on his show that had a negative thing to say about the Biden selection was taken to task. If something negative was stated Matthews followed up with “…yeah but” or “well does that matter?” When one person mentioned Biden’s propensity for putting his foot in his mouth Matthews said (paraphrase) yeah but do the remarks matter? I mean, maybe it does not offend my religion but his comment was minimally racist and it only involved Indians. It was, you know, not like a really racist remark.

It is no secret that the Democratic Party has a long history of racism, slave holding, Jim Crow laws, lynching, and having a racist terror organization in the KKK to strike terror into the hearts of blacks. This past is well documented and undeniable. It is no secret that Democrats make racist comments all the time and they do so without the scrutiny that any Republican would get.

Chris Matthews wants you all to know that it is OK because there are degrees of racism and Biden is only minimally racist and his comments were directed at Indians so it really does not mater. I don’t seem to remember Matthews or anyone else excusing the word macaca when George Allen used it. No, the left went nuts and this was the worst thing in the world. No one on the left said it was a minor thing, and didn’t insult anyone important. Chris Matthews is completely in the tank for Obama and would have had tingles in his legs no matter who Obama selected. The choice of Biden, who has had differing opinions than Obama on many issues, gives us a great view of how the MSM will say or do anything to assure an Obama victory.

What an interesting day? We had the delayed announcement in order to diss Hillary, the Biden appearance and questions about his mouth and we had Matthews excuse racism.

The next couple of months will be fun. It will also be interesting to see if the left, those who say the differences between Biden and Obama do not matter, will pick apart McCain’s choice and try to exploit the differences.

I think Biden is a smart guy with regard to foreign affairs but he is an insider and a typical politician. He is part of the problem, not part of the solution that Obama claims to offer. Biden also has the potential to open his mouth and end the contest with a few poorly chosen words. With people like Matthews helping to excuse the gaffes he might have an easier go of it.

**Those who know me know that I do not think talking about a person’s nationality is racist. There are only a few races (despite the number on government forms) and while there are many things to call a person who makes offensive remarks, racist is not one when it does not involve a race. However, the left calls it that and Matthews called it that when he excused it.

Big Dog

More Proof of Liberal Media Bias

Though liberals squawk like angry hens that the MSM is against them the absolute fact is that it is extremely liberal and rather than maintain neutrality they work hard at advancing the liberal agenda. Not long ago there was Dan Rather and the forged memos that he swore for weeks were real only to have reality come crashing down on him. Thirty years ago he would have gotten away with that. Now we have the Golden Child Obama running for President and the media swoons all over the place. They have tingles in their legs and hear the spirit of the long dead JFK in his voice.

The Washington Post is a far left newspaper that will do whatever it can to advance the cause of liberalism. They continually have items that are either not vetted or are vetted and ignored. This means that a lot of items get published that did not pass the sniff test. The paper is in the tank for the left and they know that it is easier to print a retraction in a day or two than to look for the truth. They also know that the lie that was printed will go around the world many times before a retraction is ever printed.

The case in point is the recent item by Jamie Rubin in the WaPo. In his article he states that John McCain is a hypocrite and he uses that for before against argument that sunk Kerry all with regard to Hamas. Rubin writes that McCain favored meeting with Hamas and now he is criticizing the Golden Child for the very same idea. The problem is that Rubin equates dealing sooner or later in one way or another with negotiating. RedState has a video of the actual exchange that Rubin describes. The Rubin piece fails to demonstrate that McCain flipped on the issue and the video clearly shows that McCain is not in favor of unconditional meetings, a position he still holds. McCain even said that since they are the elected government we needed to step back and see how they operated before we decided what to do. The other problem is that the MSM and places like the Huffington Post are equating diplomatic talks with face to face meetings. McCain has been in favor of diplomatic talks but is opposed to a presidential face to face which would confer honor on the terrorist leader. Now Clinton, he met with Arafat dozens of times and was not shy about it. It never stopped any terror but that did not keep Bill from meeting with him.

RedState contends that the WaPo was willing to let the lie get into the newspaper either carelessly or intentionally. There is no doubt that the WaPo did not research the article to ensure Rubin was factual. Either that or they did find the truth and ignored it. Regardless of what they did it was poor journalism and leaves their motive in question. Any person who looks at this would have to conclude they were trying to help out Barack Obama.

The job of the MSM is to publish facts and let the reader draw conclusions. Editorials and opinions have a special place in the paper and are labeled as such. All other places demand that sources and stories be vetted carefully and that facts emerge. By allowing a blatant lie to be published the WaPo has lost what little integrity it had left.

But they know, it will be all over real fast and if the left says it enough they will start to believe it. Look at how they distorted McCain’s words about 100 years in Iraq. The DNC even put out an ad that took the words out of context and gave a different meaning than what was clearly stated by McCain.

The media has no shame and they will do anything to help Democrats, particularly the one and only messiah, Barry Obama.

RedState post with Rubin’s text and the source video. Notice McCain is not talking about unconditional meetings?

Big Dog

Republicans are Unable to Let Democrats Suffer Alone

It isn’t bad enough that the MSM deliberately avoids mentioning the party of Democrats involved in scandal but now Republicans have taken some for the media away from the Spitzer issue by having one of their own. At a time when Republicans are trying to convince America that they are careful with money, a scandal comes forth involving a Republican who embezzled money from the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). Christopher Ward served as treasurer at the NRCC and there are indications that he has funneled as much as one million dollars away from the NRCC and into his own endeavors.

Read more:

Washington Post

Big Dog