Chicago Is Murder Capital

In 2012 more people were murdered in Chicago than in New York even though Chicago has a third of the population. The linked article has a lot of information regarding the murders and how many of them are related to bad people who use firearms but the overarching theme is that nearly every city on the list has a strict gun control policy.

Another reality is that many, if not all, are heavily populated with Democrats and run by liberals.

There is no denying that liberalism and Democrat leadership are the root cause of the high murder rates because liberal policies encourage this kind of behavior.

Liberals do not believe in personal responsibility. One needs look no further than Barack Obama who has never taken any responsibility for anything bad that happens under him. He blames everything bad on George Bush or the Republicans in Congress or the TEA Party.

He is quick to take credit for anything good. He took credit for the death of Osama bin Laden even though the military took him out.

Look at the two politicians recalled in Colorado. They are blaming voter fraud, misinformation and anything they can think of rather than the reality which is they thwarted the will of the people.

These murder cities, led by Chicago, have dense populations of liberals who support liberal politicians so they can get their “free” stuff. Get me my food stamps and Obama phones and I will vote for you while my children and peers are out knocking off liquor stores and committing welfare fraud.

The criminal elements in these cities prey on the poor and the defenseless. It is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to own or carry firearms in Chicago and many of these other murder cities. The criminals, on the other hand, get plenty of weapons including firearms.

Liberalism is hazardous to your health.

This is Obama’s Chicago. It is his buddy Rahm’s Chicago.

Obama was a ghetto organizer before he got into office and those ghettos are now well organized.

Don’t worry though. In keeping with the lack of responsibility inherent in liberalism they will blame this on everything from Bush, to guns, to poverty. Remember, the people who are doing this are not responsible for their actions.

They must be victims of something other than the liberalism and liberal policies that they have in common.

These cities have been turned into shooting galleries and murder-hoods.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
