What If They Boycotted Something Else?

Christopher Lane of Australia was attending college in the US and played baseball on his college team. He had just returned from his home country a few days ago and was murdered when three teens who claimed they were bored decided to shoot him. Lane was out jogging when the three wannabe thugs followed him in a car and shot him in the back.

The murder happened in Oklahoma.

This is a tragedy and I can’t even begin to imagine how his family is affected by this. They sent a loved one to the US a few days ago and now he is gone, senselessly murdered by thugs with alleged ties to a gang.

The incident has the anti gun nuts up in arms. Brit twit Piers Morgan says that America’s gun crisis has become the world’s problem.

Former deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer said that Australian tourists should stay away from America to protest a need for stricter gun control.

These fellows come from nations that have taken guns from people and now their citizens are at the mercy of criminals. Gun murders have not stopped in their home nations and no gun law would have prevented Lane’s murder.

You see, none of the people who have been arrested are allowed to own a handgun. How did they get one? The same way people who get the banned substance Heroin do, they obtained it illegally. No law will keep people from getting what they want. One only needs to look at prohibition in the US to see that people who wanted alcohol, an illegal and banned item, got it. Criminals do not obey the law. That is exactly why there are people in the UK and Australia who are shot with guns even though they have extreme gun control.

There is not a gun problem in America; there is a societal and criminal problem. One of the suspects in the Lane murder was on probation and there are indications that all of them had a criminal history.

The crimes committed with guns are almost exclusively done by people who have obtained them illegally. The only thing gun laws do is impose restrictions on those who follow the law in the first place. The liberal system of justice that lets criminals go free is at fault as is the mindset that portrays people as victims who are not responsible for their actions.

Perhaps if we spent as much time going after criminals as we do going after guns we would have some meaningful progress in the murders of people by guns. Keep in mind, more people die in car accidents and from tobacco use than from guns but we concentrate on gun control because it is about controlling people.

In New York a few days ago a cab whose driver was full of road rage jumped a curb and hit a woman amputating her leg. The woman was visiting the US from the UK. Would it make sense for UK officials to advise their citizens not to visit the US until road rage is controlled or until cab drivers are held accountable?

But something deeper needs to be investigated. Two of the three suspects in this case were black and a large number of violent crimes are committed by black people (particularly against other blacks). How would anyone react if the former deputy PM of Australia had advised citizens to avoid the US until it got its black people under control?

This is an important question because we have the gun being blamed for the crime. We hear people calling for all kinds of actions against the gun. A broad generalization is being made and all legal gun owners are being lumped in with the small fraction of people who use illegal guns in an illegal way. If they are free to do this and if it makes logical sense to the gun grabbers then why can’t we simply look at the demographics of 66% of the people involved in this crime and indict an entire class of people for what happened. It works like this:

Gun used in crime means all guns (and gun owners) bad so ban all guns.

Blacks committed murder so all blacks are bad so ban all blacks.

The second statement makes little sense to anyone and is readily rejected but gun grabbers who see the absurdity in it will fail to see the same absurdity in the first sentence.

Guns do not commit crimes. People commit crimes and in this case the gun was the object used to do so. We do not ban knives, baseball bats, cars, sulfuric acid and rope when they are used to commit murder. We recognize that all these items have a purpose and that they can be used to murder. Guns have a purpose and they can be used to murder. We should not ban them just because a small number of people use them illegally (which would not stop even with a complete ban).

The Second Amendment protects a right and that right should not be infringed upon because some people do bad things. Criminals do bad things all the time and yet we don’t condone violating their Fourth or Fifth Amendment rights.

When we rationalize infringing on rights because it makes us safer or keeps bad people from being bad (which never happens) we have given up freedom. Freedom comes with risks and the proper way to mitigate those risks is to hold people accountable.

Bored thug gang banger wannabes do not represent the whole of America and their acts should not dictate gun policy in America.

The Constitution should be the only governing document.


Boycotting America because a criminal uses a gun to murder an Australian makes as much sense as boycotting Australia because a Great White shark ate an American.

We can no more control a determined criminal than we can a shark…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Misinformed Minority

The Trayvon Martin shooting did not make the national stage until the race hustlers saw a Jewish sounding name associated with the shooter. At that time the Jesses and Als of the race hustling movement started talking about a white man shooting a black kid and not being prosecuted for it. When it was discovered that George Zimmerman was Hispanic (that is how HE identifies himself) the race hustlers and their enablers in the media invented a new term, the white Hispanic.

Now that George Zimmerman has been rightly vindicated the race hustling industry has become even more unhinged. Across the nation minority groups, revved up by the New Black Panthers and the Sharpton race hustling enterprise, have gone into overdrive. There are protests, there are acts of violence and there are acts of vandalism. These things are taking place because those who thrive on racial discord are working overtime.

A Chicago church has an electronic sign in front with the message; “It Is Safe To Kill Black People In Amerikkka.”

There is a lot of opposition to the kkk in the name of our country because it is claimed that this divides us even more along racial lines and is a message of hate. The church defended the sign by saying:

The message on the sign is not a message of hate. It is a message of awakening and call to action. It is a message not intended to divide, but to cause honest reflection in order to make this country a better place for ALL.


The use of “kkk”, was done to call attention to the fact that, just as in the ‘glory days of the KKK, it appears far too often that the murder of African Americans is permitted, and the mistreatment of African Americans historically and currently is far too cavalierly considered.

Let us think about this for a moment. The church is contending that the not guilty verdict of Zimmerman is indicative of a society that far too often allows the murder of black children and that the message is not one of hate.

OK, but the majority of blacks (kids or adults) murdered in this nation are murdered by other blacks. The sign indicates that the issue here is white on black and the reference to KKK is what cements that point of view. Forgetting for a moment that the KKK came out of the Democrat Party and focusing on the reference to white hate against blacks leaves us with the reality that the church really is spewing a hate filled message and is inciting violence directed toward white people.

The truth of the matter is that Chicago is a dangerous place for black children and it is dangerous because other black children MURDER them. Greater than 90% of the murders of blacks are committed by other blacks. Chicago, a gun control city, black children are dying left and right (mostly from gunshots). Where is the outrage?

Where are messages from the church telling blacks to stop murdering each other? Where has the outrage been all these years as hundreds of black kids are murdered each year in Chicago alone?

Why is this church stoking racial discontent by implying that blacks are dying at the hands of whites when all the evidence shows otherwise?

This church and the race hustlers in this country do not care about black on black crime. They don’t really care that black kids are being murdered. They only care when the murderer is not black because they can whip the less educated and uniformed into frenzy and demand more from government. They get to justify their existence by ginning up the rare occurrence of white on black murder.

They should be ashamed of themselves and they are responsible for the violence.

Here is my message to this church and the race hustlers.


Do it for the children…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Chicago Is Hazardous To Children


Jonylah Watkins was only six months old when her life was suddenly ended by a gang banger with a gun. Thirty-three year old Koman Willis, a man with documented gang ties, shot the baby as she sat on her father’s lap in his parked vehicle. Jonathan Watkins was the intended target because he allegedly stole Willis’ video game console.

Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation yet it is among the most dangerous places to live. More people are murdered with guns in Chicago than in most places (if not all) in this nation and certainly more than any place where the right to keep and bear arms is not infringed.

We have been through this before. Criminals do not obey gun laws so people like Willis will continue to use firearms illegally. Law abiding citizens are stripped of their rights while those with no regard for the law continue to obtain and use firearms illegally. There is no doubt that gun control and the failure of the judicial system resulted in the death of this innocent child. You see, Willis has 38 prior arrests so it is highly unlikely he is allowed to own a firearm. It is also a mystery why a person with such a record is not behind bars where he could not shoot people.

Chicago is an open fire murder zone where people are shot and killed each and every day despite the fact that guns control is extremely strict there.

This is the progressive dream city and it still has gun murders. The reality of this escapes progressive politicians like Barack Obama and Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley who continue to harp on gun control as a means to end gun violence. Disarming law abiding citizens will not make them safer. There is no clearer example than Chicago but the progressives push on. They only want the agents of government to have firearms.

[note]The progressives tell us that certain firearms (they desire all firearms) should be banned because they are only suitable for war. These firearms are possessed by police departments across the nation so if they are only suitable for war, just who are the police departments planning on going to war with?[/note]

While gun control certainly plays a part in the violence in Chicago it is not the only reason. There is a fundamental breakdown in the family unit and in societal norms. Society is definitely in decline when members of the society think an appropriate response to the theft of a video console is to murder the alleged thief. When neighbors are so terrified that they will not cooperate with police, when young men father children with many women or women have many children with multiple men there is a problem. That problem is exacerbated in the generational welfare state.

People lose all self respect and all respect for life. The code of the street and the gang becomes the norm and we end up with babies being murdered because a father allegedly stole a video console.

While politicians beg gang members to stop shooting children and churches beg the community to come together and repent the violence continues.

It continues because people are no longer accountable for their actions. It happens because people become dependent on the government and lack the responsibility and social mores that keep a society together.

Basically, people become animals and act like them while an overburdened judiciary keeps turning criminals back to the street and government keeps digging in deeper to keep people on the plantation.

It is sad that Jonylah was murdered but even sadder that her death was not an isolated incident in the jungle known as Chicago.

It is also sad that the gun will be blamed for this as it is for all gun related murders.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Americans Are Entitled To Answers Mrs. Clinton

Hillary Clinton once said this after being accused of trying to divide America when she waved a newspaper with the words “Bush Knew” displayed:

“We have a responsibility to ask for information, and I think that is not only appropriate but necessary. You know, nobody is more entitled to answers to these questions than the people of New York, and I take that responsibility very seriously.” CNN

Imagine how torqued Clinton would have been had Bush asked; what difference does it make?

Clinton was all about the responsibility she had to ask questions when she could attack the sitting president for political purposes but she is more than a little reluctant to give any information regarding the attacks in Benghazi that left Americans dead.

A recently released report shows that Clinton lied to Congress about certain things that took place and the report shows that the White House was involved in coordinating the response over the issue (and lied about it).

Obama and Clinton were negligent in their duties and the result was dead Americans. We cannot get straight answers and the matter seems to be of little importance to Clinton or Obama.

I have said it before; these people do not care about American lives. They only care about pushing their radical socialist agenda and turning America into a third world nation.

They look at dead Americans in Benghazi as an inconvenience and dead children in Newtown as political pawns to be used to push an anti gun agenda.

They are despicable people who should be in jail.

So Mrs. Clinton, Congress has a responsibility to ask for information and the American people, and most certainly the families of those slain in Benghazi, deserve answers, HONEST ANSWERS, to those questions.

Don’t think we will forget about this when you take your next run for the Oval Office.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Did Obama October Surprise Backfire?

There is an interesting post up at The Tavern Keepers with an alternate hypothesis about the Benghazi attacks that left four Americans, including our Ambassador, dead. The blog states upfront that its post is only a hypothesis based on known facts. I think that they might be on to something. In fact, I think they might be right.

The hypothesis goes something like this. Obama wanted an October surprise in order to guarantee his reelection (or at least greatly increase his chances). Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi on 9/11 to broker an arms deal and while he was there the people Obama has gotten into bed with were supposed to abduct him and hold him hostage. Obama would broker a deal getting him and his small contingent home safely and would be a hero easily sliding into a second term. There is even supposition that release of the Blind Sheik would be part of the deal.

This explains why Obama denied increased security and why the requests of fighters on the ground to intervene were ignored. Those fighters ignored their orders and fought for seven hours while the Pentagon refused to send help. Leon Panetta said there was not enough intelligence to act on (a lie) and that he did not want to put our troops in harm’s way. I hate to break it to him but that is their job description.

This would also explain why the Pentagon did not send that help (rather than Panetta’s lame excuses) and would explain why Obama went to bed rather than save these people. He thought they would be captured and he would get a ransom call in the morning.

The problem is a few armed former Seals took it upon themselves to intervene and try to save Americans who were in trouble. The terrorists who were supposed to capture Stevens (and maybe the others) did not expect to meet resistance because they knew there would be no added security. When they did meet resistance and started dying they lit the place on fire. Since Stevens was in a secure room with no windows he suffered smoke inhalation and later died (not before he was sodomized by the terrorists).

This all blew up in Obama’s face and since that night he and his regime have been involved in one of the biggest cover ups in our history.

This is all speculation on the part of those at Tavern Keepers but I am claiming that it is true.

It is up to the Obama regime to prove that it is not true. After all, that is the standard Harry Reid used when he claimed Mitt Romney paid no taxes. He made the claim based on an anonymous source and said it was up to Romney to prove it was not true.

So, a source has claimed Obama set this up and it went awry. Now it is up to Obama to prove it is not true.

All they have to do is release everything that is associated with that night. Videos, secret emails and other communications and any other item associated with the event.

It is time for Mr. Transparency to actually be transparent and he needs to do it now. If he manages to get reelected and this all comes out after the election the American public and the Republican Congress will push for criminal prosecution of everyone involved (though that will probably happen in any event).

Man up Obama and come clean with us.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
